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200 Cards in this Set

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v. 发行 【同】release
On Nov.21, Free as a Bird will be issued as part of The Beatles Anthology Volume 1.
v. 证明……为合理
According to a White House source, the Clinton Administration doesn’t feel the changes in Cuba have been substantial enough to justify a diplomatic rapprochement…
█ rapprochement n. 建交或复交A rapprochement is an increase in friendliness between two countries, groups, or people, especially after a period of unfriendliness. (FORMAL)
v. 1. 发动,展开(攻击等);2. 发售,推出(新产品) 【同】1. start
Democrats too have launched a guerrilla operation to snag women in this presidential election.
█ snag v. (口语)抓取
A guerrilla is someone who fights as part of an unofficial army, usually against an official army or police force.
课征If a government or organization levies a tax or other sum of money, it demands it from people or organizations.
Talabani claims Barzani is pocketing cash from customs fees the Kurds levy on the 10,000 bbl. of diesel fuel Iraq secretly ships through Kurd territory to Turkey every day.
If you say that someone pockets something such as a prize or sum of money, you mean that they win or obtain it, often without needing to make much effort or in a way that seems unfair. (JOURNALISM)
v. 撤除,解除
It is an article of faith in Havana that if only Washington would lift the 33-year-old trade embargo, a vast infusion of American cash would rescue Cuba’s economy.
█ an article of faith 信条If something is an article of faith for a person or group, they believe in it totally.;embargo v. 禁运If one country or group of countries imposes an embargo against another, it forbids trade with that country.;infusion n. 注入If there is an infusion of one thing into another, the first thing is added to the other thing and makes it stronger or better. (FORMAL)
v. 坚称 【同】claim
If you say that someone maintains that something is true, you mean that they have stated their opinion strongly but not everyone agrees with them or believes them.
The key to success, Akimoto and other cable executive maintain, is to provide customers with local telephone service practically free of charge, a come-on that has worked well for cable companies in Britain.
█ come-on n. 招揽顾客的方式
v. 合并
Viacom, Paramount’s preferred suitor, announced an agreement to merge with videorental giant Blockbuster Entertainment.
█ suitor n. 求婚者A suitor is a company or organization that wants to buy another company.
v. 召集 【同】summon gather
If you muster something such as support, strength, or energy, you gather as much of it as you can in order to do something.
But all he could muster on the House floor were 30 votes, mostly from congressional nobodies like himself.
If someone says that a person is a nobody, they are saying in an unkind way that the person is not at all important
v. 航行于,行进于
Once their link to the Net is established, viewers will, in theory, be able to navigate Websites with their trusty remotes as easily as they now surf TV channel.
v. 谈判;通过谈判达成,谈成
Veterans can negotiate their own contracts as free agents, while young players must accept what their team pays them as long as it meets the minimum salary.
You use veteran to refer to someone who has been involved in a particular activity for a long time.
v. 遵守,举行 【同】honor
After obtaining the three signatures required — from his own doctor, a cancer specialist and a psychiatrist – and observing the nine-day cooling-off period, Dent was free to choose the time of his own passing.
█ cooling-off period 做重大决定前用来冷却激情的一段时间A cooling-off period is an agreed period of time during which two sides with opposing views try to resolve a dispute before taking any serious action.
v. 使……愤慨If you are outraged by something, it makes you extremely shocked and angry.
Outraged cyberpurists responded by deluging Siegel and Canter with angry E-mail messages, following them with a steady stream of abuse as they fled from one electronic home to another.
█ abuse n. 辱骂,谩骂
If you flee from something or someone, or flee a person or thing, you escape from them. (WRITTEN)
If a place or person is deluged with things, a large number of them arrive or happen at the same time.
v. 翻修If a piece of equipment is overhauled, it is cleaned, checked thoroughly, and repaired if necessary.
Gore has also shouldered thankless but meaty tasks that give him something to attend to besides foreign funerals: reinventing government, overhauling telecommunications law, smoothing relations with Moscow.
█ shoulder v. 负起(责任),担任(工作)If you shoulder the responsibility or the blame for something, you accept it.;
thankless adj. 吃力不讨好的,有功无赏的If you describe a job or task as thankless, you mean that it is hard work and brings very few rewards.;
meaty adj. 角色吃重的,内容丰富的;s
moothe v. 使平滑,是顺利
v. 监督 If someone in authority oversees a job or an activity, they make sure that it is done properly.【同】supervise
“My emphasis now, ”says Anwar Ibrahim, the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister who is overseeing the financing for all the projects… ”is on the financial services and foreign media.”
v. 压倒 If you are overwhelmed by a feeling or event, it affects you very strongly, and you do not know how to deal with it.【同】overpower
And then came the death of Princess Di, the response to which was at once overwhelming and bewildering.
A bewildering thing or situation is very confusing and difficult to understand or to make a decision about.
v. (把……)视为If you perceive someone or something as doing or being a particular thing, it is your opinion that they do this thing or that they are that thing.
A major problem, say nutrition experts, is that most people perceive their diets as temporary restrictions imposed from outside.
v. 使……困扰,使……烦恼If you are plagued by unpleasant things, they continually cause you a lot of trouble or suffering.
Growing inventories have plague retailers too since they stocked up in anticipation of a strong Christmas season.
█ inventory n. 存货清单
If you stock up on something, you buy a lot of it, in case you cannot get it later.
v. 思索 If you ponder something, you think about it carefully.【同】contemplate reflect upon
During a break in filming Broken Arrow, …Woo casts his eye over the hundreds of technicians and ponders the contrasts in movie-making between Asia and America.
v. 造成,引起If something poses a problem or a danger, it is the cause of that problem or danger.
The new legislation poses huge problems for some states, such as California…
v. 保存 If you preserve something, you take action to save it or protect it from damage or decay.【同】conserve maintain 【反】destroy
Today, a handful of dedicated naturalists are giving time, money and even the occasional home mortgage to help preserve a different kind of horse --- the seahorse.
A handful of people or things is a small number of them.
v. 胜过,占优势If a proposal, principle, or opinion prevails, it gains influence or is accepted, often after a struggle or argument. 【同】triumph be victorious
Microsoft could still prevail, in court and in the market, but it will not escape unscathed.
unscathed adj. (肉体上、名誉上)未受伤的If you are unscathed after a dangerous experience, you have not been injured or harmed by it.
v. 1. 促进,鼓励If people promote something, they help or encourage it to happen, increase, or spread.;2. 促销,推销商品 【同】1. encourage 【反】1. discourage
In Bangkok he will promote the seven-member Association of South East Asian Nations, which Washington considers increasingly influential.
If you pursue an activity, interest, or plan, you carry it out or follow it. (FORMAL)
v. (继续)进行
Eventually, he dropped out of school to pursue his education in the online world --- the poor man’s university.
v. 推行,实行(计划、调查、研究) If you pursue a particular aim or result, you make efforts to achieve it, often over a long period of time. (FORMAL)【同】carry out
Another problem is that government officials often pursue self-serving agendas.
█ self-serving 自私的,利己的If you describe someone as self-serving, you are critical of them because they are only interested in what they can get for themselves.
v. 追求,追寻(目标等) 【同】strive for
Given our history, these are extremely hard tasks, and we are forced to pursue both goals at the same time.
v. 使……安心,再向……保证If you reassure someone, you say or do things to make them stop worrying about something.
He could see how anxious I was and he spent some of his last hour or two reassuring me, reminding me that this was an act of love and that I should see it as such.
v. 简化,减少,降低 【反】increase
IBM made a map of the world at one ten-trillionth scale from tiny blobs of gold, while Stanford scientists reduced the first page of A Tale of Two Cities 25000-fold.
A blob of thick or sticky liquid is a small, often round, amount of it. (INFORMAL)
v. 思索着说道When you reflect, you think deeply about something.
“I’ve always believed in simplicity, ” Klein reflects. ”I’ve never been one to see women in reffles and all kinds of fanciful apparel. To me it’s just silly.”
█ ruffle n. 褶边;
fanciful adj. (设计等)新奇的,别出心裁的If you describe the appearance of something as fanciful, you mean that it is unusual and elaborate rather than plain and simple.;
apparel n. (华丽的)衣服Apparel means clothes, especially formal clothes worn on an important occasion. (mainly AM, FORMAL)
v. 抑制,避免If you refrain from doing something, you deliberately do not do it.
Presenters and recipients at the next Academy Awards would be advised to refrain from rambling thank-you and unentertaining political proclamations.
█ rambling adj. 谈话、文章漫无边际的,拉拉杂杂的;If you describe a speech or piece of writing as rambling, you are criticizing it for being too long and very confused.
unentertaining adj. 无趣的
v. 登记、注册
Here’s how the system works: starting this week, you’ll visit the CyberCash Web site, download an empty electronic wallet onto your hard drive and register it with the company.
v. 强化,加强 【同】strengthen
If, on the other hand, the feelings they begin to express are not recognized and reinforced by the adults around them, they not only cease to express those feelings but they also become less able to recognize them in themselves or others.
If you cease to do something, you stop doing it. (FORMAL)
v. (录影带、唱片等)发行,(影片)放映
It’s been another hot year for customer electronics, one that saw Toshiba release and impressive desktop PC, Sony take a first crack at a personal computer and a swarm of companies come out with hand-held devices…
█ crack n. (口语)尝试;If you have or take a crack at something, you make an attempt to do or achieve something. (INFORMAL)
a swarm of 大群A swarm of bees or other insects is a large group of them flying together.
v. 提供(援助、服务) If you render someone help or service, you help them. (FORMAL)【同】give
Teaming up with Jim Clark, then chairman of Silcon Graphics and now at Netscape, Lincoln devised a plan to stuff the graphics-rendering power of a $90000 SGI Reality Engine park … into a box that will be $250 in the U.S.
█ to team up with 与……合作;If you team up with someone, you join them in order to work together for a particular purpose. You can also say that two people or groups team up.
devise v. 设计,想出;If you devise a plan, system, or machine, you have the idea for it and design it.
stuff v.将……塞进If you stuff something somewhere, you push it there quickly and roughly.
v. 取代
The White House is searching for a new World Bank president to replace Lewis Preston, who is stepping down because of illness.
If someone steps down or steps aside, they resign from an important job or position, often in order to let someone else take their place.
v. 像
Ask Bill Gates about something he wants to talk about … and he acts like the teenage boy that he still resembles. He grins. His voice breaks.
█ grin v. 露齿而笑
v. 愤恨If you resent someone or something, you feel bitter and angry about them.
While many of Clinton’s closest advisers resent Morris’ growing influence, he has his admirers in the White House …
If you are an admirer of someone, you like and respect them or their work very much.
v. 居住 If someone resides somewhere, they live there or are staying there. (FORMAL)【同】live
With Java, data and programs … don’t have to be stored on you computer anymore. They can reside anywhere on the Internet, called up by whoever needs them, whenever they need them.
If you call someone up, you telephone them. (mainly AM)
v. 诉诸,动用If you resort to a course of action that you do not really approve of, you adopt it because you cannot see any other way of achieving what you want.
There is no right to resort to violence when you don’t get your way.
v. 恢复
Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo’s plan to restore stability to his country’s wounded economy was rejected by investors for its lack of specific remedies, causing the peso to fall to a record low against the dollar by week’s end.
v. 在中断之后重新开始 【同】recommence
A network of satellite-linked computer systems will guide the car safely to exit, at which point the driver will resume control to the final destination.
v. 复兴When something such as the economy, a business, a trend, or a feeling is revived or when it revives, it becomes active, popular, or successful again.
To revive the ancient tradition, 129 members of the U.N. General Assembly co-sponsored a resolution calling for a worldwide cease-fire during the 17 days of the Altanta Olympics.
v. 匆促行事 【同】hurry
No wonder nation-states are rushing to get their levers of control into cyberspace while less than 1% of the world’s population is online.
A lever is an idea or action that you can use to make people do what you want them to do, rather than what they want to do.
v. (以间接的手段)破坏If someone sabotages a plan or a meeting, they deliberately prevent it from being successful.
Meanwhile, the U.S. and Israel regard Iran as a rogue state that seeks to export terror, build nuclear weapons and sabotage the Middle East peace process.
█ rogue n. 恶棍,流氓A rogue is a man who behaves in a dishonest or criminal way.
v. 散播,散布
Epstein … notes that in recent years variants of the class of viruses that includes measles have killed seals in the North sea, lions in the Serengeti and horses in Australia --- three very different animals widely scattered around the globe.
v. 使泻出,散发
Today the yellow arches of McDonald’s shed their plastic gleam on Red Square, and gangsterism rules instead of socialist virtue.
v. 减少,变小(pt shrank, pp shrunk) 【反】grow
Samsung Electronic, for example, which has seen its stock price shrink by half since the beginning of the year, has cut back 16-megabitchip production nearly 15%.
If you cut back something such as expenditure or cut back on it, you reduce it.
v. 大幅削减(经费)To slash something such as costs or jobs means to reduce them by a large amount. (JOURNALISM) 【同】cut
Time and again, as La Mama’s grants from government have been slashed, her theater has been on the verge of closing.
█ grant n. (机构给予的)补助金
If you are on the verge of something, you are going to do it very soon or it is likely to happen or begin very soon.
v. 升高,(价格)暴涨 【同】rocket
Relations with Japan could soar. Economic friction has eased. The trade deficit has dropped 30% in the past year.
v. 刺激,鼓舞If one thing sparks another, the first thing cause the second thing to start happening. 【同】promote trigger
Chirac’s task now is to heal the wounds of a bruising campaign, restore public confidence and spark a job-creating burst of economic growth.
█ bruising adj. 激烈的In a bruising battle or encounter, people fight or compete with each other in a very aggressive or determined way. (JOURNALISM);
a burst of 一阵 A burst of something is a sudden short period of it.
v. 分裂
Relations between the countries hit a high after World War II when they coalesced to lead the world communist movement. But they split in the 1960s over ideological difference.
█ hit v. 达到;high adj. 高水准;coalesce v. 联合If two or more things coalesce, they come together and form a larger group or system. (FORMAL)
v. 推出,举办 If you stage an event or ceremony, you organize it and usually take part in it.【同】hold
But then he felt compelled to stage an imprompt press conference, at which he “revealed” that Russia’s military possesses something called an “Elipton, ”a weapon of mass destruction more powerful than a nuclear weapon.
█ to feel compelled to… 觉得应该……,觉得……是应有所为If you feel compelled to do something, you feel that you must do it, because it is the right thing to do.
v. 使停止,阻挡If you stall someone, you prevent them from doing something until a later time.
About 40000 refugees were stalled Saturday just outside Tanzania after the country closed its borders.
v. 引导,带领 If you steer someone in a particular direction, you guide them there.【同】guide
Firmly, I steer them away from cheap, ugly, weakling, mail-order clones and toward absurdly powerful machines that cost a fortune and make the room lights dim when they power up.
█ weakling adj. 瘦弱的If you describe a person or an animal as a weakling, you mean that they are physically weak.; clone n. 复制品,克隆
v. 源自(from);遏制
And newborn blacks are expected to live an average of seven years less than whites. That could stem from environmental factors, including access to medical care, since the gap was only six years as recently as 1985.
v. 刺激,激励
During her campaign, she predicted that the tax cuts would help stimulate job growth of 450000 over four years.
v. 拉紧,过度使用
Then there is the eye-straining challenge of reading screenfuls of text from 2.4 m to 3.6 m away --- the distance most people sit from their TV sets.
v. 使……震惊If you are stunned by something, you are extremely shocked or surprised by it and are therefore unable to speak or do anything. 【同】 amaze shock
The main charge by Onaruto and Hashimoto was that sumo is frequently rigged. And they stunned readers by naming names and admitting that they themselves had helped fix bouts.
█ fix v. 用不正当手段操纵(选举、比赛、陪审团等),买通(法官等);bout n. 比赛
If someone rigs an election, a job appointment, or a game, they dishonestly arrange it to get the result they want or to give someone an unfair advantage.
A bout is a boxing or wrestling match.
v. 提出
Last week House Speaker Newt Gingrich sent Clinton a letter urging him to submit within a month a plan outlining the cuts he could make to balance the budget in seven years.
█ outline v. 概述
v. 控告
Seeking to change the system, female spies sue the CIA for discrimination.
v. 压制,阻止……的生长、发展 【同】restrain restrict
I am not sure they will be successful in suppressing the flow of information.
v. 交出;放弃;投降
The World Wide Web, the interconnected computer universe that teems with affluent consumers whose only means of spending money online is to surrender their credit card to insecure networks…
█ to teem with 充满;富于to be very full of people or animals, all moving about
v. 维持,养活 【同】keep going
Assisted by the assets stashed away under the pension plan, the nation’s once anemic savings rate is up to a healthy 29%. That in turn has been a factor in helping sustain Chile’s enviable 8% annual growth rate.
█ anemic adj. 贫血的Anaemia is a medical condition in which there are too few red cells in your blood, causing you to feel tired and look pale.;
to stash away 储藏,存放keep or lay aside for future use; "store grain for the winter"; "The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat"
Someone who has a pension receives a regular sum of money from the state or from a former employer because they have retired or because they are widowed or disabled.
You describe something such as a quality as enviable when someone else has it and you wish that you had it too.
v. 轻按(电脑键)
A motorist lost in the San Fernando Valley can tap into GPS and get an instant position on the digitized map.
v. 作证
I may sound clinical and unemotional when I testify about these operations, but it does not reflect my true feelings…
█ clinical adj. 冷静的,客观的You use clinical to describe thought or behaviour which is very logical and does not involve any emotion.
v. 扬言,放话
Under the proposed reforms, … anyone’s neighbor could threaten to convert his land into a toxic-waste dump and claim compensation from the government if he was not allowed to do it.
█ claim v. 要求,索讨
v. 容忍 【同】put up with
American capitalism likes entrepreneurs to have a gleam in their eye, and even tolerates some clawing and scratching as long as the playing field is level and the fight is fair.
█ a gleam in one’s eye 尚未形成的想法If you say that something is only a gleam in someone's eye at present, you mean that it is only being planned or considered, and has not yet been properly begun.;
claw v. (用爪)抓;
scratch v. 抓
v. 追踪
Still other sensors (in smart cars) will track and record the wear on parts and systems, alerting the driver to potential trouble, and will even flash warning when pressure in the tires is too low.
v. 超越Something that transcends normal limits or boundaries goes beyond them, because it is more significant than them.
But because she is an African-American woman, her importance to and impact on her times transcend the literary.
v. 转移,转账,转变
The software acts like an ATM, allowing you to transfer $20 to $100 from your bank into your (electronic) wallet before heading off onto the Web.
If you head something off, especially something unpleasant, you take action before it is expected to happen in order to prevent it from happening.
v. 改变
They would more radically transform the system by ending the income tax entirely and by shifting to taxes on consumption.
v. 接受(检查、手术等),经历(underwent, undergone) If you undergo something necessary or unpleasant, it happens to you.【同】 go through
Foreigners who intend to spend more than three months in Russia must now undergo mandatory testing to prove they are not infected with HIV…
█ mandatory adj. 强制的If an action or procedure is mandatory, people have to do it, because it is a rule or a law. (FORMAL)
v. 损坏,破坏
The prosecution opened its murder case against O.J. Simpson by presenting witnesses and evidence intended to undermine his public image as a genial ex-jock with a portrait of a jealous wife abuser.
█ genial adj. 亲切的、友善的Someone who is genial is kind and friendly.;
jock n. 运动员A jock is a young man who is enthusiastic about a particular sport and spends a lot of time playing it. (INFORMAL)
v. 采用,执行 When you undertake a task or job, you start doing it and accept responsibility for it.【同】 take on
His army, he declared, had been ordered to undertake measures to prevent any further strangulation of the city.
█ strangulation n. (成长、发展)受阻,窒息Strangulation is the act of killing someone by squeezing their throat tightly so that they cannot breathe.
v. 崇拜,崇敬 【同】adore venerate
For most of this century, scientists have worshipped the hardware of the brain and the software of the mind; the messy powers of the heart were left to the poets.
█ messy adj. 杂乱的
n. (使用、看某物)机会或权利
Theoretically at least, whole populations will have direct access to information without waiting for it to be filtered through a government, or a press.
n. 议程,行动计划
He has a modest domestic agenda centered on improving education and strengthening families, and he believes most of those programs can run without much direct input from him.
You use modest to describe something such as an amount, rate, or improvement which is fairly small.
n. 盟邦 【同】confederate 【反】enemy
Just as Clinton’s first official overseas trip, in 1993, was to Asia, … his first post-election trip will take him back to the region for visits with three other major allies --- Australia, the Philippines and Thailand.
n. 业余爱好者 An amateur is someone who does something as a hobby and not as a job.【反】professional
In February their lovers’ quarrel in Central Park was captured on an amateur’s videotape, which tabloid TV shows replayed over and over again.
█ tabloid adj. 专报耸动、煽情新闻的A tabloid is a newspaper that has small pages, short articles, and lots of photographs. Tabloids are often considered to be less serious than other newspapers. Compare broadsheet.
n. 无政府状态If you describe a situation as anarchy, you mean that nobody seems to be paying any attention to rules or laws. 【同】chaos
Tirana is in total anarchy.
n. (心理上的)苦楚,烦恼 【同】agony
Not since 1932, when Franklin D. Roosevelt promised a New Deal to ease the economic and social anguish of the Great Depression, has a U.S. presidential race been so focused on domestic affairs.
n. 方法、途径
The approach favored by IDEC Pharmaceuticals … is to target all active T cells with a custom-made antibody that can temporarily knock the immune cells out of commission.
█ custom-made adj. 订制的,非现成的;out of commission 损坏,无法运作If something, for example a ship or a piece of equipment, is out of commission, it is broken and cannot be used until it is repaired.
n. 攻击 【同】attack
Such assaults are most likely to injure the large service providers, sober institutions more culturally attuned to their governmental attackers than the info-guerrillas of cyberspace.
█ sober adj. A sober person is serious and thoughtful.严肃的,持重的;to be attuned to 适应于……,配合If you are attuned to something, you can understand and appreciate it.
A guerrilla is someone who fights as part of an unofficial army, usually against an official army or police force.
n. 融资,紧急救助bail•out / beɪlaʊt/ noun an act of giving money to a company, a foreign country, etc. that has very serious financial problems
In Washington the Clinton Administration’s proposed $ 40 billion bailout of the weakened peso met with stiff opposition from Democrats.
Something that is stiff is firm or does not bend easily.
The opposition is the political parties or groups that are opposed to a government.
n&v. 繁荣,暴涨 【反】slump
The wealth comes from initial public offerings of stock, or IPOs, which are experiencing an unprecedented boom in the great American bull market of the past two years.
n. 暴增
Companies such as K Mart have performed brilliantly, slicing overhead and enjoying the resultant earnings boost, but have failed to grow once the cutting stopped.
█ slice(将面包、肉等)切成薄片;overhead经常开支,一般费用 connected with the general costs of running a business or an organization, for example paying for rent or electricity
n. 杯葛,抵制If a country, group, or person boycotts a country, organization, or activity, they refuse to be involved with it in any way because they disapprove of it.
Harry Edwards, the American sociologist who attempted to organize a black boycott of the 1968 Games in Mexico City in a bid to call attention to the plight of black athletes in America…
█ bid n. 努力,试图A bid for something or a bid to do something is an attempt to obtain it or do it. (JOURNALISM)
If you refer to someone's plight, you mean that they are in a difficult or distressing situation that is full of problems.
n. (社会、政治上的)运动,竞选活动 v. 参加竞选
Only once did Bill Clinton raise a significant example of foreign policy. That came in the campaign’s final fortnight, when he proposed that NATO begin admitting Central and East European nations to the Atlantic alliance by 1999.
An alliance is a group of countries or political parties that are formally united and working together because they have similar aims.
n. 混乱
In the first few years there may be panic and chaos, but the people will learn to fit into the new system very fast.
n. 角色,人物
The world’s No.1 toymaker, whose products range from Fisher-Price infant and preschool toys to Disney-licensed characters, gets more than one-third of its nearly $4 billion in sales from the 29.2-cm-tall mannequin.
█mannequin n. (艺术家使用的)人体模型mannequin is a life-sized model of a person which is used to display clothes, especially in shop windows. (OLD-FASHIONED)
n. 冲突,抵触
Perhaps the greatest threat in the clash between science and politics is that researchers might allow potential controversy to deter them from investigating sensitive subjects.
To deter someone from doing something means to make them not want to do it or continue doing it.
n. 权利,影响力,威信 A person or institution that has clout has influence and power. (INFORMAL)【同】weight
His leadership abilities and attempt to bring some clout to the traditionally rubber-stamp Congress will be put to the test when it meets in March.
When someone in authority rubber-stamps a decision, plan, or law, they agree to it without thinking about it much.
n. A coalition is a group consisting of people from different political or social groups who are co-operating to achieve a particular aim.联合,联合政府 【同】alliance
The Rev. Kang Shin Seok, a Presbyterian minister who witnessed the mayhem, now heads a coalition of victimized people’s groups.
目击了这场暴力事件的长老会牧师Kang Shin Seok,现在是几个受难者团体组成的联盟的领导人。
You use mayhem to refer to a situation that is not controlled or ordered, when people are behaving in a disorganized, confused, and often violent way.
n. 战斗
Even now, despite Beijing’s displeasure, Washington is selling Taiwan combat aircraft and other equipment.
n. If something is commonplace, it happens often or is often found, and is therefore not surprising.寻常的事,老生常谈 adj. 寻常的,不稀奇的
It’s become commonplace to note that voters treated Bill Clinton in 1992 the way Wall Street treats a stock.
n. 指南针
A new Secretary of State will hold the compass. Warren Christopher will vacate his State Department office by January.
█vacate v. 辞退(职位),让出(位子)If you vacate a place or a job, you leave it or give it up, making it available for other people. (FORMAL)
n. 同情,悲悯
At home, with the gap between rich and poor widening, the seemingly ingrained American notions of compassion, codified during the New Deal, are colliding with the fears of those who feel financially strapped …
█ingrained adj.(习惯、想法)根深蒂固的Ingrained habits and beliefs are difficult to change or remove.;
condify v. 把……编成法典If you codify a set of rules, you define them or present them in a clear and ordered way.;
collide v.(意见、目的)相冲突,抵触,同clash
n. 冲突
Even though Chechnya could not hope to win its secessionist war against Moscow, Dudayev warned that continued fighting might well draw neighboring republics into a wider regional conflict.
Secessionists are people who want their region or group to become separate from the country or larger group to which it belongs.
n. 后果
At home labor costs per unit of output are going down, a consequence of rising productivity, and falling oil prices are putting another damper on inflation.
█to put a damper on 抑制,使扫兴To put a damper on something means to have an effect on it which stops it being as enjoyable or as successful as it should be. (INFORMAL)
n. 阴谋
Hale became the target of a flood of hate Email, much of it accusing him of being part of a conspiracy to suppress the true nature of Hale-Bopp.
█suppress v. 隐瞒(姓名、证据、事实等)
n. 可信度
Whatever the reasons, the fact remains that the organization (U.N.) desperately needs a rapid-reaction capacity if it is to maintain credibility in emergencies.
n.(法文)首演,初次上场表演The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.
That day Jordan made his debut against the Indiana Pacers, and though he shot only 7 of 28, he moved well considering he had been playing baseball for a year.
n. 抗议,示威
Just two weeks ago, 85000 people, nearly 8% of Okinawa’s population, joined the largest single demonstration in the island’s history to call for the Americans’ removal.
If you call for something, you demand that it should happen.
n. 伤残,无行为能力的 【同】handicap
Most aid, including nearly all low-income programs, food stamps, Medicaid and disability assistance, will be denied during an immigrant’s first five years in the U.S.
n. 争议A dispute is an argument or disagreement between people or groups.
It has been a matter of dispute but now scholars of the subject agree that Bessette and Kennedy first met in 1992, when he chatted her up one day in Central Park as she was running.
If you chat someone up, usually someone you do not know very well, you talk to them in a friendly way because you are sexually attracted to them. (BRIT, INFORMAL)
n. 紧急事件 【同】crisis
President Kim Young Sam was worried. The Korean economy, he gravely told a July 2 emergency ministerial meeting, “is in trouble.”
A grave person is quiet and serious in their appearance or behaviour.
n. 邂逅,遭遇
In fact, the most unnerving encounter I’ve ever had took place in the CompuServe adultchat area.
█unnerve v. 使沮丧,使胆怯If you describe something as unnerving, you mean that it makes you feel worried or uncomfortable.
n.(传染病等的)流行,盛行If an activity that you disapprove of is increasing or spreading rapidly, you can refer to this as an epidemic of that activity.
The AIDS epidemic has been in full swing for more than a decade now.
█in full swing 表示事物正如火如荼进行
n. 同等的东西
For the past 15 years, doctors have tried to treat the underlying disorder with the pharmaceutical equivalent of a sledgehammer, using anticancer drugs and steroids to beat down the body’s hyperactive defense forces.
n. 权势集团,领导阶层,主流An establishment is a shop, business, or organization occupying a particular building or place. (FORMAL)
He was the favorite of the girls whose screams dominated the early Beatles concerts, but he was not a guy’s guy. No way could he satisfy the emerging establishment of rock critics, a male coterie.
█coterie n. A coterie of a particular kind is a small group of people who are close friends or have a common interest, and who do not want other people to join them. (FORMAL)排外的小圈子、集团,同circle
n. 幸福感 Euphoria is a feeling of intense happiness and excitement.【同】elation
So after a period of euphoria, the bond market tumbled.
█tumble v.(价格)暴跌If prices or levels of something are tumbling, they are decreasing rapidly. (JOURNALISM)
n. An expedition is an organized journey that is made for a particular purpose such as exploration.远征队,探险
So Mark Norell, a leader of the joint U.S. Mongolian expedition, gave him a consolation prize: digging out an unpromising specimen Norell had already found.
█unpromising adj.(前景)不看好的,无望的If you describe something as unpromising, you think that it is unlikely to be successful or produce anything good in the future.
A consolation prize is a small prize which is given to a person who fails to win a competition.
n. 幻想 【同】dream
What we could take away from the grievous events is a grasp not of the Unabomber’s psychology but of our own which is full fantasies.
█grievous adj.(事故)悲惨的,严重的If you describe something such as a loss as grievous, you mean that it is extremely serious or worrying in its effects.
A grasp is a very firm hold or grip.
Unabomber n. Ted Kaczynski (born 1942 under the name Theodore John Kaczynski), anti-technology man who sent several mail bombs to universities and airlines in the United States (starting in the late 1970s to early 1990s) before being caught by the FBI in April 1996 (he was sentenced to life in prison in May 1998)
n. 宿仇 A feud is a quarrel in which two people or groups remain angry with each other for a long time, although they are not always fighting or arguing.【同】vendetta
Still, in both communities there is a growing sense that the blood feud--- and its cycle of violence--- must be broken if anyone is to prosper.
If people or businesses prosper, they are successful and do well. (FORMAL)
n. 天赋的才能 If you have a flair for a particular thing, you have a natural ability to do it well.【同】talent gift
Phil Donahue invented the participatory approach to TV talk, but Winfrey brought a woman-to-woman empathy and a flair for self-revelation that he couldn’t match.
A participatory system, activity, or role involves a particular person or group of people taking part in it.
n. 敌人,反对者 Someone's foe is their enemy. (WRITTEN) 【同】enemy
Both speeches struck the same rhetorical chord: that Dole is no ditherer but decisive, muscular leader who will stand up to foreign foes.
█rhetorical adj. 措辞的;A rhetorical question is one which is asked in order to make a statement rather than to get an answer.
ditherer n. 慌乱、不知所措的人to keep being unable to make a final decision about something
dither over/about/between// He accused the government of dithering over the deal. Stop dithering , girl, and get on with it!
n. A genre is a particular type of literature, painting, music, film, or other art form which people consider as a class because it has special characteristics. (FORMAL)(尤指艺术作品的)形式
Lanier embodies a whole new genre of music that uses computers to create and disseminate its own distinctive sounds.
To disseminate information or knowledge means to distribute it so that it reaches many people or organizations. (FORMAL)
n&v. 瞥见
At first glance, Jeanne Vertefeuille might have seemed an unlikely choice to hunt down the most damaging mole in the history of the Central Intelligence Agency.
If you say that something is true or seems to be true at first glance, you mean that it seems to be true when you first see it or think about it, but that your first impression may be wrong.
If you hunt down a criminal or an enemy, you find them after searching for them.
█mole n. 长期潜伏的(双重)间谍
n&v. 瞥一眼,瞄一眼A glimpse of something is a brief experience of it or an idea about it that helps you understand or appreciate it better.
Mosaic (Web-browsing program) was the first glimpse of a multimedia future that giants such as Microsoft had been predicting but not delivering.
█deliver v. 实现,履行(诺言等)
n. 伟大,富丽堂皇If something such as a building or a piece of scenery has grandeur, it is impressive because of its size, its beauty, or its power.
We want to bring jazz to the people inn all its grandeur and glory. And we don’t believe the music is above people.
Glory is the fame and admiration that you gain by doing something impressive.
n. 掌握,了解 A grasp of something is an understanding of it.【同】understanding
Even after working for more than 20 years in the Russian area, I cannot hope to approach Yuri’s knowledge and intuitive grasp of what is going on in his homeland.
n. 贪婪 【同】avarice
Hollywood must examine itself. Its greed is sickening. It must judge the social impact, not just the popularity impact, of what it does.
n. 冲动An impulse buy or impulse purchase is something that you decide to buy when you see it, although you had not planned to buy it.
Online shopping centers are springing up everywhere, inviting customers to use their credit cards to buy on impulse, without even leaving their chairs.
█to spring up突然出现,突然产生If something springs up, it suddenly appears or begins to exist.
n. 诱因,动机If something is an incentive to do something, it encourages you to do it.
The incentive to vote for a responsible budget that’s healthful in the long run but painful in the short run depends on whether you face election next year or in three years.
n. 倾向An inclination is a feeling that makes you want to act in a particular way.
But girls rarely seem to have either the chance or the inclination to get plugged in.
█to plug in 插上插头,喻开启电脑
n. 水、电等基础设施The infrastructure of a country, society, or organization consists of the basic facilities such as transport, communications, power supplies, and buildings, which enable it to function.
The bill for this infrastructure binge has topped $60 billion, and some economists wonder whether Malaysia can afford it.
█binge n.(饮食,花费等方面的)放纵,没有节制If you go on a binge, you do too much of something, such as drinking alcohol, eating, or spending money. (INFORMAL)
n. 主动权,进取心In a fight or contest, if you have the initiative, you are in a better position than your opponents to decide what to do next.
The North (Vietnam) kept the initiative, choosing when to attack and when to lie low and rebuilding its strength.
n. 洞察,了解If you gain insight or an insight into a complex situation or problem, you gain an accurate and deep understanding of it.
If this discovery is confirmed. it will surely be one of the most stunning insights into our universe that science has ever uncovered.
n. 廉洁,正直
Both prosecutors eventually paid for their integrity and grit. In May 1992 Falcone and his wife… were ambushed and morally wounded by the Mafia’s “men of honor” on a road near Palermo.
█grit n.(口语)If someone has grit, they have the determination and courage to continue doing something even though it is very difficult.勇气,斗志;ambush v. 伏击
n. 传奇人物
They are far too cool in Nashville to get excited about mere music legends.
n. 委托,授权If a government or other elected body has a mandate to carry out a particular policy or task, they have the authority to carry it out as a result of winning an election or vote.
Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto…also has a new electoral mandate as head of an internationalist coalition no longer dominated by ambivalent socialists.
█coalition n. 联合政府A coalition is a government consisting of people from two or more political parties.
If you say that someone is ambivalent about something, they seem to be uncertain whether they really want it, or whether they really approve of it.
n.手段,措施 【同】step
There’s no single measure that’s fully adequate but a combination of measures taken together can make them relatively secure.
n. If you say that someone or something is a menace to other people or things, you mean that person or thing is likely to cause serious harm威胁 【同】threat
Still worried about the pesticides’ impact on the environment, government scientists think they may have a better answer to the fire-ant menace.
n. 商品 【同】goods
That’s one reason why each restaurant is designed with a merchandise shop to tempt customers to buy such must-have souvenirs as jogging suits, $20 T shirts or baby baseball togs.
A souvenir is something which you buy or keep to remind you of a holiday, place, or event.
n. 杂乱
Army Captain Stuart Herrubgtin… remembers that the scene inside the embassy also was a “monstrous mess.”
█monstrous adj.(用以加强语气)极度的,强烈的If you describe a situation or event as monstrous, you mean that it is extremely shocking or unfair.
n. 专卖机构,独占事业;垄断
Although they welcomed the news that Mexico will sell off many of the state’s power plants, they had also hoped Zedillo would privatize parts of the country’s lucrative oil monopoly.
If you sell something off, you sell it because you need the money.
A lucrative activity, job, or business deal is very profitable.
n. 提名
The most worrisome “oppose” for Gore is that Gephardt will oppose the Vice President for their party’s presidential nomination in 2000.
Something that is worrisome causes people to worry. (mainly AM; in BRIT usually use worrying)
n. You refer to how likely something is to happen as the odds that it will happen.可能性,几率 【同】chances
Odds are better than ever that high tech will get their jobs.
n. 反对者,对手 【反】supporter
Among the most extreme opponents, there were even paranoiac suggestions that once gone, the art might be hijacked and never returned.
█paranoiac adj. 偏执狂的;If you say that someone is paranoid, you mean that they are extremely suspicious and afraid of other people.
hijack v. 劫持(飞机),劫夺(运输中的货物)
n. If you describe an experience or situation as an ordeal, you think it is difficult and unpleasant.苦难,磨练
Laura B did not tell anyone about the assault because, she claims, she repressed all memory of the ordeal.
█repress v. 压抑(感情、欲望等)
n. 激情,热情 【同】feeling
Paleontology is much like politics: passions run high, and it’s easy to draw very different conclusions from the same set of facts.
n. 危险Perils are great dangers. (FORMAL)
Climate change threatens more than megastorms, floods and droughts. The real peril may be disease.
n. Persecution is cruel and unfair treatment of a person or group, especially because of their religious or political beliefs, or their race.迫害
They must disappear by the change in sovereignty or face persecution.
Sovereignty is the power that a country has to govern itself or another country or state.
n. 阶段 【同】period
More significant is Clinton’s plan to take an enhanced role in transatlantic affairs in the next four years, a transitional moment in European history when the postwar structures are being tidied up and the next historic phase has yet to begin.
█to tidy up 整顿,弄整齐When you tidy up or tidy a place up, you put things back in their proper places so that everything is neat.
Transatlantic flights or signals go across the Atlantic Ocean, usually between the United States and Britain.
A transitional period is one in which things are changing from one state to another.
n. When someone makes a pledge, they make a serious promise that they will do something.承诺,保证 【同】promise
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin deemed the comment a violation of the (PLO) Chairman’s pledge to forgo violence and threatened to stop the peace process.
If something is deemed to have a particular quality or to do a particular thing, it is considered to have that quality or do that thing. (FORMAL)
If you forego something, you decide to do without it, although you would like it. (FORMAL)
n. 可能性 adj. 潜在的,可能的 【同】n. possibility
Netscape’s Navigator had the potential to be the next Windows: a method for launching programs and calling up information not only from the Internet but also from corporate networks and even from the user’s own PC.
n. 首要之务,优先
China is a big second-term priority for Clinton because it cuts across security and economic issues…
If an issue or problem cuts across the division between two or more groups of people, it affects or matters to people in all the groups.
n. 特权
But Djilas’s criticism of the power and privilege granted to party leaders eventually led to years of imprisonment…
█grant v. 给予,授予
n. a sudden increase in the amount or number of something扩散,繁殖 【同】spread
We have seen that the enemy is instability. It is chaos. But it is also what we call the global threats, which are terrorism, international drug trafficking, environmental problems, arms-proliferation issues.
n. Propaganda is information, often inaccurate information, which a political organization publishes or broadcasts in order to influence people.(偏颇、不正确的官方)宣传
Today, a handful of business groups, each with political alliances, control Russia’s media, and news has once again become propaganda.
n. If you are a proponent of a particular idea or course of action, you actively support it. (FORMAL) 提议者,支持者 【同】advocate 【反】critic
Proponents imagine a morning someday in the next century when a smart car will pull out of the garage, drive down local roads in the conventional manner and head for the “smart way.”
When a vehicle or driver pulls out, the vehicle moves out into the road or nearer the centre of the road.
n. If there is some prospect of something happening, there is a possibility that it will happen.成功的几率,前景
But an eager start-up looks at risk differently, and so might consumers intrigued by the prospect of shopping in cyberspace.
█start-up n. 刚成立的小公司A start-up company is a small business that has recently been started by someone.
If you are intrigued by something, especially something strange, it interests you and you want to know more about it.
n. Prosperity is a condition in which a person or community is doing well financially. 繁荣 【同】affluence
The peace and prosperity of the world in the next century depend in many ways on what Beijing does.
n. A recession is a period when the economy of a country is doing badly, for example because industry is producing less and more people are becoming unemployed.萧条,后退 【同】slump
A more outrageous example is the Ministry of Finance, which in the wake of five years of recession is widely considered too powerful for Japan’s own good.
█outrageous adj. If you describe something as outrageous, you are emphasizing that it is unacceptable or very shocking.令人无法接受的,骇人听闻的;
in the wake of 随着……之后If one thing follows in the wake of another, it happens after the other thing is over, often as a result of it.
n&v. 统治,主宰 【同】rule
The (anti-apartheid) movement publicly condemned her in 1989 for inflicting a “reign of terror” on Soweto with her gang of bodyguards.
To inflict harm or damage on someone or something means to make them suffer it.
A reign of terror is a period during which there is a lot of violence and killing, especially by people who are in a position of power.
n. 遗迹,遗体
Tucked deep within the rock are what appear to be the chemical and fossil remains of microscopic organisms that lived on Mars 3.6 billion years ago.
█tuck v. 将……挤进,塞进If you tuck something somewhere, you put it there so that it is safe, comfortable, or neat.
n. 名声
That approach will likely prove particularly profitable in Asia and Europe, where IBM has built a 50-year reputation as a system integrator.
n. 保留地
The disease, which first appeared on a Navajo reservation, has since spread to 20 U.S. states and killed 45 people, nearly half of those infected.
n. 零售
Some estimates place the overall movie tie-in business at $ 10 billion annually in retail sales worldwide.
█tie-in n. 搭配销售的商品A movie tie-in book is a book, frequently a paperback but occasionally a trade paperback or a hardcover, that has a direct relationship to a specific film. Usually, the cover of the book will bear photography of the film's stars, and slogans indicating that it is directly related to a specific film.
n. A revolt is an illegal and often violent attempt by a group of people to change their country's political system.叛乱,暴动 【同】insurrection rebellion
Although much of the imperial collection amassed by China’s rulers has been lost, it is miraculous that so many landmark words have survived a thousand years of violent dynastic changes, revolts and theft.
█amass v. 积聚If you amass something such as money or information, you gradually get a lot of it.;
landmark n. 里程碑,划时代的重要事件
n. Your rival is a person, business, or organization who you are competing or fighting against in the same area or for the same things.竞争对手 v. 与……匹敌
Nonetheless, Malaysia is in some ways more insular than its Asian rivals.
█insular adj. 岛国性的,心胸狭隘的If you say that someone is insular, you are being critical of them because they are unwilling to meet new people or to consider new ideas.
n. 制裁,处罚
The bill would hold expression on the Net to the same standards of purity, using far harsher criminal sanction--- including jail terms--- to enforce them.
n. A sanctuary is a place where people who are in danger from other people can go to be safe. 避难所,庇护 【同】haven
In the capital Kigali, the Rwandan army shelled the national sports stadium, where more than 5000 refugees from the country’s civil war had sought sanctuary.
[sɪˋnærɪˏo] n. If you talk about a likely or possible scenario, you are talking about the way in which a situation may develop.可能发生的情况
Nunn said, a handful of fanatics could crash a radio-controlled drone aircraft into the building, “engulfing it with chemical weapons and causing tremendous death and destruction.” This scenario, said Nunn, “is not far-fetched,” and the technology is all readily available.
█to crash (a plane or car) into …使(飞机或汽车)猛撞上;drone n. 无线遥控的飞机或汽车;
engulf v. 吞没,使陷入If one thing engulfs another, it completely covers or hides it, often in a sudden and unexpected way.;
far-fetched adj.(故事、想法)牵强的,靠不住的If you describe a story or idea as far-fetched, you are criticizing it because you think it is unlikely to be true or practical.
[skim] n. 计划,方案,阴谋 【同】plan
There are, however, as many variations on this latest get-rich-on-the-Internet scheme as there are firms that want to cash in on it.
█to cash in on …用……来赚钱TAKE ADVANTAGE OF, exploit, milk; make money from, profit from; informal make a killing out of.
[skɔrn] n. 轻蔑,鄙视 If you pour scorn on someone or something or heap scorn on them, you say that you think they are stupid and worthless.【同】contempt disrespect
He heaps scorn on federal judges who have used the bench to enforce and expand civil rights, accusing them of a paternalistic belief in black inferiority.
█bench n. 法官(职位);
paternalistic adj. Someone who is paternalistic takes all the decisions for the people they govern, employ, or are responsible for. 家长式统治或管理的,把员工或下属都当小孩一样看待而为他们做好一切安排的
Someone who is paternalistic takes all the decisions for the people they govern, employ, or are responsible for.
[ˋskrutnɪ] n. If a person or thing is under scrutiny, they are being studied or observed very carefully.仔细检查,注目
If that evidence stands up to the intense scientific scrutiny that is certain to follow, it will confirm for the first time that life is not unique to Earth.
█to stand up to(理论、东西)耐用,经得起……If a person or thing is under scrutiny, they are being studied or observed very carefully.
[strɛtʃ] n. A stretch of time is a period of time. 一段时间,距离 【同】spell
But one of the effects of the unusual stretch of weather over the past 15 years has been to alert researchers to a new and perhaps even more immediate threat of the warming trend; the rapid spread of disease-bearing bugs and pests.
[straɪf] n. 斗争,冲突Strife is strong disagreement or fighting. (FORMAL) 【同】conflict
From strife-torn Georgia comes Giya Kancheli, who may be the most important Soviet composer since Shostakovich.
[ˋtæktɪk] n. 战术,策略
Turning to the well-tested tactic of seeking a scapegoat, he (Yeltsin) fired Moscow police chief Vladimir Pankratov and city chief prosecutor Gennadi Ponomaryov for failing to “provide proper organization” to deal with “grave crimes.”
█scapegoat n. If you say that someone is made a scapegoat for something bad that has happened, you mean that people blame them and may punish them for it although it may not be their fault.代罪羔羊;
grave adj. A grave event or situation is very serious, important, and worrying.(事实,疾病)严重的
[ˋtɔrtʃɚ] n. 苦刑,折磨 【同】torment
Twenty minutes of relaxation and 20 minutes of torture. You never know what was next.
20分钟的舒缓之后,是2 0分钟的苦刑,你根本搞不清楚下一分钟会有什么遭遇。
[trænˋzɪʃən] n. Transition is the process in which something changes from one state to another.过渡(时期),转移
Making the transition to true no-hands smart roads… is an engineering challenge that will probably take another 20 years to complete.
[ˋtəmɔɪl] n. Turmoil is a state of confusion, disorder, uncertainty, or great anxiety. 骚乱,动乱
No one in authority in Washington or Tokyo will say publicly that current turmoil is likely to unhinge the 35-year-old U.S.-Japan security alliance, but week by week a sense of alarm is growing.
█unhinge v. 使分离,拆卸If you say that an experience has unhinged someone, you mean that it has affected them so deeply that they have become mentally ill.
[ˋvədɪkt] n. In a court of law, the verdict is the decision that is given by the jury or judge at the end of a trial.判决
Hollywood madam Heidi Fleiss was convicted of running a call-girl ring and faces up to six years in prison. Fleiss reacted to the verdict by throwing her head on the defense table.
█convict v. 判决(某人)有罪If someone is convicted of a crime, they are found guilty of that crime in a law court.
[ˋvəʒən] n. 版本
Indonesia’s government, which vigorously suppressed the newsmagazine Tempo, does not seem at all concerned that a digital version has appeared on the Net.
[vɛtərən] n. A veteran is someone who has served in the armed forces of their country, especially during a war.老兵,老手
Consequently, Cuba’s national team is made up largely of hardened veterans, some of whom have played together for a decade.
If you describe someone as hardened, you mean that they have had so much experience of something bad or unpleasant that they are no longer affected by it in the way that other people would be.
[ræθ] n. Wrath means the same as anger. (LITERARY)愤怒
After U.S. soldiers prevented the mob from venting its wrath on several men suspected of throwing the bomb, the crowd turned on the warehouse itself.
█vent v. 发泄
A mob is a large, disorganized, and often violent crowd of people.
If you vent your feelings, you express them forcefully.
[jild] n. A yield is the amount of food produced on an area of land or by a number of animals.产量
The federal government has built a maze of greenhouses, labs and research facilities dedicated to spawning new high-yield varieties of bug-resistant wheat, potatoes, sunflowers and sugar beets.
A maze of streets, rooms, or tunnels is a large number of them that are connected in a complicated way, so that it is difficult to find your way through them.
(a.). You can use acute to indicate that an undesirable situation or feeling is very severe or intense.1(感觉)强烈的,(事态)严重的;2(视觉 嗅觉等)敏锐的 同1.severe 2.keen
In the past, the(Mexican)ruling classes emphasized our acute differences with the Anglo-Saxons in order to affirm our separate identity.
(a.) Someone who is affable is pleasant and friendly. 和蔼可亲的 同amicable
Indeed,Clinton was more than conciliatory when he met with Gingrich on Thursday and the new Speaker was affable in return.
(a.) If an organization is affiliated with another larger organization, it is officially connected with the larger organization or is a member of it. (FORMAL) (与某较大组织) 有紧密关系的,附属〔某较大组织〕的
Games’ sponsor Visa International and three affiliated banks are using Atlanta as a beachhead for the introduction to the U.S. of smart cards an electronic substitute for cash.
•beachhead(n.)滩头阵地,立足点A beachhead is an area of land next to the sea or a river where an attacking force has taken control and can prepare to advance further inland.
Says farmer Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger:”Their whole foreign policy has turned suddenly much more aggressive,and that bodes no good for the nature of any people.”
前国防部长温伯格说:” 他们的外交政策突然整个变得更富侵略性,这对任何民族天性来说都不会有好结果。 “
If something bodes ill, it makes you think that something bad will happen in the future. If something bodes well, it makes you think that something good will happen. (FORMAL)
(adv.) used when reporting something that people say is true, although it has not been proved据称,据说, (证据不足的情况下) 遭指控地
Hard Rock creator Peter Morton sued Earl for allegedly purloining Hard Rock business plans. The issue was settled without a trial.
•purloin (v.)偷If someone purloins something, they steal it or borrow it without asking permission. (FORMAL)
(adv.) Something that is aloft is in the air or off the ground. (LITERARY)在高处,在空中
The bronze sculpture depict a man holding a pipe aloft as an offering to the Great Spirit.
The opposition says the government should concentrate on alternate energy sources and restrict the growth of industries like petrochemicals that consume a lot of energy.
(a.) If you say that someone is ambivalent about something, they seem to be uncertain whether they really want it, or whether they really approve of it.感觉矛盾的
Gates is ambivalent about his celebrity.
(a.) A group of assorted things is a group of similar things that are of different sizes or colours or have different qualities.各式各样的同various
His personal arsenal,including a Czech machine gun and assorted pistols,shotguns and Rifles, was stashed in the trunk of his car.
他个人的式器,包括一支捷克制机枪 各式各样的手枪 猎枪 步枪,全藏在车子的行李厢里。
•arsenal(n.)储藏的武器An arsenal is a building where weapons and military equipment are stored.
stash (v.)藏放If you stash something valuable in a secret place, you store it there to keep it safe. (INFORMAL)
(a.) 大胆的同daring
Someone who is audacious takes risks in order to achieve something.
Last year,after months of deliberation,Collins left his faculty post at the University of Michigan Medical School to lead the Human Genome Project,an audacious effort to decipher the complete genetic script contained in human cells.
(a.)(人)严肃的,(东西 生活)朴实的
If you describe someone as austere, you disapprove of them because they are strict and serious.
The Puppet master(1993)and last year's Good Men Good Women,with their austere poignancies,played all the best festivals,though they remain a coterie taste.
•poignancy (n)尖锐,深刻
Coterie ( n.)(具排他性的)小圈圈,集团. A coterie of a particular kind is a small group of people who are close friends or have a common interest, and who do not want other people to join them. (FORMAL)
Avant-garde art, music, theatre, and literature is very modern and experimental.
Kosuke Tsumura,another Miyake student,launched his K-Zelle line in 1992 and two years later debuted in Paris with avant-garde Mad Max costume.
If you describe a person in authority as benevolent, you mean that they are kind and fair.
Ruthless company-downsizing drives and continued layoffs,coupled with rising pay for top managers,have made their bosses look a good deal less benevolent.
•layoff (n.)解雇;a goad deal 常,极其
if one thing is coupled with another, the two things happen or exist together and produce a particular result
If you are bewildered, you are very confused and cannot understand something or decide what you should do.
One thing that has observers bewildered is how the White House, could have put forward Foster’s nomination without getting the abortion issue squared away in advance.
•to square away把(难题)处理掉;摆平(以放手进行其他事) If you square something or someone away, you deal with them so that the situation is satisfactory. (AM)
Something that is bizarre is very odd and strange.
Floods.Droughts.Hurricane.Twisters.Are all the bizarre weather extremes we’ve been having lately normal fluctuations in the planet's atmospheric systems?
•extremes (n.)(行为 情报上的)极端;
fluctuation (n.)(气候 市价等的)变动a change in a price, amount, level etc
You use blatant to describe something bad that is done in an open or very obvious way.
What the network didn’t know--and didn’t bother to find out --was that Jammal was a hoaxer and that large segments of its program were based on blatant and ludicrous pseudoscience.
该电视台所不知道的 也未曾特意去探究的,就是詹玛尔是个骗子,而且该电视台的节目大部分都是根据明显的,可笑的伪科学来制作的。
If you describe something as ludicrous, you are emphasizing that you think it is foolish, unreasonable, or unsuitable.
Blue chip stocks and shares are an investment which are considered fairly safe to invest in while also being profitable.
Such entreaties(to safeguard the patents of manufacturers) have become essential for Americans blue-chip companies as they charge into the vast markets of China and its East Asian neighbors.
•entreaty (r.)恳求,乞求,An entreaty is a very polite, serious request. (FORMAL)
Charge (v.)冲锋,向前冲
(a.)1(性情)善变的,反复无常的;2(事物)变化无常的同impulsive mercurial同unpredictable反dependable
Someone who is capricious often changes their mind unexpectedly.
Earthquakes…are capricious beasts ruled by what physicists refer to as nonlinear dynamics,which means precise forecasting of when and where they will occur is impossible.
(a.).1(疾病)慢性的;2(行为 恶习)习以为常的,积习成癖的同persistent同habitual
You can describe someone's bad habits or behaviour as chronic when they have behaved like that for a long time and do not seem to be able to stop themselves.
Psychiatrists stress,however,that a few injections of medication and some sessions with a psychotherapist are just the beginning. Pedophilia is a chronic disorder.
•pedophilia(n)恋童癖 Paedophilia is sexual activity with children or the condition of being sexually attracted to children.
(a.)相容的,兼容的 反incompatible
No one except Microsoft executives disputes the fact that Microsoft is,in fact,a monopoly at least in IBM-compatible computer-operating systems. Some 8 out of 10 desktop computers run the Microsoft software.
•dispute〔v.)(对事实等)怀疑.持异议If you dispute a fact, statement, or theory, you say that it is incorrect or untrue.
If you describe something such as a film or book, or someone's appearance, as compelling, you mean you want to keep looking at it or reading it because you find it so interesting.
Winfrey,42,had a troubled childhood,but her genius was to realize that those troubles and similar ones experienced by ordinary people all over America -- could make for compelling television.
(a.)自满的A complacent person is very pleased with themselves or feels that they do not need to do anything about a situation, even though the situation may be uncertain or dangerous.
That does not mean that the people of Kwangju are growing complacent or law enforcement agencies less vigilant.
•vigilant (a.)提防的,带戒心的Someone who is vigilant gives careful attention to a particular problem or situation and concentrates on noticing any danger or trouble that there might be.
Although labeled “privileged and confidential,” copies of the telephone survey are mysteriously ending up in the hands of reporters and environmentalists in both Alabama and Missouri.
•Privileged( a.)仅供少数人知道的,机密的Privileged information is known by only a small group of people, who are not legally required to give it to anyone else.;
to end up.最后变成 If you end up doing something or end up in a particular state, you do that thing or get into that state even though you did not originally intend to.
A congenial person, place, or environment is pleasant. (FORMAL)
If we really mean to lead,and to bring about a world more or less congenial to us,we should stop pretending that we can do the job on the cheap and by remote control.
TIME--CNN polls have shown a consistent majority of voters---56% VS.34%in last week's survey favoring creation of a full-fledged new party.
对于成立另一个正式政党,TIME与CNN合作的多项民意调查一致显示有过半数选民同意,如上周的调查即是56%鲜赞成, 34%反对。
Fully-fledged means complete or fully developed.