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55 Cards in this Set

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Hemolytic disease of the newborn
blood group incompatibility with mom and baby. mom has an IgG antibody and baby has the antigen from dad
extramedullary hematopoiesis
increased RBC production outside the bone marrow to compensate for RBC destruction
(spleen, liver)
erythroblastosis fetalis
premature release of many NRBCs into the fetal circulation may occur
hydrops fetalis
fetus develops a generalized edema when the RBC production cannot compensate for RBC destruction
free bilirubin is deposited in the basal ganglia and in the lipid rich tissue of the central nervous system.
results in permanent irreversible damage to the CNS
primary sensitization
first child
mother will begin to produce antibodies but it will not affect the baby
secondary (anamnestic) response
second pregnancy or transfusion
characterized by increasing titres
causes HDN
elution is the most useful for
-most useful in diagnosing an ABO HDN
-confirms HDN or when the cause is unknown (ie. DAT-pos & Ab screen-neg = suspect ABO HDN)
treatment for slight jaundice
expose baby to blue-violet or yellow-green light (420-475nm) this wavelength decomposes the bilirubin to a non toxic product(photobilirubin) which is excreted rapidly by the liver into the bile in an unconjugated form
prenatal period
significant titre
changes two or more tubes (maternal Ab)
-rising titre may indicate HDN or mom is being sensitized to produce an Ab
amniocentesis and when it is preformed
-aspirate of amniotic fluid
-usually preformed on women with a history of previously affected babies even if the baby is stable, with significant titres(>16) or a significant rise in titre
liley graph
difference between optical density at 450nm baseline is plotted
-bottom zone(zone1)- baby is unaffected or mildly unaffected
-mid zone(zone2)- mild to moderately affected, monitor baby
-top zone(zone3)- fetus is severly affected if it is before 32 weeks interuterine transfusion may be given, after 32 weeks exchange transfusion after birth
L/S ratio (lecithin/sphengomyelin) and PG (phosphatidylglycerol)
tests done on the amniotic fluid to evaluate lung maturity
intrauterine transfusion
preformed between 20-34 weeks gestation
donor blood must be:
-Group O (neg unless know babies Rh group) and*compatible with maternal serum
-<7 days old
-packed RBC(Hct=0.75-0.80L/L)
-irradiated (to get rid of Tcells to prevent graft vs. host)
-CMV negative
perform on cord bloods
ABO- forward only
Rh- including weak D
DAT- [HDN-weak pos (ABO), Pos (Rh)]
objectives of an exchange transfusion
-remove babies sensitized cells
-lower serum bilirubin concentration
-provide O2-carrying RBCs which are compatible with circulating maternal Ab
-reduce the level of unbound maternal Ab
-suppress RBC production
exchange transfusion criteria
rbc must lack the offending antigens
less than one week old
reconstituted with FFP or 5%albumin to a hct of 0.40-0.40L/L
CMV neg
compatible with moms serum
Do not necessarily have to be Rh neg, it can be the same as the baby. if mom and baby are same blood group can use that ABO group
human platelet antigen-1A
old term for the antigen involved in baby thrombocytopenia
Platelet transfusion in HDN
-platelet Abs in the mother can cause thrombocytopenia in the baby
-antigen involved is usually HPA-1A. the Ab crosses the placenta causing thrombocytopenia in the baby
Rh immunoglobulin
Win Rho
when to give win Rho
cannot be given if mother already has circulating anti-D
Rh neg women
-at 28 weeks gestation
-following a birth of a Rh pos baby or unknown
-following amniocentesis, abortion, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirth or miscarriage
-following a transfusion of Rh pos platelets, granulocytes or RBCs
fetal maternal hemorrhage (FMH)
a single dose of 300ug RhIg covers up to 30 mL of fetal blood therefore all non-immunized Rh neg women who have delivered a Rh pos baby should be screened for this.
rosette test
-screening test not used often
-detect Rh pos fetal red cells in circulation of a Rh negative mom
-qualitative test used to detect FMH greater than 30mL
rosette test procedure
mom 4% + anti-D (incubate)
-anti-D will sensitize any Rh pos (fetal) cells present
add Rh pos (R2R2) indicator cells
-indicator cells will form a rosette around the sensitized Rh positive cells microscopically (>7 in 5 feilds=pos)
kleihauer betke acid elution stain
-test is a quantitation of fetal RBCs in maternal blood
- used to determine the amount fo Rh immune globulin the mother should recieve to prevent her from producing anti-D
kleihauer betke principle
fetal hgb is resistant to acid elution (adult isnt). when a fixed thin blood smear is exposed to an acid buffer the adult RBCs lose their Hgb.
fetal cells will appear bright pink and refractile.
adult cells will appear as pale ghost cells
kleihaur betke calculations
(oil immersion, 2000 cells)
#fetal cells / 2000 (total cells counted) x 100
volume of fetomaternal hemorrhage
%fetal cells x 50 = mls
RhIg needed
volume of FMH / 30 = vials needed
immune hemolysis
RBC destruction mediated by an antibody causing immune hemolytic anemia
what is autoimmune hemolytic anemias (AIHA)
immune system is no longer able to identify self from non-self
ususally the cause is unknown but can also be due to other diseases or drugs
alloimmune hemolytic anemia
Hemolytic transfusion reaction
autoimmune hemolytic anemia
warm autoimmune hemolytic anemia (WAIHA)-70%
cold hemagglutinin disease (CHD)-16%
paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria (PCH)-2%
drug induced immune hemolytic anemia-12%
intravascular hemolysis
destruction of RBCs within circulation
In the vein
extravascular hemolysis
desruction of RBCs once removed from circulation
diseases associated with AIHA
systematic lupus erythematosis (associated with secondary WAIHA)
infectious mononucleosis (with secondary CHD)
drugs associated with positive DAT
cold hemagglutinin disease
primary- idiopathic disease
secondary- disease in association with lymphoproliferative disorders (lymphomas) or infectious diseases (IM, mycoplasma pneumonia(anti-I))
IgM-most are due to anti-I
rarer- autoanti-i (Infectious mono) and autoanti-P
Warm and wash cells to remove excess complement
Cold autoantibody DAT
positive with polyspecific AHG and C3, neg with anti-IgG
IgG is not detected because it is a unique protein that elutes from RBC membrane at warmer temperature
paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria
acute illness (seen in young kids)after a bacterial or viral infection
usually IgG (biphasic)
specificity usually anti-P(donath- landsteiner) rarer- anti-i
intravascular hemolysis
warm auto antibodies
primary disease (idiopathic) or secondary to other diseases
usually IgG subclasses (Most destructive)IgG3, IgG1, IgG2, IgG4(little hemolysis)
no cure treatment is steriods, splenectomy(site of RBC destruction), cytotoxic/immunosuppressive drugs(last resort)
extravascular hemolysis
WAIHA more severe than CHD
because autoantibodies reacts best at body temperature
C3b, IgG3, IgG1
sensitize cells in warm autoantibody conditions
macrophages have receptors for them
IgG3= most destructive
warm autoantibody DAT
most cases positive
chloroquin diphosphate
elution reagent
used to remove IgG from the RBC with little damage to the cell membrane
may weaken the expression of Rh and other antigen
drug induced hemolytic anemia
drug adsorption
immune complex mechanism
membrane modification
autoantibody formation
drug induced autoantibodies
positive DAT, hemolytic anemia does not usually occur
drug adsorption
the drug acts as a hapten and the RBC is the protein carrier
the drug binds to the patient's RBC membrane
drug-RBC complex can stimulate antibody formation
IgG Ab's are produced
AC, DAT pos (IgG) if hemolysis it is extravascular
Antibody screen- neg
causes-intravenous penicillins, cephalosporins
immune complex mechanism
drug causes a production of antibodies. the drug and IgM or IgG antibody to the drug form immune complexes in the plasma. immune complexes attach non specifically to RBCs and activate complement
intravascular hemolysis "innocent bystander"
causes are quinidine, sulfonamides, antihistamines, quinine, phenacetin
DAT, AC positive
antibody screen negative
eluate non-reactive
membrane modification mechanism
drug that causes a modification to the RBC membrane. altered membrane adsorbes serum protein non-specifically (including IgG or complement)
no evidence of hemolysis
causes -cephalosporins
DAT pos(IgG and complement)
antibody screen- negative
eluate non reactive
autoantibody formation
most common cause of drug related positive DAT.
drug causes production of IgG, warm reaction Abs that recognize RBC Ags.
Abs react with intrinsic red cell Ags and are autoAbs
caused by alpha-methyldopa
extravascular hemolysis
AC, Ab screen positive
eluate reactive
May take 6mo. to 2yrs. for DAT to revert to negative
eluate control
last wash- should not react just saline
Needed for hemolytic disease of the newborn to occur
maternal antibodies
interuterine transfusion
group O negative
unless you know the Rh type and lack any maternal antibodies (compatible with mom)
warm and cold autoantibodies -enzymes
Positive DAT
autoimmune antibody
hemolytic disease of the newborn
hemolytic transfusion reaction
warm/cold autoantibody