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74 Cards in this Set

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Who is the most important person on a healthcare team?
T or F:
All systems have parts that work together, hang together, and are independent?
-A system is composed of all aspects of a team.
What are the ELEMENTS of a system?
-The team members in the group
Whatever happens to one element, affects all other elements within system is the definition of ?
What are some key positive factors of a systems model?
-Relates to ICF
-Includes + / -
-Looks at the interconnections of a group
This type of team includes multiple aspects, but they do not work together. They may share information after treatment with one another.
-Multidisciplinary Team
What type of team works together and include role-sharing.
-Transdisciplinary Team
Interdisciplinary Team?
-Treatments and evals can be done jointly, but individual knowledge is used. No role-sharing.
What type of team would work closely together and share roles?
-Transdisiplinary Team
The PT, OT and SLP perform individual evaluations and create POCs for the patient from the perspective of their discipline. They then implement their own treatment plan, evaluating and progressing as needed.
Multiple Disciplinary Team
-The PT, OT and SLP meet after their evaluations to discuss and form a common POC with the patient’s discipline specific goals revised as needed to fit in with the common plan.
ie: The OT uses SLP strategies to treat.
-Transdiciplinary Team
What are the 5 stages each team must go through to be successful?
This step of development involves conflict and arguing?
This is the most productive and task oriented portion of team stages?
Individual roles, personal status, and cohesion are examples of what type of team issue?
-Group Characteristics
T or F:
Conflict can be both a negative and positive thing?
The majority of communication is ______________?
What is the #1 way we communicate our expertise?
-Written documentation with other professionals.
This type of meeting is done at bedside and involve the main individuals involved with the patient care.
How do Rounds and Team Meetings differ?
-Team meetings involve larger groups and the family. They typically take longer.

-Rounds are to provide the most up-to-date information and discuss any need for change.
What type of team meeting is most likely to occur in a Rehab setting?
-Weekly Team meeting
What is the purpose of ISBAR?
-To provide structured patient communication. This can be both written and verbal.
Introduction (self/your role)
Situation (pt name/ condition)
Background (admission date/ diagnosis)
Assessment (summary of condition/ explain problem)
Recommendation (treatments/ steps to take)
The _______ ________ provide long term comprehensive, pt oriented care/ assistance to meet goals and provide a care service plan?
-Case Manager
Other roles of a Case Manager include? (3)
-design plan to max. independence
-coordinate care (liaison)
-Assist with assessments (home adaptations, financials)
-Identify solutions
This specific type of Case Manager help to encourage safety and independence among older populations.
-Geriatric Case Manager

-Typically have advanced degree
The GCM exam provide insight on _______, ___________, and __________________ health
What is the number one reason that an older patient may not be able to stay at home alone?
-Memory loss/Confusion
The final outcome of the GCM exam is a ___________ ____________ ___________.
-Comprehensive Service Plan

This is an action plan for future care.
a ______________ is capable of making all healthcare decisions for an individual
T or F:
A power of attorney may act as a guardian in situations?
-A POA is not a guardian and can not make healthcare decisions.
T or F:
Insurance will not cover the services if a GCM?
-Medicare/Medicaid do not cover, but some insurances will.

-Most long-term care insurances will cover
What is the Most restrictive form of living? Most?
-Independent home living
-Long Term Care Facility / Nursing home
Respite care is used to do what?
-Jess: "someone who comes to give typical caregiver a break."
Which type of living has the best outcomes and QOL?
One of the major downsides to independent living is the pt not knowing when to?
-Ask for help
Passport is a program available for who?
-pts eligible for medicaid services.
-Pt is frail enough for LTC but MD says they may stay home.
What types of services does Passport provide?
adult daycare
minor modifications
What is Intergenerational Living?
-Moving in or living with family members.
What must we look for in both the patient and patients family in an intergenerational living situation?
-Signs of Stress
An adaptation to "aging in place" is a ___________?
CCRF: Continued Care Retirement Facility
What are the 4 variations to a CCRC?
-ILF: independent living facility
-ALF: Assisted Living Facility
-SNF: Skilled nursing facility
-LTC: Long-term Care Facility
A patient who needs daily services and help with mobility but is not dependent would need a _______ facility?
A patient who is mostly independent but needs some assistance and help 1x/week would need a
A long term care facility provide constant ____________ and nursing services ___________.
T or F:
A CCRC requires a life long contract to live at?
TRUE: (4 types)
This type of contract bills ALL services?
a) Extensive
b) Continuing Care Contract
c) Rental Agreement
d) Fee for Health Services
What is the most expensive type of contract? why?
a) Extensive
b) Continuing Care Contract
c) Rental Agreement
d) Fee for Health Services
A) because this provides unlimited long term nursing at little cost.
What are the PT roles in LTC decision making?
Principle #1
Principle #1: Physical therapists shall respect the
inherent dignity and rights of all individuals.
Principle #2:
Principle #2: Physical therapists shall be trustworthy
and compassionate in addressing the rights and
needs of patients/clients.
Principle #3
Principle #3: Physical therapists shall be accountable
for making sound professional judgments.
Principle #4
Principle #4: Physical therapists shall demonstrate
integrity in their relationships with patients/clients,
families, colleagues, students, research participants,
other health care providers, employers,
payers, and the public.
Principle #5
Principle #5: Physical therapists shall fulfill their
legal and professional obligations.
Principle #6
Principle #6: Physical therapists shall enhance their
expertise through the lifelong acquisition and
refinement of knowledge, skills, abilities, and
professional behaviors.
Principle #7
Principle #7: Physical therapists shall promote
organizational behaviors and business practices
that benefit patients/clients and society.
Principle #8
Principle #8: Physical therapists shall participate in
efforts to meet the health needs of people locally,
nationally, or globally.
RIPS stands for?
Individual Process
The _________________ realm is concerned with the good of the patient/client and focuses on rights, duties, relationships, and behaviors between individuals.
The ________________________ realm is concerned with the good of the organization and focuses on structures and systems that will facilitate organizational or institutional goals.
What does the SOCIETAL realm deal with?
The common good and is the most complex realm.
_______________ involves implementing the chose ethical action, including the development a plan and perseverance in the face of barriers and adversity.

a) Moral sensitivity
b) Moral judgment
c) Moral motivation
d) Moral courage
D) moral courage
What realm, Individual Process, and Situation would you there be for a PT taking gifts from a patient?
Realm: Individual
Individual Process: Moral Judgement
Situation: Ethical Dilemma
This situation is knowing the right course of action but you are not authorized to take it?
A dilemma is what?
When there are multiple courses of action which can be taken.
This situation involves a right and wrong, but you may benefit from the wrong.
What is Veracity?
-Lying on a document or bill
Moral judgement is the ability to decide?
Moral sensitivity is the ability to _______________ an ethical situation
Moral motivation is the ability to ___________________
Moral courage is the ability to ?
"do no harm" refers to?
-Non Maleficence
What are a couple of the right vs wrong test?
1. Legal test: Is it legal? Know your practice act and rules and regulations.
2. “PU” test: Does it feel or “smell” wrong?
3. Front page test: How would it look on the front page of the newspaper?
4. Mom/Dad Test: How would your parents feel if they knew what you were doing?
5. The professional ethics test: What do the Code of Ethics, Standards of Ethical Conduct say?
-individual, Institution, societal
-Moral sensitivity, judgement, motivation, courage
-problem, dilemma, distress, temptation, silence