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30 Cards in this Set

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short acting insulin (2)
long acting
short (4 hours)- lispo, aspart
insulin (~8 hours)
intermediate (8-12 hours)- NPH
long ascting (24 hours) - glargine
insulin toxicities (2)
hypoglycemia, hypersensitivity (very rare)
Tolbutamide mech, toxicity
1st generation sulfonylurea

induces insulin secretion by closing K+ channel on beta islet cell (increases Ca influx)

disulfiram-like reaction
Chlorpropamide mech, toxicity
1st generation sulfonylurea

induces insulin secretion by closing K+ channel on beta islet cell, causing Ca influx

disulfiram-like rxn
Glyburide mech, toxicities (2), 2 contraindications
2nd generation sulfonylurea

stimulates insulin release by closing K+ channel on beta islet cell, causing increased Ca influx

sulfa allergy
contraindicated in renal failure, elderly
2nd generation sulfonylurea

stimulates insulin release by closing K+ channels on beta islet cell membrance, causing Ca influx

sulfa allergy
Glimepiride mech, toxicities (2)
2nd generation sulfonylurea

stimulates insulin release by closing K+ channel on beta islet cells, which causes Ca influx
Metformin mech, toxicities (2) contraindications (4)
biguanide, mech unknown but increases gluconeogenesis and increases sensitivity to insulin

lactic acidosis, hepatotoxicity

contraindicated in renal failure, hepatic damage, cardiac damage
Pioglitazone mech, toxicities (3), contraindication
binds PPAR-gamma and activates the transcriptional regulator. increases insulin sensitivity and adiponectin

fluid retention/edema, weight gain, hepatotoxicity

contraindicated in CHF patients (due to fluid retention)
Rosiglitazone mech, toxicities (3), contraindication
activates PPAR-gamma, causes increased insulin sensitivity and adiponectin

fluid retention/edema, weight gain, hepatotoxicity

contraindicated in CHF because of fluid retention
Acarbose mech, use, toxicity
inhibits intestinal brush border alpha-glucosidase (to decrease carb absorption)
-can be used as monotherapy! best for post-prandial hyperglycemia
GI distress
Miglitol mech, use, toxicity
brush border alpha-glucosidase inhibitor (decreases carb absorption)

can be used as DM monotherapy! best for post-prandial hypoglycemia

GI distress
Pramlintide mech, toxicities (3)
decreases glucagon

Exanatide mech, toxicities (2)
GLP-1 analog
increases insulin
decreases glucagon

what is treatment of choice for gestational DM?
mech, use
toxicities (3)
inhibit peroxidase
use for hyperthyroidism

skin rash, aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis
Methimazole mech, uses, toxicities (4)
blocks peroxidase (inhibits organification of iodide and coupling of thyroid hormone synthesis like Propylthiouracil)


skin rash, aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, teratogen
Levothyroxine use (2), toxicity
hypothyroidism, myxedema

hyperthyroid effects
Triiodothryonine use (2), toxicity
hypothyroidism, myxedema

hyperthyroid effects
GH uses (2)
GH deficiency, Turner's syndrome
Octreotide uses
Acromegaly, VIPoma, gastrinoma, carcinoid syndrome, glucagonoma
Methimazole mech, uses, toxicities (4)
blocks peroxidase (inhibits organification of iodide and coupling of thyroid hormone synthesis like Propylthiouracil)


skin rash, aplastic anemia, agranulocytosis, teratogen
Levothyroxine use (2), toxicity
hypothyroidism, myxedema

hyperthyroid effects
Triiodothryonine use (2), toxicity
hypothyroidism, myxedema

hyperthyroid effects
GH uses (2)
GH deficiency, Turner's syndrome
Octreotide uses (5)
Acromegaly, VIPoma, gastrinoma, carcinoid syndrome, glucagonoma
Oxytocin uses (3)
controls uterine hemorrhage, stimulates contraction and labor, lets milk down
Demeclocycline mech, use, toxicities (3)
ADH antagonist (is a member of tetracycline family)


stained teeth
Nephrogenic DI
Beclomethasone mech, uses, toxicities
glucocorticoid (prednisone, triamcinolone, dexamethasone, hydrocortisone same)

inhibits prostaglandins A2 and Cox-2

Addison's Disease, inflammation, immune suppression, asthma

Iatrogenic Cushing's Syndrome, adrenal insufficiency if stop after chronic use
Cushing's syndrome change in:
skeletal muscle
bone - osteoporosis
GI - peptic ulcers
skeletal muscle- muscle wasting
skin - atrophy, easy bruising
metabolism - diabetes if chronic use