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216 Cards in this Set

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a spontaneous react may or may not?
proceed to completion
partic part of universe being studied
everthing outside system
system can be?
isolated closed open
isolated system can?
it can not exch e or matter with surroundings
give an ex of an isolated system?
insulated bomb reactor
closed system is?
can exch e but not matter
ex of a closed syst
steam radiator
open system is?
can exch matter and e with surroundings.
give example of an open syst?
pot of a boiling water
a system undergoes a ____________ when one or more of its properties change
a system undergoes a process when?
when one or more of its prop change
isothermal process is?
temperat of systm is const
adiabatic proc is when?
no heat exch occurs
isobaric process is?
press of systm is const
no heat exch occurs in a __________ process
which 2 processess are common?
isothermal and isobaric. temp and ress are easy to contr
T or F heat and temp are different
heat is a?
form of energy that can leave or enter a syst
temp is?
a measure of average ke of particles in a systm
____________ is a meas of the averag ke of the particles in a syst
heat is a form of e that transfers bec of?
a temper diff betw syst and its surroundings
heat absorbed by a system is?
heat lost by a system to surrounding is?
endothermic react?
absorb e
exothermic react?
release e
units of heat?
1 cal = ________ J
4.184 J
joules and calories are units for?
calorimetry measures?
heat changes
what condit are heat changed measured under?
const vol calorimetry const press calorimetry
heat absorbed or given off in a process is =?
q=mc chT
q=mc chT c is?
specific heat
q=mc chT q is?
const vol calorimetry what dev do you use?
bomb calorimeter
bomb calorimeter no ____________ enters or leaves the system
q react + q water + q steel=0 in a ?
bomb calorimeter
bomb calorimeter
the overall system is?
macroscopic prop include?
temp T press P volume V
state functions
prop that dep only on initial and final states of the system
name 7 state funct?
temp vol enthalpy entropy free energy internal energy E and U
H is?
s is
G is ?
free energy
E or U is?
internal energy
standard condition for enthalpy etc is?
25 C
1 atm
standard state of a subs is the form a subst takes?
at 25 C and 1 ATM
standard condit in thermody must not be confused with?
standard temperature and pressure in gas laws STP
heat changes at const press
enthalpy is?
heat changes at constant pressure
enthalpy of a process does not depend on the?
T or F ΔHreact=Hprod-Hreact
T or F it is not poss to meas H directly
only ____________ in H can be measured
stand heat of format of a compound is?
enthalpy ch that would occur if one mole of a comp were formed direct from its elem in their standard states
ΔHf of an element in its standard state is?
standard heat of react is?
ΔHreact= (sum of ΔHf of prod)-(sum of ΔHf of react)
Hess law says?
that enthalpies of react are additive
for hesses law
if you multiply the prod and react by 3 ( or a cert number) then what must you do to ΔH?
also multiply it by 3
reverse reaction has the same __________ as that of the forward react
but its ________ is oppos
but its sign is oppos
bond e or bond dissoc e is?
averag of the energy req to break a part type of bond in one mole of gaseous molec
bond ____________ is always endothermic
bond ______________ is always exothermic
H2 (g) ---> 2H (g) ΔH= will be?
bond e can be used to estim the ?
enthalpies of reactions
ΔHreact can be estimated by?
=(ΔH of bonds broken)- (ΔH of bonds formed)
for simple diatomic molec such as H2
bond dissoc e can be easily measured?
spectroscopically using react E=hv E=bond dissoc e and v is freq of light absorbed
spectroscopy can be used to measure the bond dissoc e of?
simple diatomic molecules
what are the req for relatively easy measure of ΔH?
that react be fast and spontan
entropy is the meas of?
disorder of a system
what are units of entropy?
J/K are the units for ?
a solid has a lower entropy than a ?
t or f entropy is a state function
ΔS=Sfin- Sinit
Sfin- Sinit
qrev/T =
ΔS= ?/T
entropy qrev is ?
the heat added to the syst undergoing a rever process.
freezing has a ___________ in entropy
boiling has a ____________ in entropy
second law of thermodyn says that?
all spont proceed so that entropy of the systm plus its surr increases
ΔSuniv >
a sytm reaches its maxim entropy at?
for a revers procc ΔSuniv is?
Gibbs free energy combines what 2 fact?
ΔH and ΔS
Goose hunters take shotguns reminds you of?
in the equilbr state
free e is?
at a minimum
ΔG <0 means a proc can?
occur spont
for any given nonspont react or proc
the reverse react or proc will be?
if ΔG is zero the system is?
in a state of equil
thermody and kinetics spontan does not necessaril mean?
ΔH ΔS Outcome ? - +
spontaneous at all temperatures
ΔH ΔS + -
nonspontaneous at all temperatures
ΔH ΔS + +
spontaneous only at high temperatures
ΔH ΔS - -
spontaneous only at low temperatures
rate of a reac depends on?
activat e
t or f rate of a react dep on ΔG
standard free energy ΔG is ?
ΔG of a proc occur at 25 C and 1 atm . concentr of sol are 1 M
standard free energy of format of a comp is?
free energy ch that ocurs when 1 mol of a comp in its stand form
standard free energy of format of any elem in its most stable form is?
conversion of C (diamond) to C (graphite) is __________ but its rate is slow
ΔG react=(sum of ΔGf of prod)- ??
=(sum of ΔGf of prod)- (sum of =(sum of ΔGf of react)
-RTlnKeq =
what is the equat for ΔG from equil const?
once a react commences a standard state condit?
no longer holds
once a react commences Keq must be replac by?
reaction quotient Q
the react quotient Q is=
when a react commences ΔG=?
ΔG= ΔG° + RTlnQ
discuss when water boils in terms of ch in G
TchS> chH only when T is above 373 K
1st law of Thermodynamics
Energy of the universe is constant; Energy can never be created or destroyed
2nd law of Thermodynamics
System spontaneously move toward disorder(high entropy)
ΔE= q + E
w= -pΔV
+w = V is - -w = V is +
Locked piston
ΔE = q
Unlocked piston: When heat piston
Volume increases Work is - PE increases so ΔE decreases " Expanding gases cool"
Unlocked piston: Put weight on piston
Work is + Temp increases "compressed gases warm"
Pressure constant area= work done by gas
Volume constant Area= 0 so work= 0
Temp constant ΔE=0 so q=-w
no heat transfer q=0 ΔE=w "perfectly insulated system"
Amount of disorder
Increasing entropy means:
1) Phase change 2) Increasing # of moles of gas dissolved; the side with the more mol of gas has more entropy
amount of heat gained or lost when bonds are formed or broken
Bond breaking
requires energy
Bond forming
releases energy
exothermic heat is product product have stronger bond that the reactant
endothermic heat is reactant reactant have stronger bonds
Hf=0 when?
when elements are in their natural state
Gibbs free energy Energy evolved or absorbed as the rxn goes from rxn to product
product have less energy more stable spontaneous exergonic(energy is given off)
Product have more energy less stable nonspontaneous endergonic
prod and reac have same energy rxn is @ equilibrium
Low temperature
ΔH dominated if ΔH and ΔS are both (-):spon
High temperature
ΔS dominates
activation Energy
1st Law of Thermodynamics
The total energy of the universe is constant
that is
it cannot be created or destroyed. (You can't win.)
2nd Law of Thermodynamics
Processes tend to run toward entropy. (You can't break even).
Equation for internal energy of a system
dE= q+w
where dE is proportional to Temp
Isochloric system
A system where thre is no change in volume. dE=q because w=-PdV=0
Work of a system
w=-pdV when a piston moves up
there is a gain in PE
system is doing work on the surroundings
Isobaric SYstem
Isothermal System
Adiabatic System
no heat is transferred between the system and its surroundings all energy is transferred as work
the measurement of things moving toward disorder
the energy that must be put into a bond in order to break it when a bond is formed
energy is released
Heat of a rxn
change in enthalpy (dH) -dH= exothermic +dH= endothermic
Heat of a rxn for diatomic and monatomic elements in their natural state
Standard state
298K (25C)
1 atm pressure
Hess's Law
The sum of energies absorbed or released in all steps will be the same as that of the overall reaction.
Rules for Applying Hess's Law
1. If a rxn is reversed
the sign of dH is reversed 2. If an equation is multiplied by a constant
dH is also multiplied by the same constant
Gibbs Free Energy
dG= dH-TdS -dG= spontaneous rxn +dG= nonspontaneous rxn dg=0= equilibrium
Spon or Nonspon? -dH +dS
spon (-dG)
Spon or Nonspon? +dH +dS
spon at high temps (-dG) nonspon at low temps (+dG)
Spon or Nonspon? -dH -dG
nonspon at high temps (+dG) spon at low temps (-dG)
Spon or Nonspon? +dH -dS
Nonspon (+dG)
t/f Catalysts are able to change dS
and dG
Thermodynamics and Equilibrium
dG (standard state)= -2.3 RTlog Keq
where Keq=10^(-dG/5700)@STP -dG (standard state)= spon
Keq> 1 +dG (standard state) = nonspon
Keq<1 0=dG (standard state)= equil
Mass defect
the difference in the masses of individual nucleons and their mass when combined
what is the equation to find the energy that is made when nucleons come together
E-mc^2 c= speed of light m = mass defect
138. What is an isolated system in thermodynamics?
A system is isolated if it doesn't exchange either energy or material with its environment.
139. What is a closed system in thermodynamics?
A system is closed when it can exchange energy
but no material with its environment.
140. What is an adiabatic transition?
The transition where no exchange of heat occurs
is called adiabatic.
141. What kind of quantities are called extensive?
Additive quantities are called extensive.
142. What is the entropy of a chemically pure
solid crystal at absolute zero temperature?
S = 0
143. Can entropy be negative?
it cannot.
144. What is the entropy and temperature of a single particle with velocity v?
It is not interpreted. Thermodynamics only deals with systems
i.e. with multitude of particles.
145. Is chemical potential an extensive or an intensive quantity?
It is an intensive quantity.
146. Two bodies are in thermodynamic equilibrium (T1=T2). Can exchange of energy occur between them?
but the average amount of energy transmitted by the bodies to each other is equal.
147. What is the entropy change (ΔS) in an isolated system undergoing a reversible cycle?
148. Is a living system an isolated
closed or open system?
149. Is the second law of thermodynamics valid for a living system?
but it can be applied only if the living system and the surrounding environment is treated as an isolated system.
150. When is a mixture in thermodynamic equilibrium?
If the chemical potential of all of its components is the same at each point of the system.
151. What is the classical thermodynamic definition of entropy?
ΔS = Qrev/T ΔS: entropy change
Qrev: heat taken up reversibily
T: absolute temperature
152. Define the relationship between entropy and thermodynamic probability!
S = k ln W S: entropy
k: Boltzmann constant
W: thermodynamic probability
153. Define thermodynamic probability!
Thermodynamic probability of a macrostate is the number of microstates associated with the macrostate.
154. What is the range of values of thermodynamic probability (W)?
1 ≤ W < ∞
155. What is the range of values of mathematical probability (P)?
0 ≤ P ≤1
156. Which state functions determine the direction of a chemical reaction in an a.
isobaric (p=constant) and b.
isochoric (V=constant) transition? Give the definition of these functions!
Gibbs-free energy
G=H-TS b.
Helmholtz-free energy
F=E-TS where H and E are the enthalpy and the internal energy of the system
and T and S are the absolute temperature and the enthropy of the system
rate law forward
k[R1][R2] - det experimentally
factors affecting rxn rate
catalysts (take rxn to equil but do not change equil b/c equally fast fwd and reverse rxn)
V and moles (Le Chatlier's)
inc P or dec V = favor side w/ fewer moles gas
Rxn orders
sum of exponents in rate law (can have fractional
mixed order rxn)
K = 1
K >1
equal P and R
more P
more R
measure of heat change at constant pressure
(standard) enthalpy of rxn
sum Hprod - sum Hreact (at standard conditions - b/c Hf element = 0)
standard heat of formation
Hf = characteristic of compound formed from elem in standard state b/c Hf element = 0
Hess's Law
enthalpies of rxn are addititive (manipulate steps to get net rxn (mult coeff = mult enthalpies) + switch direc of rxn = switch sign of H)
Bond dissociation energy related to enthalpy
can give E of formation of compound (intermed steps); ∆Hrxn = Bonds Broken - Bonds Formed
∆S = Q/T (greater entropy = greater disorder)
∆Suniv = ∆Ssystem + ∆Ssurround = > or = (if equil) 0
Gibbs free E
∆G = ∆H - T∆S
(if neg
indicates max amt W can be done b/c in J)
heat capacity
specific heat c * mass
specific heat and amt heat transfer (relation)
higher = higher per 1 degree inc
What forms faster - more KN or TD stable product?
KN b/c lower Ea
but if T high enough + molec has enough E
will pref TD product
acetylene structure
ethyne! C2H2
and free energy are all __ functions
state functions - path independent
1 atm = ___ torr/mm Hg
Ideal Gas Assumptions
no IMF
elastic collissions
molec no vol
high T
low P
Van-der-Waals eq for real gasses (actual P and V are ___)
(P+an^2/v^2)(V-nb) = nrt ; actual P less
V more
Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures
Pa = XaPt
Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gas says
properties of whole gas dependent on motion of individ particles
Kinetic Molec Theory Assumptions
no IMF
KE for all gasses same at same T
continuous motion
particles = 0 vol
Avg Molec Speed
KE = 3/2kT (k = boltman's) = for 1 particle!!
RMS speed of a Gas
Sq Rt (3RT/MM)
Rate of Effusion and Diffusion equations
Sq Rt (inverse of MM's) set up ratio of RMS + cancel numerator
3 types of cubic unit cells (make up crystals)
simple cube
body cube (1 more molec in middle)
face-centered cube (1 more molec per side)
Characteristics of Ionic structures
poor e- conduc in solid
strong IMF = immobile (metallic strucutres - strong covalent bonds)
Freezing pt
Boiling pt effect by solute molecs + equation (quant)
change = Kf or Kb*m (molality) (fp goes down
bp goes up)
Eq for Osmotic Pressure
P = MRT (more solute = > p b/c M = molarity)
Raoult's Law
VP dec as # solutes inc: Pa=Pao*Xa (solute or solvent) - only for ideal solns where attraction b/w all molecs is the same