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16 Cards in this Set

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What are dimensions do Freud's Theory include?
1-Levels of Consciousness
2-Structural of Personality
3- Psycho Sexual Stages of Development.
What are Freud's Level of Levels of Consciousness ?
is the terms refer to mental activities of which we were fully aware.
the thoughts and feelings that can readily be brought into the consciousness
feelings, thoughts, desires, and memories of which we we are unaware.
According to Freud, what does the Personality consist of?
What are the Two motivating Instinct of personality?
1. Life Insticts-seen as loving, constructive, and altruistic, acts
2. Death Instints-seen as destructive, hateful, and aggressive acts.
only part of personality present at birth

it is the unconscious and includes everything inherited, including instincts. Its operates upon the pleasure principle and seeks immediate gratification
Develops from the ID.

Operates on the reality principle and is aware of the individuals needs, and well is the realities of the real world. The ego seeks to gain gratification of these needs in a socially acceptable manner.
Arises from the Ego. Moral development which consist of the conscience and the ego ideal

Conscience contain the should nots

The ego Ideal contain the shoulds.
Freud's Psychosexual Stages of Development
Stage 1 Oral Stage-(birth to 1 year)
Stage 2 Anal Stage (2 to 3 years)
Stage 3 Phallic Stage (3-6 years)
Stage 4 Latency Period (6-11 years)
Stage 5 Genital Stage (12 years-Adulthood)
Stage 1 Oral Stage-(birth to 1 year)
infant derives pleasure from oral stimulation through gratifying activities such as tasting and sucking

Needs is not met will develop an oral fixation such as thumb-sucking, smoking, fingernail biting and overeating.
Stage 2 Anal Stage (2 to 3 years)
primary focus of the libido was on controlling bladder and bowel movements. Toilet training occurs.

Too much pressure can result in an excessive need for order or cleanliness later in life, while too little pressure from parents can lead to messy or destructive behavior later in life.
Stage 3 Phallic Stage (3-6 years)
primary focus of the id's energy is on the genitals.

boy's experience an Oedipal Complex and girl's experience and Electra Complex, or an attraction to the opposite sex parent.

To cope with this conflict, children adopt the values and characteristics of the same-sex parent, thus forming the superego.
Stage 4 Latency Period (6-11 years)
the superego continues to develop while the id's energies are suppressed. Children develop social skills, values and relationships with peers and adults outside of the family.
Stage 5 Genital Stage (12 years-Adulthood)
people develop a strong interest in the opposite.

If development has been successful to this point, the individual will continue to develop into a well-balanced person.