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10 Cards in this Set

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Trust Vs Mistrust
Strenght: Hopr
Behavior: Appropriate attachment behavior, ability to ask for assistance with an expectation or receiving it, ability to give and receive information related to self and health, ability to share opinions and experiences easily, ability to differentiate between how much one can trust and how much one must distrust

Stressor: Unfamiliar environment or routines, incosistency in care, pain, lack of information, unment needs (e.g having to wait 20 minutes for a bedpan or pain injection), losses at critical times or accumulated loss, significant or sudden loss of physical function (e.g., a client with a broken hip being afraid to walk)
Autonomy Vs Shame and doubt

Ego: Willpower
Behavior: Ability to express opinions freely and to disagree tactfully, ability to delay gratification, ability to accept reasonable treatment plans and hospital, ability to regulate one's behavior (over compliance, noncompliance, suggest disruptions), ability to make age appropriate decisions

Stressor: overemphasis on unfair or rigid regulation (eg. putting clients in nursing hoems to bed at 7 p.m) cultural emphasis on guilt and shaming as a way of controlling behavior,limited allowance made for individuality
Initiative vs Guilt
Ego: Purpose
Behavior: ability to develop realistic goals and to initiate actions to meet them, ability to make mistakes without undue embarassment, ability to have curiosity abouth health care, ability to work for goals, and ability to develop constructive fantasies and plans

Stressor: significant or sudden change in life pattern that interferes with role, loss of a mentor, paritcularly in adolescence or with a new job, lack of opportunity to participate in planning care, overinvolved parenting that doesn't allow for experimentation, hypercritical authority figures, no opportunity for plau
Industry vs inferiority
Ego: Competence
Behavior: Work is perceived as a meaningful and satisfying, appropriate satisfaction with balance in lifestyle, pattern, including lesure activities,ability to work with others, including staff, ability to complete tasks and self-care activities in line with capailities, and ability to express personal strengts and limitations realistically.

Stressor: limited opportunity to learn and master tasks -illness, circumtances, or condition that compromise or obliterates one's usual activities, and lack of cultural support or opportunity or training
Identity versus identity diffusion
Strenght: Fidelity
Behavior: ability to establish friendship with peers, realistic assertion of independence and dependence needs, demonstration of overall satisfaction with self-image, including physical characteristics, personality,a nd role in life, ability to express and act on personal values, congruence of self-perception with nurses observation and preception significan others

Stressor: lack of opportunity, overprotective, neglectful, or inconcistent parenting, sudden significant change in appearance, health or status, and lack of same-sex role models
Intimacy vs solation (young adult)
Strenght: Love
Behavior: ability to enter into strong recprocal interpersonal relationships, ability to identify a readily available support system, ability to feel the caring of others, and ability to act harmoniously with family and friends

Stressor: Competition, communication that inlcudes a hidden agenda, projection of images and expectation onto other person, lack of privacy, loss of significant others at critical point of development
Generativity vs. stagnation adn self-absorption (adult)
Strenght: Caring
Behavior: Demonstration age-appropriate activities, development of a realistic assessment of personal contribution to society, development of ways to maximize productivity, appropriate care of whatever one has created, demonstration of a concern for others and willingness to share ideas and knowledge, and evidence of a healthy balance among work, family, and self demands

Stressor: Agng parents, seperately or concurrently with adolescent children, obsolescence or laoff in careere, "me generation" attitude, inability or lack of opportunity to function in a previous manner, children leaving home, and forced retirement
Integrity vs despair (Older adult)
Strenght: Wisdom
BEhavior: Expression satisfaction with personal lifestyle, acceptance of growing limitations while maintaining maximum productivity, expression of acceptance of certitude of death as well as satisfaction with one's contribution to life, and lack of opportunity

Stressor: Rigid lifestyle, loss of significant other, loss of physical, intellectual, emotional faculties, and loss of previously satisfying and family roles.
Basic Assumptions of communication Theory
*It is impossible not to communicate
*We only know about ourselves and others through communication
*Faulty communication results in flawed feeling and acting.
*Feedback is the only way we know that our perceptions are valid.
*Silence is a form of communication
*All parts of a communication system are interrelated and affect one another
*People communicate through words and through nonverbal behaviors, both of which are necessary to interpret appropriately for complete understanding.
Characteristics of Self Actualization
*Quality of genuineness
*Passion for living
*Ability to get along well with others
*Strong sense of personal worth
*View of life situations as opportunities, not threats
*Ability to expereince each moment fully
*Moments of intense emotional meaning "peak experience"
*Full accpetance of self and others
*Identification with fellow human beings
*High sense of responsibility with a strong desire to serve humanity
*Integrity of purposes