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36 Cards in this Set

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-what type of gland?
-endocrine gland
-thyroxin & thyrocalcitonin
-basal metabolic rate, calcium metabolism, stimulates somatic and psychic growth
-located where?
-how many lobes usually? unusually?
-connected by? which is located where?
-Inf to thyroid cart, level of cricoid cart
-2 lobes, sometimes 3rd (from isthmus)
-Isthmus connects lobes, located in front of 2nd, 3rd, 4th tracheal rings
True capsule is made up of?
False Capsule is made up of? Forms? Connects?
True: Connective Tissue
False: Pretracheal Fascia, thick medially to form suspensory ligament of Berry (connects lobe to cricoid cartilage)
Arterial Supply of Thyroid (3)
1) Superior Thyroid (branch of external carotid A)
2) Inferior Thyroid A (branch of thyrocervical trunk)
3) Thyroid IMA A (arch or brachiocephalic trunk) -3% of individuals
Venous Drainage (3-to where?)
1) Superior Thyroid V - internal jugular V
2) Middle Thyroid V - internal jugular V
3) Inferior Thyroid V - left brachiocephalic V
Lymphatics-upper part? lower part?
Upper part-upper deep cervical lymph N
Lower part- lower deep cervical lymph N
Nerves-mainly? and are?
mainly from middle cervical ganglion and are vasoconstrictor
Superior thyroid A ligated where? to save?

Inferior thyroid A ligated where? to save?
*Superior-nearer gland-to save external laryngeal N (branch of sup laryngeal N)

*Inferior- away from gland-to save recurrent laryngeal N.
Hyperthyroidism is due to? Most common cause is?

Hypothyroidism is due to? Most common cause is?
Hyper-increase in thyroid hormone, Grave's disease
Hypo-decrease in thyroid hormone,
Hashimoto thyroidiris
Goiter is? Most common cause? Leads to?
IS enlargement of thyroid gland
CAUSE iodine deficiency
LEADS TO dysphagia, hoarseness of voice
Parathyroid glands are?
Located where?
Secrete what?
Which controls?
-2 pairs of small endocrine glands
-Posterior border of thyroid w/i capsule
-Secretes parathormone which controls metabolism of calcium & phospherus
Blood Supply-
Arterial supply-
Veins, lymphatics & N supply-
Arterial-inferior thyroid artery
V, L, N-thyroid gland
tumors of parathyroid
Excessive secretion of parathormone-
increase removal of calcium from bones (osteitis fibrosa cystica)
accidental removal of gland during thyroidectomy-hypocalcemia
3 Major Salivary glands?
Found in? Produce?
1)Parotid 2)Submandibular 3)Sublingual
-Found in tongue, palate, cheeks, lips
-Produces saliva which keeps oral cavity moistened, and help in chewing/swallowing
Parotid gland- size? location?
-Largest in body
-below external meatus, between ramus of madible and sternomastoid
Accessory Parotid gland? Location?
-Part that extends forward, often detached
-Lies btwn zygo arch & parotid duct
Parotid Capsule is?
-Investing layer of deep fascia split to enclose the gland btwn angle of madible and mastoid process
What separates Parotid & Submandibular gland?
Stylomandibular Ligament formed by Deep Lamina of Parotid Capsule-thickening
Parotid Duct is? Also called? Pierces? Opens into?
Stenson's Duct. Thick wall duct, emerges from middle of ant border of gland. Pierces buccal pad of fat, buccopharyngeal fascia & buccinator obliquely. Opens into vestibule or mouth opposite the crown of upper 2nd molar tooth.
Arteries-external carotid & branches
Veins-external jugular vein
Lymph-parotid gr. of lymph node
1) Parotid Swelling-
2) Mumps-
3) Abscess-
1) Very painful due to unyielding nature of partoid fascia
2) viral infection
3) spread of infection from mouth
4) Parotidectomy-
5) Sialography-
4) facial nerve is preserved by removing gland in two parts (SF & DP) Nerve passage between.
5) Radiographic visualization of parotid duct system
6) Sialolith-
7) Mixed Parotid tumor-
6) stone in duct
7) benign tumor and involvement of facial N, rapid growth and pain are signs of malignant change
Submandibular Region is-
Deeper structure in area between mandible & hyoid bone including floor of mouth and root of tongue
Muscles in Submandibular Region?
Digastric, Stylohyoid, Mylohyoid, Geniohyoid
Submandibular Gland is? Divided by? SF part lies where?
-Large salivary gland located in the anterior part of digastric triangle
-Divided by mylohyoid M
-SF part lies SF to mylohyoid M
Submandibular Duct-also called?
Emerges at? Is crossed by?
Also called Whartons duct. Emerges at anterior end of deep part.
Crossed by lingual N.
Submandibular Duct opens?
Opens on floor of mouth on summit of sublingual papilla at side of frenulum of tongue
Submandibular Blood Supply & Lymp
Artery-fascial artery
Veins-common facial or Lingual Vein
Lymph-submandibular lymph node
Nerve supply of Mandibular Region-
braches from?
These branches convey?
-Branches from submandibular ganglion
-convey secretomotor fibers, sensory fibers, vasomotor sympathetic fibers from plexus on facial A.
Common site of Calculus-
Tense swelling below body of mandible which is greatest before and during meal and reduced in size in between meal in diagnostic
Excision of submandibular gland for calculus or tumor-
is done by incision below angle of jaw, since the mandibular branch of facial N passes posterioinferior to angle of jaw, the incision must be placed more than 1 inch below angle to preserve N
Sublingual Gland-size? where?
-Smallest of 3 salivary glands
-Above mylohyoid in sublingual fossa
Sublingual Gland-ducts open into? Bloddy supply?
Nerve supply?
-Opens into floor of mouth by about 15 ducts on summit of sublingual fold
-Bloody supply is Lingual & Submental Arteries
-Nerve supply is similar to submandibular gland