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122 Cards in this Set

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2 main fluid compartments and fluid distribution
intracellular fluid (2/3 of volume)
about 30 L

extracellular (1/3)
~13.5 L
2 major fluid subdivisions of ECF and fluid distribution
▪ Plasma – fluid portion of the blood (25%)
▪ Interstitial fluid (IF) – fluid in spaces between cells (75%)
special cases of ECF (where it might be elsewhere than plasma/interstitial) (6)
lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, eye humors,
synovial fluid, serous fluid, and gastrointestinal secretions
male vs. female water makeup
why the discrepancy?
Healthy males are ~ 60% water
Healthy females are ~ 50% water
women have higher body fat and smaller amount of skeletal muscle
how to calculate distribution of water into compartments in a person weighing x kg
take weight and multiply by % of water (if M or F)

then take 3/4 of ECF and that goes in interstitial, 1/4 into IV
intracellular and extracellular- say where the intra/extraVASCULAR fluids are located in each compartment
intracellular- extravascular fluid would be in tissues
intravascular would be fluid in erythrocytes

extracellular- intravascular fluids = plasma
extravascular = edema sort of fluids/interstitial fluids
3 electrolyte solutes in body
▪ Inorganic salts
▪ Acids and bases
▪ Some proteins
3 non-electrolytes in body
▪ Glucose
▪ Lipids
▪ Creatinine and urea
osmotic power of electrolytes vs. nonelectrolytes
Electrolytes have greater osmotic power than nonelectrolytes
fluid mvmt among compartments is regulated by what 2 types of pressures
osmotic and hydrostatic pressures
what happens to net leakage of fluid from blood?
Net leakage of fluid from blood is picked up by lymphatic vessels and returned to bloodstream
Exchanges between interstitial and intracellular fluids are...
are complex due to the selective permeability of the cellular membranes
two way water flow is...

how does water flow in this case? (in what direction)
Two‐way water flow is substantial

Water flows in direction of highest osmolar concentration
To remain properly hydrated, what must be true?
water intake must = water output
Increased plasma osmolality triggers ... (2)
and release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
7 compounds that go into calculating serum osmolality
ethylene glycol
normal osmolality range of serum
275‐290 mOsm/kg
extracellular compartment primary electrolytes (2)
 Sodium = major cation
 Chloride = major anion
 Caveat with high protein content of plasma?? (didn't mention this)
intracellular fluids major cation and anion
 Potassium = major cation
 Phosphate = major anion
osmolality of extra and intracellular should be...
4 routes of water output (which is biggest)
mostly from urine
some are insensible (not sensed?) water losses from skin/lungs (respiration)

3 routes of water input (which is biggest)
metabolic water (from oxidation)
food (30%)
most comes from beverages
hypothalamic thirst center is stimulated by (4)
10-15% decrease in plasma volume
1-2% increase in plasma osmolality (i.e. hypernatremia)
anything that decreases BP or senses BP decrease: baroreceptor input, angiotensin II
thirst is quenched when?
as soon as we start to drink
feedback signals that inhibit thirst center (2)
 Moistening of the mucosa of the mouth and throat
 Activation of stomach and intestinal stretch receptors
thirst mechanism flow chart
---skipped over
Obligatory water losses (2)
 Insensible water losses from lungs and skin
 Water that accompanies undigested food residues
in feces
Obligatory water loss reflects the fact that (didn't go over this in class...) (2)
 Kidneys excrete 900‐1200 mOsm of solutes to
maintain blood homeostasis
 Urine solutes must be flushed out of the body in
what receptors regulate ADH release
hypothalamic osmoreceptors trigger or inhibit ADH release
triggers for ADH release (7)
▪ Prolonged fever
▪ Excessive sweating, vomiting, or diarrhea
▪ Severe blood loss
▪ Traumatic burns
pregnancy (total body volume doubles so thirst to achieve this)
meds like SSRI, carbamazepine, NSAIDs via SIADH??
Water reabsorption in collecting ducts is proportional to...

low vs. high lvls of said hormone and effect on urine
to ADH release...so:

Low ADH levels = dilute urine and reduced volume of body

High ADH levels = concentrated urine and increased volume of
body fluids
mechanisms and consequences of ADH release slide
didn't go over
dehydration definition in terms of water in body
Water loss > water intake and the body is in negative fluid balance
hypovolemia vs. dehydration
hypovolemia = depletion of SODIUM and water

dehydration = depletion of water

treated a little differently
causes of dehydration (6)
 Hemorrhage
 Severe burns
 Prolonged vomiting or
 Profuse sweating
 Water deprivation
 Diuretic abuse
4 sx, 1 lab indicating dehydration
 Dry mouth and thirst
 BUN: SCr ratio > 20:1
 Dry, flushed skin
 Oliguria
 Hypotension, tachycardia
prolonged dehydration may lead to...(5)
 Weight loss
 Fever
 Mental confusion
 Loss of electrolytes
 Eventually hypovolemic
2 of body's reactions to dehydration (activate what 2 systems)
SNS- vasoconstriction, increased HR
RAAS- kidneys reabsorb more Na and water
mechanism of dehydration (3)
1) excessive loss of water from ECF
2) ECF osmotic pressure will now rise and suck water out of cells
3) cells shrink
etiology (2) of "hypotonic hydration" (overhydration/water intoxication)

sodium levels?
Renal insufficiency or an extraordinary amount of water ingested quickly can lead to cellular overhydration (AKA “water intoxication”)

Sodium content is normal BUT diluted because excess water is present
pathophysiology of hypotonic hydration (2)
Resulting hyponatremia (due to dilution) promotes net osmosis into tissue cells, causing swelling

These events must be quickly reversed to prevent severe metabolic disturbances, particularly in neurons
edema definition

pathophysiology (2 ways)
Atypical accumulation of fluid in interstitial space*** (not extra fluid in vasculature) → tissue swelling

Increased flow of fluids out of bloodstream and/or hindered fluid return from bloodstream
diuretic for pedal edema- thing to keep in mind
slowly pull fluid out of vasculature so fluid moves out of interstitial space into vessels...so it takes a while to fix
Interstitial fluid accumulation causes what? (2)
low blood pressure and severely
impaired circulation
factors that accelerate fluid loss causing edema (6)
Hypertension, capillary permeability
Incompetent venous valves, localized blood vessel blockage (backed up fluids)
Congestive heart failure, high blood volume
Hindered fluid return in edema usually reflects
an imbalance in
colloid osmotic pressures
2 causes of hindered fluid return in edema and explain how they cause edema
hypoproteinemia- forces fluids out of capillary beds at arterial ends, then fluids fail to return (oncotic pressure issue) at venous ends

blocked or surgically removed lymphatics- leaked proteins accumulate in interstitial fluid, and exert increasing colloid osmotic pressure, which draws fluid from blood and we don't have the lymphatics to return it to the blood stream
3 causes of hypoproteinemia
▪ Protein malnutrition
▪ Liver disease
▪ Glomerulonephritis
adult avg fluid requirement (per kg, per day)

generally in a male that is how much per hour?

exception to this rule
Average fluid requirement = 30‐35 mL/kg/day

Generally in a guy, this is ~ 125 mL/h

really heavy- 200kg+...adipose tissue doesn't have as much vasculature so equations don't apply
children total body water vs. adults

what do you use to calc fluid reqs in kids
higher % of total body water than adult

so kids need weight based maintenance IVFs via 4/2/1 rule
4/2/1 rule for fluids
used for whom?
4-2-1 rule: 4mL/kg/h for 1st 10 kg of weight
then 2mL/kg/h for 2nd 10kg
for each kg above 20, it is 1 mL/kg/h

can also be used for adults
daily water transfer to/from tract lumen- explain the input and output of water and how it balances out

sources of water to lumen (5)
8000-8400 mL of water is reabsorbed out of intestine +400 from colon

ingest 2-3 L per day
pancreatic juice
saliva swallowed
intestinal secretion

total excreted to tract lumen ~ 9 L which balances out the 9 L absorbed
electrolyte composition of bodily fluid graph- take home msg: blood/interstitial fluids primarily made up of..(2)

intracellular is primarily (3)
blood and interstitial fluid are primarily NaCl and bicarb

intracellular is K+, phosphate, protein
ions in stomach (2)
duodenum (2)
ileum (3)
colon (3)
pancreas (4)
bile (3)

importance of this?
fluids in stomach- Na+ and Cl
duodenum- Na+, Cl
ileum- Na, Cl, bicarb
colon- Na, K, Cl
Pancreas- Na, K, Cl, TONS of bicarb
bile- Na, Cl, some bicarb

important when deciding what ions to replace
lactated ringers composition (5)
sodium (130 mEq/L)
Cl (100)
Lactate (28)
potassium (4)
calcium (3)
0.9% NaCl how much Na and Cl per liter?

drawback to NaCl
sodium/Cl = 154 mEq/L

can cause hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis- use LR instead (less Cl)
LR- when to be careful with use (2)
in CKD/AKI pt- due to having potassium
lactate is cleared by liver- so avoid large amounts in liver issues-->lactic acidosis- or watch carefully and switch when K+/lactic acid starts creeping up
gastric losses (e.g. NG suction)
losing what lytes? (2)
fluid replacement choice?
- will be losing acids (H+/Cl-) - replace with NS, 0.5 NS with or without K+
pancreatic losses- lose what lytes? (2)

replace with what?
Na, bicarb - LR with bicarb (idk why LR...)
Biliary, small bowel- lose which lytes? (3)
replace with what?
lose Na, Cl, bicarb but not as much bicarb so can get away with just LR
diarrhea- lose which lytes (4)

use what to replace?
lose a lot of everything- Na, K, Cl, bicarb- so use LR with or without bicarb
fluids used for rescucitation (in emergencies) (4)
 Crystalloids
 Colloids
 Hypertonic solutions- risk for hypernatremia, not a good option
 Oxygen‐carrying fluids
change in Mean arterial pressure by fluid- list order of fluids from best to worst (5)
best option in changing MAP is blood, followed by dextran, albumin, lactate then glucose (dextrose)
when picking fluids for rescucitation, what compartment do we want the fluids to be in?
intravascular space (of ECF)
what are crystalloids?
2 examples
Solutions containing sodium as their major
osmotically active particle

NS, lactated ringers
indications for crystalloids (4)
Plasma volume expansion
Correct extracellular electrolyte and volume deficits
Fluid challenge for oliguric patient (to see if they are dehydrated or not, or if it's kidney shit)
Hemorrhagic shock
2‐liter rule for oliguric pt
if you give them 2 L of crystalloid and look for increase in UoP to determine reason for oliguria
3:1 rule for hemorrhagic shock- give reasoning
3 mL of crystalloid should be given for every 1 mL of blood loss (due to third...space...loss)
NS distribution in body and why we have the 3:1 rule
3L of NS- all stays in ECF but distributes between interstitial space and IV space

so 75% goes into interstitial and 25% in IV...that's why 3:1 rule
distribution of D5W in body- how much in IV space?
distribution of D5W- equally between ICF and ECF due to being metabolized to free water

so 3 L--> 2/3 of it goes into ICF, then of the 1/3 remaining fluids, 25% of THAT will be IV
3 ML of NS + D5W-->so 1.5 of each- how to work out distribution into IV space
just...calculate each separately...add together
for trauma...which fluid do you not want to give..
D5W...it sucks for IV space
D5W, 1/2 NS, NS and hypertonic NaCl (3%)- list their tonicities and how much free water they provide (free water goes into cells)
D5W- hypotonic, 1L of free water

1/2 NS- hypotonic- 73% ECF, 27% ICF- 500mL free water

NS- isotonic, 0 free water

3% NaCl- hypertonic, -2k free water (draws...water out?)
3 potential AE of crystalloids
 Peripheral and pulmonary edema
 Electrolyte disturbances
 Hyperchloremic acidosis (too much NS- switch to LR
colloid definition
Large molecular weight substances that do not pass readily across capillary walls
3 colloids
 Hetastarch (Hespan) 6%
 Albumin
 Dextrans
stop-gap measure for blood- what does this mean
no O2 carrying capacity- so you can give this if they're bleeding but must be temporary
hetastarch comes in what form
6% solution in normal saline – 500 mL bag
hetastarch- amt of plasma volume expansion

when to use

administer with what?
Plasma volume expansion ≥ infusion volume
Plasma volume expanding agent for use after cystalloids
Does not carry O2 → administer with packed RBCs
hetastarch elimination (2)

renal dysfunction effect?

issue with the elimination rate
Broken down slowly by body
 50% eliminated by 2 days
 64% eliminated by 8 days

even slower in renal dysfunction

issue is coagulopathy if it builds up
hetastarch ADRs (4)
 Coagulopathy – usually in volumes greater than 1500 mL/day (20 mL/kg/day)
 Volume overload (pulmonary edema)
 Anaphylaxis in 0.1%
 Hyperamylasemia
albumin- 2 formulations
Available in 5% and 25% (both 12.5 g)
5% vs. 25% albumin- what's the difference?
500 mL of 5% increases IV space by 500 mL (due to staying in IV space)

use 25% if fluid expansion not desired
4 indications for albumin and which one (5 or 25%) to use

what NOT to use albumin for
hemorrhagic shock after crystalloids and CI to hetastarch- use 5% to expand volume (have moved away from using albumin though)

paracentesis- 8g/L withdrawn -helps with cardiorenal perfusion (use 25%)

hypotension due to fluid shifts during dialysis use (25%); but same effect as NS so...

SBP- risk of renal failure due to intravascular volume depletion- give on days 1/3 (idk which %)

NOT for hypoalbuminemia in chronic diseases (malnutrition, cirrhosis, etc)- because of short half life- temporary solution to long standing problem wastes albumin
in shock...what would you use
you'd think albumin because it all goes into IV space but NS is just as good
3 ADR for albumin

what 2 things do you not have to worry about
Pulmonary edema, especially during sepsis/ARDS
Intestinal obstruction (moa unknown)
Anaphylaxis in 0.5‐1.5%

purified so don't have risk of hep and HIV
what is dextran?

2 forms
 Large glucose polymer
 Dextran‐40
 Dextran‐70
2 uses of dextran
 Plasma volume expander
 VTE prevention- wat- prevent clots? doesn't make much sense if you're trying to fix blood loss and yet prevent coagulation so not used much
dextran ADRs (4)
 Anaphylaxis in 1‐5%
 Osmotic diuresis
 Bleeding diathesis
 Reticuloendothelial blockade
Blood usage (2)
Volume expansion + oxygen‐carrying
blood disadvantages (4)
 Cost
 Compatibility error
 Infection
 Citrate- causes hypocalcemia because it binds calcium in LR? wtf didn't talk about it
acid/bases on charts- how to read
pH/ PCo2/PO2/HCO3-
normal pH of bodily fluids (arterial blood, venous blood/interstitial fluid, intracellular fluid)
Arterial blood: 7.4
Venous blood and interstitial fluid: 7.35 (more CO2)
Intracellular fluid: 7.0
Alkalosis/alkalemia – pH
arterial pH > 7.45
Acidosis/acidemia – pH
arterial pH < 7.35
respiratory acidosis/alkalosis results from...
result from failure of the respiratory system
to balance pH
single most important indicator of
respiratory inadequacy
normal PCO2 fluctuates between what?

values that signal respiratory acidosis and alkalosis
Normal PCO2 fluctuates between 35‐45 mmHg
Values > 45 mmHg signal respiratory acidosis
Values < 35 mmHg signal respiratory alkalosis
[H+] (acidity) equation for blood
[H+] = 24x(pCO2/[HCO3-])
basically CO2 treated like acid
Most common acid‐base imbalance
respiratory acidosis- hypercapnea (too much CO2)
2 causes of respiratory acidosis
shallow breathing- e.g. narcotics
hampered gas exchange
4 causes of hampered gas exchange that causes resp acidosis
▪ Pneumonia
▪ Cystic fibrosis
▪ PE
respiratory alkalosis causes
Hyperventilation (“blowing off the CO2”)
sx of respiratory acidosis (3) and mechanism
papilledema-optic disc swelling that is caused by increased intracranial pressure
CO2 is vasodilator --> increases cerbral blood flow -->CNS changes (obtundation?)
metabolic acidosis/alkalosis definition
All pH imbalances except those caused by abnormal PCO2 levels
HCO3- levels- normal range

values that signal alkalosis and acidosis
Normal HCO3‐ fluctuates between 22‐26 mEq/L
Values > 26 mmHg signal metabolic alkalosis
Values < 22 mmHg signal metabolic acidosis
Second most common cause of acid‐base
metabolic acidosis
sx of respiratory alkalosis (4)
cardiac arrhythmias
decreased cerebral BF because decreased CO2 (vasoconstriction?)-->HA, syncope, seizures
when you see metabolic acidosis- 2 types you need to distinguish

how to calculate?
Determine if anion gap or non‐anion gap

Anion gap = Na – (Cl‐ + HCO3
anion gap vs. non-anion gap metabolic acidosis- AG ranges for both and etiology
if AG < 12, it is non-anion gap and due to excessive loss of HCO3-

if AG >=12, it is an anion gap metabolic acidosis and due to accumulation of organic acids
4 sx of metabolic acidosis
hyperventilate to blow off CO2 to compensate
CNS depression, though more common with resp acidosis
GI symptoms
peripheral vasodilation
non-gap metabolic acidosis etiologies (2 are drugs) (8)
bicarb loss-->so diarrhea
pancreatic bicarb loss
renal tubular acidosis
post respiratory alkalosis
potassium sparing diuretics (causing hypoaldosteronism)
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
ureteral diversions into bowel (peeing out of your butt so diarrhea)
acids (HCl, NH4Cl)
anion gap metabolic acidosis etiologies (10) all these things are adding acids

remember the mnemonic

Diabetic ketoacidosis
Isoniazid, ingestions (of toluene)
Lactic acidosis from variety of causes (metformin, seizures, sepsis, shock,
Ethanol, ethylene glycol
Salicylates (ASA od)
metabolic alkalosis definition
Rising blood pH and HCO3‐ levels
typical causes of metabolic alkalosis (6)
losing acids
Vomiting (excessive stomach acids lost)
Intake of excess base (i.e., antacids)
Constipation (excessive HCO3‐ reabsorbed)
Volume contraction (i.e., “contraction alkalosis”- from diuresing)
Excessive black licorice intake
respiratory and renal complications
Acid‐base imbalance due to inadequacy of a
physiological buffer system is compensated for by the
other system
treating metabolic acidosis (2)
if PH < 7 can give bicarb, otherwise address underlying cause
respiratory and renal compensations for acid/base disorders- explain what occurs generally, then specifically in each system what the limits are for compensation
Acid‐base imbalance due to inadequacy of a physiological buffer system is compensated for by the other system

Respiratory system will attempt to correct metabolic acid‐base imbalances instantly but cannot fully compensate and can't over compensate

Kidneys will work to correct imbalances caused by respiratory
disease by altering bicarb absorption/secretion - can fully compensate but not over compensate but takes like 4 days to fix things
6 steps for interpreting ABG
Determine if acidotic or alkalotic (pH)
Assess possible metabolic imbalance (look to see what is more screwy, bicarb or PCO2- off more is probably the issue)
If other item isn't screwy, probably acute (no time for compensation)
Assess possible respiratory imbalance
Mixed metabolic‐respiratory imbalance
Assess for compensatory process
IDK if have to know exact ranges...
venous blood values compared to arterial blood- pH, PO2, O2 sat, PaCO2, HCO3
pH lower because more CO2 (7.38)
PO2 lower because O2 has been delivered (35-40)
SaO2 same as above (70-75)
PaCO2 higher (41-51)
HCO3 higher (24-28)
how to use goldberg graph
- take ABG- plot PCO2 on bottom axis, HO3 on top, then look at pH and it'll tell you what it is...
look at samples for ABG