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36 Cards in this Set

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causes cell agglutination of previously sensitized cells.
sensitized = complement or antibodies are on the rbcs
polyspecific AHG
has anti-IgG fraction and anti-C3d fraction
monoclonal has specific antibodies that react only with gamma heavy chains
reactive against C3b and C3d but no human immunoglobulin activity
antiglobulin test
tests the rbcs to see if they are sensitized by IgG antibody, complementor both either in vivo or in vitro.
detects in vivo sensitization (in body)
used to detect
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Transfusion reactions
Drug-induced hemolytic anemia
detects in vitro sensitization (in tube)
used to detect
antibody detection and identification
compatibility testing
antigen phenotyping
agglutination of coombs control cells confirms
AHG reagent was added
AHG was active
AHG was not neutralized
ABO antisera does not require AHG because..
ABO is IgM
positive controls test
negative controls test
IAT pos DAT pos
Invalid. Pos DAT means cells were sensitized in vivo and will agglutinate at IAT
wiener genetic theory
current Rh genetic theory: two loci
two closely linked genes: RHD and RHCE
so close that crossing over is extremely rare
codes for the presence of absence of D/d
adjacent to RHD locus
Rh Antigens
well developed at birth
found on RBC membrane only
genetically controlled
D antigen
most immunogenic
Rh type is determined by the presence or absence of D
85% of the population is Rh pos
weak D antigen
weakend form of the D antigen
caused by
position effect of other Rh genes on the D antigen- When C is trans position to D
inheritance of fewer number of D antigen sites
weak D testing is done on
pregnant women
Rh neg newborns whose moms are also Rh neg
weak D test
IAT using AHG
Albumin control
f antigen
present whenever c and e are in cis position (same side)
ie. CDe/cde or CDE/cDe
G antigen
present when D or C are present
anti-G mimics anti-D or anti-C
D deletion
rare people who inherit no Ee or Cc
lack of Ee most common
lack of both called dash D dash (-D-/-D-)
IgM anti-D
also called Saline anti-D will cause agglutination of saline suspended rbc
general characteristics of Rh antibodies
pregnancy or transfusions
IAT/high protein media
enhanced by enzymes
cannot activate complement
all are clinically significant
inadequate washing will create a false
neg because free globulin will neutralize the AHG before it can react with the ab on the rbc
fractionating IgG/C3d
neonates only worry about IgG
adults must fractionate. C3d will not elute from cells
most common warm auto antibody
Rh blood group
most common cold auto antibody
anti- I
Rh control
provided by the manufacturer and contains all the additives and potentiators present in the antisera (anti-D reagent) but LACKS ANTI-D.
rules out polyagglutination and in vivo sensitization
what do the differences in reactivity at 37 adn IAT indicate
if there are multiple antibodies they may react differently at different phases
mixed field reactions caused by
contamination of reagents
weak subgroup of A (A3)
given intergroup transfusion
bone marrow transplant
screening cells requirements
o cells
at least 2 sets
known phenotype
homozygous antigens best
ag's must have good reactivity and known antigen strength
not expired
decreases ionic strength
increases antibody uptake
Partial D (mosaic)
D antigen is made up of 9(4?) parts. mosaic people are missing one or more of those and can develop an antibody to the piece they lack
Rh control
used to asses the validity of high protein Rh typing reagents. High protein diluents may cause false positives due to spontaneous agglutination of cells coated with immunoglobulin in vivo