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43 Cards in this Set

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what is thyroid hormone needed for?
norm growth and development
metabolic stability
stimulates the heart and energy use
plays a role in every organ system in the body
where is t4 converted to t4?
thyroid gland, kidneys, muscle, liver
thyroid hormones are transported by ?
TBG, TBPA, albumin
Primary hypothyroidism?
hashimotos or iatrogenic
Secondary hypothyroidism?
dysfunction in the pituitary cland or the hypothalamus
drugs that cause hypothyroidsim?
lithium, amiodarone, alpha interferon
subclinical hypothyroidism?
normal t4 with and increased tsh
physical findings in hypothyroidism?
bradycardia, goiter, cool dry skin, atrphy of thyroid, edema, constipation, hoarseness, depression
Tx for hypothyroidism?
levothyroxine (7 day H/L), liothyronine (may improve cog in elderly, high incidence of cardiac event), liotrix (mimics natural secetion)
cut dose by half if switching to IV from oral
levothyroxine dosing
dose changes?
(1.7 mcg/kg/day) 100-125 mcg/day avg, 1 mcg/kg/day for elderly
> 50yo, kids, cardiac dz, chronic = titrate start at 25-50
made in 12.5 -25 mcg increments
when do you check labs?
every 6-8 weeks
time line for turnaround?
temp, alertness, speech improve > 72 hrs
diuresis, weight loss > 2/3 days
metabolic activity improves > 1 wk
TSH norm > 2-6 wks
what drugs bind to levothyroxine?
cholestyramine, mag, aluminum, kayexalate, iron prep, sucralfate
adverse effects of levothyroxine?
thyrotoxiosis, HF, angina, MI, atrial arrythmias, increased bone loss
why shouldn't you give morphine to pt with hypothyridism?
further depresses their resp drive
prenancy and hypothyroidism?
monitor because baby doesn't have the ability to produce thyroid hormones. Placenta also deiodinases levothyroxine so increased doses are needed. space prenatal vit by 4 hrs before or after levo
types of hyperthyroidism?
graves, toxic multi nodular goiter, factitious, tumors, drug producing (amiodarone, iodides)
most common signs in hyperthyroidism?
cardiac and weight abnormalities (may be know signs at all)
how do you dx hyperthyroidism?
radioactive iodine uptake, FT4, TSH
Tx options?
thioamides, RAI, surgery
primary tx for kids and pregnant women. pretx before surgery and I131, no hypothyroidism
definitive therapy for adult hyperthyroidism?
radioactive iodine
2 types of thioamides?
methimazole, PTU
how long does it take thiomides to return hormone levels to normal?
4-8 weeks
what should you use for symptomatic management of hyperthyroidism?
BB Propranolol also inhibits peripheral conversion), CCB, iodides
PTU vs methimazole?
PTU: short half life, DOC in thyroid storm/preg/brst feeding, protein bound(placenta), inhibit peripheral conversion
Meth: longer half life, 10x more potent, does not effect existing stores
how long should tx continue?
12-18 months
monitor monthly until stable than 3-4 x yr
How do you monitor a pt on thioamides?
BP, pulse, weight, thyroid exam, eye exam, free t3/t4
Adverse effects of thioamides?
rash (histamines), leukopenia, arthralgia (d/c)
major: agranulocytosis (prodrome), hepatotoxicity, vasculitis (ARF, arthritis, skin ulcers, rash, hemoptysis)
If pt has COPD/asthma and hyperthyroidism, what adjunctive therapy should you use?
non dihydro CCB
useful in short-term management of thyrotoxicosis?
propranolol, atenalol, metoprolol
MOA of iodide?
blocks thyroid hormone synthesis and release, decreases vascularity in thyroid
Indications for iodides?
after RAI therapy, pre-tx for surgery, attaining euthyroid state in severe dz in pt with cardiac comp, nuclear accident, thyroid storm
what is wolff charchoff effect?
autoregulatory mech that stops the organifiaction of iodides
RAI tx?
start with thioamides for 4 days than give RAI therapy and the thioamides for 4 days after
adverse effects of RAI?
hypothyroidism, mouth ulcers, thyroid tenderness
thyroid storm?
typically occurs with hyperthyroidism. thyroidtoxicosis form infx, trauma, surgery
s/s of thyroid storm?
hypermetabolism, fever, altered mental status, sweating, tachy, chf, arryhmia
Tx for thyrid storm?
PTU, iodide, steroids, supportive therpy
benefit of corticosteroids?
decreases inflammation, blocks t4>t3 conversion, can help with thyroid storm and ophthamyopathy
How does amiodarone cause hyper and hypothyroidism?
hypo: is releases iodine with each dose causing the auto reg system to stop conversion of t4-t3
hyper: inhibits the stoppage auto reg system and more T4-T3 is converted
what other drug can induce hypothyroidism?
lugols solution?
K iodine that fills the thyroid and prevent uptake of harmful radiation in nuclear attack. take several hours before radiation (goes down by 50% after 4hrs of exposure)