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76 Cards in this Set

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What are the branches of the opthalmic division
The opthalmic division has 3 main branches. (NFL) what are the sub branches of the nasociliary branch, and what are its target organs
sub-branches (CIA)
ciliary- eyeball
anterior/posterior ethmoidal- frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid sinuses
infratochlear- medial eyelids and side of nose
the opthalmic nerve has 3branches (NFL) what are the sub branches of the Frontal nerve and what are its target organs
Skin of upper eyelids and scalp
Lacrimal nerve is a branch of the Opthalmic division. What are the target organs of the lacrimal nerve
lacrimal gland, conjunctiva and adjacent skin
What are the branches of the maxillary nerve
PSA nerve
Infraorbital nerve
Nasopalatine nerve
Greater palatine nerve
Lesser palatine nerve
Zygomatic nerve
What are the target organs of the PSA nerve
target organs of PSA:
max molar teeth
EXCEPT mesiobuccal root of the first molar
surrounding gingiva
The infraorbital nerve is a branch of the maxillary nerve. what are the sub branches of the infraorbital nerve and what are their target organs
Infraorbital nerve: (PAM)
Palpebral, nasal, labial nerve- lower eyelid, lip, nose and cheek
ASA (anterior superior alveolar)- maxillary incisor teeth
MSA (middle superior alveolar)- premolar and mesiobuccal root of first molar
nasoplatine nerve is a branch of what division. what are its target organ.
nasopalatine nerve is a branch of the maxillary division.
its target organs are:
nasal septum and gingiva or maxillary incisors
greater palatine nerve is a branch of what division? what are its target organs
greater palatine nerve is a branch of maxillary division.
its target organs are:
hard palate and gingiva of adjacent teeth
lesser palatine nerve is a branch of what division? what are its target organs
lesser palatine nerve is a branch of the maxillary division.
its target organs are:
soft palate and uvula
zygomatic nerve is a branch of what division. what are its target organs
zygomatic nerve is a branch of the maxillary division
its target organs are:
skin over the cheek and protions of the temporal region
what are the branches of the mandibular nerve
Mandibular nerve branches: (ALLI)
Auriculotemporal nerve
long buccal nerve
lingual nerve
inferior alveolar nerve
auriculotemporal nerve is from what branch?
is it sensory or motor?
what are its target organs
from the mandibular branch
ear, temporal skin, parotid gland, TMJ
long buccal nerve is from what branch?
is it sensory or motor?
what are its target organs?
mandibular branch
skin of cheek wall, buccal mucosa, gingiva of mand molars
lingual nerve is from what branch?
sensory or motor
target organs
mandibular branch
anterior 2/3rds tongue, mucosa of floor of mouth, lingual mandibular gingiva, submandibular and sublingual glands
inferior alveolar nerve is from what branch
what are the inferior alveolar nerves sub branches
from mandibular branch
sub branches are: (IMM)
incisive nerve
mental nerve
mylohyoid muscle nerve
incisive nerve branches from what mandibular branch
sensory or motor
target organs
branches from inferior alveolar nerve
mandibular incisors
mental nerve branches from what mandibular branch
sensory or motor
target organs
inferior alveolar
mucosa and skin of lower lip and chin
nerve to mylohyoid muscle branches from what V3 branch
sensory or motor
target organs
inferoior alveolar
mylohyoid and anterior belly of digastric muscles
what provides motor innervation to muscles of mastication
anterior division of mandibular branch V3
Where are the nerve cell bodies of the MOTOR NEURONS located
motor nucleus of V
What do first order neurons carry?
Where are their cell bodies located?
1st order neurons carry general sensation
(touch, pain , temp)
where do the proprioceptive fibers originate
mesencephalic nucleus of V
Why is mesencephalic nucleus of V considered a "misplaced" dorsal root ganglion
only nucleus in CNS thast has 1st order AFFERENT neurons
The divisions of the trigeminal nerve go through the ______ ganglion before entering the ______
trigeminal; pons
What travels alongside the mandibular deivision
motor root of V
What are the 4 parasympathetic ganglia? They contain nerve cell bodies of _______ neurons?
Which one is associated with what division
Ciliary- opthalmic
Pterygopalatine- maxillary
Otic and Submandibular- mandibular
contain nerve cell bodies of postganglionic neurons
where does the opthalmic nerve enter?
superior orbital fissure
the supraorbital nerve is a sub branch of the _____ nerve.
what does it pass through to reach outer surface of the skull?
What does it supply?
frontal nerve
supraorbital foramen
skin of upper lid
anterior scalp
mucous membrane of frontal sinus
what does the supratrochlear branch supply.
where does it branch from
skin of upper eyelid and skin of lower and medial part of forehead
branches from the frontal nerve, of the opthalmic division
what branch does the ciliary ganglion communicate with?
what type of fibers does it contain?
long root (sensory root) of the nasociliary branch
what type of neurons does the ciliary ganglion contain
postganglionic parasympathetic
where do the preganglionic fibers of the nasociliary/opthalmic nerve come from
oculomotor nerve
the long root nerve fibers pass through the ganglion (with or without) synapse and exit the short ciliary nerves to supply the ___,_____,____
ciliary body, iris, cornea
the short ciliary nerves also contain postganglionic (efferent or afferent) nerve fibers that supply _____,_____
as well as postganglionic sympathetic fibers from the ______ ganglion to what muscle
shincter pupillae and ciliary muscles (cause rounding shape of lens)
superior cervical ganglion
dilator pupillae muscle
where do the long ciliary nerves enter?
they peirce the posterior surface of the sclera to supply AFFERENT fibers to iris and cornea

instead of entering through ciliary ganglion
what does infratrochlear nerve of the nasocilliary branch supply
afferent fibers to skin of medial parts of eyelids, side of nose
anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves of the nasocilliary branch provide afferent fibers to ___
frontal, sphenoidal,ethmoidal sinuses
external nasal branches of the anterior ethmoidal supply
skin on surface of the nose
do you hate the trigeminal nerve too?
where does the maxillary division leave the cranial cavity
where does it enter
the foramen rotundum
the pterygopalatine fossa
where do the small branches of maxillary nerve start
what do they connect with
small branches of maxillary nerve start in the pteryogpalatine fossa
connect with the pterygopalatine ganglion
what does the pterygopalatine ganglion cause to secrete
is it (pre or post)ganglionic, (para)or sympathetic
lacrimal glands (tears)
nasal cavity, palate, nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses
postganglionic, parasympathetic
pregranglionic fibers of the maxillary division are derived from where
facial nerve, cn VII
how does the maxillary nerve reach the orbit
when does it become the infraorbital nerve
where does it terminate
leaves pterygopalatine fossa laterally through pterygomaxillary fissure
travels along roof of infratemporal fossa
reaches orbit through inferior orbital fissure

travels through inferior orbital goorve on floor of orbit it becomes infraorbital nerve

terminates on surface of face by exiting through infraorbital foramen
what doe the maxillary terminal cutaneous branches supply
skin of lower eyelid, cheek, upper lip
what are the branches of the maxillary nerve
branches of maxillary nerve (PINGZ)
greater palatine
lesser palatine
where do the pterygopalatine bracnhes form?
where do they go?
what does the pterygopalatine ganglion contain?
forms in pterygopalatine fossa
passes through pterygopalatine ganglion without synapse
branches are afferent
ganglion contain postganglionic parasympathetic neurons
where does the greater palatine nerve terminate
what does it supply
incisive foramen
supplies mucosa of hard palate
what does lesser palatine supply
supplies mucosa of the soft palate
nasopalatine supplies what
nasal septum and gingiva of max incisors
zygomatic carries two types of fibers. what are they
postganglionic fibers from pterygopalatine ganglion (supply lacrimal gland)
afferent fibers that supply skin over zygomatic arch and temporal region (zygomatico-facial and zygomaticotemporal)
where does the PSA enter
where does it enter the bone
infraorbital fissure
posterior superior alveolar foramina
what does psa supply
maxillary molar teeth except mesiobuccal root of the first molar, surrounding gingiva
what does the ASA supply
what is it a branch of
incisors canines and surround gingiva, also maxillary sinus
infraorbital nerve
waht does msa supply
what is it a branch of
maxillary premolars and mesiobuccal root of first molar.
infraorbital nerve
what does the infraorbital nerve terminate
what does that supply
small cutaneous branches
supplyl external nose, lower eyelid and upper lip
why is the mandibular division special
it contains motor fibers to muscles of mastication
mandibular division has 2 parasympathetic ganglia, ___ and _____
otic and submandibular ganglions
where does the mandibular nerve exit the cranial cavity
foramen ovale
where does the mandibular nerve receive its postganglion parasympathetic fibers from
otic ganglion, just outside the foramen
otic ganglion lies next to the nerve
mandibular nerve preganglionic fibers come from where
glossopharyngeal nerve CN IX
where do postganglionic fibers travel to
how do they get there
what does that cause
travel to parotid gland
by auriculotemporal nerve
cause secretion of parotid gland
what does auriculotemporal nerva supply
general sensation to skin over parotid gland and temporal region, more importantly TMJ
upon exitin skull, auriculotemp divides into anterior and posterior divisions. anterior is mainly (motor or sensory) and supplies what
supplies muscles of mastication (temporalise pterygoids masseter) mylohyoid, anterior belly digastric, tensor veli paltini
where does the long buccal nerve arise from
what does it supply
anterior division
sensory skin of cheek wall and buccal mucosa
posterior division of auriculotemp divides into ___ and ___
lingual and inferior alveolar nerves
what does the lingual nerve innervate
what fiber types are there
anterior 2/3rds of ongue
3 fiber types
general sensory
special sensation (taste)
preganglionic parasympathetic fibers
where are the taste and preganglionic fibers of the tongue derived from and how do they get there
facial nerve
chorda tympani nerve
where are fibers for general sensation of tongue from
trigeminal nerve
where do preganglionic fibers of the tongue synapse
submandibular ganglion thats attached to the lingual nerve
what do the postganglionic efferent fibers of the tongue do
leave the ganglino to supply the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands
what does the mylohyoid muscle nerve supply and what does it branch from
motor fibers supply mylohyoid muscle and anterior belly of digastric
incisive nerve branches from where and supplies what
inferior alveolar nerve of mandibular branch
supplies sensory to mandibular incisors
inferior alveolar give off dental branches which supply what
mand molar and premolar teeth and adjacent gingiva
mental nerve supplies what
skin of chin and lip, mucosa of lower lip