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10 Cards in this Set

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Intro to Existentialism

- Individual is focal point of existentialism

- Existence precedes essence, which we choose

- Sartre disliked psychoanalysis, strips us of our responsibility, bad faith

- Sartre - we choose our passions as much as anything else

- Morality of acting in accordance with our freedom (almost deonotological?)

Sartre and Human Consciousness

- In-itself vs. for-itself, lack of coincidence between consciousness and expression thereof

- Gap between subject/object devoid of meaning, we can create this

- Disharmony between object/subject pushes our desire to be God and reconcile this difference (doomed to failure but process stops encrustation)

Existentialism and Humanism

- Optimistic: "what is alarming...is...that it confronts man with a possibility of choice"

- Choosing one's values necessarily involves believing those values should be held by all men (humanism aspect)

- No love except the deeds of love

- Reproaches "man as an end in itself" humanism, man is still being determined and no judgement should be pronounced on him

Sartre and Literature

- Criticised structuralism; implies determnism in that culture is what creates link between signified and signifier

- Authentic writing - language as tool to create meaning, not to point at meaning/phonetics

- Literary criticism should not have death of author (bad faith)

- Ambiguity of Sartre's characters allows reader to create meaning through their own interpretation

Huis Clos

- Random objects emphasise meaninglessness and nausea of object world

- Identifying with characters questions reader's own project

- Like Zola, Sartre kills the hero to concentrate attention on sincerity of characters

- Setting questions characters' protestations as to who they are, actions are judged

What is Literature?

- Poetry refuses to utilise language

- The writer should ask themselves what would happen if everyone read their work

- Literary critics don't want to live in the real world

- Reading is experiencing our freedom, and in turn recognizing the freedom of others

- Writing enables self-reflection upon one's values, makes them free

Camus and L'Etranger

- Embracing absurd is precondition of life, not end of it

- Rebellion as contrast to totalitarian, sure-of-itself ideology

- L'Et's emphasis on nature - dense integrity of things compared to man

- Estrangement from the world is inevitable for all humanity

Sartre and Camus - Links

- Shared experience of war as civilian, unable to practice self-assertion through violence

- No Exit and Meursault's prison symbolic of fact that life always lived in incarceration

- Sartre thinks death renders intrinsic values impossible, Camus lives more in present

- Proust - recapturing past, Sartre - building future, Camus - living in the present

Freudian Theory

- Oedipus Complex and Unconscious are key

- Unconscious holds content unacceptable to the conscious/not organised around social reality

- Consciousness is a narrative, and an outcome of repression

-Neurosis/psychosis incorporated into social meaning

Civilisation and Its Discontents

- Ego (social/repressed), Id (presocial, unrepressed)

- Childhood - ego is everything, no contrast between self and external world

- Happiness is a problem of the economics of the libido in each individual, no one recipe

- Libido must be channeled into civilisation

- Civilisation, exchanging happiness for security

- Ethics as cultural super-ego

Freudian Theory and Sexual Development

- Father symbolises social law, becomes first symbol of repression (blocks access to mother)

- Castration Complex & Penis Envy

- Every developmental process contains seed of a pathological disposition (whether inhibited, delayed, or running its course incompletely)

Science and Psychoanalysis

- Unconscious: structure of connections between ideas and concepts and semantics is not binary but intersectional and deeply personal

- Conscious backwards-rationalises unconscious desires/motivations (Lear)

- Popper: not falsifiable, but Freud modified theories in light of empirical evidence? But used post hoc explanations
Liberal Feminism

- Liberals may not tolerate the state helping women to pursue their projects

- McElroy's ifeminism: grassroots activism, radical heritage

- Liberating industrial revolution, class analysis in terms of violence vs. peaceful

- Butler decision (Strossen) harms, if system is patriarchal why hand over more power?

Anglo-American Feminism

- Liberal feminism ignores socialisation issues

- Focus upon textual criticism (women's canon) - Millet/Moers/Showalter

- Moi criticises AAF's attempt to create separate canon rather than looking at sexual difference on textual and institutional level


- Habermas, continuation of modernism, rationalism/empiricism/emancipation of individual

- Adorno/Horkheimer, dialectic of Enlightenment is madness (instrumental reason dominates, becoming irrational)

- Lyotard - incredulity towards metanarratives, anti-teleological, pragmatist epistemology, reconsidering narratives in terms of power

- Against binarism, the transcendental signified is absent

Postmodernism II (Meynell)

- Foucault commends Montaigne (ignoring unreasonableness is against reason

- Derrida criticises Foucault because F's evidence communicates meaning through reason

- Derrida cannot criticise reason generally, must focus upon specific manifestations

- Cure for bad binarisms is more reason, not abdication of it

- Questioning hierarchies is valid but some must be good

Postmodernism III (Meynell)

- Lyotard: scientific knowledge communicated through non-scientific narrative

- Language-games: inventing new language games, new moves in old ones, competition between them is based on aesthetics

- Scientific narrative erodes tradition (but not always?!)

- Rorty: anti-representationalism, we cannot reflect nature in the mind, but this renders his own arguments without weight

Third-Wave Feminism

- Are gender categories even real?

- Discussion is particular to personal associations

- Abstract political agency (inert textual criticism?)

- Lacan unlike Freud views child's subjectivity as fragmentary

The Yellow Wallpaper

- Context of hysteria

- LibFem - narrator denied equal rights, involvement in public life

- Radfen - discourse damaging to women, male cartesian rationality not intersubjective phenomenology

- 3rdWFem - multiple interpretations, not one key narrative, identity as plural/performative/intersectional
