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76 Cards in this Set

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What nerves are in the carotid triangle?
i. IX-XI
How does the glossopharyngeal nerve exit the cranial cavity?
i. Through jugular foramen
Between what two structures does CN IX descend?
i. IJV
ii. ICA
Deep to what structure does CN IX descend? And then forwards between which two structures?
i. Deep to styloid process
ii. Forward between ECA and ICA
What are the motor/sensory branches of CN IX in the anterior triangle?
i. Motor to stylopharyngeus
ii. Sensory to pharynx
a. Between what two structures does CN X exit the cranial cavity?
i. CN IX and CN XI
b. What is the course of CN X? What structures are medial/lateral to it?
i. Descends in carotid sheath
ii. Medial to IJV
iii. Posterior to ICA and CCA
c. What are the branches of CN X in the anterior triangle?
i. Carotid body
ii. Laryngeal branch
iii. Cardiac branch
a. What is the course of CN XI? What structures surround it?
i. Medial to IJV in carotid sheath
ii. Between IJV and ICA
iii. Passes lateral to IJV to pass downwards and backwards
b. Under what muscle does CN XI disappear after passing over the IJV?
i. Trapezius
a. Through what space does the hypoglossal nerve exit the cranial cavity?
i. Hypoglossal canal
b. What is the course of the hypoglossal (CN XII) nerve after leaving the cranial cavity?
i. Medial to IJV and ICA
ii. Outwards between IJV and ICA
iii. Hooks around occipital artery
iv. Deep to posterior belly of digastric
v. Deep to mylohyoid
c. What does the hypoglossal nerve innervate?
i. Tongue
i. What spinal segments contribute to the ansa cervicalis?
1. C1-C3
ii. What does the ansa cervicalis innervate?
1. Infrahyoid muscles, except thyrohyoid
iii. What spinal segments constitute the superior root of the ansa cervicalis?
1. C1
iv. What is the course of the superior root of the ansa cervicalis?
1. Between IJV and ICA then between IJV and CCA
v. What nerves does the superior root of the ansa cervicalis join?
1. XII→ then descends from XII
i. What spinal segments constitute the inferior branch of the ansa cervicalis? From where does it branch?
1. C2-C3
2. Direct branch off of the cervical plexus
ii. What does the inferior branch of the ansa cervicalis supply?
1. Lower parts of sternohyoid and sternothyroid
2. Inferior belly of omohyoid
b. What muscles are superficial to the thyroid?
i. Sternohyoid
ii. Sternothyroid
iii. Omohyoid
a. What covers the exterior of the thyroid?
i. Pretracheal fascia
d. What developmental landmark indicates the site of the thyroid’s origin?
i. Foramen cecum
e. What is the thyroglossal duct?
i. It marks the passage of the thyroid during development
f. What are the consequences of arrested thyroid migration?
i. Cyst/fistula
ii. Aberrant thyroid tissue
i. What structure accompanies the superior thyroid artery?
1. External laryngeal nerve
ii. What are the two branches of the superior thyroid artery?
1. Anterior glandular branch
2. Posterior glandular branch
iii. What is the origin of the inferior thyroid artery?
1. Thyrocervical trunk
iv. What structure accompanies the inferior thyroid artery?
1. Recurrent laryngeal nerve
v. What are the terminal branches of the inferior thyroid artery?
1. Inferior branch
2. Ascending branch
vi. What does the ascending branch of the inferior thyroid artery supply?
1. Parathyroid glands
vii. Where is the origin of the thyroida ima artery?
1. Arch of aorta or brachiocephalic trunk
viii. What does the thyroida ima artery supply?
1. Isthmus of thyroid
i. Into what vein does the superior thyroid vein flow? What does it drain?
1. IJV
2. Area supplied by superior thyroid vein
ii. Into what vein does the middle thyroid vein flow? What does it drain?
1. IJV
2. Majority of gland (not drained by superior thyroid vein)
iii. Into what vein does the inferior thyroid vein flow? What does it drain?
1. Left innominate vein
2. Drains the isthmus
i. What are the indications for a thyroidectomy?
1. Goiter or malignancies
ii. What are some precautions for a thyroidectomy?
1. Preserve parathyroid glands
2. Avoid RLN and superior laryngeal nerve
3. Avoid sympathetic trunk
iii. What is myxedema?
1. Atrophy of the thyroid
2. Decreased secretion
iv. What is thyrotoxicosis?
1. Grave’s disease
2. Increased secretion
v. What is a multinodular goiter?
1. Most common
2. Surgical excision for tx
vi. What is another name for autoimmune thyroiditis?
1. Hashimoto’s disease
a. Where are the parathyroid glands located?
i. Posterior surface of thyroid
ii. Between carotid bifurcation to mediastinum
b. What is the arterial supply of the parathyroid gland?
i. Inferior thyroid artery
a. What structures make up the floor of the posterior triangle?
i. Scalene muscles
ii. Levator scapulae
iii. Splenius capitis
b. What structures make up the roof of the posterior triangle?
i. Skin
ii. Platysma fascia
c. What structures pierce the roof of the posterior triangle?
i. External jugular vein
ii. Supraclavicular nerves
a. Where is the origin of the external jugular vein? What structures join to form it?
i. Near angle of mandible
ii. Retromandibular vein and posterior auricular vein
b. What muscle does the EJV cross in the roof of the posterior triangle?
i. Sternocleidomastoid
c. Where does the EJV terminate?
i. Subclavian vein
d. What are tributaries of the EJV?
i. Suprascapular vein
ii. Transverse cervical vein
iii. Anterior jugular vein
a. What is the innervation of the sternocleidomastoid?
i. CN XI
ii. C2-C4
b. What is the function of the sternocleidomastoid?
i. Tilt head to one side or draw head forward (together)
c. Where does the sternal head of the SCM insert?
i. Lateral ½ of superior nuchal line
d. Where does the clavicular head of the SCM insert?
i. Mastoid process
a. What are the attachments of the trapezius?
i. Origin→ C7-T12 spinous processes, superior nuchal line
ii. Insertion→ Clavicle, acromion, spine
b. What is the innervation of the trapezius?
i. CN XI
ii. C3-C4→ proprioception
c. What is the function of the trapezius?
i. Rotating the scapula
a. What is the origin of the splenius capitis?
i. SP C7-T4
b. What is the insertion of the splenius capitis?
i. Mastoid process
ii. Superior nuchal line
c. What is the innervation of the splenius capitis?
i. Middle cervical nerves
a. What are the attachments of the levator scapulae?
i. Origin→ TP of C1-C4
ii. Insertion→ Scapula
b. What is the innervation of the levator scapulae?
i. Dorsal scapular nerve→ C4-C5
a. What are the attachments of the posterior scalene?
i. Origin→ posterior tubercles of C4-C6 TP
ii. Insertion→ Upper surface of rib 2
b. What is the innervation of the posterior scalene?
i. C5-C7
a. What are the attachments of the middle scalene?
i. Origin→ TP C2-C7
ii. Insertion→ Upper surface of rib 1
b. What is the innervation of the middle scalene?
i. C3-C7
a. What are the attachments of the anterior scalene?
i. Origin→ anterior tubercles of TP C3-C6
ii. Insertion→ scalene tubercle and upper surface of rib 1
b. What is the innervation of the anterior scalene?
i. C4-C7
a. What is the innervation of the omohyoid?
i. Ansa cervicalis
a. What causes torticollis?
i. Breech delivery
ii. Interference with arterial supply or venous occlusion→ muscle necrosis
b. What is the clinical presentation of torticollis?
i. Child unable to straighten head
ii. Head is drawn towards affected SCM and chin towards opposite side
iii. Facial asymmetry with shortening of skull and face on affected side
c. What will radiographs of torticollis show?
i. Contralateral convex scoliosis→ C7-T1
ii. Ipsilateral compensatory convex scoliosis→ T6-T12
a. What is the examination for whiplash like?
i. Intense pain in neck immediately after
ii. Next few days→ increased pain
iii. Later→ Decreased intensity of pain with rigid head, neck movement if very painful
b. What will palpation of whiplash show?
i. Local tenderness over TP C4-C5
c. What will radiographs of whiplash show?
i. Normal cervical lordosis
ii. Absence of fracture of cervical vertebrae