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51 Cards in this Set

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What half man half snake founded the region Cecropia which eventually became Attica?
What half man half snake was produced from Hephaestus' attempt to violate Athena?
Name the daughters of Cecrops
Aglauros, Herse, and Pandrosos
Erectheus defended Athens in its first war against what king of the Eleusinians?
Hermes loved Herse and ended up turning what sister of hers into a statue for trying to prevent their relationship?
Hermes and Herse had a child named what?
Cephalus was hunting in the woods calling out the name of Aura. He, thinking his wife was a deer, accidentally killed her. What was her name?
Artemis gave Procris what two gifts?
A spear that never missed its mark and Laelaps
Tereus was given what daughter of Pandion in exchange for his aid to the Attican king?
Tereus and Procne had a son by the name of what?
While visiting her sister, this daughter of Pandion was violated, had her tongue cut out, and was locked up by Tereus.
Philomela turned into what bird?
A swallow
Procne turned into what bird?
A nightingale
In his pursuit of Philomela and Procne, Tereus turned into what sea bird?
Who were the parents of the winged heroes Zetes and Calais?
Orithyia and Boreas
The king of Athens, Aegeus, was visiting Troezen, and their king gave him his daughter Aethra, producing the great hero Theseus. What was the name of this king of Troezen?
On the road from Troezen to Athens, Theseus killed what club bearer, the son of Hephaestus?
What was Periphetes' alternate name?
What bandit tied his victims to a tied-down pine tree?
What was Sinis' alternate name?
What road bandit kicked his visitors over a cliff to a giant sea turtle after forcing them to wash his feet?
What giant did Theseus defeat at Eleusis?
What famous bandit insisted that all of his visitors exactly fit his bed, making changes to the victim if they did not fit the correct size?
Procrustes / Damastes / Polypemon
Upon arrival at Athenes, Aegeus had married what evil sorceress who was plotting to take over the kingdom?
Theseus then killed what brother of Aegeus and his sons in order to remove one of the major threats to the throne of Athens?
Theseus removed what creature that was destroying the Athenian country side, eventually sacrificing it to Athena?
Bull of Marathon
While attempting to capture the bull of Marathon, Theseus was entertained by what woman who died shortly after he left?
What son of Minos died while in Attica, causing Minos to require the sacrifice of 14 youths on a yearly basis?
While on the ship to Crete, Minos attacked what maiden?
What daughter of Minos fell in love with Theseus, aiding him in his attempt to kill the Minotaur and escape?
Theseus abandoned Ariadne on what island where she was taken by Dionysus?
What action of Theseus caused Aegeus to believe his son dead and throw himself over a cliff?
Not changing the sails to white from black
In return for helping Heracles attack the Amazons, he received what woman with whom he had a son Hippolytus?
At who's wedding did Theseus participate in a fight against the centaurs for the kidnapping of Hippodamea? This man also tried to capture Proserpina from the Underworld and spent eternity chained to the chair of forgetfulness?
Theseus and Pirithous also decided to capture Helen as one of their future brides. Who rescued the young girl from Theseus' mother?
The Dioscuri
What other daughter of Minos did Theseus eventually marry?
What were the names of the two children of Phaedra by Theseus?
Acamas and Demophon
Phaedra fell in love with this son of Theseus and upon hearing that he knew of her secret hanged herself and wrote a note blaming him for her death
The throne of Athens, while Theseus was away, was usurped by what man?
Theseus traveled to Scyros while Menestheus was king of Athens and was killed by what man?
Demophon gave aid to the children of what famous hero?
Demophon's first love was what Thracian princess whom he accidentally abandoned on Thrace. She eventually turned into an almond tree with leaves when he hugged it
This last king of Athens sacrificed himself to save the city during an attack of the Peloponnesians
This grandson of Metion was a master craftsman who killed his nephew out of jealousy
Who was Daedalus' nephew, a genius inventor?
One of the most famous inventions of Daedalus was the device which allowed what queen of Crete to make love to a special bull?
Pasiphae was the daughter of what famous sun god?
After the death of Icarus, Daedalus took refuge on Sicily where which king of Camicus offered him protection from Minos?
Minos, in his search, used what test to try to find the location of Daedalus?
Threading a shell
How did the daughters of Cocalus kill Minos?
They drowned him in boiling water
What son of Minos fell into a vat of honey and drowned?