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21 Cards in this Set

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What the view of human nature according to Cognitive therapy?
Neutral position of human nature

Humans are motivated toward survival and reproduction

Roots in behavioral & psychoanalytic approaches

A theory of psychological dysfunction
What are the three levels of cognitive processing according to cognitive therapy?
Schemas, beliefs, and automatic thoughts
What are modes according to cognitive therapy?
What are the 2 general personality dispositions according to cognitive therapy?
What is psychological dysfunction according to cognitive therapy?
Disordered thinking is the core not the necessarily the cause of dysfunction

Many possible causes: cognitions, behaviors, and biochemistry all have some role
What are the therapeutic goals of cognitive therapy?
Change dysfunctional beliefs to adaptive beliefs

Help clients alter faulty core beliefs & schemas

Help clients to process on metacognitive & conscious levels rather than primitive, reactive schema
What are the stages of therapy according to cognitive therapy?
Phase one: emphasis is on symptom reduction

First session:
Establish the working relationship
Goal setting
Teaching the cognitive model
Guided discovery

Phase two: exploration of schemas
What is the process of therapy like according to cognitive therapy?
Counselor active & asks many questions

Therapeutic relationship based on collaborative empiricism

Formal diagnostic evaluation for 3 reasons:
-Gain understanding of psychological picture of the client
-Determine if an organic syndrome is involved
-Assess need for hospitalization or medication
What are some pros of cognitive therapy?
-Structure and clarity
-Emphasis on logical thinking
-Counselor as teacher
-Active and directive
What are some cons cognitive therapy?
-Focus on individualism
-Minimum attention to sociocultural context
-Counselor as expert in “correct” reality
-Confusion re: how modal perspective relates to earlier CT constructs
What are some other name for cognitive therapy?
CBT, REBT, problem solving, coping skills
Who is associated with Cognitive therapy?
Aaron T. Beck, Judith Beck,
What is the philosophy of cognitive therapy?
neutral position of human behavior, rooted in psychoanalytic and behavioral approaches, originally a theory of depression or dysfunction, focuses on maladjustment instead of health
What are the central constructs of cognitive therapy?
3 levels of cog processing: automatic- preconscious, cognitive, metacognitive, Schemas-what we retain/recall/attend to, Beliefs- core/most basic/hard to modify,
What is the health/dysfunction of cognitive therapy?
If you fix disordered thinking the rest will follow, disordered thinking is the core, not necessarily the cause of dysfunction, combination of thoughts, behaviors and biochemistry
What is the process of assessment of cognitive therapy?
formal and informal, lots of self report inventories, help clients alter faulty core beliefs and schemas, help clients process on metacognitive and conscious levels rather than primitive thoughts
What are the roles of the client/counselor of cognitive therapy?
Expert/student relationship, collaborative empiricism, co-investigators into client's difficulties and Cognitive therapy itself, client is expected to devote himself to learning Cog Therapy
What is the process of therapy of cognitive therapy?
Phase 1: symptom reduction, 2: specific automatic thoughts, 3:exploration of schemas, guided discovery- therapist directs the client to goals, help client become his own counselor
What are the techniques of cognitive therapy?
Questioning (Socratic or leading) downward arrow, thought recording, assertiveness training, problem solving imagery (turn-off technique) and role play, graded tasks
What is the research support for cognitive therapy?
outcome research supports CT, seems to be effective for some groups in some situations, may ignore client's emotions, a lot of research conducted by Beck and colleagues
What are the cultural considerations like for cognitive therapy?
Has structure and clarity, active and directive, counselor as teacher, BUT individualistic, little attention to sociocultural context, counselor has "correct" reality, confusion about modal constructs