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the denial of the theory or of the expectation of the millennium (as found in revelation that is the thousand years mentioned in the order of the events of the end times)
Beatific Vision
The vision of God which according to much of Chrisitan tradition is the goal of human life.
Essentially the same as millennialism the belief that Christ will come and rule on the earth for a thousand years
Method of interpreting the Bible that says history is composed of a series of dispensations in which God reveals something to humankind in which humans fail to fulfill thus leading to a new dispensation and a new revelation.
Eternal Life
Life after death or life everlasting in that it is shared with God who is everlasting
An attribute of God to mean that God is righteous dependable and demands a similar righteousness from humans
The value of good human actions as deserving divine reward
In Xian literature a place of blessedness reserved for the faithful sometimes referring to Eden as a physical place on earth
Term meaning arrival referring to the second coming of Christ
The view regarding the millennium that sees it coming before the parousia and preparing the way for it
the position that sees the millennium as coming after the Parousia usually after a time of great corruption known as the great tribulation
Common theme in premilllenialist eschatology derived from latin for being "caught up" and claims tht the church will be "caught up" into union with Christ at the time of the Parousia
In the OT the place where the spirits of the departed go after death. Not a place of reward or punishment but rather a place of shadowy existence or a place distant from God. After xianity was increasingly identified with hell.
Law and Gospel
the debate over the relationship between the two in general all are agreed that both the law and the gospel come from God and most patristic and medieval theology tended to see the two as continuous. Reformation doctrine called this into debate
Traditon of the Martin Luther
Doctrine of Jesuit Luis de Molina particularly regarding grace and the freedom of the will. Molina insisted that freedom is not only freedom from coercion but also freedom from necessity.
the view that while there are in Christ 2 persons as defined by the council of Chalcedon there is only one principle of activity on energeia hence the name Monergism
Moral Theology
traditionally given the name christian ethics points to different approaches in the early stages of development of the discipline. protestant ethics inclined toward philosophical ethics, roman catholic ethics mostly to resolution of moral cases based on canon law scripture and Jesus
natural theology
theo. based on the natural gifts of the human mind and on the general revelation granted to all rather than the special revelation in scripture or in jesus Christ
Ordo Salutis
latin for the order of salvation employed to refer to the various elements in the process whereby the sinner is saved and brought to final redemption
doctrine of Pelagius in contrast to Augustines doctrine which said that salvation was totally dependent on Gods free gift of grace and he flet undercut Christians obedience to God's law. rejected the concept of original sin claiming that all children are born in a state of innocence.
usually the perseverance of the saints taught by Augustine holds that those who have been predestined for salvation will persevere to the end in spite of every temptation and shortcoming.
the view that God has determined beforehand who is destined for eternal life - who are the elect.
literally new birth Christians have always declared that it is necessary to be born anew but the manner of such birth is contested around Baptism.
the process whereby a believer is brought closer to the will of God.
the doctrine that can also be named semiaugustinianism for the followers sought to reject plagiarism without following augustine to the extremes of his doctrine on ...???
etymologically the discipline that studies human beings. in theological context the term refers to the manner in which a theologian or a theological school understands human nature and human destiny
a philosophical movement begun by Soren Kierkegaard which stresses the primacy of human existence over abstract essences
Image of God
the principle or pattern by which God created humankind understood in many different ways both physically and spiritually metaphorically
the quality of being incapable of death frequently said of God as one of the divine attributes
Original Righteousness
the state of human creatures before the fall
a name given in philosophy to any system that focuses on the value of persons as the touchstone for understanding and interpreting reality
Preexistence of Souls
the view that souls exist before being born in their present earthly body
the notion that the dead will rise again Pharisees and christians believe
the principle that gives life to a body and therefore all living things are sometimes said to have a soul debated as to the extent of what living thing has a soul
third person of the trinity and human (see soul)
the traditional term employed to distinguish the manner in which the holy spirit proceeds from the father and the generation or filiation of the son
cardinal virtues prudence justice temperance and fortitude christians add 3 theological virtues infused in the believer by grace faith hope and love the 7 virtues are the counterpart of the 7 deadly sins which are pride covetousness lust envy gluttony anger and sloth
view of a number of theologians in 8th century spain who held that while the second person of the trinity is eternal the man Jesus was adopted as Gods son through grace
Anhypostatic Union
Theory of Cyril of Alexandria saying that the diving and the human are so united in Jesus that while there is a humans nature a s well as a diving anatur the former subisits in the hypostasis for the later. thus the humanity of Jesus has no hypostasis of it sown hence the name
Alexandrine Theology
theology developing in Alexandria beginning late int he 2nd century notably on Christology free use of allegorical interpretation
Antiochene Theology
theology developed in Antioch in contrast to Alexandria preferred literal and historical interpretations of text used allegory with greater moderation
christologicial doctrine of apollinaris of Laodicea rejected by council of constantinople in 381 held that Christ the divine nature took the place of the human rational soul the humanity of Jesus was not a full rational humanity Jesus was human because he had a human body that funcitioned like any human body but was not a human in the sense that he had a human mind
doctrine of Arius rejected by council of Nicea saying that Jesus was divine only because of adoption
the branch of theology dealing with Christ primarily to understand who he is and his work
communication idiomatum
literally the sharing of properties principle in classical christology that whatever is predicted of the human nature of Christ is also predicted of his divine nature
greek roots meaning two wills employed in christological debate to refute monotheletism
early movement in Jewish Christians that lived in great simplicity and held that Jesus was the greatest of all prophets but only a prophet whose faithfulness led to Gods adopting him as son
Enhypostatic Union
christological theory proposed by Leontius of Byzantium to defend the orthodox position that it is possible for two names to unite in a single hypostasis and still retain their distinction
Historical Jesus
a historical approach to learning those things about Jesus through rigorous historical research or the person behind the gospels
the same substance, greek
similar substance, greek
followers of Menno Simons emerging from Anabaptist pacifism amish
2nd attempt of Patriarch Sergius to make doctrine of 2 natures more palatable saying in Christ there were 2 natures but on will
the claim that in Christ there was only the 1 divine nature
Doctrine of Nestorius patriarch of Constantinople declared heretical by 3rd ecumenical council that sought to preserve full humanity of Jesus by making a clear distinction b/w it and his divinity
Preexistence of Christ
the belief that Christ was presnet long before his incarnation in Jesus
the notion that the dead will rise again does not appear until fairly late in Jewish literature and was strongly contested in Jewish community
title often applied to Mary meaning the mother of bearer of God
position of Jacobus Arminius in late 16th century representing extreme views on predestination and total depravity
Black Theology
the articulation of theological perspectives of persons of African descent enslaved in the Americas formally articulated in the 20th century
the making u or the paying for an offense either against God or against other by means of a sacrifice punishment payment or other such action
Justice forensic
other name for justice imputed because of Gods action of justification is akin to that of a judge declaring the accused innocent
Justice imputed
the view of justification imputed because of Gods action of justification is akin to that of a judge declaring the accused inncoent
method of baptism in which water is poured over the head
used originally in court meaning to render a verdict in favor of the accused used now as justification by faith or by grace through faith in Christ
a llist of scriptural reading for xtians worship usually folllowing the xtian year
name commonly given to the movement and churches derived from the Wesleyan revival generally stress personal piety individualism and social holiness and the proclamation of the gospel to those outside the church
doctrine and sect of Montanus a former pagan priest who converted to xianity claiming possesion by the HS he and 2 women declared that with them a new dispensation of greater moral rigor was dawning and the law of the gospel was giving away to the law of the spirit expected the end of the world to come soon.
Holy Spirit
used originally in court meaning to render a verdict in favor of the accused used now as justification by faith or by grace through faith in Christ
a llist of scriptural reading for xtians worship usually folllowing the xtian year
name commonly given to the movement and churches derived from the Wesleyan revival generally stress personal piety individualism and social holiness and the proclamation of the gospel to those outside the church
doctrine and sect of Montanus a former pagan priest who converted to xianity claiming possesion by the HS he and 2 women declared that with them a new dispensation of greater moral rigor was dawning and the law of the gospel was giving away to the law of the spirit expected the end of the world to come soon.
Holy Spirit
used originally in court meaning to render a verdict in favor of the accused used now as justification by faith or by grace through faith in Christ
a llist of scriptural reading for xtians worship usually folllowing the xtian year
name commonly given to the movement and churches derived from the Wesleyan revival generally stress personal piety individualism and social holiness and the proclamation of the gospel to those outside the church
doctrine and sect of Montanus a former pagan priest who converted to xianity claiming possesion by the HS he and 2 women declared that with them a new dispensation of greater moral rigor was dawning and the law of the gospel was giving away to the law of the spirit expected the end of the world to come soon.
Holy Spirit
name commonly given to the widespread movement derived from the holiness movement most espouse arminianism and freedom of will large emphasis on gifts of the spirit and ae considered fundamentalists
greek doctrine of the holy spirit
name given to movement in 16th century whose followers held that baptism required faith and therefore the baptism of infants was not valid
universality of the church unity
communion of saints
a phrase from the apostles creed original meaning of sharing common participation in the communion also the sharing that takes place among believers
movement in north Africa in early 4th century claiming that consecrations performed by bishops who had faltered in time of persecution were invalid
the theological discourse regarding the church and its nature
derived from a greek term meaning "the inhabited earth" thus ecumenical literally means universal
pertaining or having to do with a bishop also part of the official name of the church that represents
the official act of barring a believer from participating in communion
greek word usually translated as fellowship but whose meaning is much deeper than the mere good feeling among friends and companion
theological movement originatiing in TN holding that only baptist congregation
Holiness Movement
a movement stemming from John Wesleys emphasis on spreading holiness throughout the land methodist felt that the emphasis on holy living was being lost and this gave rise to churches within the tradition that stressed holiness in xian life.
the work of the people and has thus come to mean the service or worship of God and particulary the order that is followed in that service
Real Presence
an affirmation of the presence of Christ in the eucharist
the 7th day that the law of Israel was said to be kept by resting
year liturgical
the annual cycle in which the churh celebrates and focuses on specific events of redemption
greek word meaning healing full restoration to an original state
the branch of philosophy that deals with the theory of knowledge
a term in missiology referring to the process whereby Christianity develops roots within a culture