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18 Cards in this Set

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-Intelligent Design



-World view until early 19th Century

-Life forms can not change, they are stable this is known as "fixity of species"

-Man is the top of great chain of being

-Earth is relatively young

James Ussher -1581-1656

-The Earth was created October 23rd, 4004 B.C based on calculations

James Ray -1627-1705


-1st to propose that certain "species" can only mate within their species

-Named it reproductive isolation

Carolus Linnaeus 1707-1778

-First to classify plants and animals

-Known as Taxonomy

-Based his classifications on

Body Structure

Body Function

Body Growth

Placed primates and humans in the same order. Not suggesting any evolutionary link

Systema Naturae


Binomial Nomenclature

Homo-Genus Sapiens-Species

Georges-Louis Ledere 1707-1788

-Wrote Natural History, believed that groups that migrated that migrated to different areas of the world they would be influenced by the local climate

-Lead to the adaption in the species

-Rejected the idea that one species could give rise to another


-Variation within a particular species

Scientific creationists agree with micro not macro evolution


-One species giving rise to another new species

Eramus Darwin 1731-1802

-Wrote zoo mania in which evolutionary ideas are proposed

-Discussed how competition and sexual selection could account for change

Jean Baptiste Lamarack 1744-1829

-First to attempt to explain evolution

-Inheritance of acquired characteristics

-A species will physically change to meet the requirements for survival in its natural environment

-Insisted upon a fixity of species

Georges Cuvier (1769-1832)


-Founded paleontology

-Leading opponent of evolution and the works of vamark

-Natural disasters (fires, floods, earthquakes)

destroyed any life form. God then recreated everything

-Explain fossil finds

Present species and fossil connects are explained by certain species escaping natural disasters

Charles Lyell (1791-1875)

-Father of Geology. Wrote principles of geology

-Earths structure has been modified through geological changes that have always occurred

-Earth must be older than 6,000 years

Mary Anning (1799-1847)

-Fossil hunter

-Found Ichthyosaurus


Thomas Mathus (1766-1834)

-Wrote essay on limits of human population growth

-Human pop. can never exceed the amount of available resources

Carrying Capacity

Charles Darwin (1809-1892)

-On the origin of Species

-Collected 13 different types of finches

-Species arose from other species through a gradual process known as descent with modification

-Named Natural Selection

-Transmutation-change of one species to another

Alfred Russell Wallace (1823-1913)

-Sailed to Asia to collect plants and insect specimens

-Noticed biological variation between the same species