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35 Cards in this Set

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What type of "troph" are protozoa?
Are protozoa unicellular or multicellular?
Where are protozoa found?
Soil, water, and in animals
What is the vegetative form of a protozoa?
What is a trophozoite?
Vegetative protozoa
What type of asexual reproduction do protozoa exhibit?
Fission, budding, or schizogony (multiple asexual fission)
What is schizogony?
Multiple asexual fission
What type of sexual reproduction do protozoa exhibit?
What happens during conjugation?
Two haploid nuclei fuse to produce a zygote
What is produced from protozoa for protection during adverse environmental conditions ?
What are 3 parts to a protozoa?
1. Pellicle (thin layer supporting the cell membrane)

2. Cytostome (mouth)

3. Anal pore
What type of conjugation do protozoa do?
Ciliate conjugation
What are 6 medically important phlya of protozoa?
1. Archaezoa
2. Microsporidia
3. Rhizopoda
4. Apicomplexa
5. Ciliophora
6. Euglenozoa
What doe Archaezoa lack and contain?
Lack mitochondria & contain Flagella
What type of protozoa are within the phylum Archaezoa?
Trichomonas and Giardia lamblia
What does Giardia lamblia cause?
Giardiasis; diarrhea, belching, gas, and cramps
What 2 things does the phylum Microsporidia lack?
Mitochondria and microtubules (microfilaments).
What 2 phyla of protozoa lack mitochondria?
Archaezoa & Microsporidia
What do protozoa within the phyla Microsporidia produce that causes diarrhea in AIDS patients?
Which phlya causes diarrhea in AIDS patients and what is the component that causes that?
Microsporidia - Microsporans
Rhizopoda are ___________; they include Entamoeba and Acanthamoeba.
What 2 protozoans are included in the Rhizopoda phylum?
Entamoeba & Acanthamoeba
Apicomplexa have __________ for penetrating host tissue.
Apical organelles
WHat 2 protozoans are included in the Apicomplexa phylum?
Plasmodium and Cryptosporidium
What phylum does the protozoa Cryptosporidium belong to and what does it cause?
Apicomplexa - waterborne disease that causes gastrointestinal illness (diarrhea, nausea, cramps)
How are Cryptosporidium usually transmitted?
Which phyla moves by means of cilia?
Which phylum is the only ciliated human parasite and what exact protozoa is this?
Ciliophora - Balantidium coli
What is Balantidium coli and which phylum does it belong to??
The only ciliated human parasite - Ciliphora
Which phylum moves by means of flagella?
What is the difference between the phyla of ciliophora and euglenozoa by means of structures?
Ciliphora contains cilia and euglenozoa contains flagella
True or False:

Euglenozoa are asexual
True; lack sexual reproduction
What protozoan causes "sleeping sickness"?
What is the technical term for "sleeping sickness", which may end up with a cardia arrest or comma?
How is Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) transmitted?
Tsetse fly