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15 Cards in this Set

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S/S of hyperthyroidism

anxiety, insomnia, eyelid retractions (exophthalmus), hand tremors, diarrhea, wt loss, excessive sweating, goiter

Types of hyperthyroidism

-Abnl stimulation of thyroid gland: Graves Disease, TSH mediated thyrotoxicosis

-Thyroid gland autonomy: Toxic adenoma, Toxic multinodular goiter, Thyroid CA related thyrotoxicosis

-Gland inflame with unregulated thyroid hormone disease: subacute thyroiditis, amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis

what is the antithyroid

methimazole (Tapazole)

propylthiouracil (PTU)

how do antithyroids work

-prevent connection btw iodine and thyroglobin

-doesn't get rid of thyroglobin you already have so it takes a while to work (3-8wks)

which antithyroid do you want to use in pregnant women

PTU (Propylthiouracil)

bc it doesn't cross the placenta

don't use really use in any other case bc black box warning for liver failure

ADR of antithyroid

Agranulocytosis- get baseline WBC +diff; sore throat and fever

rule of 40s

nausea, skin pigmentation, paresthesias, joint pain/stiffness, hepatitis, nephritis

what is the rule of 40s

ADR of agranulocytosis

RF: dose greater than 40mg/d AND pt age older 40yrs

dose for antithyroid

Methimazole (Tapazole)

10mg TTT qd

when do you evaluate TSH level?

start at 35 y/o q 5yrs

what are sx of hypothyroidism

pale, cool, puffy skin

dry and brittle hair

brittle nails

drooping eyelids

decreased HR

decreased appetite


stiffness/muscle fatigue

impaired water exception- decreased renal BF

decreased basal metabolic rate

what are the thyroid supplements

levothyroxine (T4)

liothyronine (T3)

desiccated thyroid

ADR of thyroid supplements

unlikely any ADR!

insomnia, tachycardia, nervousness

what are drug interactions with thyroid supplements

impaired levothyroxine absorption: food, antacids, iron salts, phosphate binder, PPI

increased thyroxine metabolism: carbamazepine, phenytoin, rifampin, sertraline (zoloft)

impaired T4 to T3 conversion: amiodarone

also tyrosine kinase inhibitors, simvastatin

special cases of hypothyroidism

subclinical hypothyroidism: mildly elevated TSH with nl T4, tx may not be needed

pregnancy: dosing requirement likely elevated

myxedema coma: life threatening, tx with corticosteroids then levothyroxine (probs IV)

dose for thyroid supplement


100mcg T qd