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77 Cards in this Set

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4 Noble Truths Substance of Buddhism

1. Life is suffering

2. The cause of suffering is desire

3. The way to eliminate suffering is the eliminate desire / Nirvana is this state

4. The way to end desire is the noble eightfold path of ego reduction


Attempting to answer the question why a good God permits evil

Three Basic Kinds of Evil

1. Suffering - body / world disharmony

2. Sin - body / God disharmony

3. Death - body / soul disharmony

Problem of evil is created by apparent inconsistency in 4 propositions:

1. God exists

2. God is all powerful

3. God is all good

4. Evil exists

10 Easy Answers / 3 ex - Denial of God's reality

1. Atheism

2. Demythologism

2. Psychologism

10 Easy Answers / 3 ex - Denial of God' s Power

1. Old Paganism

2. New Paganism

3. Dualism

10 Easy Answers / 3 ex - Denial of God' s Goodness

1. Satanism

2. Pantheism

3. Deism

10 Easy Answers / 3 ex - Denial of Evil



-Buddhism, Christian Science, Theosophy


Denial of God's existence


Fairy Tale God


The God within / Finding God in ourselves

Old Paganism

Polytheism / Many gods to worship

New Paganism

Science / Naturalistic God / Whatever science cannot detect, does not exist


2 gods / Good god, Evil god


Because evil is overtaking the world anyway, joining Satan and becoming a follower of him


"Blob" god


Snob god


Denial of evil

7 Clues of Philosophers

1. Intellectual Humility

2. No evil can happen to a good man

3. Aristotle - Happiness is not a warm puppy

4. Boethius - all fortune is good fortune

5. Freud - The Life Wish vs Death Wish

6. Marcel - Hope

7. CS Lewis - First and Second Things

Boethius - All fortune is good fortune

2 forms of argument:

1- Arguing from Experience: Bad fortune is as good for you, if not better, than good fortune because bad fortune teaches while good deceives

2- Arguing from Principle: There is an all good and powerful God, thus not all suffering is bad ("All things work together for good for those who love God" Romans 8:28)

Freud - The Life Wish vs Death Wish

2 Unconscious Drives

1- Eros

2- Thanatos


Life Wish


Death wish

Marcel - Hope

1-Love is stronger than death

2-Beyond death and suffering, there is joy and life

CS Lewis - The Principle of First and Second Things

Within the hierarchy of values, things have different values, some greater than others. When we reverse the hierarchy and treat something of lesser value with greater importance and something of greater value with less importance, both the value is lost for the first and second things.

Principle of Sorge

-The Little Prince


-When we take responsibility for a thing, we give it new life and take it as apart of our own life

-This is the mark of the human existence

Principle of Dasein

Human existence(?)

Care is the mark of human existence

Logos / Logoi





The killer of a god


Resurrection (Greek/ Feminine form)



-State of being contended being truly happy

Summum Bonum

Greatest Good

Mysterium Tremendum

Having a sense of deep religious awe

5 Wisdom Books

1. Job

2. Proberbs

3. Ecclesiastes

4. Sirach

5. Wisdom

4 Major Prophets

1. Isaiah

2. Jeremiah

3. Lamentations

4. Ezekiel

Proto Evangelium

-Genesis 3:16

-When God begins restoration of man's relationship with him

Jeremiah is the....

Weeping prophet

Samuel and the 6 Stages of Principles of Human History

1. Suffering

2. Repentance

3. Blessedness

4. Luxury

5. Pride

6. Disaster







Greek Religious Perspective

-Pan: god of everything

-Blind fate (moira) ruled over all gods

-Deeply pessimistic


Jewish Religious Perspective

-Hope in the "Day of the Lord"

-Optimistic moralism, prophecy

-"The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light" (Is.9:2)

Israel's Prophets General Response to the Suffering of the Innocent

1. Even good people need repentance and the better they are, the more they see and say this

2. The good suffer not only for themselves, but for others

Joel's Theme

"The Day of the Lord"

Isaiah's Theme

Vicarious Atonement

--> Christ - Messiah - Atonement - Resurrection

Vicarious Atonement

The innocent suffering for the guilty

What is the secret of sanctity?



Resting in God's will, even when He wills suffering

Essence of Suffering

"Not my will" offered to God, in faith, hope and love


Self emptying son of God who became like us, humbled Himself and became obedient to death on a cross

Trinity is...

A self giving of persons

3 Perspectives on Suffering and Life

1. Fatalistic - Suffering is the will of God, accept it. Accept evil as the will of God. Yes to fate! (Que sera sera!)

2. There is no fate - we forge our own destiny. It is up to us to conquer suffering. Death always has the last word

3. God creates us with free will. God sees everything. Cooperation with God

How do I come to believe / accept a God who allows suffering, especially of the innocent?

A. Honesty with God

B. Wait on God, who comes in the darkness

"Indifference is the only raod that never gets to God

7 Reasons Why Modernity Cannot Understand Suffering

1. Modernity is the new Summum Bonum

2. Modernity's Loss of Fatih in Ultimate Meaning

3. Modernity's Forgetfulness of Heaven and Hell

4. Modernity's Forgetfulness of Solidarity

5. Modernity's Forgetfulness of Original Sin

6. Modernity's Forgetfulness of Vicarious Atonement

7. Modernity's Forgetfulness of Justice

Definition of Wisdom Literature

Biblical Approach to the suffering

The Price of Redemption

Christ takes on the total evil of sin and its experience; we were ransomed with the precious blood of Christ

Messianic Greatness

Christ is lifted up; Human Suffering leads to spiritual maturation

"The Redemption remains always open to all love expressed in human suffering." - ?


Suffering united to Christ in 2 Ways

1. Intimacy

2. Joy

The Gospel of Suffering - 6 Parts

1. Christ, the Redeemer is the Author

2. Mary bears witness to this gospel as she shares in Christ's mission

3. Suffering is present in the Gospel

4. Salvific, meaningful power of suffering for Christ and his Church

5. Discipleship entails suffering that has salvific power by virtue of Christ's merits

6. Includes all those who suffer in union with Christ's sufferings

What does Mary receive at the foot of the cross?

Her role as spiritual and universal Mother

Man finds himself in...

Giving himself

What is my relationship to those who suffer?

The call to have an open heart, to be sensitive and compassionate to those who suffer; to alleviate their suffering

Christ's Messianic Program is

Doing good

When does Christ identify with our suffering in Matthew?

The Parable of the Final Judgement in Matthew


The theology of salvation

The Word of the Cross - Saint Paul

Christ gives the answer to the question about suffering and the meaning of suffering not only by his teaching, that is by the Good News, but most of all by his own suffering, which is integrated with this teaching of the Good News in an organic and indissoluble way.

Gethsemane and Golgatha-- Distinguish Christ's experience of evil

Gethsemane- Suffering is experienced

Golgatha- Christ bears witness to the depth of evil of the suffering he has experienced, that which is complete abandonment by God

("My God, my God why have you abandoned me?")

"Substitutive Suffering"

Also Redemptive Suffering

Christ's Salvific Work Constitutes 3 Things

1. Blots out from human history the dominion of sin which took root under the influence of the evil on

2. Gives man possibility of living in sanctifying goodness

3. He also takes away dominion of death, by his Resurrection

Definitive Suffering-

The loss of eternal life, being rejected by God, damnation

Cataphatic Theology (via positive)

"Despite teh inadequacies of our cateogires, we may [know what] is true of God as revealed in Jesus Christ and made known to us by the Holy Spirit." -The Primordial Mystery

Apophatic Theology (via negative)

"The inadequacy of all attempts to describe the mystery of God," - central concept in Eastern theology

"God surpasses in an infinite way our categories of him" -____? Dictionary of Theology

Divine Revelation in Book of Job (6)

1. The moral order is not violated with regards to justice

2. The principle of the moral order cannot be applied in all cases regarding suffering as punishment for evil

3. The innocent suffer

4. God permits suffering

5. Foretells the Passion of Christ

6. A solution to the question is not given

Suffering as a discipline is...

1. Corrective

2. Rehabiltative

3. Convertive