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114 Cards in this Set

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tissues are the ____ form of teamwork in the body
what are the four major type of tissues in the body?
1. Epithelial
2. Connective
3. Muscular
4. Nervous
the study of tissues is called what?
_____ ____ is widespread throughout the body, covers organs, and lines the body surface
epithelial tissues
What are some characteristics of epithelial cells?
they are anchored to a basement membrane, are made up of tightly packed cells containing little intercellular material, generally lack blood cells, and are replaced frequently
What is the function of epithelial cells?
for protection, secretion, absorption, excretion, and sensory reception.
epithelial cells make up to what percentage of body weight?
what makes epithelial cells different from the rest?
1. Dont move (unlike muscle)
2. Don't send messages (unlike nervous tissue)
3. Their cells touch one another (unlike connective)
what are the three shapes of epithelial cells?
1. squamous (remember being squashed like a pancake)
2. cuboidal (shaped like a cube)
3. columnar (shaped like a column)
shape of epithelial cells is not enough, cells of same shape have different organization known as ____ and _____
Further division in epithelial tissues of stratified is seen, what are they?
ciliated and unciliated
_____ _____ _____ is made up of a single layer of thin, flattened cells
simple squamous epithelium
what is the function of simple squamous epithelial tissue?
for diffusion, thus functions in the exchange of gases in the lungs and lines blood and lymph vessels as well as body cavities
_____ _____ ____ consists of a single layer of cube-shaped cells with centrally located nuclei
simple cuboidal epithelium
what are the functions of simple cuboidal epithelial?
functions in secretion and absorption in the kidneys, and in secretion in glands.
____ _____ ___ is made up of a row of elongated cells whose nuclei are located near the basement membrane. It may be ciliated
simple columnar epithelium
what are the functions of simple columnar epithelial?
lines the uterus, stomach, and intestines. It protects underlying tissues, secretes digestive fluids, and absorbs nutrients.
_____ ______ _____ cells appear layered due to the varying positions of their nuclei within the row of cells, but are truly layered
pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium
_____ ______ ____ is made up of layers of flattened cells that are designed to protect underlying layers
stratified squamous epithelium
where is stratified squamous epithelial located?
it make up the outer layer of skin, and lines the mouth, throat, vagina, and anal canal (OUTSIDE)
In the skin, outer layers of cells undergo _______; however, this process does not occur where tissues remain moist in the throat, vagina, or anal canal
_____ ______ _____ tissues consists of two to three layers of cuboidal cells lining a lumen of the mammary glands, sweat glands, salivary glands, and pancreas
stratified cuboidal epithelium
what is the function of stratified cuboidal epithelial?
the several layers function to provide greater protection than one single layer
_____ _____ ____ tissue consists of several layers of cells and is found in the vas deferns, part of the male urethra and parts of the pharynx
stratified columnar epithelum
_____ _____ is designed to distend and return to its normal size, as it does in the lining of the urinary bladder
transitional epithelium
what is the function of transitional epithelium?
designed to provide distensibility and keeps urine from diffusing back into the internal cavity.
_____ _____ is tissue made up of cells designed to produce and secrete substances into ducts or into body fluids.
glandular epithelium
what are the functions of glandular epithelium?
it secretes products into ducts which are EXOCRINE: those that secrete body fluids and ENDOCRINE: those that secrete blood
how are glands classified?
by the way they secrete their products
_____ glands release fluid products by exocytosis (pancreas_ and are grouped as serous which produce a water fluid or mucus which produce a thicker, protective substance
_____ glands lose portions of their cell bodies during secretion (mammary glands)
______ glands release entire cells- rapid mitosis (sebaceous glands)
Merocrine examples
mucus, sweat, tears
Apocrine examples
milk, axillary sweat
Holocrine examples
sebaceous (oil) fluid
What are the functions of Connective Tissue?
Bind, Support, Protect, serve as frameworks, fill spaces, store fat, produce blood cells, protect against infection, and repair tissue damage
What are the unique characteristics of connective tissue?
Unlike epithelial cells, they have an abundant matrix, or intracellular material, throughout, and have good blood supply (expect cartilage)
What are the three major cell types of connective tissue?
Fibroblast, Macropages, Mast Cells
_____ is the most common cell type of connective tissue, and is fixed, star-shaped cell that secretes fibers and is large in size
wandering ______ function as scavenger cells and defend against infection
____ ___ are large and are located near blood vessels where they release Heparin (anticoagulant) and Histamine (promotes inflammation)
Mast Cells
what are the three connective tissue fibers?
1. collagenous
2. Elastic Fibers
3. Reticular Fibers
Strong ____ ____ are made of the protein collagen, add stength for holding body parts together. Tendons and Ligaments
Collagenous Fibers
what color are collagenous fibers?
What do tendons hold together?
muscle to bone
What do ligaments hold together?
bone to bone
____ _____ are made of elastin, are stretchy and add flexibility to certain connective tissues
elastic fibers
what color are elastic fibers?
where are elastic fibers located?
in your ear-bones, larynx
______ _____ are thin collagenous fibers from supportive networks in a variety of tissues.
Reticular Fibers
where are reticular fibers located?
lymph nodes, spleen, stroma (mattress of bed)
Connective Tissues make up how much percentage of your body weight?
true or false, connective tissues do not touch each other, they touch other tissues
blood is a ______ _____ that connects all the body system ______
connective tissue, together
_____ _____ ___ forms delicate, thin membranes throughout the body that bind body parts together such as skin and underlying organs
Loose Connective Tissue
loose connective tissue are also known as?
areolar (open spaces)
what is the universal packing material of the body?
loose connective (areolar) tissue
in loose connective tissue the majority of the cells are _____ that are separated by a gel-like substance that contains _____ and _____ fibers.
fibroblast, collagenous and elastic
____ ____ is loose connective tissue designed to store fate
adipose tissue
where is adipose tissue found?
found beneath the skin, around joints, passing the kidneys, and in certain abdominal regions
what is the function of adipose tissue?
reserved energy supply, insults our joints, cushions
what are white adipose tissue?
they are broken down for nutrients
what are brown adipose tissue?
fuel lipids for energy to produce ATP for body heat in infants who cannot produce it
what is the normal fat of an average body?
adipose cells are highly _____, meaning metabolically active
how many fat cells are in our body?
40-50 million and always the same number throughout life span.
_____ _____ ___ consists of densely packed collagenous fibers and is very strong but lacks a good blood supply
dense connective tissue
what is the difference between dense regular and irregular connective tissue?
Regular- nuclei are fairly parallel to each other

Irregular- nuclei all over, fibrous each way
dense connective tissue are what type of fiber?
what are the dense regular connective tissue used for?
resting and pulling, one plane
what are dense irregular connective tissue used?
to resist forces every direction, great for shoulder capsule
____ is a _____ ____ ____ that provides supportive framework for various structures. It lacks a vascular system and heals slowly (sprains)
Cartilage, Rigid Connective Tissue
____ making cartilage
____ cells (chondrocytes) that lie within lacunae in the gel-like fluid matrix
_____ (mature) helping in feeding nutrients to what is being built
what are the three types of cartilage in connective tissue?
1. Hyaline
2. Elastic
3. Fibrocartilage
the most common _____ _____, is what abundant fine collagen fibers, is found at the ends of bones and supports respiratory passages
hyaline cartilage
where is hyaline cartilage found?
Found at the ends of bones, ribs toy your sternum, rings on your trachea
What cartilage is very resistant and has lots of water?
what percent of cartilage in the body is hyaline?
____ _____, with elastic fibers provides a framework for the external ears and parts of the larynx
Elastic Cartilage
______, with many collagenous fibers, is tough tissue that provides a shock-absorbing function in intervertebral disks and in the knees and pelvic girdle
____ is the most rigid connective tissue, with deposits of mineral salts and collagen within the matrix
what does the bone support/function?
the body, protects, forms muscle attachments, and is the site for blood cell formation
where is the site for blood cell formation?
what are bone cells called?
why is it easier to recover from a breaking a bone than a sprain?
because bone has a good blood supply which results in faster recovery, unlike a sprain is collagen with a low supple of blood cells
____ is composed of cells (red and white) suspended to a liquid matrix (non-living) called ____
blood, plasma
what are the general characteristics of muscle tissues?
muscle cells, or fibers, con contract and consist of three major types
what are the three major type of muscle tissue?
1. Skeletal
2. Smooth
3. Cardiac
_____ _____ ____ is a muscle tissue attached to bone
skeletal muscle tissue
is skeletal muscle voluntary or involuntary?
what are the characteristics of skeletal muscle tissue
the cells (muscle fibers) are long and cylindrical, striated (actin and myosin), have many nuclei and contract from nervous impulses
what muscle tissue is responsible for the movement of bone?
_____ _____ _____ is a muscle tissue that lacks striations, is unnucleated, and consists of spindle-shaped cells
smooth muscle tissue
where is smooth muscle tissue located?
lines internal organs, urinary bladder, digestive tract
is smooth muscle voluntary or involuntary?
_____ _____ ____ is muscle tissue found only in the heart
cardiac muscle tissue
What does cardiac muscle tissue consists of?
consists of branching fibers that are connected to each other with intercalated disks
what muscle cells helps moves electrical impulses so muscles contract when they are suppose to?
Muscle tissue make up what percentage of our body weight?
is cardiac muscle tissue voluntary or involuntary?
what is the difference between striated and smooth muscle cells?
the arrangement! in striated is so heavily organized that its contraction are much faster and stronger than that of smooth muscle
where are nervous tissue found?
in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
what is another name for nerve cells?
what do neuron do?
they conduct nervous impulses
what are the helper cells of a neuron?
what is the function of neuroglia?
to support and nourish the neurons
Nervous Tissue make up what percentage of our body weight?
Nervous tissue are responsible for conduction of chemical impulses through ______ and _____ membranes
polarizing and depolarizing
what is the major work force for nervous tissue? They are what you think about when you think about the brain
neurons have _____ to carry impulses to the cell body and _____ to carry impulses away from the cell body
dentrites, axons
true or false neurons transmit in several directions?
false, they transmit in only ONE direction
what are some other functions of neuroglia?
provide nutrition and clean up the tissues by phagocytosis