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50 Cards in this Set

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Are most pregnancy's intended or unintended?
Intended 51%
What are the most effective contraceptive options?
The male/female sterilizaation, IUD, IUS, Implants -note most invasive
Male and female condoms, sponge, and diaphragm are considered most, very or moderately effective?
Moderately (3)
What is the difference between the scalpel technique and the no scalpel technique in male sterilization?
Scalpel: cut and ligate cauterize vas deferense. The no scalpel they puncture the scrotum to deliver vas deferens & ligate/cauterize
What must you teach your patients after under going male sterilization?
Need to go through multiple sperm count, 10 ejaculations, so they need a back up BC method.
What is the % of women under 30 who regret sterilization?
Traditional tubal occlusion consist of ligating, blocking w/clips or rings. What is the newer tubal occlusion consist of?
Micro inserts called Essure, placed into proximal fallopian tubes.
Mirena is an intrauterine system (IUS) that contains the hormone ____ ___mcg/day.
Levonorgesterel 20mcg/day. Only progesterone!
How long is Mirena approved for?
5 years
What is important to teach your patients about Mirena?
It has progesterone and it will stop ovulation, decreases endometrial lining, controls bleeding.
What must you do first before prescribing and administering Mirena (IUS) or any other IUS/IUD?
Screen for pregnancy!
What must you be concerned about with any IUS/IUD?
Infection-possibly STD's if pt has more than 1 partner.
How is infection caused by an IUS/IUD harmful for a pt?
It can scar the fallopian tubes and uterus.
What term is used when measuring the uterus?
When an IUS/IUD is used, what must you make certain of about the apparatus? lol
The strings are the appropriate length.
The copper IUD is approved for how long?
10 years
Can the copper IUD be used as emergency contraceptive?
During what time frame can you insert the IUD?
During your menstrual cycle.
Implanon, the implant, contains what hormone?
Etonogestrel-only progesterone
Implanon is effective for how long?
3 years
If a patient has multiple partners, which BC device is a good option?
Implanon (not touching it like the IUD)
BCP differ from the IUD and IUS because they contain what type of hormones?
Both estrogen and progesterone
Most newer formulations of BCP contain ___ -___ mcg of ethinyl estradiol +1 of 8 available progestins.
Why do combined BCP put you more at risk for a DVT than the IUD/IUS devices?
Becaue bcp contain estrogen, and estrogen can cause clotting
The mini pill differs from combined oral contraceptives in that the mini pill contains only?
Norethindrone and norgesterel are two ___ hormones found in the __ pill.
Progesterone hormones, found in the minipill
Whom would you not want to give estrogen to?
Patients with a hx of CV disease, breast ca, liver disorders, undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, DVT hx,
Would it be ok to give a DM or a pt with HTN estrogen?
Yes, just not someone with vascular disease
Pts that have a contraindication to estrogen and progesterone in combo can be given what instead?
Depo provera is an IM or SQ IJ that is good for how long?
3 months
What is an advantage to depo-provera?
Pt's can breast feed after 6 weeks
Name some disadvantages to the shot.
1. longest time to resume ovulation, 2. weight gain! 3. 1st 6 moths spotting may occur. 4. DECREASE BONE DENSITY!
The transdermal patch, Ortho Evra contains what hormones and good for how long?
progesterone and estrogen, good once a week for 3 weeks, and then peel off and have a period.
When do you insert the Nuva ring? Considered ___ effective.
On the 5th day of cycle. Very effective
Condoms are considered ___ effective
What is "Reality"?
The female condom
How long do you leave the sponge in for?
6 hours
How long can sperm live in the vagina? How long in the uterus?
4 hours
72 hours
The diaphragm must be used with what?
A spermicide
What needs to happen for the diaphragm to feel comfortable?
It needs to be fitted.
The FemCap is considered to be an ___ method of BC method.
The FemCap is most effective in whom?
How long can you leave the fem cap in for?
24 hours
What is the advantage to the extended hormonal contraception?
It delays or eliminates menstruation
What is the quick start method?
Starting the contraceptive in the presence of clinician on the day of visit regardless of time in cycle.
During the quick start visit, what must you teach your pt about?
Use a back up
What is emergency contraception?
Is emergency contraception the same as the abortion pill?
What emergency contraceptive is available over the counter and for those over 18?
Plan B
How long after sex is the emergency contraception ok to take?