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46 Cards in this Set

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The function of Epithelial Tissue

Protection, absorbtion, filteration, excretion, secretion, and sensory receptors.

What is Apical - Basal Polarity

Is related to epithelial tissues when they have both a basal and apical surface.

What is the job of cilila

Propel Substances

Basal Lamina

Sheet between the connective tissue and the epithelial tissues. it filers molecules coming from the connective tissue and is a site for Epithelial reapir.

Lateral Contacts

Except for glandualar: They are tight junctions and demosomes that bind cells at many point. Helps to keep apical cells from decending into the basal layer.

Basement Membrane

Just under the basal cell layer. made of Basal lamina and reticular lamina a connective tissue. Helps resist streching and tearing.

Avascular but Innervated

Avascular- No blood supply

Innervated- Supplied by nerve fibers

It is nurished by diffusion from the connective tissue underneath.

What Causes Regeneration in Epitheleal.

The apical- basal polarity and lateral contacts are destroyed. Epithelial cell reproduce rapidly

Simple cells

One layer of cell type


Two or more layer of a cell type


Are boxlike Cells


Tall and skin (column like) cell type

Simple Squamous Epithelial

One layer and flat cells. Used in places of diffusion and filteration such as in the lungs


Flat cell type

Simple cubodial Epithelial

One layer of cubelike cell. Used to secerte and absorb the in the kidney tubuals

Simple columnar Epithelial

One layer of colum like cells they absorb and secrete mucus in the digective track.

Pseudostratifed Columnar Epithelial

One layer of column like cells but is a "false' layer because the cells stop and end at random levels in the single layer. Has cillia on the surface and may have goblet cells. It secretes muscus and propels objects like in the trachea.

Stratifed Squamous Epithelial

Multiple layer os flat cells. Protects the body and gives it boundaries. Such as the layers of skin.

Transitional Epithelial

Several layers of cells. the apical surface are dome shaped and basal cells are cubodial or columnar. Allows for streching like for the urinary bladder.

Glandualr Epithelial; EXOCRINE

Unicellular, Secretes onto the skin surface or into body cavities. Muscus, sweat, oil and saliva. Also bile and enzymes.

Glandular Epithelial; ENDOCRINE

Multicellular, ductless glands because they eventually loos them. They produce hormones. They are strutually diverse, everyone is different.

Structual Elements of connective tissue

Ground substance: Plasma material

connective fibers:Collagen, elastic and reticular

connective cells: Mature (cytes) and inmatures (balst); Tissue is fibroblast, cartlidge is chondroblast and bone is osteoblast

Fat cells

Store nutrience

White blood cells

Tissue injury responds

Mast Cells

Detect Microrganisims them initiate an inflammatory responds.


Eat forgein material and dead tissue cells. Centeral actors for the immune system.

Areloar: Loose Connective

Contains elastic and collagen fiber, has fibroblast and groud substance. it wraps and cushions organs under the epithilium

Adipose: loose connective

Has sparse matrix. fat cells with small nuclei. Used to insulat the body.

Reticular: loose connective

Branching fibers in a gel substance and reticular cells. Used for interal structure of organs such as the spleen. (APPLE TREE)

Dense Regualr

Parallel collagen fibers and few elastic. major cell type are fibroblast. this attaches to muscle to bone. ligaments and tendons.

Dense Irregular

Randomly arrandged collagen fibers, fibroblast cell type. Found in joint capsules.

Dense Elastic

High majority of elastic fibers allows for recoil after streching like in walls of large arteries.

Hyaline Cartlidge

Firm matrix, collagen forms a network. Chondrocyte cell type. It supports and reinfores found at ends of long bones.

Elastic cartlidge

has elastic fibers in matrix, chondroblast cell type, strengths and reinforces found in the outer ear.


Thick collagen fibers. tensle stregth allows for compression shock like interverbal discs

Osseus Tissue

Bone tissue hard and calcified. contaisn many collagen fibers, osteocytes lie in lacunae rings. Protects and supports organs and muscles.


Red and white cells in fluid matrix. Transports respitory gases, nutriences and waste.

Skeletal Muscle

Long, cyndrial, multicellualr with obvisous stridations. Used for voluntray movement and attaches to bone.

Cardiac Muscle

Branching, striated, unicellualar intergrated at intercalcted discs (joints). Contratcs and propels blood in the circulatory systems.

Smooth Muscle

Spindle shaped cells with centeral nucleous. forms sheets. it propels objects thrugh a track such as the digective track.

Nervous Tissue

Branching cells called neurons. contains nonexcted supporting cells. transmits electrical signals to the brain.

Cutanious Membranes

Dry membranes

Serous Membranes

Wet membranes

Tissue Repair Step 1

1. inflammation

Loccal blood vessels become more permeable. clotting occurs on surface.

Tissue Reapir Step 2

2. Restores blood supply

Clot is replaced with granulation tissue. restores the vascular supply. collagen bridges the gap of the injury. macrophages devour dead tissue.

Tissue Repair Step three

3. Regeneration

Fibrosed area matures. epithelial thickens, fully regenerated skin with scar tissue underneath.