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40 Cards in this Set

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All of the following are considered variables for primary shoulder impingement:
Variations of the acromion, Hypertrophic degenerative changes, Faulty scapular posture (NOT Hypermobility/instability)
Some authors recommend, when beginning RTC strengthening, the humerus be placed in internal rotation, flexed & abducted to about 45-60 degrees w elbow flexion to minimize tension on the repaired cuff tendons (T/F)
During the _______ stage of idiopathic frozen shoulder the signs/symptoms may include: pain only w movement, adhesions, limited glenohumeral motions, atrophy & lasts for 4-12 months.
All of the following are true regarding shoulder girdle function:
Since most shoulder flexors are internal rotators, during stretching to improve shoulder flexion, the glenohumeral should be in external rotation; During abduction, to avoid impingement of the greater tubercle on the acromion, the glenohumeral should be externally rotated; The motion between the scapula & humerus allows for 150-180 degrees of motion & generally has an accepted ratio of movement 2:1 (NOT During scaption exercises, the humerus should be internally rotated to avoid impingement of the humerus on the acromion)
Even though the symptoms may be "chronic" or recurring, if there is inflammation, the initial tx priority is to get the inflammation under control.
Which of the following is a static stabilizer of the humerus in a dependent position:
Adhesive forces of synovial fluid & negative joint pressure; Glenoid labrum; Superior capsule & suprahumeral ligament (NOT ; Infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor, supraspinatus)
All of the following are appropriate guidelines to use during stretching of the shoulder girdle :
Grade III stretching techniques can be initiated only after the inflammation subsides; Conditions in which there is potentially a prolonged acute stage (RA/frozen shoulder) it is critical to teach the pt active assistive exercises without exacerbating the symptoms; Vigorous stretching should not be undertaken until the chronic stage of healing (NOT For normally shoulder joint mechanics, there must be good scapular position, posture & control, & the humerus must be able to internally rotate)
Rotator cuff tear classifications range from less than 1cm for small, 1-5cm for medium to large & greater than 5cm massive. The sling can be removed 1 day postop for only the small/closed repairs (T/F)
During shoulder external rotation the humerus rolls posteriorly, slides anteriorly & translates posteriorly.
If winging of the scapula occurs w progressive resistance, provide manual support or decrease the resistance/loads. Emphasize isolated strengthening to the serratus anterior, trapezius & pectoralis major.
Which of the following muscles are affected by forearm/shoulder position:
Biceps brachii, brachioradialis, Long head of triceps (NOT Brachialis)
The position of the wrist controls the length of the extrinsic muscles of the digits. (length tension relationship) For example, as the fingers flex, the wrist must be stabilized in extension to prevent active insufficiency of the finger flexors. (FDP, FDS) Maintaining the wrist in extension allows for a stronger flexion contraction.
What would be the most appropriate PT intervention for the pt w UE myositis ossificans?
Lateral epicondylitis is to tennis elbow as medial epicondylitis is to _______.
Golfer's elbow
Using mobilization w movement techniques, PT would perform a medial glide @ elbow as pt flexes. (T/F)
During flexion & extension @ the humeroulnar joint, the concave fossa slides in the same direction as the ulna moves. Therefore, during elbow flexion, the fossa slides & rolls in an anterior direction. (T/F)
When performing a self median nerve glide, the following sequence of positions are performed: 1)Wrist finger, thumb flexed 2)Wrist neutral w fingers & thumb extended 3)Wrist & fingers extended & thumb neutral 4)Wrist, fingers & thumb extended 5)Wrist, fingers, thumb extended & forearm supinated 6)Wrist, fingers thumb extended, forearm supinated & thumb stretched into extension.
Advanced RA results in all of the following deformities:
Radial deviation of the wrist, Ulnar drift of the fingers & Boutonniere deformity (=PIP in flexion/DIP in extension) (NOT Swan neck/PIP in hyperextension/DIP in extension)
To fully elongate the biceps brachii, the shoulder must be in extension, the elbow extended & the forearm supinated.
Which nerve damage relates to Ape hand, Claw hand & Radial nerve?
Ape hand=median nerve, Claw hand=median & ulnar nerve, Drop wrist=radial nerve
A leg length can be assessed by measuring from the ASIS to the medial malleolus. A unilateral short leg causes lateral pelvic tilting & side bending to the side of the short leg. (T/F)
Which of the following is true regarding hip function during gait?
As the R pelvis drops during L stance phase, adduction occurs on the L/opposite side
During ambulation on the course of ADL's, if the pt must carry a heavy load in one hand, it is suggested that the pt carry the load in the ipsilateral sid to the operated hip. (T/F)
An increased anteversion of the femur results in increased medial/internal rotation of the hip. (T/F)
A increased angle of inclination @ the hip results in coxa valga. This may also lead to a longer leg on that side & associated genu varum. (T/F)
Following ORIF of a hip fracture, progress ROM exercise gradually. For example, have the pt perform heel slides before performing SLR's to reduce the lever arm & forces being generated by the pt. (T/F)
All of the following apply to posterolateral surgical approach of the hip for THA:
Most frequent approach; Preserves integrity of gluteus max., gluteus medius & vastus lateralis; Does not require greater trochanteric osteotomy (NOT increased stability)
During lumbopelvic rhythm as the pt moves into lumbar flexion from a standing position, during the initial 45 degrees, the major agonists are the extensor muscles of the spine. After 45 degrees, the pelvis rotates anteriorly & the agonist becomes the gluteus maximus & quadriceps. (T/F)
Motion precaution for a THA using posterolateral approach:
Keep the knees slightly lower than the hips when sitting; Transfer to the sound side from chair to bed or bed to chair; Avoid hip flexion greater than 80-90 degrees & adduction & internal rotation beyond neutral (NOT pivot on sound leg, sleep w adduction pillow, avoid side lying position)
When standing, a person may shift their pelvis anteriorly resulting in extension of the hip & extension of the lower lumbar spinal segments. This leads to a compensatory shift of the thorax anteriorly w increased thoracic kyphosis. In this "slouched" posture, posture & stability are maintained primarily by static structures.
Which of the following is a dynamic structure which will increase lateral tracking of the patella?
Tight IT band
3 Things that are TRUE during gait:
1)The quadriceps controls the amount of knee flexion during initial contact 2)With a nonfunctional quadriceps, the pt lurches the trunk anteriorly during initial contact 3)The hamstrings primarily control hip flexion during terminal swing
The PT should not increase AROM unless the pt has sufficient strength to control the motion already available. A mobile joint w inadequate muscle control causes poor stability & makes lower extremity weight bearing function difficult. (T/F)
3 things that are TRUE for anterior cruciate management:
1)Positive Lachmann's, hamstring strengthening 2)Avoid OKC short arc for terminal knee extension, anterior shear 3)Autograft, one's own central 1/3 of patellar tendon
During the ROM, patellar pain may exist which can assist the PT in making a diagnosis. For example, if the pain is present @ 60-70 degrees the patella may be @ fault. @ the same time, pain felt 0-15 may be from fat pad or synovial irritation. (T/F)
In early postoperative management, the pt should avoid placing a pillow under the knee to prevent development of a knee extension contracture.
Higher patellar compressive forces exist when the knee is flexed beyond _______ degrees in CKC activities.
60 degrees
In standing, the inability to extend the hip will prevent the pt from extending the knee
3 things that are TRUE for assessing pain free therapy of the knee:
1)Begin w MAI's concentrics, SAQ terminal extension 2)45-90 degrees of knee flexion tends to exacerbate patellofemoral pain 3)Patellar foces can be improved w concurrent patellar mobilization & vastus medialis training
When the tibial moves in an open chain, terminal extension results in the tibia rotating externally on the femur. To unlock the knee, the tibia rotates internally, In closed chain, the femur rotates internally & during the unlocking phase, the femur rotates laterally. (T/F)