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84 Cards in this Set

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Seasonal breeders are found geographically
-temperate latitudes

-near equator is almost always 12 hrs day
Domestic sp.
-seasonal breeders
Long day breeder
-length of gestation
-10.5-12 mo
Long day breeders
-long gestation period
-bred in spring --->birth next spring
Short gestation breeders
-goat (doe)
-sheep (ewe)
-gestation period
-21 wks (5 mo)
Short term breeders
-shorter gestation periods

-bred in fall --> birth in spring
Hormone secreted in a pattern in seasonal breeders
-describe the pattern

-high prolactin on long days (spring, summer)
-low prolactin on short days (fall, winter)
How does photoperiod affect prolactin secretion?
-affect on melatonin secretion by the pineal gland
When does the pineal gland secret melatonin?

*tryptaophan moves into gland at night and then is converted to serotonin then to melatonin

**resulting effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis for short and long day breeders differs
Sense organ for photoperiod

*not needed however
How is a day percieved as long or short?
-the presence or absence of light at a particular time of day
Melatonin receptors
-found where
-anterior pituitary
How can melatonin levels affect males?
-sperm production
-hormone levels during anestrus
-low GnRH
-reduced LH and FSH secretion
-low steroid production (Estradiol/testosterone, progesterone)
-ovaries during anestrus
-little follicular maturation
-hormone concentrations during spring transition
-GnRH increase
-FSH increase
-Surge in estradiol and LH
-ovaries during spring transition
-increase in number and size of follicles
-first few large follicles, but they don't ovulate
-LH eventually leads to ovulation
Can a practitioner distinguish between a competent large follicle and an anovulatory large follicle?
-how long does spring transition take
6-12 wks
-why do people want to breed mares early
-January 1st is the official birth date for foals
-want foals born near Jan 1st
-how to breed for Jan 1st
-inc. day length in winter with artificial light ---> light will return anestrus mares to reproductive competence
-still need to account for transition phase (6-12 mo)

-add light in evening hrs starting Nov/Dec
Sheep breeding
-most critical time
-summer solstice to autumnal equinox
-estrus initiated by
-change in day length from long to short days
-ovaries during anestrus
-follicular waves continue and they reach ovulatory size, but don't ovulate
-how to get them to breed out of season
-block exposure to morning or evening light by housing in light tight barns


-expose to artificial light for 8-12 weeks followed by 8-12 wks of short days


-melatonin implants for 4 wks

-treat with progestin sping for 12 days then inject eCG upon sponge removal

*Rams too
**make sure to withhold contact with rams until ready to breed
How much shorter are short days than long days?
6-8 hrs
Male sexual behavior
-2 phases
Male sexual behavior
-influenced by what hormones

Ability to exhibit normal male sexual behavior comes from where?
-sexual differentiation in the brain during puberty due to testosterone
Male sexual behavior
-how to get rid of
Sexual behavior
-species stimulated by visual cues
Sexual behavior
-species stimulated by olfactory cues
Sexual behavior
-male olfactory effect on females
-rodents, swine, sheep, others can stimulate earlier puberty, induce ovulation, and increase the speed of sperm transport in the female tract
Sexual behavior
-female olfactory effect on males
-ID the presence of females in estrus
-air-borne chemicals released in the urine/feces of animals or secreted from cutaneous glands that are perceived by the olfactory system and elicit behavioral or endocrine responses
-ram pheromone effect on ewes
-boar pheromone effect on sow
-wool and urine of ram can stimulate ovulation in ewe

-presence of boar during insemination improves ovulation and sperm transport in female tract
Flehmen response
-particular type of curling of the lips in ungulates, felids, and many other mammals that facilitates the transfer of odorant chemicals into the vomeronasal organ
-can help determine what?
-presence/absence of estrus
-physiologic state of the animal
-how long ago the animal passed by
Sex Odeur Aerosol
-hold 50cm away from nose of sow and apply for 2 sec
Sex Odeur Aerosol
-reason for use
-if the sow is in estrus, the spray will cause her to exhibit the standing reflex
Female sexual behavior
-function in sexual behavior
-necessary for mating behavior
-secreted from where
-mature follicles
-highest levels when?
-when the follicle is mature and able to ovulate a viable egg
-function in female sexual behavior
-inhibits mating behavior
-comes from where
-highest levels when?
-during pregnancy
-during stages of the estrous cycle without a fertilizable egg
Biostimulation of males on females is pronounced in what species?
-possible effects on females
-accelerate the onset of puberty
-stimulate cyclic activity to resume in females undergoing seasonal or lactational anestrus
-alter times associated with estrus and ovulation
-desire to mate
Mating ability
-ability to successfully mate
Libido and mating ability in bulls are influenced by?
Bovine reproductive behavior
-amicable behavior in bullsexhibited where?
-young animals with a stable dominance hierarchy
-expressed as sham fighting and butting, mounting, licking
Bovine reproductive behavior
-agonistic behavior in bulls exhibited where?
-older animals during formation or re-establishment of the social order
-includes behavior associated with conflict

-social hierarchies are established quickly when animals are suddenly placed together in a group
Bovine sexual behavior
-female behavior
-solicit sex partners
-form sexually active groups that stay in visual contact of bull
Bovine behavior
-bull attracted to female how
-sight of mounting activity
Bovine behavior
-sham mounting
-once attracted to a female the bull tests her receptivity by making real/sham mounting attempts
Greatest stimulus to a bull
-bull or any other large object that is immobile

*reason you need to look at more than just the semen sample in order to call a bull fertile
Stallion sexual behavior
-key elements
-olfactory and tactile investigation
-flehmen response
-bringing a stallion to a mare
-response from teasing
-sexual response within 2 minutes
-phsychological breeding issues
-ritual bound (consistent ritual)
-bored (need variety)
-preference (need certain types of mares)
-how to alleviate boredom
-changes in stimulus mares
-breeding location
-order of procedure
How to get a stallion to perform more vigerously
-provide more than 1 stimulus
-estrus signs in a pasture setting
approach stallion and exhibit sexual behavior
-deviation of tail
-standing still
-signs of diestrus in pasture setting
-avoid approaching stallion and exhibit aggression if he persists

-will allow the stallion to have close contact if he doesn't exhibit sexual behaviors
Stallion response to stimulus mare
-will show more of a vigorous response to mares in natural estrus than to ovariectomized mares or dummy mounts
In what way are mares different than most ungulates/
-what is the possible reason for this
-mares exhibit estrus behavior even during anovulatory periods

-due to release of estrogenic steroids form the adrenal cortex
-allows for the display of sexual behavior throughout the year in order to maintain social structure and keep a stallion around
-behavior that impacts estrus response in gilts
-salivate profusely
-nuzzle the flank
-head-rest on back
-when collecting semen for the first time, what is important?
-making the experience pleasant
-how to instill sexual confidence
-calm, quiet
-can't hurry the first meeting
-good floor footing
-don't put in with a group of gilts that can beat up the boar or a large sow
-put with a gilt of similar size
-preference in sows during pen mating
-some sows in estrus are not mated if other sows in estrus are available
-boars won't breed all available sows, but can breed a few sows multiple times

*reason for hand breeding and AI instead of pen breeding
-necessity to show estrus behavior
-male presence
-how to have them interact with the boar
-take the sow/gilt to the boar
Mating stance
-sow/gilt standing immobile with back arched and ears erect
-where should mating take place
-male's territory


-neutral site if the dog is an experienced breeder
-natural mating
-bring the b!tch to the dog every other day once proestrus is identified
-when is the male attracted to the female
-when does sexual behavior start
-when the male approaches the female and investigates the anal-genital area
-what will happen if the female is not in estrus?
-not in estrus?
In estrus
-sit down and growl at the male

Not in estrus
-flag her tail and assume mating position
-when does the penis become erect?
-after penetration
-have an os penis
Canine Mating
-the "tie"
-after ejaculation the dog steps over the b!tch and assumes a posterior-to-posterior position
-bulus gland is swollen and musculature of the vulva is constricted to a form a tie
-tie lasts for a few minutes to over an hour