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71 Cards in this Set

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What is an ultrasound beam?
The width of the pulse of sound as it travels away from the transducer
What determines the lateral resolution?
The width of the beam in the scan plane
lateral resolution
minimum separation of two objects that are side by side to the ultrasound beam (how low can the resolution be to still be able to differentiate two lateral interfaces
is intensity uniform through out the US beam?
side lobes
artifact coming off the side of the US beam
near zone
area from the element out to a distance of one nearzone length
Near Zone is also called
Fresnel Zone
What determines the near zone length
size and operating frequency of the element
what is aperture
when the near zone length increases with increasing frequency and element size
what two zones does an ultrasound beam consist of?
near zone and far zone
If aperture increases, near-zone length __________
if frequency increases,near zone length _________
The region that lies beyond a distance of one near zone legnth is called the _______
far zone
Far zone is also known as
Fraunhoffer zone
the beam width ________ with increasing distance from the tx in the far zone
how do you calculate the beam width at the end of near zone....
it is to 1/2 the width of the TX element
At double the near zone length the beam is equal to
it is equal to the diameter of the tx element
What are three ways to focus
1. using a curved
2. lens
3. phasing
what area of the beam can focusing occur
the near zone
do narrow beams create better or worse images
focal point
location where the beam reached its minimum diameter
focal depth
distance from the tx face to the focus
focal depth is also known as...
focal length, near zone length
Sound beams _______ in the near zone
sound beams _______in the far zone
focal depth
distance from tx to the focal point
what determines the focal depth
tx diameter
beams with a shallow focus have...
1. small diameter
2. low frequency
beams with deep focus have ....
1. large diameter
2. high frequency
Huygen's principle
explains the hourglass shape of an imaging tx souond beam
What determines the (f) of sound created by a pulsed wave tx
thickness and speed of sound in the ceramic
what determines the focal length of a sound beam
diameter of ceramic and frequency of sound
what determines the spread of a sound beam in the far field
diameter of ceremic and frequency of sound
which of the following tx have the shallowest focus>
a. 4 MHz, 4mm crystal diameter
b. 6MHz, 4mm crystal diameter
c.4 MHz, 6 mm crystal diameter
d. 6 Mhz, 6mm crystal diamter
which has the shallowest focus?
a. lowest (f), largest crystal diameter
b. highest (f), largest crystal diameter
c. lowest (f), smallest crystal diameter
d. highest (f), smallest crystal diameter
the ability to image accurately
axial resolution
the ability to distinquish two structures that are close to each other along the beams main axis
Synonyms for axial resolution
shorter pulses provide better or worse LARRD resolution
failure to pass meconium due to absence of ganglion cells in myenteric/Auerbauch's plexus due to failure of neural crest cell migration?

bilious vomitting, associated with Down's syndrome, due to failure of recanalization?

non bilious projectile vomitting at 2 weeks old, due to hypertrophy of pylorus, epigastric olive mass, 1st born males?

progressive dysphagia due to LOSS of Auerbauch's plexus, bird beak on barium swallow?
Hirschprung Disease
Duodenal Atresia
Congenital Pyloric Stenosis
can LARRD resolution be changed by the sonographer
what is the equation for axial resolution
axial resolution=spl/2
lateral resolution
the minimum distance that two structures are separated by (side to side) that produces two distinct echos
where is lateral resolution best>
at the focus because the sound beam is narrowest at that point
the ability to distinguish two structures lying close together is called
the ability to distinguish two structures lying close together front to back or parallel to the sound beam is called
axial resolution is measured with units of
the more cycles there are in a pulse, the ----------(greater, lesser, same) is the numerical value of the range resolution
__________ (high, low) frequency tx generally have the best range resolution
linear array
produces rectangular images composed of many vertical, parallel scan lines
The nearer your aperture the ________(better, worse) your resolution
what type of image does a convex or curved array produce
linear phased array
applies voltages to to most or all elements but at a small time delay so the sound is sent out in a specific path
if a linear phased array voltage is applied from R to L the beam would steer
the sharper the curve, the _______(deeper, shallower) the focus
more shallow
the shorter the delays (less curvature) the _______ (shallower, deeper)
are phased linear array focused or steered
what determines the beam width at the focus
aperture, focal length, wavelegnth
grating lobes
additional beams coming from arrays
listening time
what are three types of resolution
with detail resolution _______(smaller or larger) is better
if frequency increases, detail resolution improves but penetration _______
what improves lateral resolution
reducing the beam diameter
in dx Us tx what type of resolution is usually better
the dividing point btw the near and far zones is at a distance from the tranducer equal to the ______ _____
near zone
tx size is also called
near zone length increases with increasing source _____ and _______ from the source
aperture and frequency
in the near zone, beam width_____ as distance from the tx increases
if a 5-MHz tx with a near-zone lengthof 10 cm is increased in size the near zone length
a two cycle pulse of 5 MHz us produces separate echoes from reflectors in soft tissue separated by 1 mm
true (calculate axial resolution)