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19 Cards in this Set

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define a concussion.
an alteration in cerebral function without associated pathologic changes in brain structure
T or F: symptoms of a concussion will not resolve on their own and we must provide treatment for them.
False; severe symptoms usually last 1-2 days and all symptoms usually resolve in 1-2 weeks
what are the 3 major factors influencing recovery rate from a concussion?
- severity (measured by length of amnesia)
- presence of post-concussion syndrome
- number of prior concussions
what is a grade 1 concussion?
when symptoms and abnormalities resolve in less than 15 minutes
what is a grade 2 concussion?
when symptoms and abnormalities resolve in greater than 15 minutes
what is a grade 3 concussion?
loss of consciousness
what is the major concern with depressed cranial lesions?
pieces of bone may break the BBB and expose CSF to the environment
what vessel(s) is/are most likely to rupture and lead to an epidural hematoma?
middle meningeal artery or dural venous sinus
what will a epidural hematoma look like on CT?
a convex or lens shape that does not cross sutures
a 15 year old boy presents to the ER. his parents say he was hit in the temple area with a baseball during a game. the boy seems to be fine, but shortly after arriving starts to deteriorate. what is the most likely diagnosis?
epidural hematoma

- there is a classic lucid interval where the person appears to be fine and these are most commonly caused by trauma to the temporal bone
which vessel(s) are most likely to rupture and cause a subdural hematoma?
bridging cortical veins
what will a subdural hematoma look like on CT?
crescent shape and it may or may not cross sutures
what it the most common cause of subarachnoid hemorrhage?
what will a subarachnoid hemorrhage look like on CT?
Texaco star shaped
Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)
- person will be unconscious possibly in a coma
- this is a step up from a concussion
- diffuse and bilateral injury
- MRI will show numerous small hemorrhagic foci
Cortical Contusion
- step up from DAI
- caused by coup/contracoup injury
- most likely to involve the temporal (50%) or frontal (33%) lobes
what is the major concern with a subfalcine herniation?
ACA compression leading to ACA area infarct
what is kernohan's notch?
- when the contralateral cerebral peduncle is compress by transtentorial herniation causing hemiparesis on the side of the mass
how does hyperventilation help increased ICP? what is the danger associated with it?
- causes vasoconstriction of cerebral vasculature

- decreased perfusion pressure may lead to ischemia