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32 Cards in this Set

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3 phases of tooth movement?
1. Pre-eruptive
2. Eruptive
3. Post-eruptive
Successional tooth develops where in relation to primary tooth?
Successional tooth develops lingually
What is pre-eruptive movement?
Tooth movement prior to eruption
What causes pre-eruptive movement? (2)
1. Neighboring crowns (crowding)
2. Mandible & maxilla growth
Premolars develop where in relation to primary molars?
Develop lingual & drift inferiorly
During development permanent maxillary molars slant...?
During development permanent mandibular molars slant...?
When permanent molars erupt, erupt in which direction?
Vertically-- straight up
Why do permanent molars slant during developing?
Bone is too small, but growth prior to eruption allows them to come in straight
What allows PDL collagen fiber remodeling during eruption?
CT structure which is reminant of dental lamina?
Gubernacular cord
Gubernacular cord extends through small opening in bone known as?
Gubernacular canal
What is the purpose of the gubernacular cord?
To guide tooth as its erupting
Gubernacular canal is widened by what type of cell activity?
Osteoclast activity
Proposed causes of tooth eruption? (6)
1. Root formation
2. Hydrostatic pressure
3. Bone remodeling
4. Dental follicle
5. PDL
6. Ankylosis
What is eruptive tooth movement?
Tooth movement from root formation to occlusal contact
When tooth erupts toward oral cavity what happens to reduced enamel epithelium?
Reduced enamel epithelium fuses w/ oral epithelium
What halts eruption?
Occlusal contact
Purpose of post-eruptive tooth movement? (5)
1. Maintain tooth position
2. Accomodate for bone growth
3. Compensation for occlusal wear
4. Interproximal wear
5. Root completion
How long does it take for root completion in primary teeth?
1-1.5 years
How long does it take for root completion in permanent teeth?
2-3 years
What type of changes may occur when bone growth is accomodated for in post-eruptive tooth movement?
Bone deposition at alveolar crest & floor of bony socket --> push tooth upward
When do you get increase in cementum in apex of root?
Following post-eruptive tooth movement or causing tooth movement
Mixed dentition occurs between what ages?
6-12 years
Where are permanent anterior teeth located in relation to primary teeth during pirmary root resorpiton?
Lingual to primary anterior teeth
Where are permanent premolars located in relation to primary molars during primary root resorption?
Below primary molars
Which cells are responsible for primary root resorption ?
Odontoclasts (osteoclasts)
In order for primary tooth to be shed, what must happen? (2)
1. Primary tooth root must be resorbed
2. PDL fibers must be lost
What resorbs collagen fibers of PDL?
What stimulates osteoclastic activity stimulate resorption?
Pressure from successional tooth on primary root
Types of abnormal tooth movement? (3)
1. Premature eruption & shedding
2. Delayed eruption & shedding
3. Orthodontic
Delayed eruption & shedding can be due to? (3)
1. Eruption cysts
2. Crowding
3. Drift