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50 Cards in this Set

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Gyn Red Flags
• Uncontrolled heavy bleeding
• Vaginal bleeding after menopause
• Coloured discharge
• Severe, prolonged or unexplained pain in lower abdominal area
• Blisters or scabs around genitalia
• Breast lumps – new, distinct or separate lumps should always be investigated
PMS Risk Factors
Fluid & Electrolyte Balance
Hereditary factors
Hormonal factors
Inflammatory mediators
Psychological and social,
Biochemical factors
PMS Abraham's Classification
Type A (Anxiety)
Linked to excess oestrogen and deficient progesterone during premenstrual phase
Type C (Cravings)
Linked to carbohydrate cravings, increased appetite, fatigue, fainting spells and heart palpitations. There can be increased insulin secretion in response to sugar consumption.
Type D (depression)
Symptoms of crying, forgetfulness, insomnia and mild mental confusion are linked to low levels of neurotransmitters in the central nervous system.
Type H (Hydration)
Linked to excess levels of aldosterone hormones, which cause fluid retention. Aldosterone excess can be caused by stress, magnesium deficiency, salt excess or oestrogen excess.
PMS Specific Herbs 2
Vitex agnus castus - Pharmacologically, Vitex has an overall corpus luteum-like effect, increasing luteinizing hormone (LH) production by acting directly on the pituitary gland, and inhibiting the release of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). It can also inhibit prolactin secretion

Emmenagogue, uterine tonic, prolactin inhibitor, galactagogue, indirectly progesteronic, diuretic and carminative

Cimifuga racemosa - Normalises female reproductive system, delayed or painful menstruation, secondary amenorrhoea,

anti-rheumatic, emmenagogue, anti-spasmodic, alterative, sedative, relaxing nervine, tonic, mild analgesic, oestrogenic, uterine tonic
PMS Nervines
Hypericum - useful for irritability & depression
alterative, nervine, antidepressant, sedative,anti-inflammatory, analgesic

Valeriana - nervine, carminative, antispasmodic, analgesic

Passiflora - nervine, sedative, narcotic, anodyne, antispasmodic, hypnotic

Lavender - internally and externally - nervine, digestive, carminative, mild bitter, antispasmodic, antidepressant, anxiolytic, antibacterial/ antiseptic topically
PMS Smooth Muscle relaxants

Foeniculum vulgare - (20 drops 5 times per day pre menstrual and during, decreased dysmenhorria)
Carminative, Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial, Diuretic, Hormonal, Laxative, Cardiotonic

Zingiber - (shown to be equally effective as NSAID's)
antispasmotic, anti-emetic, peripheral circulatory stimulant, anti-inflammatory, analgesic
PMS Vilma Herbal Protocols
• Address liver function with cholagogues, choleretics, biters, hepatics, laxatives
• Treat Nervous system by using nervines, anxiolytic and antidepressant herbs
• Regulate water metabolism by using diuretics
• Move Liver Qi Stagnation, help with pain and stress
PMS Supplements
• Take a high quality multivitamin and multi-mineral daily to reduce chance of deficiencies of nutrients needed for hormonal regulation.
• Vitamin B6/ pyridoxine; 50mg up to four times daily
• Magnesium - PMS mood and fluid retention
• Calcium
• Zinc; 15mg up to four times daily
• Essential fatty acids, especially blackcurrant seed oil
Vit E - breast tenderness, irrittability
Amenorrhea What is and causes?
Unexplained absence of the menstrual period.
Primary – delayed puberty, pituitary, thyroid or adrenal malfunction
Secondary (stopped for at least 6 months) – pregnancy, cessation of the pill, stress, anorexia, depression, PCOS, pituitary, thyroid or adrenal malfunction
Epidemiology - prevalence (in women of menstruating age) is:
• Primary 0.3%
• Secondary 3%
Between 10 and 20% of women presenting with infertility have amenorrhoea.
Hypothalamic- stress, weight loss, severe chronic illness, Hypothalamic lesions, Post-Pill, rigorous exercise,
Pituitary- Pituitary lesions, Pituitary insufficiency,
Failure to ovulate- PCOS, breastfeeding (is initially associated to high prolactin levels, which causes ovulation and menstruation to cease), thyroid problems (Hypothyroid causes high levels of SHBG- more estrogen available. Hyperthyroid increases conversion of androgens to estrogens. Both situations can lead to ovulatory failure), Cushing’s syndrome, anti-psychotic drugs- phenothiazines and tranquilisers,
Hyperprolactinaemia can be due to many causes including stress, too much exercise, hypothyroidism and drugs. If it is due to a pituitary tumour the level of prolactin is usually very high. Hyperprolactinaemia occurs in 75% of secondary amenorrhoea.
Amenorrhea HF
Achillea millefolium - hoff. (S) - emmenagogue, anti - inflammatory
Cimifuga - emmenagogue, uterine tonic, nrevine
Verbena - emmenagogue, nervine
Vitex asgnus castus - emmeogogue, hormone normalizer
Scutellaria laterifolia - sedative, nervine, antispasmodic, anxiolytic, nervine tonic
Endometriosis S&S
Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory and often extremely painful condition where the cells from the endometrium of the uterus become implanted in or on other organs and tissues. Growths can occur in the pelvis, fallopian tubes, ovaries, bowel, bladder, even less commonly, the lung and heart. Wherever the growth, the tissue will respond to the hormonal cycle and bleed at menstruation. Blood has no outlet to leave, becomes trapped causing inflammation, cysts & scarring.

• dysmenorrhoea
• heavy or irregular periods
• dyspareunia
• back pain
• nausea
• infertility
• fatigue
Endometriosis Treatment herbs and naturo
Hormone balancers, nervines and anti-spasmodics, alteratives, laxatives


• Fruit and vegetables
• Complex carbohydrates
• Organic produce
• Oily foods
• Decrease saturated fat
• Increase fluids, fibre
• Avoid additives, artificial sweeteners
• Reduce caffeine, reduce alcohol, avoid sugar
Detox liver and bowels
HF Endometriosis
Vitex - 10ml
Cimifiga - 20ml
Achillea - 20ml
Vibunam - 30ml - uterine relaxant
Glycyrrhiza - 20ml
• secondary amenorrhoea or oligomenorrhoea
• Hirsutism
• overweight
• multiple ovarian follicles on ultrasound
• carbohydrate cravings, leading to hyperinsulinaemia
• acne
• infertility
• abnormal bleeding patterns- menorrhagia, metrorrhagia etc
PCOS Orthodox treatment

Blood test to measure testosterone and LH which tend to be high in women with PCOS. Serum levels of SHBG, fasting insulin levels,
An ultrasound scan of the ovaries.
Also, patient may be advised to have regular checks of blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol to detect any abnormality as early as possible.
Metformin and other insulin sensitising drugs. Cyproterone acetate (antiandrogenic): to treat acne and hirsutism, oral contraceptive pill, spironolactone (diuretic, aldosterone antagonist), progesterone, oral and micronised: to trigger withdrawal bleeding.
Laparoscopic ovarian “drilling”.
PCOS Naturopathic Treatment
Diet- increase protein, reduce carbohydrates, reduce saturated fats
De-stress. Yoga, Tai Chi, CranioSacral therapy, Acupuncture, Reflexology, etc

• Treat insulin resistance and normalise blood sugar
• Normalise weight: BMI < 25, waist:hip ratio < 1.
• Re-establish regular menstruation.
• Normalise ovulation and reduce androgens.
• Reduce long-term cardiovascular disease and noninsulin- dependent diabetes risk.
Paonia lactiflora - PCOS (Paeoniflorin inhibits testosterone synthesis in ovaries, but not in adrenal glands)
tonic, antispasmodic, emmenagogue, nutritive, anticonvulsant, cognition enhancing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, promotes circulation, sedative

Cimifuga - emmenagogue, anti-spasmodic, alterative, sedative, relaxing nervine, tonic, mild analgesic, oestrogenic, uterine tonic

Glycyrrhiza - adrenal tonic, mild sedative, anti-inflammatory, Adaptogen, hepatoprotective, immunomodulator, antioxidant, detoxifier, antihistamine

Vitex - Emmenagogue, uterine tonic, prolactin inhibitor, galactagogue, indirectly progesteronic,

Blood sugar - Trigonella foenum graecum - tonic, nutritive, carminative, stomachic, stimulant, demulcent, aphrodisiac, galactagogue, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycaemic, hypocholesterolemic

Hirsuitism - Serotona repens endocrine agent, anabolic agent, adaptogen, tonic nutrient, endocrine stimulant, sedative, antiandrogenic, anti-inflammatory,
Fibrous benign tumours of the uterus (uterine myomas or uterine leiomyomas).

They occurr in 20% to 40% of women during their reproductive years. It is estimated that 75% of women with fibroids do not have symptoms, therefore many women don't know they have fibroids

• Menorrhagia
• anaemia
• painful periods
• dull dragging pain/ aches in their thighs
• back pain or constant pressure in the abdominal area that feels like bloating or fullness
• Painful intercourse (dyspareunia)
• bladder and bowel (constipation, haemorrhoids) symptoms
• infertility.
Fibroids Naturopathic aims

Consider general toxicity and accumulation- stagnation.
Symptoms caused by fibroids may be treated with similar protocols to menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea.
Caution when using estrogenic herbs.
Fibroids HF
Alchamilla vulgaris (S) - Astringent, Haemostatic, Anti-haemorrhagic, Styptic, Menstrual regulator, Alterative. Its drying action helps to reduce slipperiness of the womb, taken for 15 days, it is said to reverse sterility

Paeonia lactiflora - tonic, antispasmodic, emmenagogue, nutritive, anticonvulsant, cognition enhancing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, promotes circulation, sedative

** Contra estrogen herbs - Dioscora villosa
Menopause - loss of estrogen can cause
• Irregular menstrual cycles—menstrual bleeding slows, becomes erratic, and then stops permanently (the process takes about 4 years)
• Hot flashes—flushing of face and chest (may be accompanied by heart palpitations, dizziness, headaches)
• Night sweats
• Cold hands and feet
• Vaginal changes—dryness, itching, bleeding after intercourse
• Urinary changes—frequent urination, burning during urination, urinating at night, incontinence
• Insomnia
• Mood changes—depression, irritability, tension (usually occurs with sleep disturbances)
• Loss of skin tone leading to wrinkles
• Weight gain and change in weight distribution with increased fat in the central abdominal area

• Osteoporosis
• Cardiovascular disease
• Alzheimer's disease
• Macular degeneration (a serious eye disorder and the leading cause of blindness in the Western world)
• Glaucoma
• Colon cancer
Menopause - alternative treatments
• Calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients increase bone mineral density
• Soy foods help diminish hot flashes and improve cholesterol which, in turn, may reduce the risk of heart disease
• Exercise boosts bone mineral density, reduces hot flashes, and improves mood
• Lowfat diets reduce the risk of heart disease
Menopause Diet
• Maintain healthy weight and include a regular exercise program.
• Limit the intake of refined breads and cereal dishes, saturated fat, alcohol, and spicy food. Replace with whole grain products, high quality seeds, oils, fish, and raw, organically grown vegetables.
• Limit the intake of well-done meat to reduce breast cancer risk.
• Increase intake of isoflavones and lignans to provide modulation of estrogen activities,
• antioxidant effects, and promotion of bone health.
• Increase intake of cruciferous vegetable family to support healthy estrogen metabolism.
• Include phytonutrients that act synergistically with isoflavones, such as curcumin.
• Increase intake of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium and trace minerals to promote bone health.
• Promote a healthy methylation pathway and manage homocysteine levels with folate, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6
Angelica sinensis (Dong Quai)-
Blood mover, Hormone regulator, Thought to have oestrogenic properties (unproven), Acts as pituitary gland regulator, Interacts with anti-coagulants, Not recommended in pregnancy

Emmenagogue, nourishing tonic, uterine tonic, antianemic, anti-inflammatory, antiplatelet, antarrhytmic, laxative, hepatoprotective, antispasmodic, analgesic
Cimicifuga racemosa
Anti-spasmodic, Anti-inflammatory, Thought to have oestrogenic properties (unproven), Current MHRA health warning due to suspected hepatoxicity
Contraindications: data is conflicting. Generally advised no more than 6 months’ continuous use
Vitex agnus castus
Hormone regulator, Acts as pituitary gland regulator
Can be used for both males and females in puberty, Contraindications: none known, but not recommended in pregnancy

Emmenagogue, uterine tonic, prolactin inhibitor, galactagogue, indirectly progesteronic, diuretic and carminative
Leonurus cardiaca
Emmenagogue, Nervine, Cardiac tonic, Contraindicated in pregnancy due to its uterine stimulating action. The herb has been shown to have some photosensitizing activity. Caution is recommended with anticoagulants, and theoretically additive effects could occur in conjunction with anti-hypertensives.

Emmenagogue, nervine tonic, cardiotonic,antispasmodic, sedative, hypotensive, antiarrhythmic, antithyroid,
Trifolium pratense
Alterative, Anti-cancer, Anticoagulant (contains coumarins)
Phyto-estrogenic (contains isoflavones), Contraindicated with anticoagulants
Glyccyrhiza glabra-
Adaptogen (adrenal strengthener), Demulcent, Anti-spasmodic, Laxative, Contraindications: thiazide and loop diuretics, cardiac glycosides, antihypertensives, coricosteroids. Should not be used for patients with hypertension
Alchemilla vulgaris
Astringent, Haemostatic, Emmenagogue, Diuretic, Anti-inflammatory, Vulnerary, Contraindications: none found
Eleutherococcus senticosus
Adaptogenic, Tonic, Vasodilator, Circulatory stimulant
Contraindications: some authorities advise against use for patients with hypertension. Do not use with patients taking digoxin; caution alongside diabetic agents
BPH - Benign prostate hypertrophy what is? signs and symptoms
inflamed or enlarged prostate, exerts pressure on the urethra or block the outlet to the bladder

# urinary hesitancy (slowed or delayed start of the urinary stream)
# weak urine stream
# nocturia (needing to urinate 2 to 3 times or more per night)
# pain with urination
# bloody urine
# urinary retention (difficulty urinating)
# increased urinary frequency
# strong and sudden urge to urinate (urinary urgency)
# incontinence

Complications - infection and kidney damage.
Serenoa repens - tonic, urinary antiseptic, endocrine agent, anabolic agent, adaptogen, tonic nutrient, endocrine stimulant, sedative, antiandrogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, male tonic

Smilax spp. - Antirheumatic, Antiseptic, Antipruitic, Tonic, Progesterogenic action, Androgenic action specifically testosterogenic, Anti-inflammatory, Alterative

Zea Mays - Demulcent diuretic, lithotropic, anti-inflammatory, mild stimulant and tonic with cholagogue action.

Arctostaphylos uva ursi - Urinary antiseptic, astringent, haemostatic, antibacterial, anti- inflammatory, diuretic USE SHORT TERM

Plantago -Astringent, Alterative, Anti-bacterial, Anti-histamine, Anti-haemorrhagic, Lymphatic, Diuretic, Expectorant, Demulcent, Analgesic, Antacid. Leaves taken internally are Anti-toxin
Oestrogens - main functions
found principally in the ovaries. Important in the development of secondary sexual characteristics in women.
1. stimulate growth and blood supply to the genitals
2. increase cervical secretions, repair and thicken endometrium
3. increase muscular activity of fallopian tubes
4. affect FSH production by hypothalamus, affect breast development, pigmentation off nipples and duct development
5. improve blood circulation, lower cholesterol
6. help retain calcium in bones
7. -increase libido
Progesterones - main functions
the main function is to prepare the uterus for implantation. It is produced by the corpus luteum, which also produces oestrogens.
1. thickens the endometrium
2. reduces cervical secretions
3. reduces muscular activity of the uterine wall
4. inhibits LH production, prevents ovulation
5. reduces water and salt retention
principle one is testosterone, responsible for male sexual characteristics. In women testosterone is secreted partially by the adrenal glands and partially by the ovaries
secreted by the pituitary, it promotes the growth of follicles in the ovaries, one of which will enlarge and release an ovum at ovulation. Levels of FSH are determined by circulating oestrogen levels
released by the pituitary, it transforms the post- ovulation follicle into the corpus luteum. It is produced mid-cycle in a peak, as oestrogen levels from the follicle reach a critical level. Progesterone inhibits further LH production.
If fertilisation does not occur the corpus luteum will degenerate around day 22 of the cycle, bringing progesterone and oestrogen production to an abrupt end. The decline in these causes menstruation to occurred as the thickened endometrium is shed.
Male Infertility
• Low sperm count or motility.
• Reduce caffeine, alcohol, smoking, mobile phone use. Take zinc, folate and any other necessary vitamins and minerals.
• Serenoa serrulataa, Turnera diffusa, Zanthozylum to improve blood supply.
• Reduce exposure to xenooestrogens.
The first issues to address in pregnancy are:
1. Proper hydration
2. Proper and appropriate nutrition – eating the foods that will build a healthy baby and maintain the mother’s health. Also, avoiding any foods to which intolerances or allergies are present in the mother or father’s families; avoidance of these during pregnancy and for the first couple of years lessen the likelihood of the child developing allergies.
3. Maintaining exercise levels and adjusting them to the needs of prgancy; avoidance of high impact exercise as the pregnancy progresses since the ligaments soften in preparation for birth, adjusting stretching regimes to take into account the softening of the ligaments.
4. Getting adequate rest and relaxation; more of a challenge on second and subsequent pregnancies.
5. Building up a good support network during the pregnancy and to help after delivery.
6. Talking through any fears regarding pregnancy and delivery with an objective, informed person.
7. Recognising the emotional lability that tends to go with pregnancy and ways of ensuring that this does not negatively impact.
Morning sickness
• may be due to stress, tiredness, poor eating patterns/ low blood sugar, excessive caffeine
• Later in pregnancy nausea and vomiting may occur due to hiatus hernia, oesophageal reflux, the pressure of the foetus in the womb pushing on the stomach.
• Vomiting usually disappears by 16 weeks gestation
Morning sickness treatment
1. Get sufficient rest
2. eat something small like dry crackers before getting out of bed,
3. eat small regular
4. proper hydration
5. ginger, chamomile, fennel and peppermint as teas
6. eating bitters such as dandelion or chicory can help
• slippery elm, marshmallow or other demulcent herbs.
• Eat regularly.
• Take sufficient fluid.
• Avoid large meals.
• Chamomile and Filipendula teas can help.
Hypertension of pregnancy - pre-eclampsia
RISKS - CVA, renal failure, liver failure, coagulation failure, heart failure, adrenal failure, eclampsia (a convulsive state similar to epilepsy but specific to pregnancy).
Foetus RISKS - asymmetrical growth retardation, placental abruption, iatrogenic preterm delivery.
Therapeutic approach: In any woman with a history, advice should be given as regards prevention of HBP e.g. diet, hydatration, exercise, relaxation techniques. On can also consider a formula including Crataegus, Valerian, Viburnum opulus, Passiflora, Tilia
Iron Rich foods for Anemia
• Spinach
• Beans – Kidney, Navy, Butter
• Greens
• Oats
Varicose veins & Hemorrhoids
• elevation of the legs when resting.
• Plenty of vitamin C and rutin;
• compresses of hamamelis virginicus to cool and soothe the discomfort;
• external treatment of creams and compresses including hamamelis virginicus, calendula, Aesculus
• Internally – Calendula, Aesculus, Vaccinium, Fagopyrum.
Pineapple juice taken internally and used as a douche, also live yoghurt used similarly.
Candida diet
Stretch marks:
Massage the affected areas during the pregnancy and for a couple months after with a rich base oil such as almond, olive, or apricot kernel; the addition of 10% GLA rich oil such as borage, evening primrose, rosehip, blackcurrant or starflower enhances benefits as does the addition of essential oils such as lavender, Roman chamomile, frankincense, neroli, or mandarin.
Labour pain
For overstrong/ painful contractions; Cimicifuga, Dioscorea, Viburnum. Rubus.
Essential oils include: lavender, clary sage, rose, geranium, ylang ylang, frankincense, rosemary, chamomile.. Other pain relieving herbs are: Scutellaria, Leonorus, Mitchella, Lavandula, Matricaria, Tilia
Healing the perineum
Plenty of advice and reassurance from reliable sources. Getting comfortable with pillows etc. Taking time to relax with feeding. Take plenty of water and a good source of EFAs (you do not need milk to make milk – you need water and essential fatty acids). Fennel tea. Also consider milk thistle and Galega officinalis