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113 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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what happened when God shared in our humanity
God allowed us to share in his divinity
What is Jesus
word made flesh
Did God ever stop being God?
no when God became man he did not stop being God, he alwasy was and is and now he is man as well
false beliefs
jesus similarity to humans
normal emotions and organs
sacred heart
jesus has loved us all with a human heart
mother of god
immaculate conception
december 8th, holy spirit gets mary pregnant
holy days of obligation
feast day on which catholics are supposed to attend mass
original sin
first sin of human kind
personal sin
any deliberate offence, through word or deed against the will of God
mary visint her cousin to tell her the nuews
perpetual virginity
became pregnant while remaining a virgin
assumption of mary
god brought her whole being body and soul to heaven
seat of wisdom
in the old testmant, wisdom is personified as a woman
who is in the seat of wisdom
jesus and the law
jesus perfects the law and reveals its ultiate meaning and redeems ay sins people had commited against it
alpha and omega
two roles o fjesus
mediator and revealer
because jesus shared in our lives.........
we can share in God's
beatific vision
direct encounter and sight of god in the glory of heaven
how is jesus like us
he worked, acted, and thought, loved with human hands, heart and mind and friends and relaitonship
ups and downs of humans
frustrations hunger, pain, fatigue, suffering and sorrow
makes holy becoming closer to god an dgrowing up in holiness
jesus sacrificies can help our....
struggles, trials and difficulures can help us to trust ad love god
incarnation and good and bad days enable us to do what
embrace every good day and every bad day of our earthly lives as a unique opportunity to grow in holiness
the act rquired by jewish law of removing the foreskin of the penis
who do we trace circumcision back to
abraham and sarah
knowledge of hebrew scriputures
during temptation in teh dseert he quoest deuteronomy while talking to scribes and pharisees he refers to jonah and solomon
jewish government offiicials and scholars of the law
a jewish sect known for its strict
a jewish sect known for its strong commitment to the temple in jerusalme
anti semitis
prejudice against jewish people
greek influence
in culture
rome control
the whole mediterranean basin
king herod
herod the great, curel and violent, killed all baby boys because he heard about new king of the jews coming
evidence of roman rule
in their daily lives roman rule, money, soldiers, taxes
put down rebellions
threats of torture and voiolence - crucifixtion
who cares about jesus' time
understanding jesus' time helps us understand the caatholcisicm bette
hypostatic union
the union of jesus christ's divine and human natures in one divine person
jesus was in between he was more than man but less than God
Jesu existed in two separate person
god's revelead name
why address jesus as lord
it shows the respect and trust and recognized the divine mystery in jesus
price to pay to free a slave
person who paid ransom
jesus our redeemr
jesus died for us to save us from our sin
celebration on easter
pentecost orginially
when the holy spirit comes down upon the apostles and enabled tem to preach and baptize others
church revealed to the world
christ's own body
the church's mission
to continue jesus' ministry
ultimate gol of te church
the kingdom of god is fully realieed and lal the faithful are gatthered together in untity with one another with God in heaven
4 characteristics of church
one holy catholic apostoli
the church is
one in the faith ahs been passed down to us
the church is holy
who is good news for
apostle's sucessors
usefula nd visible signs of God's invisible grace
gift of god's love presence with us, which empowers us to respond to his call and to live always as his children
sacraments of initation
baptism, confirmation, the eucharist
sacraments of healing
anointing of the sick and reconciliation
sacraments at the service of communion
matrimony and holy orders
what are sacramental symbols and what do they do
all of the words, obects, gestures, and actions used in the scraments are sacramental symbosl that bring us god's healing love
who leads sacraments
minister of the church
who sanctifies us
central liturgy of the church
eucharistic liturgy the mass
eucharistic species
the bread and wine after they had become Christ's body and blood
christ in the priest
to bring the saving power from his death into our livs
why is christ speaking to us in scriptures
we read it because of his word
having made a person, place, or thing holy
what we believe about eucharist
actually the body and blood of christ
what others believe about the eucharist
only symbolically
hebrew word for teacher
official teachign voice of the church
ex cathedra
from the chair
when are bishops infallible
when they are in the chair
how do we participate in the ministry of christ
ordained ministry, laity: marriage, parenthood, single life, consecrated life
ordained ministry
bishops priests or deacons
the laity
majority of christians
evangelical counsels
the call to go beyond the minimum rules of life required by god and strive for spiritual perfection
poverty chastity obedience
promise to god to live the evangelical counsels
letters written to particular christian communities by the evangelists
what was the first thing written in the new testamtn
gospel of mark
anyone who actively works to spread the gospel
writings not inspired by the holy spirit and don't reflect true teachings about jesus
process of passing on the gospel messge
without error
canonized saints
deceased catholics that have been publicly and officially proclaimed a saint
god is invisible but
we can look at creation to see his goodness
what did the apostles do after the resurrection
continued by creating communities inf aith
live in community, rarely leave the monastery, do work to support themselves, mainly they just pray for the needs of the world any people visit for a weekend or long retreats
what is foundational in our faith
community of saints
whole community of the faithful in heaven and earth
what does nature remind us of
god is the origin and creator of all that is
the study of god
what is jesus
word made flesh
did god ever stop being god
no when god became man he did not stop being god, he always was and is and now he is man as well
false beliefs
jesus similarity to humans
normal emotions an dorgans
sacred heart
jesus has loved us all with a human heart
mother of god
immaculate conception
dec 8; mary was conceived in her mother (st. Ann)
holy days of obligation
feast day on which catholics are supposed to attend mass
original sin
first sin of human kind
personal sin
any deliberate offense, in through word or deed against the will God
perpetual virginity
became pregnant while remaining a virgin
assumption of mary
god brought the whole body and soul of mary into heaven
seat of wisdom
wisdom is personified as a woman; in old testament
strictly adhered the torah and preserved the sanctify of the temple; strictly adhered to the temple
prejudice against the jews