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116 Cards in this Set

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What is a tissue

Groups of cells with similar structure and function

How many kinds of connective tissue are there? (Level 1)


What are the 4 kinds of connective tissue (level 1)

Proper, bone, cartilage, liquid

How many kinds of proper connective tissue are there? (Level 2)


What are the 2 kinds of proper connective tissue? (Level 2)

Loose and dense

How many kinds of loose, proper connective tissue are there? (Level 3)


What are the 3 kinds of loose, proper connective tissue are there? (Level 3)

Reticulum, adipose, areolar

What is this kind of tissue

Areolar, a loose, proper connective tissue

How would you describe this areolar, dense, proper tissue

Gel-like matrix with all three fiber types (collagen, elastic, reticular) and fibroblasts, macrophages, mast cells, and some white blood cells

What is the function of the areolar, loose, proper connective tissue?

Cushions organs, important role in inflammation, holds loose tissue fluid

What is the location of areolar, dense, proper connective tissue

Under epithelia (forms lamina propria), packages organs, surrounds capillaries

What is this kind of tissue

Adipose, a dense, proper connective tissue

Is there a lot of matrix in the adipose, loose, proper tissue?

No, there is little matrix because of the closely packed fat cells(adipocytes)

What is the function of adipose, loose, proper tissue?

Provides reserve food fuel, insulates, supports and protects organs

What is the location of adipose, loose, proper tissue

Under skin, around kidneys and eyes, in abdomen, and breasts

What is this kind of tissue

Reticular, a loose, proper tissue

How would you describe a reticular, loose, proper tissue

Loose network of reticular fibers in a matrix, with lymphocytes floating through

What is the function of a reticular, loose, proper tissue

These reticular fibers form a soft skeleton that supports other cell types (white blood cells/lymphocytes, mast, and macrophages)

What is the location of reticular, loose, proper tissue

Lymph organs

What is this kind of tissue

Regular, a dense, proper tissue

How would you describe regular, dense, proper tissue

Parallel collagen fibers, some elastic fibers, and the main cell type is fibroblasts

What is the function of regular, dense, proper tissue?

Attaches muscles to bone or other muscles, can handle great stress if pulls in one direction

What is the location of regular, dense, proper tissue

Tendons, most ligaments, aponeuroses

What is this kind of tissue

Irregular, dense, proper tissue

How would you describe irregular, dense, proper tissue

Collagen fibers, some elastic fibers, with fibroblasts as the major cell type

What is the function of dense, irregular, proper tissue

Withstands tension from many directions, structural strength

What is the location of irregular, dense, proper tissue?

Fibrous capsules, dermis, submucosa of the digestive tract

What kind of tissue is this

Hyaline, a cartilage tissue

How would you describe hyaline cartilage

Amorphous, firm matrix, collagen fibers, chondroblasts produce the matrix

What is the function of hyaline cartilage

Supports and reinforces, resilient cushion

What is the location of hyaline cartilage

Embryonic skeleton, covers long bones in joint cavities, costal cartilage, cartilage in nose, trachea, and larynx

Where are the chondrocytes located in hyaline cartilage

The lacuna

What fiber network is almost invisible in hyaline cartilage


What kind of tissue is this

Elastic cartilage

How would you describe elastic cartilage

Similar to hyaline but more elastic fibers in the matrix

What is the function of elastic cartilage

Maintains shape of structure but with great flexibility

What is the location of elastic cartilage

External ear, epiglottis

What are two defining characteristics of elastic cartilage

Has more chondrocytes and elastic fibers can be seen under a microscope

What is this kind of tissue


How would you describe fibrocartilage

Matrix similar to hyaline, but less firm, predominate collagen fibers

What is the function of fibrocartilage

Absorption of comprehensive shock

What is the location of fibrocartilage

Intervertebral discs, pubic symphysis, discs of knee joint

What is the order (from least to most) in terms of the amount of collagen fibers in cartilage?

Hyaline, elastic, fibrocartilage

What is the defining characteristic of fibrocartilage

Prominent collagen fibers

What kind of tissue is this

Compact bone

How would you describe compact bone

Calcified matrix with many collagen fibers, osteocytes lie in lacunae, well vascularized

What is the function of compact bones

Supports and protects, stores calcium and other minerals, core used in lymphocyte formation

What is this kind of tissue


What is the matrix in blood called


Where is blood hopefully located

Within blood vessels

What is this kind of tissue

Skeletal muscle

Is skeletal muscle tissue a kind of connective tissue


How would you describe skeletal muscle tissue

Long, cylindrical, multinuclear cells, obvious striations

What is the function of skeletal muscle tissue

Voluntary movement

What is this kind of tissue

Cardiac muscle tissue

How would you describe cardiac muscle tissue

Branching, striated, typically uninucleate, connect at specified junctions (intercalated discs)

What is the function of cardiac muscle

Contracts to propel blood into circulation

What is this kind of tissue

Smooth muscle tissue

What is another view of smooth muscle tissue

What is the function of smooth muscle tissue

Propels substances along internal passageways

What is the location of smooth muscle tissue

In the walls of hollow organs (intestines)

What is this tissue

Nervous tissue

What are the three kinds of muscle tissues

Smooth, cardiac, skeletal muscle

How would you describe nervous tissue

Branching cells that extend their neural processes (axon), and dendrites to other neural cells

What is another view of neural cells

What is the location of neural cells

Brain, spinal cord, and nerves

What are 3 characteristic of proper connective tissue

Binding tissue, reservoir for salts and water, adipose storage

What are 4 types of cells in proper connective tissue

Fibroblasts, fibrocytes, defense cells, adipocytes

What are 2 types of cells in cartilage

Chondroblasts and chondrocytes

What are 2 defining characteristics of cartilage

Resists compression because of the amount of water held in matrix, acts as a cusion

What are 2 types of cells in bones

Osteoblasts and osteocytes

What kind of fibers are contained in bone tissue


What is the matrix of bone tissue calcified with

Inorganic salts

What is the only tissue without fibers


What is this kind of epithelial cell

Simple squamous

What is a description of a simple squamous epitheium

Single layer of squamous (disc shaped with central nuclei)

What is the function of simple squamous epithelial tissue

Allows material to pass through by diffusion and filtration, secretes lubricating substances, not uses in places where protection is important

What is the location of simple squamous tissue

Kidneys, air sacs of lungs, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, lining of ventral body cavity

What is another view of simple squamous tissue

What is this kind of epithelial tissue

Simple cuboidal

What is the function of simple cuboidal epithelium

Secretion and absorption

What is the location of simple cuboidal epithelium

Kidney tubules, ducts of small glands, ovary surface

What is another view of simple cuboidal epithelium

What is this type of epithelial tissue

Simple columnar

What is the function of simple columnar epithelium

Absorption, secretion of mucus, enzymes, and other substances, ciliated type can propel mucus by cillia

What is the location of simple columnar epithelium

Noncilliated: digestive tract, gallbladder, excretory ducts of some glands.

Ciliated: small bronchi, uterine tubes, some regions of the uterus

What is another view of simple columnar epithelium

What is this kind of epithelial tissue

Psudostratified columnar

How would you describe Psudostratified epithelial tissue

A single layer of cells with differing heights that make it look like multiple layers (stratified), may contain cilla

What is the function of Psudostratified columnar epithelial tissue

Secretes mucus, propels mucus by ciliary action

What is the location of Psudostratified columnar epithelium

Noncilliated in males: in sperm carrying ducts and in large glands,

Ciliated: lining of the trachea, most of the upper respiratory track

What is another view of Psudostratified columnar epithelial tissue

How many different types of tissues are there?


What are the 4 types of tissues

Connective, epithelial, muscle, nerve

What are 2 types of epithelial tissue

Covering/lining (on ext and internal surfaces) and glandular (secretory in glands)

How many characteristics are there of epithelial cells


What are the 4 epithelial tissue characteristics

1) apical (upper, free) and basal (lower, attached) surfaces.

2) cells are closely packed.

3) avascular (lack of blood vessels)

4) high rate of regeneration

What does apical mean

Upper, free area of a epithelial tissue. May contain microvilli

What does basal mean

The lower, attached surface on an epithelial tissue

How are epithelial cells able to be so tightly compact

Desmosomes and tight junctions

What does avascular mean

Lacking in vesicles or blood flow, happens in epithelial tissue

What is this kind of epithelial tissue


What kind of epithelial tissue is this


What kind of epithelial tissue is this


What kind of epithelial tissue is this


What kind of epithelial tissue is this


What is this kind of epithelial tissue

Stratified squamous epithilium

How would you describe the basal surface of stratified squamous epithilium

Basal: cuboidal or columnar, metabolically active

What is the function of stratified squamous epithelial tissue

Protects underlying tissues that are subjected to abrasion

What is the location of stratified squamous epithelial tissue

Nonkaritinized: moist linings of esophagus, mouth, and vagina.

Karitinized: dry membranes of the epidermis

What is this kind of epithelial tissue

Transitional epithelium

Describe transitional epithelium

Basal cells are cuboidal or columnar, and apical cells are squamous like

What is the function of transitional epithelial cels

Stretchy so it can store urine

What is the location of transitional epithelium

Lines ureters, bladder, and part of the urethra

What is another view of transitional epithelium

What is the lacuna in a compact bone tissue

The matrix between the lamellae in an osteon