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32 Cards in this Set

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What are the first 3 steps of therapy and management of toxicosis?
1) Assess animal's physiological state & time of exposure
2) Obtain label of possible intoxicants in environment
-Use antidote if there is one
3) Remove animals from toxic environment
-change feed, water, pasture
-Dermal decontamination
When do you perform dermal decontamination?
Oil based toxins i.e. pyrethrins, organophosphates, caustic chemicals
How do you perform dermal decontamination?
Wash with tepid water and liquid dish washing soap--> multiple times
-Clip hair if long
-If caustic, acidic or alkaline exposure--> flush skin w/ copious water x 15-20 min
What would you tell an owner if they call for a telephone consult because their dog got a toxin in their eye?
-flush eye w/ physiological saline or tepid water for 15-20 minutes
- *Keep animal from rubbing eyes
-Avoid use of ophthalmic ointments or medications
When should you tell a client to seek immediate veterinary attention because of ocular contamination?
When see blepharospasm (twitch of eyelid), pupil size change, ocular discharge
What can you tell a client to do on a phone consult when an animal needs GI decontamination?
Induce vomiting as home remedy
-Best 1st hour (17-62%), up to 4 hours if:
-large wad of xylitol gum, large amounts of chocolate, grapes & raisins, blood or bone meal, foreign objects etc.
How do you induce vomiting?
-3% H2O2--> 2-5 mL/kg BW in dogs, not cats
-Liquid dish soap ~10 mL/kg of mix 3tbs + 8oz water
-Apomorphine in dogs only--> tablet in subconjunctival sac or IV or IM
-Xylazine esp in cats. (can reverse sedative effects after)
Can you use 7% syrup of ipecac or salt to induce vomiting?
What are 5 contraindications to emesis?
1) Longer than 1-2 hrs post ingestion (except for exceptions noted above)
2) In an unconscious or very obtund animal
3) In animal in respiratory distress
4) Ingestion of corrosive or caustic materials
-Oven cleaner
5) If clinical signs of toxicosis are present
When performing a gastric lavage, time is of the essence bc after 1 hr, only ___-____% of toxin is recovered.
What are 3 indications of a gastric lavage?
-In metaldehyde and organophosphate toxicosis even if animal is showing signs
-Large amount of bone meal, chocolate, iron tables
-Ingestion of toxic (near LD50) doses of Ca channel blockers, beta-blockers organophosphates
Can you use activated charcoal and do a gastric lavage?
Yes, can use with activated charcoal during and after
When is a gastric lavage contraindicated?
W/ corrosive toxins
How do you perform a gastric lavage?
Animal must be anesthetized and intubated
-Infuse w/ warm water and aspirate often
-Repeat until fluid is clear
How do you administer activated charcoal?
Dose is 2-5 g in water slurry w/ 1 g in 5 mL water
When should you add cathartic sodium sulfate or 70% Na sorbitol to activated charcoal?
Has varying affinities so:
-good w/ nonpolar toxins
-Heavy metals & ethylene
-Glycol not well absorbed
What is a whole bowel irrigation?
Where perform a gastric lavage and high enema w/ stomach tube per rectum
How do you perform an enema in a ruminant?
Add water to slight distension and then lower stomach tube to drain off, repeat
How can you surgically remove foreign bodies?
Per os or laparotomy or rumenotomy
-Zinc pennies, lead substances, toxic metals
-Radiographs might indicate location
What can you give animals with cerebral edema, heart failure, ascites, pulmonary edema and acute renal failure?
What are 3 drugs you can give for seizure control?
1) Diazepam
-Give IV, short half life so give every 20 minutes x 3 times
2) Phenobarbital if diazepam fails
3) Pentobarbital
-Use if all above fail
Why can dogs develop hyperthermia from toxicosis?
Results from seizure or myoclonus activity
What can you do for a hyperthermic animal?
Cold baths, ice packs, or cooled IV fluids
-Control dehydration w/ IV fluids
Why is it so important to administer IV fluids to toxic animals?
To force diuresis of toxins that are eliminated via the kidney
-Vasodilate and flush the renal tubules especially w/ nephrotoxic agents ie NSAIDS, lilies, etc
What is essential for an effective toxicological diagnosis?
Knowledge of a known exposure and the circumstances surrounding exposure
What good is doing a CBC, serum chemistry and blood gas analysis of a toxic animal?
All are useful tools done in clinic to evaluate clinical signs and formulate a treatment plan
What are 8 necropsy specimens that should be collected?
1) Brain
2) Ocular fluid
3) Injection site
4) Stomach and intestinal contents
5) Colon contents
6) Liver
7) Kidney
8) Urine -if present
How should brain samples from necropsy be preserved?
1/2 frozen
1/2 formalin
-Leave midline in formalin for pathologist
How should you preserve ocular fluid? Injection site? Stomach and intestinal contents? Colon contents? Kidneys?
Freeze them all!
What should you do with collected urine specimens?
1/2 chilled, 1/2 frozen
How much rumen or stomach contents should you collect at necropsy?
~500 g
-But rumen may degrade some toxicants e.g. nitrates, mycotoxins
Why is quantitative analysis of rumen contents difficult?
Variability of concentrations and lack of correlation w/ toxic levels in tissue