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126 Cards in this Set

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Stages of the Canine Cycle
Diestrus (Metestrus)
In the bitch __________ is a very distinct entity unlike in the cow/mare/other spp.
initiation of overt activity
Time the bitch will stand (time for breeding)
Stages of the Canine Cycle
Diestrus (Metestrus)
Diestrus (Metestrus)
pregnancy or pseudo-pregnancy
-will be the same length whether pregnancy or pseudo-pregnancy
Time the bitch will stand (time for breeding)
physical changes in proestrus in the bitch
turgid swelling of vulva, hemorrhagic discharge from vulva
vaginal cytology in proestrus
cornification of squamous epithelium lining of vagina
what does the vaginal cytology tell you
1. is she under the influence of estrogen or not
2. does she have inflammation or no
what is the bitch's behavior in proestrus?
non-acceptance of the male dog
What hormone dominates during proestrus in the bitch?
Estrogen has influence on the epithelium of the vagina. When she is not under the influence of estrogen ___________. When she is under he influence of estrogen _______________.
the vaginal epithelium doesn't have many layers ............... the vaginal epithelium has many layers
What is the function of extra layers in the vagina that are found when the bitch is under the influence of estrogen?
They help protect against trauma
What type of cells do you expect to find in vaginal cytology during proestrus in a bitch?
cornified epithelial cells (cornflakes)
red blood cells (do to diapedesis from uterus)
white blood cells/PMNs (variable in number; decreasing amount over time)
debris in the background
What stage of the bitch's cycle does this vaginal cytology come from?
What is the behavior of the bitch in early, middle, and late proestrus?
Early - non-acceptance of the male dog
Middle - negative responses - growling, snapping, aggression (eat his face !!!)
Late - passive responses - sits down when dog attempts mounting, tucks tail
What is the hormone profile of the bitch during proestrus?
Estrogen dominates
Gonadotopins - LH and FSH low
Progesterone low - (<1 ng/ml)
What is the duration of proestrus in the bitch?
Avg duration - 7-9 days
Range - 2-21 days
Take home message: must remain flexible when managing individual bitches for breeding
What are the general physical changes during estrus in the bitch?
softening of vulvar swelling, less blood in discharge
What is the general hormone actions during estrus in the bitch?
Progesterone rising
Estrogen falling
LH and FSH peaks
What is the appearance of vaginal cytology in the bitch during estrus?
> 90% cornified epithelium cells (cornflakes)
Few RBCs
Little or no debris on background of the slide
What stage in her cycle is this bitch?
Estrus - note large numbers of cornified epithelial cells (cornflakes) with no nuclei, no RBCs or WBCs and little/no background debris
What is the behavior of the bitch during estrus?
definition: stands to be mounted
Tail deviated to the side and elevated
Muscles around vulva contract and raise vulva - (helps with alignment of penis)
stiffening of back legs
rolling of skin on back
What are the hormone profiles of the bitch during estrus?
estrogen begins to fall
progesterone starts to rise - (first rise of P4 is correlated with LH peak)
***estrogen and progesterone are necessary for standing behavior
LH and FSH both peak at onset of estrus - may need both for ovulation
__________ and ____________ hormones are necessary for standing behavior in the bitch to occur.
Estrogen and Progesterone
What is the duration of estrus in the bitch?
Avg duration: 7-9 days
Range - 2-21 days
Take home message: must remain flexible when managing individual bitches for breeding
How does diestrus in the bitch begin?
with change in behavior -- non-acceptance of the male
What hormone in the bitch dominates diestrus?
Progesterone dominated - luteal phase
What is the duration of diestrus in the bitch?
length of pregnancy = pseudopregnancy is normal in the bitch
What is the origin of diestrus in the bitch?
wolf (canis lupis) -- (dogs are the same species they are Canis lupis subspecies familiaris)
What physical changes occur during diestrus in the bitch?
vulvar swelling decreases
vulvar discharge disappears - sometimes see scant purulent discharge during the early portion (this is normal)
What is the appearance of the bitch's vaginal cytology during diestrus?
abrupt change to non-cornified cells
influx of neutrophils
What hormone peaks at 3 weeks during diestrus in the bitch?
Prolactin is ___________.
What stage is this bitch in based on the vaginal cytology shown?
Diestrus - note the disappearance of cornified epithelial cells and the influx of neutrophils
Felines are ____________ breeders. Meaning _________ daylight hours are necessary for cycling to occur.
seasonal breeders
long daylight hours
Felines are _________ ovulators.
Feline Reproductive Cycle
seasonal breeders - must have long daylight hours for cycling to occur
induced ovulators
February - November
Inside queens exposed to light may cycle year round
What are the stages of the feline reproductive cycle?
Proestrus - not as defined as in bitches
Estrus- acceptance of mating
Post-estrus (interestrus) - no luteal phase if not induced to ovulate
Diestrus - when ovulation has occurred
Proestrus in the Queen
increased activity, vocalization, increased affection towards people
estrogen levels rising
vaginal cytology undergoing similar changes as the bitch - (not routinely done)
Estrus in the Queen
vocalization, rolling behavior, assuming the breeding position, treading with hind legs
estrogen is high
when breeding takes place, reflex release of LH from pituitary
4 or more breedings = 100% ovulation
Cat copulation diagram
Post-estrus in the queen
non-ovulatory cycle
no luteal tissue on ovary - no progesterone
avg duration - 8-10 days
no sexual receptivity
Diestrus in the queen only occurs when....
ovulation has been induced by breeding or other means (hormonal or mechanical)
What is the length of the luteal phase in pregnancy (diestrus) in the queen.
9 weeks in length
What is the length of the luteal phase in pseudopregnancy in the queen?
40-45 days in length
Anestrus in the queen
classic winter anestrus of the seasonal breeder
no cycling activity seen during this time
October/November - January
What are infectious reproductive diseases seen in canines and felines?
Brucella canis
Canine herpes virus
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV)
Feline Panleukopenia
What organism causes canine brucellosis and how?
Brucella canis
-contagious through mucous membrane contact with the organism
What are the signs of canine brucellosis and how is it treated?
- Abortion due to placentitis ***
- Orchitis/Epididymitis***
- Erythritol in placenta and epididymes
- essentially non-treatable for breeding stock
How do you diagnose Canine Brucellosis?
Absolute confirmation - culture of organism
Rapid Slide Agglutination Test - excellent screening test
Tube Agglutination Test - diagnostic laboratories - titers
Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Test - cell surface and cytoplasmic antigens tested
When would you get false negatives when testing for canine brucellosis?
early in the disease process - < 4-6 weeks
after treatment
Why would you get false positives when testing for canine brucellosis?
lack of specificity of tests
Cross-reactivity with other antigens
Interpretation of canine brucellosis tests
slide test - good screening test (in house)
Tube agglutination (titers)- < 1:50 = non-significant titer
AGID - rule out false positives - tests for cell surface vs cytoplasmic antigens
Culture - absolute confirmation
Plan for Brucella canis
if positive results in routine screen - AGID to rule out false positive
If positive with clinical signs - blood or discharge cultures
if negative on routine screen - no other test needed
if negative with clinical signs - 3 monthly tests required to rule out false negatives
Canine herpes virus
Neonatal deaths primarily - (experimentally: placentitis, abortion, stillbirths)
temperature sensitive virus - replicates in oronasal pharynx
ubiquitous - high morbidity
no illness in animals over three weeks of age
What is the critical time frame for canine herpes virus in the naive bitch (no previous exposure)?
the critical window - last three weeks of pregnancy and first three weeks of neonatal life
When is canine herpes virus exposure no problem?
if exposed during breeding
if exposed after 2-3 weeks post-partum (past poikilothermic period)
What are the clinical signs for canine herpes virus?
fading puppies - crying, greenish stool, abdominal pain
high mortality in an affected litter - near 100%
all subsequent litters normal
Necropsy - petechial hemorrhages in kidney, liver, lung, spleen. INIB on histopathology sections
Feline Infectious Peritonitis
"kitten mortality complex"
repeat breeders
abortion - stillbirths
Fading kittens
difficult to dx unless they have fulminant clinical disease even with positive titer b/c it is hard to know if it is a x-reaction with another virus
Feline leukemia virus
fetal resorption
Feline Panleukopenia
cerebellar hypoplasia in kittens - these kittens will have intention tremors b/c cerebellum is responsible for coordinated movement
Abdominal palpation for pregnancy diagnosis in small animals
21-28 days - "string of pearls" - difficult after day 35
Using radiography in pregnancy diagnosis for small animals
Safe after day 40 - but it is best done in the last week of gestation due to calcification - this allows you to count the number of fetuses
-you can get in the ball park of figuring out if there will be dystocia due to size of pup (measure size of skull/size of pelvic opening)
Using ultrasound in pregnancy diagnosis for small animals
confirms pregnancy
fetal viability information
inaccurate to count (typically end up with an under-count)
How is relaxin used for pregnancy dianosis in canines?
Canine ONLY
comes from the placenta - measurable in serum after day 21-28
this is the only hormone that we have been able to detect in the pregnant bitch that is different from the pseudo-pregnant bitch
When there is a lower than ___________ fetal heart rate, we know they are being stressed.
Pregnancy management
generally - as long as she did it before she was pregnant, she can do it during pregnancy
regular exercise - fewer dystocias
weight control - fewer dystocias
Pregnancy Management: nutrition
last trimester - increase 50% (gradually increase)
multiple small meals - b/c she doesn't have a lot of room in abdomen
growth formulation - 28-30% protein
Fish oil - omega 3's are beneficial
AVOID all other supplements
what is necessary/needed in a whelping/queening area?
must be out of traffic patterns
whelping box w/ pig rails
acclimate 1 week prior to due date
washable bedding - need good footing (don't want slippery surface)
When is a singlet puppy a problem?
It isn't necessarily a problem - Typically more of a problem in large breed dogs (get a little worried when there are less than 3 puppies)
How do you predict that whelping is soon to occur?
body temp drops ~ 24 hours prior to whelping ( usu. drops to 98 or below)
indicates a drop in progesterone - (progesterone is thermogenic)
Transient drop - take temperature twice daily - if she hasn't whelped in 48 hours since temp drop, take her to vet
What is the gestation length in the bitch?
---gestation length is critical
65 days from LH peak (P4=2ng/ml)
61 days post ovulation (P4=5ng/ml)
61-63 days post breeding date - most inaccurate (range = 55-70 days)
56-57 days after onset of diestrus
What is the gestation length of the feline?
average 63 days
(Range = 58-70 days)
If you see abnormal vaginal discharges during pregnancy...
occasional mucus is normal
hemorrhagic- may be normal or may be sign of impending abortion (do vaginal cytology and vaginoscopy)
purulent discharge - pyometra or dead fetus
antibiotics - only if necessary - rest - supportive therapy as needed
Fetal Wastage
incidence unknown - prob. 30% of preg. have at least 1 fetal resorption
ultrasonography is best way to confirm
causes: trauma, heat stress, luteal insufficiency, viral, bacterial, CEH, protozoa
treatment: evacuate her uterine contents if all puppies/kittens are dead (PGF2a)
Prolonged gestation in the bitch
-must confirm pregnancy (radiographs)
-important info: breeding dates, end of estrus, previous pregnancies
- problem w/ singleton puppies, esp in med. to large breed dogs
- primary uterine inertia: P4= <2ng/ml ----- no labor
u/s : fetal viability, stress
c-section if needed
uterine torsion in small animals
clinical presentation: acute abdomen - pain distress; may be asymptomatic until dystocia
diagnosis - exploratory laparotomy - you won't know until you get in there
What causes the initiation of parturition in small animals?
progesterone falls rapidly to initiate parturition: <2ng/ml
transient drop in body temp (take BID)
milk evident in glands 1-7 days prior - unreliable in prediction of parturition
The first stage of parturition in small animals
begins after progesterone drops
-removal of progesterone "block" from the uterus - myometrial activity begins
-increase in oxytocin receptor sites
-nesting, anxiety, anorexia, vomiting
The second stage of parturition in small animals
active contractions - fetus in pelvic canal stimulates "urge to push"
Ferguson reflex - oxytocin release and abdominal contractions
amnion appears first
greatest effort is to deliver the head
breech presentations are normal
What is the Ferguson reflex and when does it occur?
-oxytocin release and abdominal contractions
- occurs during 2nd stage of parturition
Continuation of the second stage of parturition
greenish black discharge - uteroverdin in canine pregnancies; placental marginal hematomas
dam will eat placentas
avg interval: 30 min-1hr
What is the intervention criteria in the second stage of parturition in the bitch?
active contractions >1hr
rest period >4hrs
black, thick discharge w/out fetus
What should be done if intervention is necessary?
C-section should be considered early (don't do unless you have confirmed fetal presence on radiograph)
U/S to help determine fetal viability
radiography to determine presence of additional fetuses
oxytocin - if no obstruction present
Ca++ if deemed necessary
Third stage of parturition in small animals
passage of placentas (retention is rare) - consider if purulent discharge occurs post-partum
most are passed immediately following the fetus
oxytocin is not necessary if suckling puppies/kittens are present
Normal involution in small animals
decreases over time - most expelled in first two weeks
changes in color - red (blood) -> brown (old blood)
changes in consistency - watery -> mucoid
no odor
brownish mucoid lochia can be normal for 4-6 weeks post-partum
Management of Dam
monitor mammary glands and vulvar discharges daily
unlimited food and water (to dam)
Weaning (small animals)
Start weaning process at 3-4 weeks by offering gruel (complete by 5-8 weeks)
reduce food to dam at weaning
the pressure in her mammary glands gives the signal to stop producing milk
Care of Newborns (small animals)
Need colostrum and daily milk intake (don't get antibodies through the placenta)
eat, sleep, and dream
dam stimulates urination/defecation
crying indicates a problem
poikilothermic for the first 2-3 weeks
Hypothermia is critical during the first __________ weeks.
2-3 weeks (because they are poikilothermic)
Ambient temperatures required by neonates (small animals)
1-7 days (85-90 degrees F)
8-28 days (80 degrees F)
29+ days (70-75 degrees F)
- can provide heat lamps of heating pads as long as they are able to move away from the heat source
Pig piles = __________ babies
cold babies
What is the daily weight gain of small animal neonates?
10% of birth weight daily
important factors in monitoring neonates
hypothermia - most important
hypoglycemia - inadequate caloric intake
hypovolemia - dehydration
Post partum diseases: Metritis
inflammation of ENTIRE uterus (endometrium and myometrium)
systemic illness: fever, depression, purulent vulvar discharge
Dx: CBC, vaginal cytology, culture, U/S
Treatment: PGF2a to evacuate the uterus; supportive therapy- fluids, antibiotics
Post-Partum Diseases: Mastitis
Can kill bitches
enlarged, hot painful glands
fever, leukocytosis
coliforms, strep, staphs
hot pack and strip abnormal milk
aspirin, antibiotics
tends to reoccur w/ subsequent litters or pseudo-pregnancies
Post-Partum Diseases: Hypocalcemia (Eclampsia)
occurs primarily in small, nervous breeds
can be hereditary in some lines
progressive clinical signs: panting, pacing, muscle tremors (trembling), ataxia, hyperthermia (106-108 deg F), tonic-clonic convulsions, death
Treatment: give calcium
Treatment of Hypocalcemia in Small animals
IV calcium gluconate - to effect
Oral calcium supplements for maintenance
Weaning: if puppies are old enough; if unable to control clinical signs; re-occurrence of clinical signs
Post-Partum Diseases: Subinvolution of Placental Sites - SIPS
persistent uterine bleeding (after whelping)
usually identified if bleeding persists after weaning
gross lesions: erosions in endometrium
Histologic lesions: Multinuclear giant cells = trophoblast cells
Treatment and Prognosis of SIPS
usually self-limiting
Not related to: post-partum metritis or future infertility
Estrus control: Ovaban (megesterol acetate)
Progestin - only treatment approved for use in breeding bitches (contraindicated in queens -> diabetes mellitus)
daily dosing required
proestrus - (1st 3 days) -1mg/lb PO 8 days
Anestrus: 0.25 mg/lb PO 32 days
Estrus control: Mibolerone (Cheque)
Androgenic compound
contraindicated in cats: liver toxicity
not approved for use in breeding bitches
daily dosing required - oral
Must start 30 days prior to next anticipated cycle
Estrus control: Testosterone
used routinely in racing greyhounds
many start prepubertally
Ex. protocol: 20mg aqueous testosterone weekly IM
25 mg methyl testosterone PO twice weekly
side effects minimal
Estrus Control: Deslorelin- GnRH analogue
long acting implants - 6-12 months (not avail.yet in USA)
implants visible by ultrasound so can be removed early if desired
downregulates the pituitary-gonadal axis
totally safe
totally reversible
can be used in dogs and bitches
Canine Pseudo-pregnancy
normal after every estrus in bitches
overt vs covert
only in queens that have been stimulated to ovulate (40-45 days)
Treatments: testosterone, mibolerone, bromocriptine, time (self-limiting)
Mis-mating shots
estrogen - within 72 hours of breeding- while still in estrus
causes "tubular lockage" and disrupts/alters uterine environment
25% incidence of pyometra (side effect)
client release form signed
Estrogen toxicity
bone marrow suppression - dogs and ferrets (not a problem in cats)
lethal and irreversible
do not repeat ECP injection more frequently than once every 30 days
Pyometra - 25% incidence
What are other options to mis-mating shots?
waiting until day 28-30, U/S - abort pregnancy at that time
allowing whelping - euthanasia of pups, placement of pups
Prolactin inhibitors
Bromocriptine and Cabergoline
dopamine agonists
prolactin is luteotropic in bitch and queen during the second trimester
CL's lyse in response to lowered prolactin levels
progesterone <2ng/ml for 48hrs induces whelping/abortion
multiple small injections will lyse the CL of the bitch or queen
side effects seen w/ smooth muscle contractions but minimize over time
Luteolytic dose only 5-fold from LD50
best accomplished during 2nd trimester after pregnancy diagnosis
Emerging alternatives to mis-mating
GnRH implants- deslorelin
-down regulation of pituitary support results in luteolysis
-prolonged release over time

GnRH vaccine
-anti-GnRH antibodies result in luteolysis
Requires 2 injections at 2-4wk interval
Vaginitis in the puppy
small amount of purulent discharge in the prepubertal bitch
best option - scientific 'neglect'
rule out concurrent cystitis
postpone spay until resolved
goes away w/ first estrus
Vaginitis: Adult onset
primarily seen in spayed bitches
rule out: skin disease- perivulvar dermatitis
anatomic - inverted juvenile vulva
urinary tract infections
foreign bodies
Treatments for adult vaginitis
Hormonal: DES to thicken the vaginal epithelium
Surgery: removal of excess skin folds around the vulva; allows freer voiding of urine; only done when problem is serious and refractory to medical treatment
Routine Breeding Management of the Bitch
identify first day of vulvar discharge: start counting = Day 1
identify first day of standing estrus
breed every 2-3 days until no longer stands
Avg scenario: breed on day 10, 12, and 14; out of estrus - day 16-18
Blood supply to dog's penis during copulation
Breeding management: Progesterone
modern standard for breeding management
semiquantitative: ELISA
quantitative methods preferred: radioimmunoassay, chemiluminescence
Sample every other day (M-W-F)
principle: 2ng/ml = LH peak
5 ng/ml = ovulation
Breeding management: Time frame for using progesterone in the bitch
Ovulation begins 24-48 hours after LH peak- or first rise in progesterone (2ng/ml)
ovulation takes 24-48hrs - waves of ovulation over time for multiple follicles
two meiotic divisions to take primary oocytes to secondary oocytes (24-48 hours)
3-6 days from LH peak = FERTILIZATION
Breeding Management: LH Assays
In-house kit available
helpful in breeding mgmt - used in conjunction with progesterone assay
more definitive than progesterone
disadvantage - must take daily samples
gestation length defined = 65 days
spayed animals will have high LH - no negative feedback
Feline Breeding Management
natural breedings are the norm
copulation necessary for ovulation unless GnRH/hCG given
multiple breedings ensure complete ovulation
bring queen to male's territory - allow time for acclimatization
diestral disease- occurs during progesterone phase of cycle
seen 60-90 days postestrus in the bitch - anytime in the queen
often seen in older individuals
medical reason for spaying females not intended for breeding
Clinical presentation of pyometra
depression - most often seen with toxemia
leukocytosis- may see left shift
vulvar discharge - if open cervix
PU/PD - endotoxins from E. coli
Dx: abdominal palpation, radiograph, U/S**
Medical Therapy for Pyometra
PGF2a - Lutalyse
causes smooth muscle (myometrial) contractions to evacuate the uterus
multiple small injections will lyse the CL - continue until progesterone is baseline
Treat "to effect" - until uterine contents are gone per U/S
Pyometra: medical therapy considerations
culture/sensitivity: appropriate antimicrobial therapy - bacterial showers
side effects of PGF2a: panting, salivation, vomition, defecation, vocalization (queens) - 30-40 min duration
Recommendation: breed next occurring estrus - Then spay