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27 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Psychosocial development
Psychosocial crises.
Trust vs. Mistrust
Infancy (birth-18 mo)
Attachment to mother
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Early Childhood (18 mo - 3 yrs)
Gaining some basic control over self and environment
Initiative vs. Guilt
Late Childhood (3-6 yrs)
Becoming purposeful and directive
Industry vs. Inferiority
School Age (6-12 yrs)
Developing social, physical, and learning skills
Identity vs. Role Confusion
Adolescence (12-20 yrs)
Developing sense of identity
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Early Adulthood (20-35 yrs)
Establishing intimate bonds of love and friendship
Generativity vs. Stagnation
Middle Adulthood (35-65 yrs)
Fulfilling life goals that involve family, career, and society
Integrity vs. Despair
Later Adulthood (65 yrs+)
Looking back over one's life and accepting its meaning
Cognitive Development
Mental mapping - schema, schemata, assimilation, accomodation.
Birth-2 yrs
Reflex activity to imagining and solving problems through the senses and movement. Reality and how it works.
2-7 yrs
Past, present, future. Prelogical thinking. Egocentricity. Require concrete examples.
Concrete Operational
7-11 yrs
Classify, order, and sort facts. Using logic. Begin abstract thinking.
Formal Operations
11 yrs +
Abstract and logical thought. Solving abstract and concrete problems.
Moral Development
Acceptance of values and rules of society. Sequential. Cannot skip stages.
Levels of Moral Development
Level 1: Preconventional Morality
Level 2: Conventional Morality
Level 3: Postconventional Morality
Stage 0
Birth-2 yrs
Egocentric judgement
Stage 1
2-3 yrs
Punishment-Obedience Orientation
Stage 2
4-7 yrs
Instrumental Relativist Orientation
Stage 3
7-10 yrs
Good Boy-Nice Girl Orientation
Stage 4
10-12 yrs
Law and Order Orientation
Stage 5
Social Contract and Legalistic Orientation
Stage 6
Universal Ethical Principles Orientation
Psychosexual Development
Levels of awareness
Agencies of the mind (id, ego, superego)
Concept of anxiety and defense mechanisms
Present at birth
Pleasure principle - instinctive
reality testing, problem solving
Reality principle - satisfy id's impulses in real world
Conscience + ego ideal
Strives for perfection