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40 Cards in this Set

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How do we measure microbes (unit of measurement)?
Millimeters (mm)
What unit of measurement does um stand for?
um is the abbreviation for micron
1000 micrometers into 1mm
A person with great vision can maybe see....
.2m or fine hair

study of microorganisms not seen with the unaided eye; requires microscopes and staining techniques to visualize
Define total magnification of light microscope.
power of the objective lens x power of the ocular lens
What is the highest magnification possible with a compound light microscope?
1000x (oil immersion)
Refractive Index
is the light bending ability of a medium
Immersion Oil
is used to keep light from bending; oil and glass have the same refractive index; allows resolution to .2 micron
1000x than human eye
.2 micron resolution
Brightfield Illumination
exclusively used in class
dark objects are visible against a bright background
Darkfield Illumination
light objects are visible against a dark background
Advantages of the electron microscope
very high resolution at high magnification
drawbacks of electron microscope
kills specimen during prep
req. vacuum w/in chamber
very expensive
no direct visual observation - image on film
no true color because light waves are not used
Transmission Electron Microscopy
Great color; fluorescent
see internal detail
up to 100,000x .2nm resolution
ultrathin sections leads to distortion
Two methods for preparing live specimens are?
wet mount and hanging drop mount
SEM or Scanning Electron Microscope
beam of electrons scan the surface that was coated with a heavy metal; reveals surface features
up to 50,000x power
external detail
What is an advantage of light microscopy?
ability to view live specimens and natural colors
Define Prokarya
one of the domains of life
includes bacteria
What type of cell structures fall under bacteria?
gram-negative/positive bacteria
Define Eukarya
cells with a true nucleus
What type of cell structures fall under eukaryotic?
protista, algae, fungi, plantae and animalia
What is the size of prokaryotic cell?
.2 - 8 microns
What is the size of a eukaryotic cell?
10 -100 microns
Where do the chromosome reside in a prokaryotic cell?
in the nucleoid
What are the two distinguishing characteristics of prokaryotes?
1. no membrane bound nucleus or organelles
2. DNA is double helix stranded, circular and supercoiled
Describe the typical chromosome in a prokaryote.
single double stranded DNa molecule
what is a plasmid?
are circular double stranded DNA molecules that house encodegenetic info that may be advantageous but not required by cell
What are the multi-cellular arrangements?
Diplococci or diplobacilli
pairs of cells
streptococci or streptobacilli
chains of cells
packets of cells
clusters of cells
What is glycocalyx?
sticky polysaccharide coat external to cell wall; that protects against phagocytosis and enables cell adhesion
What are the two types of glycocalyx coats?
1. capsule a distinct and gelatinous layer made of polysaccharide
2. slime layer diffuse and irregular layer of polysaccharide
What are the four characteristics of a prokaryotes filamentous appendage?
1. anchored in BOTH plasma membrane and cell wall
2. composed of chains of protein
3. attached to a protein hook
4. powered by a proton pump within the plasma membrane
What is the function of flagella?
allows motility
What is the function of fimbriae?
attachment - protein receptors
Fimbriae is found in bacteria only
what is the function of pili?
found in some bacteria it allows for attachment and DNA transfer (pilus)
What type of stain is used to see Flagella?
Leifson's Flagella Stain
-uses a mordant to thicken flagella until visible
Describe eukaryotic cells.
membrane bound nucleus and organelles
two layered double membrane
ribosome synthesis MRNA