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65 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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What are the parts of an EKG?
P, QRS, T waves
How do you calculate the heart rate on an EKG?
count the number of boxes between R-waves then divide into 300 (300/ # of big boxes)
What rhythms do you defibrillate for? and at what joule?
ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation
360 joules
what rhythms do you cardiovert for? and at what joule?
Atrial flutter, Atrial fibrillation
50-100 joules
What rhythms do you pace?
Bradycardia, Asystole
what does the wedge pressure look at?
the systemic vascular system
what is the normal value for PCWP?
4-12 mmHg or 8-24 cmH2O
what is indicated if the PAP and the PCWP are both elevated?
The problem is Cardiogenic
What is indicated if the PAP is up but nothing else?
the problem is Non-cardiogenic
How do you treat dampening?
F=Flush with heparin
The BTFDC is inflated when? and with how much air?
inflated when inserted into right atrium and measuring PCWP. You use 1.5 cc of air
CVP represents what?
The right side of the heart
What are some other names for CVP?
Right atrial pressure
Right side preload
Right atrial filling pressure
Right vent. end diast. pressure
How is MAP and MPAP calculated
[(2 x Diastolic) + Systolic ]/ 3
What 3 ways can Cardiac Output be measured? How do you calculate CO?
Thermal Dilution
Dye Dilution
Fick Equation
What is the Fick Equation?
VdotO2 / (CaO2-CvO2) x 10
When do you want a wedge pressure? is it performed on inspiration or expiration?
When looking at the lungs and Left heart
performed at end exhalation
what is the conduction pathway of the Heart?
SA node--AV node--Bundle of His--R and L bundle branches--Purkinji fibers
What is a bronchogram used to diagnose?
What is Cardiac Tamponade?
When compression of the heart takes place due to blood or fluid accumulation in the pericardial sac
Where is the Bicuspid Valve?
between the Left atria and the ventricle
Where is the Tricuspid Valve?
between the R atria and ventricle
What is stenosis of the valves (bicuspid stenosis)?
it's a narrowing of the valvular opening.
What does A-fib feel like in the radial pulses?
it will feel erratic
what are some of the complications of a Pulmonary Catheter?
QT arrhythmia
Clot formation
How is the P-A CXR shot?
from Back to front
How is the A-P shot? and what is more readily seen?
It is from the front to back and allows better visualization of the heart.
What CXR shoots from the side and allows visualization of the lung behind the heart as well as the bases
What is the position used for V/Q scans? and how are they positioned?
Obligice- Pt is turned to 45 degrees to either side.
what position has the patient leaning back at a 45 deg. angle an allows viewing of the upper lobes?
Apical Lordotic
What position is used to diagnose a pleural effusion or pneumothorax?
Lateral deculutis
Elevation of ones side of the diaphragm can indicate what?
Gas in the stomach or atelectasis
The diaphragm appears where on a CXR?
at the level of the 10th rib on inspiration
Which Lung is larger?
The right
What percentage of air does each lung hold?
right =55%
Left = 45%
what are the indications, routes, and dosage of Epinephrine
Indications= Asystole,Sinus arrest,Vfib
Routes= IV, ETT, Intra cardiac
Dosage= 1ml/kg every 5 min then flush with 10cc of NS
what are the indications, routes, and dosage of Lidocaine
indications= PVC's,Vtach,Vfib.
Routes= IV bolus, IV drip, ETT
Dosage= 1mg/kg IV bolus
what are the indications, routes, and dosage of Atropine
indications= Sinus Brady, Asystole, AV node Brady
Routes= IV bolus, ETT
Dosage= Dead is 1mg/ 2 min, Alive is 0.5mg/ 2 min
What does Epinephrine do?
Increases HR
Increases force of contraction
Increases coronary perfusion
What does Lidocaine do?
decreases ventricular activity
What does Atropine do?
increases HR
Increases force of contraction
Normal Sinus Rhythym
Ventricular Tachycardia
Atrial Flutter
Atrial Fibrillation
Sinus Tachycardia
Injury (ST elevation)
Multifocal PVC's
2 degree Heart block type 2
Sinus Bradycardia
2 degree heart block type 1 (wenkebach)
Ventricular Fibrillation
A-a gradient

Normal= 10-15 mmHg on RA
25-65 mmHg on 100%
Shunting>300>V/Q mismatch
O2 carried to the Tissues
(Hb x 1.34 x SaO2) + (PaO2 x .003)

Normal= 16-20%vol
oxygenated blood returning to heart
(Hb x 1.34 x SvO2) + (PvO2 x .003)

Normal= 12-15%vol
how much O2 was taken by Tissues

Normal is <5%vol
QT equation

Measures CO
VO2 / (C(a-v)O2) (10)

Normal is 4-8 LPM

Portion of blood not taking part in O2 exchange
(PaCO2 - PeCO2) / PaCO2 x 100

Normal is 20-40% in spontaneous breathing pt
40-60% in ventilated pt's
Oxygen used by tissues
CaO2-CvO2 / CaO2

Normal is 20-28%
1cc/lb of ideal body weight

Tidal Volume

Normal is 5-7LPM

Deadspace minute ventilation

Alveolar minute ventilation
VdotA / VdotD

Minute Ventilation
Vt x RR
VdotA + VdotD

Normal is 5-10LPM