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210 Cards in this Set

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pituitary and thyroid gland are similar how?
both have lobes (intermediate lobe, etc.)
pyramidal lobe of thyroid gland is a remnant of what?
thyroglossal duct above the isthmus
colloid is what?
a collection of proteins
fxn of thyroid gland can be inhibited by a variety of chemical agents, referred to as?
goitrogens do what?
they suppress T3 & T4 synthesis
TSH level increases
get hyperplastic enlargement of gland
antithyroid agent, propylthiouracil inhibits what?
inhibits oxidation of iodide & blocks production of thyroid hormones
________ inhibits peripheral deiodination of T4 into T3, thus ameliorating sxs of thyroid excess
______ blocks release of thyroid hormones, thus can be given to pts w/ thyroid hyperfxn
iodides in large doses inhibit proteolysis of ____________, thus thyroid hormone is not released into________

blood (even when synthesized & incorporated w/in increasing amts of colloid)
ectopic thyroid tissue is MC located where?
at the base of tongue (lingual thyroid)

or other sites ABNL high in neck
what % of pts w/ ectopic thyroid have no other fxning thyroid?

before removing ectopic "mass" confirm w/ thyroid scan, FNA or biopsy
excessive descent of thyroid tissue leads to what?
substernal thyroid glands
thyroid descent tract is pseudostratified columnar or stratified squamous lined & usually obliterated, it passes thru ______
hyoid bone
____ can be seen anywhere along the thyroid descent tract
excessive descent of thyroid tissue may occur as low as the _______
diaphragm (rare)
external fistula is acquired or congenital? (RE: thyroid gland)

(tract does not NLLY communicate w/ the skin)
what midline lesion is d/t persistent sinus tract connected to foramen cecum or suprasternal notch, or blind tubular structure inf to hyoid bone?
the thyroglossal duct
70% of ________________ often present as infxn in children age 5+ yrs
congenital neck cysts
thyroglossal ducts are usually detected when?
in childhood, occasionally in adults
thyroglossal duct is rarely assoc. w/ what?
papillary thyroid carcinoma

(even if CA present, excellent prognosis after excision)
DDX of thyroglossal cyst?
dermoid cyst
lymph node
branchial cleft cyst
ectopic thyroid
ST tumors
thyroid nodule in neck anatomically separate from thyroid gland?
parasitic nodule
parasitic nodule is not assoc. w/ ________
lymph nodes
parasitic nodule may be connected to thyroid gland by thin fibrous strand of vascular tissue or may get its vascular supply from where?
from surrounding tissue separate from thyroid gland
22q11 deletion syndrome, velo-cardio-facial syndrome
DiGeorge syndrome

del (22) detected by FISH
DiGeorge syndrome is d/t what?
arrested development of 3rd & 4th branchial pouches
in DiGeorge syndrome...there's absence of what 3 things & what defects?
1. C cells
2. thymus
3. paraTH glands
...4. conotruncal cardiac defects
what is the MC manifestation of thyroid dz?
what do diffuse & multinodular goiters represent?
they reflect impaired synthesis of thyroid hormone
impaired synthesis of thyroid hormone is most often caused by what?
dietary iodine def'y
impaired synthesis of thyroid hormone leads to what lab finding?
leads to compensatory rise in serum TSH level
presence of goiter, think??
rise in serum TSH level
rise in serum TSH level causes what?
hypertrophy & hyperplasia of thyroid follicular cells, ultimately, gross enlargement of thyroid gland
if pt. is able to overcome the hormone def'y w/ hi TSH level = what?
goitrous hypothyroidism may come from what?
severe congenital biosynthetic defect or endemic iodine def'y
degree of thyroid enlargement is proportional to what?
to level & duration of thyroid hormone def'y
nontoxic, colloid goiter
simple goiter
longstanding simple goiter
multinodular goiter
endemic simple goiter is seen in what 2 areas?
1. mountainous areas (low iodine intake)
2. where foods integral to diet interfere w/ iodine uptake (cassava, turnips, cabbage)
which type of simple goiter is less common?
sporadic (than endemic)
seen in young, F>>M
which type of goiter is most frequently mistaken for neoplasia form of thyroid dz?
findings in multinodular goiter
uneven follicular hyperplasia
generation of new follicles
uneven accumulation of colloid
rupture of follicles & vessels w/ hemorrhages
scarring, & sometimes calcifications
what 2 things may contribute to nodularity of goiter?
1. scarring adding to stress
2. preexisting stromal framework enclosing areas of expanded parenchyma
thyroid on micro
follicular cells surrounding colloid
multinodular goiter, see what 2 things?
calcification, hemorrhage
in multinodular goiter, what structures can project into the cystic areas?
pseudopapillary & truly papillary structures (Sanderson's polsters)
low TSH
high free T4
normal TRH stim test
primary hyperTH
(intrinsic thyroid abnormality)
high TSH
abnormal TRH stim test
2ndary hyperTH
low TSH <0.1
normal T3 & T4
subclinical hyperTH
T3 hyperTH 1-4%
low TSH
high free T3
normal free T4
what is assoc. w/ early tx of hyperTH w/ antithyroid drugs?
T3 hyperTH
T4 hyperTH
high T4
normal T3
T4 hyperTH can be d/t what 4 things?
1. primary hyperTH causes
2. iodine
3. amiodarone
4. pregnancy (2%)
tx for hyperthyroidism?
-beta-blockers for sxs
-thionamide-type drugs to block new hormone synthesis
-iodine to block release of T4/T3
-radioactive iodine to destroy thyroid tissue
what tx for hyperTH blocks release of T4/T3?
2 autoimmune disorders of the thyroid?
Graves dz (hyperTH)

Hashimoto dz (hypoTH)
graves dz
triad of clinical findings:
1. enlargement of thyroid
2. exophthalmos (infiltrative ophthalmopathy)
3. pretibial myxedema (infiltrative dermatopathy)
a feature seen only in graves dz?
TRUE thyroid ophthalmopathy assoc. w/ proptosis
what is central to Graves dz pathogenesis?
TSH receptor antibodies
what are the 3 types of TSH R Abs?
TSI thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin
TGI thyroid growth stimulating immunoglobulins
TBII TSH-binding inhibitor immunoglobulins
TSI is relatively specific for ______
Graves dz
TGI have been implicated in the proliferation of ________
thyroid follicular epithelium
TBII does what 2 things?
1. prevent TSH from binding normally to R
2. mimic the action of TSH
why do some pts w/ graves dz spontaneously develop episodes of hypothyroidism?
d/t coexistence of stimulating & inhibiting immunoglobulins in the serum of same pt
hyperthyroidism on histo
colloid lobules are dec or absent, have irregular form, 'scalloped'
involuted/convuluted edges
can look like papillary carcinoma
hypothyroidism that develops in infancy or early childhood?
most hypothyroidism pts look relatively __________
most cases of hypothyroidism are d/t what?
Hashimoto's thyroiditis or iodine def'y
hypothyroidism may cause what type of anemia?
macrocytic, nonmegaloblastic anemia w/ NL RDW
normal TSH
low T3 & T4
primary hypothyroidism
causes of primary hypothyroidism
destruction of thyroid (surgery, radiation, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, developmental)
interference w/ thyroid hormone synthesis (idiopathic, genetic, lithium, iodide, methimazole, PTU, iodine ingestion, iodine def'y, chronic renal failure)
pituitary disorder causing reduced TSH secretion gives?
2ndary hypothyroidism
hypothalamic lesion causing reduced TRF secretion gives?
tertiary dx hypothyroidism
high TSH
NL T3 & T4
no clinical sxs of hypothyroidism
subclinical hypothyroidism
congenital hypothyroidism is usually d/t what?
thyroid dysgenesis
rarely d/t inborn errors of metabolism
what are the sxs of congenital hypothyroidism?
1. impaired development of skeletal system (short coarse facial features & protruding tongue)
2. severe mental retardation
maternal hypothyroidism may cause what? & why?
severe mental retardation
bc maternal T3/T4 crosses placenta & is critical to brain development before fetal gland develops
what is the tx for congenital hypothyroidism?
immediate hormone replacement

(tx after early childhood may not correct intellectual deficits)
what is the most sensitive screening test for hypothyroidism (has nonspecific sxs)?
measurement of serum TSH level
myxedema or Gull dz can be seen in what?
what is the MC cause of hypothyroidism in areas of world where iodine levels are sufficient?
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
pts w/ goiter & intense lymphocytic infiltration of thyroid (struma lymphomatosa)?
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
what are the variants of Hashimoto's thyroiditis?
fibrous atrophy
cystic forms
hashimoto's thyroiditis is most prevalent in what age group & in what sex?
45-65 yrs
MC in women 10:1

so, a dz of older women
a major cause of nonendemic goiter in children?
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
hashimoto pts demonstrate what?
circulating antithyroid antibodies
hashimoto's thyroiditis pts have inc risk for developing what?
other concomitant autoimmune dzs
1. endocrine (DM1, autoimmune adrenalitis)
2. nonendocrine (SLE, MGravis, Sjogren syndrome, B cell NHL)
NL thyroid grossly?
has colloid, it weeps when cut, beefy red appearance
looks like fish flesh (full of lymphocytes)??
hypothyroid (grossly)
fragments of colloid
involuted in

B cells surrounded by T cells??
Hashimoto's dz
Hurthle cell metaplastic response is part of what dz?
Hashimoto's dz

(some cells are swollen on histo)
adult w/ painless, gradual thyroid failure d/t autoimmune destruction?
Hashimoto's dz
anti-TSH antibodies _____ the TSH R in Hashimoto's dz but ____ the TSH R in Graves' dz

what HLA is goitrous form of Hashimotos?
what HLA is atrophic form of Hashimotos?
autoimmune thyroiditis spectrum?
is from grave's to hashimoto's
granulomas will be seen in the thyroid when __________________
when there's entrapped material
autoimmune thyroiditis may be d/t disturbance in what?
suppressor T cells
autoimmune thyroiditis occurring w/in 1 yr after delivery
post-Partum thyroiditis
what is present in 44% w/ Grave's dz, assoc w/ smoking?
post-partum thyroidits
what % of post-partum hypothyroidism pts persist?
on micro: focal aggregates of lymphocytes in inter or intralobular fibrous tissue, no oxyphilic metaplasia, no follicular atrophy, no follicular disruption
focal lymphocytic thyroiditis
5-20% of adult autopsies (more in elderly women) show what?
focal lymphocytic thyroiditis
FLT is assoc w/ low levels of _________, lacks ___________ and may be early/mild form of _________
antithyroid Abs

clinical sxs

autoimmune thyroiditis
on micro:
follicle developing w/ center portion more expanded
More B cells than T cells!!!
sudden onset of pain, glandular enlargement, comes via blood or direct seeding from URIs?
infectious thyroiditis
risk factors for infectious thyroiditis?
malnourished infant
debilitated elderly
suppurative cases of infectious thyroiditis may be assoc. w/ ___________
pyriform sinus fistula
aka multifocal granulomatous thyroiditis
palpation thyroiditis
85%+ of surgically resected thyroids but no clinical significance?
palpation thyroiditis
palpation thyroiditis is more often assoc. w/ ____________ than autoimmune thyroiditis
palpation thyroiditis on micro?
multiple small granulomas centered in disrupted follicles
composed of lymphocytes (usually T cells)
usually no necrosis
no neutrophils
densely fibrotic inflammatory process involving thyroid gland & adjacent neck tissue
Riedel's thyroiditis
aka Riedel's struma, fibrous thyroidits
what clinically resembles carcinoma, is assoc.w/ inflammatory fibrosclerosis/multifocal systemic fibrosclerosis (mediastinal or retroperitoneal fibrosis, sclerosing cholangitis, inflammatory pseudotumor of orbit)?
Riedel's thyroiditis
what % of Riedel's thyroiditis have antithyroid antibodies?
inflammation of thyroid gland w/ granulomas
aka de Quervain's thyroiditis or granulomatous thyroiditis
subacute thyroiditis
MC cause of thyroid PAIN?
subacute thyroiditis
3 phases of subacute thyroiditis?
1. hyperthyroidism
2. hypothyroidism (1% remain permanent)
3. recovery & resolves in 6-8wks
75% in women, usually 30-50yo
assoc. w/ HLA-Bw35,
rarely familial
subacute thyroiditis
etiology of subacute thyroiditis may be what?
systemic viral infxn
sxs of subacute thyroiditis?
sore throat
thyroid region tenderness
__________ is PAINFUL, pt. says 'my thyroid hurts', thus not hashimotos
subacute thyroiditis
what is a characteristic feature of subacute thyroiditis on histo?
aggregates of neutrophils in the follicles; multinucleated giant cells are rare
"cold" nodules on thyroid scan
incidental benign lesions (appear as masses)
i.e. colloid cysts
-->distinguish from carcinoma
a solitary, well-circumscribed nodule, w/ massive proliferation of follicular cells on micro
follicular adenoma of the thyroid
adenoma vs. multinodular goiter
1. produce more compression of adj thyroid parenchyma
2. have a well-formed capsule
(both have multiple nodules on their cut surface)
in pts who present w/ thyroid nodules, what's of major concern?
neoplastic dz
overwhelming majority of solitary nodules of thyroid prove to be ________ or __________
follicular adenomas
solitary nodule are more likely to be __________ than are multiple nodules
nodules in which pts are more likely to be neoplastic?
in younger
in male pts
take up radioactive iodine in imaging; "hot" nodules are more likely to be?
cold nodules could be what?
what % are papillary CA?
75-85% of thyroid CA
what % are follicular CA?
what % are medullary CA?
what are <5% of thyroid CA cases?
anaplastic CA
painless nodule/mass in neck or cervial node
cold on scan
papillary CA
dx papillary CA by?
at presentatin what % of papillary CA in thyroid only? in nodes too? in nodes only?
67% in thyroid only
13% in thyroid & cervical nodes
20% in nodes only
nodal mets of paillary CA may undergo cystic change & thus resemble what?
branchial celft cysts
what is assoc. w/ a more indolent course of papillary CA?
RET/PTC oncogene alterations
does cervical nodal involvement affect prognosis of papillary CA?
who has poorer prognosis w/ papillary CA?
age 40+ or elderly, male?, local invasion
to detect recurrent dz (papillary CA)?
measure thyroglobulin in FNA from LNs in pts w/ hx of papillary thyroid CA
follicles w/ nuclear features of PTC
more indolent than follicular CA
follicular PTC variant
PTC tumors most often arise in whom?
in middle-aged females
orphan annie inclusions
papillary CA

(eyes w/ no pupils)
on histo:
pure follicular architecture
papillary CA nuclei
lower LN mets
more favorable encapsulation
follicular PTC variant
papillary neoplasm on histo
see grooves in nuclei
follicular variant PTC
see infolding
affects older pts
extrathyroidal extension more common
worse/poor prognosis
which variant of PTC?
Tall cell variant PTC
follicular differentiation
no papillary nuclear features
solitary, not occult
"cold" on scan
follicular CA of thyroid
older age than papillary CA
follicular CA of thyroid
risk factors for follicular CA of thyroid?
radiation exposure
iodine def'y
older age
(not from preexisting adenoma)
what %s give distant mets in invasive follicular CA of thyroid?
50% if vascular & capsular invasion

75% if local invasion & vascular or capsular invasion
give me 3 'encapsulated' classes of follicular CA?
1. w/ capsular invasion only
2. w/ limited vascular invasion (<4 vessels)
3. w/ extensive vascular invasion (>4 vessels)
what are the poor prognostic factors of follicular thyroid CA?
distant mets, age >45yrs, large size, extensive vascular invasion, extrathyroidal extension, poorly differentiated or widely invasive tumors
follicular type appearance
no orphan annies etc.
follicular carcinoma
neuroendocrine tumore derived from __________ of ultimobranchial body of neural crest, which secrete __________ = medullary carcinoma
C cells (parafollicular cells)

5-10% of thyroid carcinomas are what?
medullary carcinoma
2 types of medullary carcinoma?
1. sporadic 75-80%
2. hereditary
which medullary carcinoma?
solitary, paraneoplastic syndromes, dysphagia & hoarseness from tumor bulk
sporadic type
which medullary carcinoma?
younger pts, d/t MEN2A or 2B syndromes, familial MTC, VHL, or NF, bilateral, multicentric w/ C cell hyperplasia
familial type (screen serum calcitonin or peripheral blood RET oncogene analysis)
mets may be initial presentation of dz & usually contain amyloid?
medullary thyroid Ca
which form of medullary Ca has the poorer prognosis?
sporadic form!
5 yr survival w/ medullary thyroid Ca?
high serum calcitonin & chromogranin A levels screen for what?
medullary thyroid Ca
to monitor for recurrence of MTCa, can use what?
calcitonin levels
when is total thyroidectomy the TOC for MTC?
~ familial forms, w/ cervical lymphadenopathy for node pos. pts
widespread invasion
on gross, see almost no NL thyroid present
brown cells b/t follicles on thyroid specimen histo?
calcitonin (MTC)
aka undifferentiated (high grade) carcinoma of thyroid gland, carcinosarcoma, sarcomatoid carcinoma
anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid
arises as anaplastic transformation of papillary, follicular or Hurthle cell carcinoma, core conserved mutations
rapidly enlarging, bulky neck mass causing hoarseness, dysphagia, dyspnea
anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid
resistant to all txs, death usually w/in 1yr??
anaplastic thyroid carcinoma

(mean survival 6 mos.)
<10% make it to 2yrs
what methods are utilized for clinical staging?
inspection/palpation of gland & LN
indirect laryngoscopy (look at vocal cords)
imaging w/o iodine contrast
preoperative U/S for papillary thyroid CA
why no iodine contrast when imaging carcinoma for staging?
iodine contrast delays use of I-131 for tx
tumor nodes mets
3 components of pathologic staging
1. clinical staging
2. histologic exam
3. surgeon's description of gross unresected residual tumor
staging TX
primary tumor cant be assessed
staging T0
no evidence of primary tumor
limited to thyroid, <2cm
limited to thyroid, >2cm <4cm
limited to thyroid, >4cm OR w/ minimal extrathyroid extension
any size tumor beyond capsule invading subQ ST, larynx, trachea, esophagus or recurrent lar. N
tumor invading prevertebral fascia or encasing carotid A or mediastinal vessels
T4 is _________ by definition
anaplastic carcinoma; all are considered ____ tumors
surgically unresectable anaplastic CA
T4b extrathyroidal anaplastic
surgically resectable anaplastic CA
T4a intrathyroidal anaplastic
6+ LNs
selective neck dissection
10+ LNs
radical or modified radical neck dissection
what 3 are regional LNs of thyroid?
1. central compartment
2. lateral cervical
3. upper mediastinal LNs
regional LNs cant be assessed
no regional LN mets
pos. regional LN mets
a. mets to level VI LNs (pretracheal, Delphian etc.)
b. mets to unilateral, bilateral, or contraL cervical or sup. mediastinal LNs
distant mets cant be assessed
no distant mets
distant mets
papillary or follicular
stage 1 under 45yrs
papillary or follicular
stage 1 over 45yrs
papillary or follicular
stage 4c over 45yrs
any T, any N, M1
medullary carcinoma
stage 1
stage 2
anaplastic carcinoma- all cases are?
stage 4
stage 4a
T4a, any N, M0
stage 4b
T4b, any N, M0
cold nodule DDX
adenoma, papillary, follicular, cyst, carcinoma, lymphoma etc.
benign, hot nodule DDX
adenoma, lymphocytic thyroiditis, multinodular goiter
1-5% of thyroid tumors are?
thyroid gland lymphoma
lymphoma, what type of nodule on scan?
lymphoma is usually ___ cell in origin
primary tumor often arising in background of lymphocytic or Hashimoto's thyroidits after 20-30yrs??
thyroid gland lymphoma (particulary MALT type)
MC subtype of lymphoma is?
diffuse large B cell lymphoma