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23 Cards in this Set

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What is it?

What does OVH prevent? (5)

Surgical removal of uterus & ovaries

1. overpopulation

2. estrus cycle

3. mammary tumors

4. pyometra

5. metritis

If spayed prior to estrus, OVH can reduce breast cancer tumors by ________%


When to spay...

______ weeks to ________ months, or any time during life.

Benefits outweigh _________.

6 weeks - 6 months


OVH - Surgical prep (6)

1. Pre-Ax work-up (blood work)

2. +/- IV catheter (recommened)

3. induce anesthesia

4. express bladder!!

5. clip hair

6. prep surgically

OVH - Surgical procedure (6)

1. ventral midline incision

2. uterine horns are located and exteriorized

3. ovarian arteries ligated with suture material

4. uterine body is ligated

5. examine abdominal cavity for hemorrhage

6. close

OVH complications (7)

1. uterine stump inflammation

2. accidental ligation of ureter

3. stump pyometra

4. urinary incontinence

5. weight gain

6. hemorrhage

7. incision complications

Pregnancy - Parturition

Stage 1:

1. ___ - _____ hours, as long as ____ hours.

2. signs (3)

3. Temp drops to _____ degrees about 24 hours before Stage _____

4. Due to an abrupt decline in ______________.

1. 6-12 hours, / 36 hours

2. nervous, panting, restless

3. 99, Stage 2

4. progesterone

Parturition - Stage 2

1. When bitch pushes puppies out, it lasts ___ - ______ minutes per puppy

2. No more than ____ hours should elapse in between puppies

3. Parturition can last __-___ hours, as long as it happens within 24 hours

4. _______-________ discharge is normal, comes from site of _________________ attachment.

1. 20-60- minutes per pup

2. no more than 2 hours

3. 3-6 hours

4. blackish-green


1. Strong continual contractions for _______ minutes without progress

2. Weak, infrequent contractions for _____ hours w/o progress

3. bitch is ____________

4. Needs to be _________________________________.

5. ___________________ can check for viability

6. Only ________________ can determine how many pups.

1. 30 min

2. 2 hours

3. exhausted

4. seen by vet

5. ultrasound

6. x-ray

Contributors to dystocia


1. large fetus

2. narrow / fused birth canal

3. uterine inertia

4. brachycephalics, domed head, flattened pelvis

5. mini dachshunds, scotties, persians

MEDS - Drugs used in dystocia (3)

1. Oxytocin - causes uterine contractions

(**use only if NOT OBSTRUCTED)

2. Calcium gluconate: used for seizures, tetany, hypocalcemia

3. Glucose: hypoglycemia, can occur in TOY BREEDS

Post Partum - NORMAL

1. Non-odorous hemorrhagic discharge is normal for ____ - _____ weeks.

1. 8-10 weeks

Post partum (abnormal)

1. Discharge persists for more than _____ weeks.

2. Has subinvolution of placenta (not all placenta has __________ _____________.)

3. Treated ______________, ______________, monitoring.

1. 12 weeks

2. been discharged

3. surgically, medically

Post partum (abnormal, contd)

1. Metritis: inflammation of the __________, foul-smelling ____________ discharge

2. retained placenta: _________ discharge

3. mastitis: infection of _________ ___________.

1. uterus, vaginal

2. green

3. mammary glands

Eclampsia or Hypocalcemia:

1. signs (2)

2. common in _____________ breeds.

3. True _________________

4. ________________ treatments needed

1. tremors, excitement

2. smaller


4. calcium


1. Even if not pregnant, experiences _____________ development, ________________ and ___________ behavior.




Pyometra - infection of the __________

1. signs (5)

2. ___________ pyometra has discharge, ____________ pyometra does not.


1. lethargy, depressed, febrile, pu/pd, leukocytosis

2. open has discharge, closed does not

Treatment of pus-filled uterus (pyometra)

1. palpation or ultrasound reveals large _____________ - ____________ uterus.

2. If bitch is to be used for breeding in future, treat ____________. ) Not always successful and can be ____________ to dog

1. fluid-filled

2. medically , dangerous

Cesarean - pre-op

1. Does animal get IV catheter and/or fluids?

2. When do you clip hear and prep?

3. Shave from ________ to ___________.

4. When do you induce? (You want patient to be under Ax for as __________ a time as possible.)

5. What is the danger of being in dorsal recumbency? What do you need to constantly check?

6. What does this mean for the dog's future?

1. YES

2. BEFORE induction

3. xyphoid to pelvic brim

4. induce IN SURGERY

5. weight of puppies / uterus presses on diaphragm - CHECK RESPIRATIONS

6. C-section likely

C-section: Tech's role

1. Incision depends on ________________________.

2. Exteriorize uterus, surrounding with _______ ______ _______. (Prevents uterine contents from entering abdomen)

3. Via incision, neonates are removed from uterus and ______________ ____ ________.

4. Make sure enough techs are available to take __________ neonate(s) apiece.

5. Place neonate in ____________ _____________.

6. After fetuses are removed, uterus is closed, __________ abdomen with _________________________________.

1. size of fetus

2. moist lap pads

3. handed to technicians

4. one neonate per tech

5. sterile towel

6. flush, warm, sterile fluids

Fetal Resuscitation

1. Clean ________ __________, using a bulb syringe.

2. Controlled ______________ ________ is not recommended any more

3. Rub vigorously to increase ____________ and maintain __________ __________.

4. Check for _________ ____________ and/or other abnormalities (but _________ 1st)

1. nasal passages

2. swinging method

3. circulation, body temp

4. cleft palate resuscitate

Drugs used for fetal resuscitations:

1. Respiratory stimulant, can be given sublingual or umbilical vein)

2. reverses any narcotics given to dam

3. if not responding (hypoglycemia)

1. doxapram

2. naloxone

3. 50% glucose

Puppies / Kittens

1. Neonates should be placed in ________ ___________ until they can be reunited with mother

2. need to receive ___________, maternal ___________.

1. warm environment

2. colostrum, antibodies