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49 Cards in this Set

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The benefit our satisfaction that a person gets from the consumptionof goods and services

TOtal utility

The total benefit that a person gets from the consumption of goods and services

Marginal utility

Change In total utility that results from an one-unit increase in the quantity of a good consumed

Diminishing marginal utility

Decrease in marginal utility as the quantity of a good consumed increases

Consumer equilibrium

A situation in which the consumer has allocated all his/her available income on a way that, given the prices of goods and services, maximizes his/her total utility


How do you get the maximum attainable utility?

Have more of the higer mu/r good and les of the other

What happens when the price falls?

Good 1 moves down(along) the demand curve and good 2 shifts to the left

Good 1 is cheaper so you would buy more of it and less of its substitutes(good 2)

What happens when good 2's price increases?

The demand curve of good 1 shifts to the right and good 2 with move up along the curve

Good 2 becomes more costly so you will Buy less of it and more of its substitutes

What happens when there is a rise in income?

People will buy more of the normal good and less of the inferior good.

Marginal benefit

The maximum price a consumer is willing to pay for an extra unit of a good or service when utility is maximized


An institution that hires factpra of production and organizes those factors to produce and sell good and services

Opportunity cost

Highest value alternative forgone

Explicit costs

Paid in money

Implicit costs

Loss of opportunity In the use of the company's own resources

Normal profit

The return an entrepreneur can expect to receive on average

Economic profit

Total revenue minus total costs(explicit+implicit)


Time frame in which the quantity of at least one factor of production is fixed

Long run

Time frame in which the quantotoes of all factors of production can be varied

Sunk cost

The past expenditure on a factory that has no resale value

Short-run technology constraint

To increase output, increase quantity of labour

Total product

The maximum output that a given quantity of labour can produce

Marginal product

The increase in total product that results from an one-unit increase in the quantity of labour employed with all other inputs remaining the same

Average product of labour

The total product/ quantity of labour employed

Average product- how productive workers are on the average

Tpc attainable region below the curve

are inefficient coz they use more labour than necessary to produce a given output

How is marginal product measured on the tpc?

By the slope/gradient

Increasing marginal returns

The marginal product of an additional worker exceeds the marginal product of the previous worker

Diminishing marginal returns

Marginal product of an additional worker is less than the marginal product of the previous worker

Law of diminishing returns

As the firm uses more of a variable factor of production, with a given quantity of the fixed factor of production, the marginal product of the variable factor eventually diminishes

When is the average product the largest

When the average product and marginal product are equal

Total costs

The costs of all the factors of production it uses

Total fixed costs

The costs of the firm's fixed factors

Total variable cost

The cost of the firms variable factors

Margina cost

Increase in total cost that results from a one-unit Increase in output

Average fixed cost

Total fixed cost per unit of output

Average variable cost

Total variable cost per unit of output

Average total cost

Total cost per unit of output

2 things to remember

Because of the two opposing forces:

1. Spreading total fixed cost over a larger output

2. Eventual diminishing returns

Explain the relationship between technology and costs

As labour increase initially,mp and av. Product rise and mc and av.variable cost fall. At the point of maximum mp, mc is min. As labour increase further, marginal product diminishes and marginal cost increases, av. Product continues to rise and av.variable continues to fall. Then, at point of maximum av product, av variable cost increase


Increases labour(tvc) and decreases equipment(tfc)

Productivity increases, tfc, mpc, apc shifts upwards

Codts decrease, a/tc, a/vc, a/fc shifts upwards

Prices of factors of production

Fc increases,tfc, afc, tc shifts upwards

Vc increases, tvc, avc and mc shorts upwards

Diminishing returns

Occur at all four quantities of capital as the quantity of labour increase s

Marginal product of capital

Change in total product divided by the change when the quantity of labour is constant

Why is the sort run average total cost curve u shaped?

As the quantity of labour increases, it's marginal product at first increases and then diminishes

The economically efficient factory size for producing a given output is the one that has the...

Lowest average total cost

Long-run average cost curve

The relationship between the lowest attainable average total cost and output when both the factory size and labour are varied

Economies of scale

Are features of a firms technology that lead to falling long-run average cost as output increases

Percentage increase in output exceeds tge percentage increaee in all factors off production

Diseconomies of scale

Are features off a firms technology that lead to rising long-run average costs as output increases

The percentage increase in output is less than the percentage increase in all factors of production

Constant returns to scale

Are features in a firms technology that lead to constant long-run average cost as output increases

Percentage increase in output equals the percentage increase in all factors of production

Minimum efficient scale

The smallest quantity of output at which long-run average cost reachex its lowest level