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25 Cards in this Set

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atomic radius
radius of an atom, distance from nucleus to outermost stable electron
ionic radius
energy change required to lose an electron
ionization energy
energy needed to move an electron
a measure of an atoms ability to attract electrons in a chemical bond
electron affinity
energy released when an electron is grabbed
-----> smaller as you go across periodic table, bigger as you go down
atomic radius, ionic radius (no 8a), metal reactivity
-----> bigger as you go across table, smaller as you go down
ionization energy, electron affinity (no 8a), electronegativity(no 8a), nonmetal reacting
when an atom loses electrons, (and becomes a ______ ion, otherwise known as a ________) it becomes _______.
positive, cation, smaller
when an atom gains electrons, (and becomes a ________ion, otherwise known as a _______), it becomes_______.
negative, anion, larger
elements on the ____ side ofthe periodic table form possitive ions, while those on the right form ______
left, right
atons with (high, low) electronization energy hold on to their electrons very tightly
ionization energy ________ as you move down a group. why?
decreases because as you move down a group, electrons occupy orbitals that are farther from the nucleus and are not as strongly attracted as a result, the electrons are easier to move and IE decreases
the larger an atomic radius, the _____ ionization energy
Measure of how chemically reactive an element is -
an elements ability to _____ electrons is related to its ionization energy, while its ability to ______ electrons is related to its electron affinity
lose, gain
elements at the top right corner of the periodic table have ___ ionization energies and ____ electrons easily. therefore, they are very active.
low, lose
elements at the top right corner of the periodic table have very _____ I.E's and ____ electrons easily. they are very active.
high, gain
elements in groups __A-__A (generally ______) lose electrons easily. Elements in Groups __A-__A (generally ____) gain electrons easily.
1,4, metals
5,7, nonmetals
______ is the most electronegative element, while _____ is the least.
flourine, francium.
electronegativy _______ from left to right across a period and______ as youmove down a group.
increases, decreases
Aufbau principle
Electrons enter orbitals of energy first
Pauli exclusion principle
An orbital can hold amaximum of 2 elextrons with opposite spins
Hunds rule
When electrons occupy orbitals of equal energy, one electron enters each orbital until all the orbitals contain one electron
Diagonal rule
1s,2s,2p,3s,3p,4s,3d,4p etc..
noble gas configuration
Mg = [Ne]3s^2
P = [Ne]3s^2 3p^3