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150 Cards in this Set

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potential difference

difference between high potential and low potential

must exist if you want movement of electrons

electrical potential

electrical force that is capable of propelling ions from higher to lower energy levels

electrical current

net movement of electrons


rate of electron flow

electromotive force


must be applied to produce flow of electrons

difference in electron population between two points


force resulting from an accumulation of electrons at one point in an electrical circuit, corresponding to deficit of electrons at another point

movement of electrons from high to low concentrationac


material that permits free movement of electrons


ease with which the current flows along a conducting medium

measured in siemens

metals, electrolyte solutions


materials that resist current flow

contain fewer free electrons

air, wood, glass



opposition to electron flow in a conducting material

electrical impedence


higher with DC than biphasic current

ohm's law

current flow = voltage/resistance

electrical power

watt = volts * amperes

rate at which electrical power is being used

three types of current

biphasic or alternating current

monophasic or direct current

pulsatile PC

monophasic or DC

uninterrupted, unidirectional flow of electrons toward positive pole

flow direction can be reversed

phase duration >1 sec

used for denervated muscle, iontophoresis

polarity only important here

biochemical effects under cathode - soften tissues, alkaline reaction, more effective than anode

biochemical effects under anode - acidic reaction

biphasic or AC

continuous flow


reversing polarity repeatedly

for pain control and muscle contraction

increasing frequency decreases phase/pulse width

pulsatile PC

usually 3 or more pulses grouped together

uni (if < 1 sec) - polarity matters but not as many biochemical effects as DC

bi directional (VMS - biphasic) (Russian - polyphasic)

interrupted for short periods of time and repeat themselves at regular intervals

IFC and Russian


transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulators

stimulates peripheral nerves



neuromuscular electrical stimulator

electrical muscle stimulator

electrical current stimulates muscle directly

denervated muscle

series circuit

only one path for current to get from one terminal to another

amperes of an electrical current flowing through is exactly the same at any point in the circuit

Rt = R1 + R2 + ...

Vt = V1 + V2 + ...

parallel circuit

two or more routes exist for current to pass between two terminals

Vt = V1 = V2

each resistance added decreases total resistance

1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + ...

adding alternative pathway improves current flow

electrical circuit in human tissue

combination of series and parallel circuit

electrodes on skin = series (go through skin and fat)

parallel circuit where current can travel through either bone, muscle, blood, or nerves to get to muscle

usually current will choose tissue with highest water content - blood

muscle is composed of ___% water and conducts current in which direction



which conducts current better, muscle or tendon?


tendon is more dense, has little water, poor conductor

fat contains ___% water and is therefore a _____ conductor



peripheral nerve conductivity is about ___ times that of muscle


bone contains ___% water


extremely dense

poorest biologic conductor


graphic representation of shape, direction, amplitude, duration, pulse frequency

sinusoidal, rectangular, square, spiked


individual waveform

may contain one or more phases

pulse/phase duration in DC

length of time that current is flowing

pulse = monophasic

cycle = biphasic

AC waveform

waveform has two separate phases during each cycle

PC waveform

electrical current is conducted as a series of short pulses of short duration

monophasic or biphasic

interphase interval - between phases

pulse duration - sum of all phases and interphases

interpulse interval - between pulses, period of time where current is not flowing


current intensity

highest point of phase


not the same thing as the total amount of current being delivered to tissues

how can total current being delivered to tissues be increased

increase pulse duration

increase pulse frequency

pulse charge

amount of electricity being delivered to patient during each pulse

monophasic - phase charge = pulse charge and always > 0

biphasic - pulse charge = sum of phase charges and zero if symmetrical


length of time current is flowing in one cycle

pulse period

pulse duration + interpulse interval


rise and fall in amplitude

increase frequency, increase speed of amplitude change

muscle responds with individual twitch contractions to pulse rates of less than ____. beyond this muscle responds with ____.


tetanic contraction

types of current modulation





burst modulation

PC or biphasic

current flows for short duration and then turned off for short time in a repetitive cycle

no muscle contraction during interburst cycle

beat modulation


pre-modulated interferential

two interfering biphasic current waveforms with differing frequencies delivered to two separate pairs of electrodes through separate channels within the same generator

electrodes set up in criss cross fashion so circuits interfere

beat frequency = difference in frequency between two biphasic current frequencies


current amplitude will increase to preset maximum and then decrease


ramp up usually 1/3 of on time

motor nerves are not stimulated by a steady flow of _______


nerve will not depolarize again until change in current intensity occurs

which produces higher tension - tetanic contraction or twitch

tetanic (influenced by frequency)

increasing intensity causes current do reach _____ into tissue


difference between high volt and low volt currents

high volt reaches deeper tissues in body

negative electrode

positive electrode

cathode - distal - muscle contraction

anode - proximal

mimics body natural movement of ions

effects of polarity

1. chemical effects (long duration only): pH change under electrode, reflex vasodilation, and ability to facilitate movement of ions

2. ease of excitation

3. direction of current flow

why does the cathode produce a muscle contraction more easily than the anode

greater facility for membrane depolarization at negative pole versus positive pole

positive pole would require larger intensity - more discomfort for patient

if the electrodes are spaced closely together, the area of highest current density is relatively ________. if the electrodes are are spaced farther apart, the current density will be higher in _____ tissues.


deeper (including muscle and nerve)

the current density ______ as the electrode size decreases


one of the biggest causes of poor results from electrical therapy is _______

electrode misplacement

electrode placement

1. on or around a painful area

2. over specific dermatomes, myotomes, or sclerotomes that correspond to painful area

3. close to spinal cord segment that innervates painful area

4. over sites where the peripheral nerve becomes superficial and can be stimulated easily

5. over superficial vascular structures

6. over trigger points

7. over motor points of muscle or muscle belly

8. crossing patterns used for IFC and premod. signals from each set add together at some point in the body and intensity accumulates


uses electrodes of same size in same general treatment area

current density under each electrode is the same

physiologic effects under each electrode is the same


uses one or more small active electrodes over a treatment area and a large dispersive electrode placed somewehre else on teh body

higher current density under small electrode

physiologic response under small electrode


uses two sets of bipolar electrodes, each of which comes form a completely separate channel on electrical stimulator

if you place equal size electrodes close together on a body part with thick fat layers, will the current reach the nerve?


if you place electrodes very close together, where will you produce a high density current?


if you place the electrodes farther apart, where will you produce a high density current?


the lower the ratio of on time to off time, the _____ total current the patient will receive


on/off time = duty cycle

effects of electrical current passing through the various tissues of the body

thermal - causes a rise in temperature in conducting tissues, higher resistance will increase temperature more. minimal thermal effects


physiologic - migration of ions from DC

perceived excitatory effects

electrical sensation

muscle contraction

electrical pain

what can you change to get more nerve cells to fire

increase current

increase duration


specific intensity of current necessary to cause an observable tissue response


specific duration required for a current of twice the intensity of rheobase to produce tissue excitation

electrical current required to reach threshold for depolarization (lowest to highest)

a beta (tingling sensation)

motor neurons (muscle contraction)

a delta (pain)

c fibers (pain)

how does estim cause contraction in denervated muscle and why do you use it

normally, muscle contracts in response to depolarization of motor nerve. in denervated muscle, current causes muscle membrane to depolarize

prevent atrophy, limit edema and venous stasis, delay muscle fiber fibrosis and degeneration

indications for estim

modulating acute, postacute, chronic pain

muscle re-ed

retarding atrophy

muscle strengthening

increase ROM

decrease edema

decrease muscle spasm

decrease muscle guarding

stimulate healing process

wound, fracture, tendon, ligament healing

stimulate nerve regeneration

stimulate pns function

change membrane permeability

synthesize proteins

stimulate fibroblasts and osteoblasts

regenerate tissue

increase circulation through muscle pumping

contraindications for estim

pacemakers, arhythmias, over carotid sinus

site of infection



exposed metal impants

known area of thrombosis

decreased sensationst

musculoskeletal problems where muscle contraction would exacerbate the condition

purpose of using high volt currents

high volt - twin-peaked pulsed waveform that has long interpulse interval

elicit muscle contraction (most common)

pain control

reducing edema

minimize fatigue

low frequency

high intensity

how do you find the motor point of a muscle

move the probe around the muscle until you see the largest contraction for that intensity

how does estim retard atrophy?

electrical stimulation reproduces physical and chemical events associated with normal voluntary muscle contraction and helps to maintain normal muscle function

how does estim increase ROM?

pulls joint through the limited range

continued contraction of muscle group over extended time modifies and lengthens muscle

works in patients with hemiplegia, no evidence for contracted joints from athletic or surgical injuries

gate control theory

sensory cutaneous stimulation to peripheral sensory a beta fibers closes the gate to painful afferent impulses being trasmitted tos pinal cord on a delta and c fibers

blocks pain at spinal cord level

as long as stimuli is applied, perception of pain is diminished

sensory level

tingling sensation

a beta fibers stimulates substantia gelatinosa in dorsal horn of spinal cord to inhibit C and D fibers in T cell

descending pain control theory

electrical stimulation of a delta and c fibers stimulates midbrain, pons, and medulla causing release of enkephalin through descending neurons

blocks pain at spinal cord level

cognitive input from cortex

motor level

muscle contraction

higher centers of CNS can effect gate at dorsal horn of spinal cord

release serotonin opiates at the spinal cord to inhibit T cell

endogenous opiate pain control theory

electrical stimulation of sensory nerves stimulates the release of beta-endorphin and dynorphin from pituitary gland and hypothalamus into CSF

noxious electrical current

large dispersive pad and small pad on motor unit

beta endorphin and dynorphins

delayed effect from low frequency, high intensity

greater duration (pulse width) _____ patient discomfort


russian current

two basic waveforms: sine wave and a square wave cycle with fixed intrapulse interval

sine wave - burst mode that has 50% on/off time

50 bursts per second with interburst interval of 10 milliseconds

reduces total current but allows patient to tolerate greater current intensity

used for strengthening

gradually increasing the numbers of bursts interrupts the mechanical relaxation cycle of the muscle and causes more shortening to take place

higher frequency currents _____ resistance to teh current flow


interferential currents IFC

electric field is created that resembles a four-petaled flower, with the center of the flower located where the two currents cross and the petals falling between the electrical current force lines

maximum interference effect takes place nera the center, with teh field gradually decreasing in strength as it moves toward the poitns of the petal

numbness under electrode

frequency 1 = 4080, frequency 2 = 4000, output = 80

premodulated IFC

both frequencies = 4000, but each generator has bursts and overall syncs them in same polarity and same time

no numbness

larger treatment area than IFC

low-volt currents

medical galvanism


therapeutic benefits of electricity

modulation of pain

muscle re-education and strengthening

edema reduction

muscle spasm reduction

limiting atrophy

wound care and tissue healing

healing bone


ability of a tissue to store a charge

the higher the capacitance, the longer before you see a response from the tissue

greater intensity of stim needed

nerve has less capacitance than muscle

ohm's law


constant current

increase resistance, increase voltage

maintain therapeutic effects

consistent level of stimulation but potential for burn

constant voltage

increase resistance, decrease current

reduces risk of adverse effects to patient

pt may experience rapid surge of current

pulse duration

beginning to end of all phases, includes interphase interval

pulse period

beginning to end of all phases, includes interphase interval AND interpulse interval

pulse rate

number of pulses per second



cycles per second

bursts per second

beats per second

pulses per second


patient's perception of stimulus changes over time

nerve fibers become less responsive to stimulus

increase threshold

modulation can reduce this


amplitude (scan)


frequency (sweep)


duty cycle



time it takes for repetitive pulses to reach maximum amplitude

useful for muscle re-ed because it simulates normal contraction

strength-duration curve

plots minimal intensity needed to evoke response at specific stimulus durations

rheobase - intensity

chronaxie - duration

order of stimulation in strength duration curve

a beta

motor neurons

a delta

c fibers

denervated fibers

interferential current

amplitude modulated AC or medium frequency beat AC

2 channels, each sinusoidal, symmetrical

alternating currents with different frequencies

beat frequency is lower than individual channels' frequency

channels crossed and combined to peak amplitude is higher at the area where the channels cross - stim greatest here, less stim under electrodes

russian current

time modulated AC or medium frequency burst AC

high volt

monophasic pulsed current

motor point

specific location on the skin which requires lowest intensity of estim to excite muscle below

trigger point

hyperirritable focus in fascia or muscle which is tender or painful to compression and may refer pain

acupuncture point

tender site utilized for pain management and originally associated to traditional chinese medicine

comon uses for sensory or motor level TENS for pain control

pain of musculoskeletal origin

neuropathic pain

pain from cancer

post-operative pain

acute and chronic pain

sensory level TENS

biphasic, monophasic, ifc

no muscle contraction

low duration < 100

high frequency 80-150

continuous or modulated

gate theory

put pads in location or in dermatome

30 minutes

motor level TENS

biphasic or monophasic

muscle contraction

low frequency < 10

high duration > 200

30-60 sec bursts for 20-45 minutes

put pads over acupuncture, trigger points, and remote sites

goal - stimulate motor fibers

delayed onset of pain relief but longer lasting

noxious level TENS

brief intense TENS/hyperstimulation analgesia

biphasic or monophasic (point stimulators, up to 8 points for 30 seconds, needs large dispersive pad)

high duration > 200

high frequency 100

30 sec to 1 minute, no more than 15 minutes

longer pain relief - opiates

pads over pain, trigger points, remote site, acupuncture points

best settings for patient comfort

high frequency, low duration

burst mode TENS

high frequency bursts delivered at a low frequency


amplitude modulation

intensity at each channel can be set to change and causes direction of vectors to shift

changes the area of stimulation to encompass greater treatment area

use when pain area is ill-defined


frequency modulation

pre-modulated IFC

bipolar electrode placement

1 channel

often used with US combo

interference current produced inside machine

good for sensory level but can be used for motor

"trigger points"

high volt current

monophasic, twin peak

fixed duration < 100

high intensity

voltage 100-150

polarity issues

tissue healing, pain control, muscle stimulation

passes through skin with less resistance, less biochemical effect, less accommodation

short duration lessen chance of stimulating pain fibers (SC curve)

can adjust amplitude and frequency

stagnant wound care - cathode for 3-7 days inflammatory, anode for after that, reverse polarity if healing plateaus

galvanotaxis - attract cells to wound site

put moist gauze on wound, pad on top of gauze

estim + US combo

pre mod IFC/monophasic pulsed

us sound head + dispersive pad

trigger point, spasm relief, relaxation

evidence for TENS

acute LBP - conflicting

chronic LBP - no benefit, don't use

other musculoskeletal and ns disorders - no data either way

proposed uses and benefits of NMES


muscle endurance

muscle re-ed

override reflex inhibition

improve function

treat spasticity

decrease spasm

limit atrophy

increase ROM

decrease contractures

muscle pumping for edema control

motor unit recruitment for voluntary contraction

type 1 (slow twitch) first then type 2 (fast twitch)

motor unit recruitment for electrically stimulated contraction

type 1 and type 2 simulatenous

some say type 2 first

adaptations in healthy muscles to NMES

to prolonged, low force = endurance changes

to intermittent, high force = strength changes

follows overload principle

factors that influence muscle contraction




current type/waveform

technique of application

twitch to tetany

summation of contractions

don't get back to resting state between twitches, continue to shorten creating additional tension

start in comfortable range, goal is smooth contraction

frequency dependent, not intensity

force-frequency relationship

fatigue factors

strengthening, muscle re-ed, testing for motor point location, testing integrity of nerve/tendon

advantages and disadvantages of altering NMES

advantage - increase contraction by recruiting more fibers

disadvantage - hurts more

time modulated AC - russian or mf burst

carrier frequency 2500 hz - sine wave

broken up into 10 msec bursts on and 10 msecs off

delivered at 50bps

high frequency and interburst intervals - less pain

no evidence that russian works better than biphasic in functionality terms

goal - maximum contraction

factors that influence force production




electrode placement, size, contact

body composition

reciprocal electrode placement

biceps and triceps

contracts different muscles to work on ROM

NMES with contraction

patient should contract with stim and should perform isometric contraction during off cycle

stim needs to be at least 50/60% of MVIC for strengthening normal muscle - this level of stim not usually tolerated so go to pt comfort

less stim needed for re-ed

overload muscle to maximal comfortable contraction

fatigue - may help reduce spasms - stimulate antagonist for reciprocal inhibition

effects of NMES on strength


30-40% gains in strength and functional performance

110-130% MVIC with stimulation

high frequency allowed > stim > contraction

BUT no evidence though to support the claim

but, for unexercised controls effective - coma pt or couch potato

no better than voluntary exercise


in combo with exercise started early post-op period better than exercise alone

no difference in long term outcome but quicker recovery

NMES for retraining weakened muscle

reproduces many of the physical and chemical events associated with voluntary contractions

less atrophy

less of a decrease in MVIC upon release from immobilization

NMES for muscle re-ed of innervated muscle

arthrogenic reflex inhibition

post injury

tendon transfers


combine with voluntary contraction

goal is to restore voluntary contraction

functional electrical stimulation FES

orthotic substitution

have pt try and hold contraction

gait, CVA, spinal cord injury, TBI

control spasticity

improve functional reach

NMES for denervated muscle


may retard/delay atrophy in short term

may delay fibrosis

does not improve rate of regeneration or reinnervation

probably does not hurt to try it though

NMES for nerve assessment

neuropraxia - temporary conduction block - normal response below site of injury - limited to no response above site of injury

axonal damage - denervated muscle - if complete lesion - no response above or below lesion

ir partial lesion - weak response above and below

contraindications for NMES

pacemakers, defibrillators, transthoracic

carotid sinus/phrenic nerve

pts unable to communicate or mentally immature



vascular disorders


what is intophoresis

continuous direct electrical current to drive ions into body tissue

low current

use of like charge to push medication through skin

DC current, polarity matters


provides drug at constant rate

better delivery than topical application

often used for inflammatory musculoskeletal conditions

used for analgesia, spasms, ischemia, calcium deposits, wound healing, scar tissue modification

mechanism of ion flow

neg medication on cathode

cathode is active electrode - should be bigger

anode is collective electrode

solutions used are permeable to fat and water

once the ions the pass through the skin, they combine with existing ions and free radicals to form new compounds for therapeutic effect

pads up to 18 inches apart

max current - 4.0 mA

quanityt of ions transferred into target tissue determined by

current intensity

current density (change electrode size)


concentration of ions

body tissue (skin and fat are poor conductors)

treatment considerations for iontophoresis

electrodes - polarity of active electrode, spacing, size

amplitude - max = 4.0mA, increase this increase propulsion of ions

time - 10-20 minutes

depth of penetration - 1-3mm avg, 1.5cm 12-24hr treatment

medication dosage - 1-2% solution

number of treatments

duration of application - time inversely proportional to magnitude of current

dosage = total charge delivered (usually 40mA-min)

using other modalities with it - don't

indications for iontophoresis - limited evidence it works for anything though



muscle spasm


soft tissue calcification

wounds and infection



scar tissue and adhesions




broken or compromised skin

decreased skin sensation

drug sensitivity


other implanted devices in the region

long term steroid use over ligaments and/or tendons

common negative medications and agents






common medications and agents positive








treatment precautions of iontophoresis

chemical burns - pH changes at delivery electrode, most burns at cathode from accumulationof sodium hydroxide (buffered electrodes and increased electrode size can reduce this risk)

heat burns - results from high resistance to current flow from poor skin contact

sensitivity reaction to ions - ask pt about drug sensitivity before beginning, monitor pt skin

parameters for sensory TENS

frequency 80-150 pps

duration <100 clinical machine

duration < 150 IFC

tx time 20 minutes

parameters for motor TENS

frequency <10

duration >200 clinical machine, portable unit

duration <150 hvps (mpc)

tx time 15-40 minutes

parameters for noxious TENS

frequency 100 bps (point stimulator can be as low as 1-5 pps)

duration >200 (point stimulator <150)

tx time 1-15 minutes (point stimulator 30-45 sec at each point for 8-10 points)

parameters NMES for strengthening

current - biphasic vms, mf burst ac, russian

cycle time 6-10s on, 50s off

frequency 50-80

ramp 2-5 sec

duration >200

rx time 10-15 reps with max contraction, 3-5x/week

used more in athletics to max strength gains

parameters NMES for muscle re-ed

current - biphasic vms, mf burst, russian

cycle time 1:1, 1:2

frequency 30-50

ramp 2-5 sec

duration >200

rx time 15-20 min several times daily

used most in rehab settings

goal - voluntary contraction

parameters for NMES for functional estime

current - biphasic vms, mf burst, russion

cycle time - activity specific

frequency 30-50

ramp short b/c used with functional activity

duration >200

rx time 15-20 minutes several times daily

can also be a portable unit with switches

parameters for EMS denervated muscle

current dc or biphasic

cycle time 5-10 sec on, 1 minute off

frequency n/a or high (50-80) and low (10-25)

ramp 5 sec

longest duration possible

rx time 10-20 contractions, 15-30 minutes 3-4x/day

if using monophasic or dc current put cathode over target and use small electrode

HVPC can be used for muscle stim but has present short duration (usually <150) so what do you need to do to intensity

increase it