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58 Cards in this Set

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Classical conditioning is also known as (3 other names)
1. respondent (i.e. involuntary)
2. Pavlovian
3. Stimulus-response conditioning
Who were the two pioneers of classical cond theory?
1. Ivan Pavlov
2. John Watson
The responses in classical cond are?
automatic, paired, involuntary.
What are reflexes?
the name for the stimulus-response links in classical conditioning
When no learning has taken place and the (US) and (UR) elecit an inborn or automatic response this is called?
Unconditioned Reflex
In classical cond, which two responses are the same?
UR and the CR
(e.g salvation)
Which is more in magnitude of the two? The CR or the UR?
UR- the dogs will salivate more the the meat powder than they will to the tone (the CS).
Verbally desc the classical conditioning pattern?
US elicits UR.
US is paired with NS enough times then NS becomes CS and elicits CR.
To decide if a stimulus is conditioned ask yourself?
is it involuntary and universal?
If not than it is a CS.
Define temporal sequence in classical cond?
the sequence in which the US and NS are presented
What makes a key difference in whether or not conditioning occurrs?
Temperoal sequence
Define contiguity as it relates to classical cond?
the closeness in time
Define contingency in classical cond?
US must appear to depend on the CS. or NS signals the coming of the US
Define delay conditioning/standard pairing?
CS ie; the bell precedes, but overlaps with the presentation of the US ie., the meat.
Name the five methods of classical conditioning?
1. Delay conditioning/standard pairing
2. Trace
3. Temporal
4. Simultaneous
5. Backward
Define trace conditioning?
During trace conditioning the CS and US do not overlap. Instead, the CS is presented, a period of time is allowed to elapse during which no stimuli are presented, and then the US is presented. The stimulus free period is called the trace interval. It may also be called the conditioning interval.
Temporal Conditioning?
Time is the CS.. eliciting anticipation for being fed at noon (CR).. why we get hungry at lunch time!
Simultaneous conditioning?
NS or CS- (whatever you what to call it) and US overlap. Tone and meat powder at same time, but keep in mind no learning takes place!
In which 2 methods of classical conditioning does no learning occurr? WHY?
1.Simultaneous conditioning.
Bc the neutral stimulus never becomes CS and never elicits CR.
2. Backward conditioning
The tone (NS) will never elicit slivation.
In which method of classical conditionig does contiguity occur, but has no contingency?
What is needed for cond to occurr in classical cond?
Backward Conditioning?
US precedes the NS or CS (meat powder before tone)
CC: true learing occurrs when the .....?
CS comes before the US.
Stimulus generalization/mediated generalization
CS are generalized to other objects thart are similar.. without deliberate attempt of the experimenter.. (Lil albert)
Higher order conditioning
CS is paired with a NS that is unrelated until the new NS becomes conditioned too and elicits CR. Tone is repeatedly paired with a flash of light (NS) until CR. So according to academic review, this means the cs now fx as an US.. this is second order conditioning.. third-order ect..
What is the difference between stimulus generalization v. higher order cond?
Stimulus is automatic high order is deliberate.
Classical extinction
Repeatedly present the CS without the US. When the tone (CS) is presented without the meat (US) the dog stops CR.
When does classical extinction not work?
When the US is presented without the CS (loud noise without the rat).. bc CS never loses its signaling value.
Spontaneous recovery
Following an extinction trial, the CR and CS reappear..
Simulus discrimination
Discriminates between two versy smiliar neutral simtular bc 1 was paired with the US and the other was not.
Experimental neurosis
unusual behavior, seen as similar to human neurosis, that occurs when an organism is forced to undergo a difficult discrimination task.
a neutral stimulus that was not dliberately paired with either the unconditioned stimulus (US or the conditioned stimulus (CS) but elicits CR. Like the dog salivates when the light is turned on.
Which type of classical conditioning occurrs accidentally?
What can two things can cause pseudoconditioning?
inadvertent pairing or heightened arousal.
the US no longer eliciest UR.
Habituation involves what reflex and does not inovlve?
1. US
2. CS
What learning theory explains involuntary responses?
Classical cond
What learning theory explains voluntary responses?
operant cond
What is another name for skinnerian conditioning and instrumental cond?
Name twom major theorist of operant cond?
BF skinner
Related to a spontaneous recovery- there is this idea called a cue deflation effect. What is it?
When the extinction of a response to an overshadowing or more salient CS, leads to an increased CR to a less salient CS this is referred to as a cue deflation effect.
stimulus discrimination occurs when an organism is able to do what?
distinguish between similar stimuli; i.e., when a stimulus very s.imilar to the conditioned stimulus (CS) does not elicit the conditioned response (CR).
when pseudoconditioning has occurred, does the response happen outside of the learning situation?
no it does not, the response does not occur outside of the learning situation, even if the conditioned stimulus (CS) is present.
The conditioning model according to Pavlov:
bell-- presence of food-- salivation (name them)
bell- CS
presence of food- US
salivation- UR
then after repeated association:
bell (CS)--- salivation (CR)
the most effective CS-US time interval is generally considered what?
0.5 seconds
however the optimal time interval really depends on what behavior is being conditioned.
conditioned response is strongest and most rapidly acquired when a ...... procedure is used.
delayed procedure
the weakest and least effective way of conditioning is....
backward conditioning
Classical Conditioning use of the word "reinforcement"..define.
CS (bell) as a signal is confirmed by being followed by the US (food). It does NOT mean that something may increase a voluntary behavior as it does in Operant conditioning.
Spontaneous recovery does not mean that response has been forgotten, but instead we can infer that the response has been..
inhibted or suppressed.
Talk about what happens in the overshadowing effect.. think of strong personalities who overwhelm/overshadow more introverted personalities
Overshadowing: wherein a more salient CS is more strongly conditioned than a less salient CS. This occurs in a situation where two simultaneous CSs of different salience are paired with an UCS.
What happens when you try to extinct the responses that occurred during overshadowing, and the CS leads to an increased response (CR) to the less saliente (CS)?
Cue deflation effect.
Name the most famous experienmental demonstration of stimulus generaliation that has occurred?
Watson and Rayner's "Little Albert"
name a variation of stimulus generalization
mediated stimulus generalization
In mediated stimulus generalization what type of learning occurrs?
a stimulus serves as a mediator or connecting link between two stimuli that themselves are NEVER paired.
What is the converse (opposite) of stimulus generalization?
stimulus discrimination
Shipley gave light to the eye, and evoked the finger! this is whatt?
mediated generalization
Higher-order conditioning, pavlov was only successful at obtaining...
2nd order conditioning, not any higher.
when a the cs/ns (bell) is paried with US (meat) to elicit CR, what happens to the CS?
then when the cs is paired with a NS, the CS functions as what....?
1.it no longer is a ns.
2. US and the NS as the CS.