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10 Cards in this Set

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what are the four types of tissues

Epithelial, Connective, Muscular and Nervous

Explain epithelial tissue & characteristics

Covering or lining tissue, e.g mouth lining, skin, inner and outer lining of heart,

characteristics: smooth surface because cells that make it up are very close together (can b cube or column shaped)

Explain connective tissue & characteristics

Provides support for body and helps to hold all body parts together e.g ligaments and tendons, bone, cartilage, fat storage tissue

characteristics: separated by non cellular material called matrix

Explain muscular tissue & characteristics

Made of long & thin muscle fibres, can respond to stimulus by contracting etc

e.g heart muscle, iris, skeletal muscle attached to bone

Describe the 3 types of muscular tissue

Skeletal (voluntary): muscles attached to bones eg.muscles in arms and legs

Involuntary(can't contract voluntary) uterus, walls of blood vessels, iris

Cardiac: (heart muscle) makes up the heart

Explain nervous tissue & characteristics

made up of neurons e.g spinal cord, nerves, the brain

What is the order of how things are structured in the body?

Cells > Tissue > Organs > Systems

What is cellular metabolism

All the biochemical reactions taking place in an organisms cells. Requires enzymes to occur

What are the two types of metabolism?

Catabolism(breaking down molecules & releasing energy) and Anabolism (building molecules, using energy)

What are the 5 necessary nutrients needed for providing energy, building/repairing tissue and regulating metabolic systems?

proteins (building muscle) carbs (energy) lipids (xtra energy) water (everything occurs in state) & minerals and vitamins(regulate body processes)