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110 Cards in this Set

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Main Industrial Revolution developments

Organization of labor

Machinery production

Artificial power (human, wind, animal)

Funding enterprises through commercial capitalism

Who was Samuel Slater

Father of Manufacturing - Built cotton mill from memory (English model)

Who was Francis Cabot Lowell

Created 1st large scale american cotton text factory by Charles River @ Walton Massachusetts

Merrimack Manufacturing Co. more successful because

New work force was New England women who were young and single

Major experiments

Steam Machinery, American coal industry born.

Who was Eli Whitney

Introduced assembly line manufacturing

What did Alfred Jenks do

Opened steam powered mill

What did Cyrus McCormick do

Mechanized agriculture with mechanical reaper

Mills created greater supply caused

Increase in supply, decrease in demand, price and wage decrease. Formed labor union, in which courts ruled any labor union with "breach of contract"

Because of the industrial revolution working men turned to

Politics in which they formed parties. (championed by Andrew Jackson)

War with Barbary states

Paid pirates an annual prize to prevent privacy. Policy was rejected by Jefferson. Results to war. Treaty of 1805 dropped demand of annual payments. US pays $60,000 for captured seamen.

Control of the Mississippi was able to occur because

the Louisiana purchase was sold by the government issuing $13 million in new bonds, sold to Euro investors. Part played by Hamilton

What did the Transcontinental Treaty do?

It provided legal basis of West Florida

What was the European War background?

France was opposed by England & Allies. US trade with France had conflict with England. Both stimulate US economy. Shipbuilding and foreign trade expand to US.

What was the French policy?

Berlin Decree - Declared blockade, Trade with England illegal

Milan Decree- All ships with England license trade subject to capture

What was the British policy?

Orders in council - Any country ship who visits England would penalize that ships country

Who's policy was more damaging & why?

England, because it is more valuable & has a strong navy to enforce policy

Why were the Provocative Acts established?

Because England was taking ships and goods, impressing sailors to British Navy (lost 5,000-9,000)

What did the Embargo of 1807 do?

Caused an American Depression, as it shut off trade with England

What was the Non intercourse Act

It opened trade with everyone except England & France. Which does not help the economy

What was Macon's Bill no: 2

Banned trade with one country, if other recognized neutral rights, which restored settlements with France, and Napoleon continued to seize American Ships

What was the Battle of Tippecanoe

Indian confederacy against settlers. Battle was a draw, but disillusions the Indians confederacy gone. New lands opened up.

Who was General William Henry Harrison?

He led the US army in the battle of Tippecanoe

Who were the War Hawks and what did they want to do?

Young Congressmen from the West. Wanted to Annex Canada, Fl & TX. Nationalism triumph, and included future national leaders. (Henry C, John C. C., Thomas B)

Why did the concencus build the war with England?

Economic problems remained unsolved

Western land policies & desires

Wanted Canadian annexation

Rise of congressional military

What happened 5 days after war was declared?

British softened policy

Was the US prepared for the War of 1812?


What were the advantages for the US

Population & urban centers good for war bases

Good country motive

What were the disadvantages for the US

Unprepared army & small untested navy

Domestic opposition to war

Why did the movement to annex Canada collapse?

US surrenders Fort Detroit

West war became stalemate

Not much support for the War Hawks claimed

What did Isaac Hull do?

Defeated the Guerriere and Java

What did Stephen Decatur do?

Beats Macedonian

What did Captain Oliver Hazard Perry do?

Led the battle of Lake Erie and defeats the British

What did the British do during the sea wars?

Navy strong, blockaded Atlantic posts and disrupted trade and economy

Napoleon surrenders and cause the British

Flexibility increase

British North and South attacks

Capture Fort Niagara (last attempt to annex Canada) and tries to take control of Major Rivers. Raided Washington DC and stopped by Baltimore Port military

What did Francis Scott Key do?

wrote the star-spangled banner from British ship

What did Andrew Jackson do during the war?

Led the counter attacks in the South, defended New Orleans from British.

Decisive victory, morale booster, fought after peace treaty, & enhanced political career

What did the Treaty of Ghent establish?

Land remains same, other issues unresolved.

Better relations with England (Anglo-Americans)

What was the Hartford Convention

Group that Opposed 1812 War and discussed secession South seceding, considered unpatriotic, and treason during the war

Federalist lost political respect, which led to

Single party government

Who wins the Election of 1808

James Madison (Republican) because of relations with Jefferson.

What was the main discussion of 1808

Foreign concerns

Who wins the election of 1812

Madison is re-nominated

Who supports Dewitt Clinton


What is the main discussion in 1812

War of 1812

Who led the Republican Party?

John Taylor

Why did political nationalism increase despite minority opposition

States rights faction break off from Rep. Nationalist dominant because of the war, boost morale. Few casualties, Indians move further West, because of AJ heroic defense (N.O.)

What were the agreements of national issues?

Tariff - protect industries (good for N, bad for S (export sells) ) tariff exports increase.

Internal improvements - Roads and canals, Bank US re-charted, national id with bank won because of sectional loyalist

Why did the South still support the tariff

Think they can benefit from industry

What is the "Era of Good Feelings"

Absence of political conflict

Who wins the election of 1816

James Monroe (Republican) because he was a veteran of the Jeffersonian political leader and diplomat

Who wins the election of 1820

James Monroe re-elected

What did Americans think about life in the US

Life was far superior from Europe

How did America imitate European models after the revolution?

Inadequate facilities, emphasis on practical accomplishments, High education limited only for the upper class

Who was Washington Irving?

Wrote "Knickerbockers History of NY"

First American author considered serious in England

Who was Noah Webster

Wrote the Dictionary 1806, substituted American spelling and speech patterns

Who was James Fenimore Cooper

Wrote "Last of the Mohicans"

Who was Charles Wilson Peale

Naturalist & painter - portrait of George Washington and other leading patriots

Pale's Museum in Philadelphia

Who was Gilbert Stuart?

Painted patriots of the Revolution more life like. (Facial expressions)

American Culture developments

Same departure , largely imitative

Lacking sophisticated techniques and suitable themes

American intellectual thinly spread

What were long range problems

Global trading patterns

Trade generate domestic capital

problem mixing industry and agriculture

determine proper relation-ship gov and buss.

balancing internal conflict and economic interest

Merchant trends

Assume national interest same as personal intr.

Max opportunities, trade with everyone

Capital increases political power demand internal improvements (transport and communication)

Who made the invention of cotton gin

Eli Whitney

What did cotton bring?

Increase in production demand, exports increased.

Slavery reinforced economic and social system

Slave price and illegal imports increased

Rationalize the institution of slavery in the south

What was the government's role

Decentralize the strong

promote business and internal improv over time

What would promoting private enterprise bring?

Finance in internal improv

Revenue sharing w/ states. keep money from sale of lands

Chartered corporations fed and state gov

corp helped faster int imrpov

corporate power steadily expand


Population increase

immigration & increase natural growth

Westward expansion (gov provide credit)

Farmers increase

What did Henry Clay try to do?

Make natural economy self-sufficient

What are Protective Tariffs (not approved)

Help industry. extensive internal improv., recharter US banks for stable currency

Primarily the north (all sections benefit)

Why were race problems postponed?

Indians seen as subhumans, so they took land.

African slaves - colonial trends & decl of ind not applied to slaves.


Tallmadge Amendment

Slave banned in Missouri, passed in the House / tied in the senate.

Tallmadge political controversy

North feared economic competition of slave balance in senate threatened

South emancipation desirable, slavery evil but necessary evil. legally recognized and private property. Not an issue, its a political issue.

Missouri Compromise

Maine admitted as a free state. Slavery prohibited in the Louisiana Territory. Allowed 36 30

What was a problem with England

Location boundary of Canada and America

Rush Bagot Agreement

Naval disarmament. Agreed to limit American and British vessels on Great Lakes

What were mutual interest agreements between US and British

England concentrate on Europe

US wants internal improvements

old antagonisms diminished

commercial relations restored

Transcontinental Treaty of 1819 (Adams-Onis Treaty)

Spain renounced east Mississippi river and Oregon claim. Boundary us and mexico now 42nd parallel. Claims TX. Gave 10 million for Florida and american claims against Spain

Latin American countries revolt against Spain

Started from Napoleonic War. supported by the British for expansion and trade. US don't support because of negotiations, but trade when the countries gain independence. Spain wants territory back.

Monroe Doctrine

Interests between america and britain. british made first diplomatic move issuing bilateral statements. no more acquiring territories in the western hemisphere.

Why did john quicy adams oppose

statement should be unilateral, which will show strong independent nation.

Adams convinces monroe to

insert policy state of the union speech (monroe doctrine)

Monroe Doctrine is effective because

It would be enforced by the british navy, and US improves internally without foreign interference

Tariff of 1816

high rates to protect american manufacture and production. penalized agriculture industry.

National tariff weakening most favored protective tariff

south opposed bc higher price in manu.

west generally supports tariff

Bank US rechartered in 1816

full support of west, but corrupt management

Bank reorganized by Langdon Cheves

tight credit, penalized debtors and state banks.

helped preserve bank of US

land sales boomed because of

west economic stability and advanced re movement of indians , and squatter problems

preemption law of 1841

Squatter first if they could buy 160 acres

Sectional basis of conflict

West easy to buy land

north cost land higher in order to build roads and canals. buss thought if cheap land workers would leave

John Quincy Adams N

Secretary of state, nationalist and congress

Daniel Webster N

opposed cheap land and principle of slavery

Martin Van Buren N

organized new york and virginia support and Jacksonian

John C. Calhoun S

Secretary of War, Vice President of John Q and Jack. Helps south dominant leader believed in states rights

William H. Crawford S

Democratic Republican. Compromiser and political leader

Henry Clay W

Secretary of state under John Q. Leader whig party. dominant western

Thomas Hart Benton W

Served in general Jackson war. Strong for western expansion

William Henry Harrison W

first delegate NW territory, lad act 1800. led army Tippecanoe and battle of thames

Andrew Jackson W

Commander, militia in war 1812. strong support SW and W

Election of 1824

All Democratic Republicans.

John Quincy Adams wins

Jackson and supporters furious (began planning 1828 elections)

John Quincy Adams

wanted national university, astronomy, scientific research and education, large int improv

But no consideration

Unpopular administration, because still had Jacksonian's in office

Tariff of 1824

Rates increased

mid states supported

england opposed

south opposed any tariff

Made sectional issues more serious

Election 1828

bitter personal attacks

Easy victory for Andrew Jackson

Growth in Votes

Tariff 1828

Rates High on manuf and raw goods

What did John C Calhoun think of the tariff

crush south permanent minority

wrote "South Carolina Exposition and Protest"

Acts deemed unconstitutional, declare unconstitutional

Jackson Image and approach in politics

Natural aristocrat, and common man

Men had instinctive wisdom. made spoils system

Spoils system

appointing political friends replacing enemies

why did Jackson have a poor administration

relied on intuition and friendly advice, lacked imagination and overly concerned government expenses

How did Jackson exercise his power?

Vetoed 6 bills

Pursue on nationalistic policies

do what the people want

tariff reduced, less int improv, price of land no decrease, surplus revenue to states

Indian removal act

Move Indians west of Mississippi