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196 Cards in this Set

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t/f The official sacraments of the church are infinite in number.
t/f Grace is the reality that God loves us and cares for us when we deserve it.
t/f Catholics are the only people who possess a sacramental awarement
t/f To say that all of creation is sacred is also to sa ythat all creation is graced
t/f Sacraments are spiritual rather than physical experiences
t/f God's body language is usually experienced through visions
t/f Studies suggest that when a verbal message conflicts with a nonverbal one, people more often respond to the nonverbal message
t/f Sacraments provide us with an experience of God
t/f Our friendships cannot reveal God's friendship because they are troublesome
t/f God's friendship as grace can be revealed to us in the intimacy that exists between friends
t/f Symbols bring together something we perceive with our enses with something that has no material or physical form
t/f symbols serve no useful function, but they are helpful for people who are not able to think abstractly
t/f symbols evoke a single, predictable response from everyone who observes them
t/f the meaning or interpretation people discover in cultural symbols is the same verywhere on earth
t/f Men's kissing each other as form of greeting is a cultural symbol in some nations
Sacramental awareness declares that _.
all of creation is sacred
Smiles, tears, touches, and winks are all examples of _.
body language
Sacraments can be defines in the broadest sense as _.
God's loving presense made visible
Our sacramental awareness deepens as we develop our skill to _.
Listen and respond
In terms of sacramental awareness, to listen well is to _.
be able to receive and open up to experiences
Our task and grace as Catholics is to _.
let ourselves be transformed by the sacred in our life
The two dimentions of a sacrament are these _.
1. God acts and is present
2. We respond in faith and friendship
Our sacramental awareness can be enhanced if we develop the skill of thinking _.
The word symbol comes from a Greek word that means _.
"to throw together"
The difference between signs and symbols is often difficult to understand because _.
Their meanings are used interchangeably in everyday language
The follwing characterizes a sign _.
It carries a single agreed-upon or imposed meaning
An example of a sign is _.
A red traffic light
The meaning of smbols is _.
One who thinks literally looks _.
for the facts
The stories Jesus told were expressed in _.
symbolic language
t/f Saying the roasry is an example of a formal prayer
t/f because all life can be prayer, there is no longer a need for conscieous, intentional prayer
t/f God is always present to us, but we need to beaware of that presense
t/f People who are active in good works do not need to pray
t/f A habit of prayer requires a willingness to be silent
t/f A prayerful and silent time is always a quiet and calm time for us
t/f Many religions besides Christianity also have a rich tradition of meditation
t/f Contemplative prayer is akin to simply "being with" a friend or loved one
t/f vocal prayer is new to Christians
t/f Prayer can both root us and uproot us in our lives
Persons who are knowledgeable about the spiritual life insist that an active and busy life without spiritual nourishment can lead to _.
1. An anxious concern about security and comfort
2. An unhealthy self-centeredness
3. A tendency to use activity as an escape
If we set aside a specific time and place as sacred, _.
We become aware that other timesa nd palces are also sacred
"Listening to God" means that we _.
Are quiet in and receptive to God's presense
Meditation is the kind of prayer that _.
Involves focusing on something specific
Techniques for meditative prayer drawn from other religious traditions have been _.
Integrated into Christian meditation
The prayer of contemplation relies on a person's willingness _.
to be receptive and able to perceive and appreciate God's presense
To pray "all ways" means _.
To bring all of ourselves - our sense and our abilities - to prayer.
What are some types of vocal prayer?
1. Petition
2. Praise
3. Contrition
4. Thanksgiving
t/f Ritual and routine have the same meaning
t/f Strictly practical repeated actions are called routines
t/f A parade is an example of a routine action
t/f Like symbols, rituals have many levels of meaning
t/f Rituals never become routines
t/f Our culture is the only culture that has developed rituals
t/f Applause is a simple ritual that expresses a meaning by celebrating a performace
t/f Rituals require that there be both participants and observers
t/f Rituals allow human beings to express realities that are too rich for wordes to fully express
Rituals are commonly found in all cultures because they help people to _.
Express what is important in their life
Rituals are symbolic actions that _.
Strengthen ties among people and express their identity
What is not a necessary characteristic of a ritual?
It serves a practical, measurable purpose
Marching in protest is a ritual because it is _.
Intended to be a symbol of resistance
Prayers before meals and before going to bed _.
Express the sacredness of these simple human actions
The spirit of ritual is closest to _.
In good ritual, the most basic characteristics are _.
Movements and gestrues
Since ancient times, ritual has been commonly linked to _.
The word sacrifice comes from the latin 'sacrum facere' meaning _.
"to do the holy" or "to make holy"
Rituals differ from magiv because ritual strives to _.
Put oneself in harmony with spiritual powers
Which was not a ritual of the early church?
The offering of a sacrificial lamb.
t/f Baptism is one of the three sacraments of initiation
t/f The rite that best symbolizes the meaning of baptism is the rite for infants
t/f God's ever-present and inviting love for us is called grace
t/f In baptism, the priest alone has the role of welcoming the newly baptized into the church
t/f Conversion to new life in Christ is both symbolized and celebrated in baptism
t/f Conversion only occurs once in a person's life
t/f Through baptism, we are united with Chirst in his life, death, and Resurrection
t/f The title Christ means "the Anointed One"
t/f To say that the baptized are a "new creation" is an exaggeration acc. to the book
t/f The baptismal ritual is essentially private and can best be celebrated witht he family at home
t/f The Apostles' insistence on preaching arose from their empowerment and their desire to share the good news
t/f The catechumenate is a process of preparation that first developed from the 2nd to the 5th century
t/f The catechumenate is now abandoned by the church as old-fashioned.
t/f Mystagogia refers to a time of study and deepening participation in the church
t/f Confirmation has always been a distinct sacrament separate from baptism.
t/f By 500 A.D. or so, most baptisms were infant baptisms
t/f In infant baptism, the parents seek baptism for their child and express their wish to raise him or her in the faith
t/f Adult baptisms should normally occur at the Easter Vigil
t/f The RCIA process ends with baptism
t/f If the parents of a baptized infant do not believe in God in reality, the baby is really not baptized
The community's role in baptism is that of _.
members of the body of Christ welcoming a new member
Water is a natural symbol of _.
Destruction, creation, and sustenance
Newly baptized persons who begin a life of conversion can expect it to be _.
The beginning of a lifelong process of transformation
The baptismal water reminds Christians of _.
1. Jessu' baptism in the Jordan River
2. The Israelites' deliverance through the "sea of reeds"
3. Jesus as the "living water"
The oil of baptism signifies _.
being chosen and anointed as Christ was
In the early church, the newly baptized wore a white garment to remind everyone _.
Of their new life and Christian identity
Baptismal sponsors were called "mothers" and "fathers" because they _.
Performed a parental role in guiding candidates to a new life
As the church grew and spread, confirmation became a separate sacrament because _.
Bishops could not be present at every parish of the anounting that accompanied baptism
The baptism of a child is a community celebration because the whole community _.
Assumes the responsibility for raising the child in the faith
The RCIA is the rite for _.
Initiating new members into the church who are not children
What are the three types of holy oil consecrated at the Chrism Mass?
1. Oil of Catechumens
2. Oil of the Sick
3. Chrism
What are the three parts of the Celebration of the Lord's Passion held on Good Friday?
1. Liturgy of the Word
2. Veneration of the Cross
3. Holy Communion
t/f An attitude of service is nice but not necessary if you want to lead a Christian life.
t/f The laying on of hands is only used in the sacrament of confirmation
t/f The consecrated oil, or chrism, is also used at baptism
t/f Confirmation became a separate, regular practice in the church sometimes after the fifth century
t/f In the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox churches, confirmation and baptism have always been celebrated together
t/f In today's church, confirmation is the high point and the most important of the three sacraments of initiation
t/f Only biships are albe to administer the sacrament of Confirmation
t/f Today, confirmation is celebrated after people have reached the "age of discretion."
t/f The "age of discretion" usually occurs around age thirty
t/f Through confirmation, the church affirms the view that growth in the Spirit is complete when the person is confirmed
t/f The term Holy Spirit is a translation of a Hebrew term that means "wind and fire"
t/f The sacrament of confirmation provides an opportunity for persons to consciously claim as their own the gift of the Spirit given at Baptism
t/f Our culture encourages us to think in terms of a "destination" model of growth
Through Confirmation, the church affirms the view that growth in the Spirit is _.
A continuing and lifelong journey
In Confirmation, sponsors _.
Can help the candidate recognize and claim the gifts of the Spirit given at baptism
A baptized person who is preparing for confirmation is in a stage similar to _.
The catechumenate
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are virtues or abilities first given at _.
The gift of right judgement reffers to the ability to _.
Make decisions after seeking guidance from morally mater, informed sources
The gift of wonder and awe in God's presense refers to an attitude and behavior that _.
Seeks to live with joy and enthusiasm as a child of God
The gift of Jesus' Spirit is also a call for us to _.
Make Christ's mission ours
The Rite of Confirmation is best celebrated _.
at the Eucharist with a community
The two rituals central to confirmation are _.
The laying on of hands and anointing with chrism
At one time in the church's history, the greeting of peace became instead the gesture of _.
Slapping the candidate on the cheek
Seven ordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom, understanding, right judgment, courage, knowledge, reverence, wonder and are in God's presense
What are the two major symbolic actions of Confirmation?
Laying on of hands and anointing with chrism
What is one of the extraordinary gifts of the Spirit?
t/f The Eucharist is the hear of the Christian community
t/f The Liturgy of the Word ends with the homily
t/f There is no difference between a homily and a sermon
t/f An exact translation of Ite, missa est is "The Mass is ended."
t/f Eucharist literally means "sacrifice"
t/f There are only four different Eucharistic Prayers
t/f It is technically imporper to use the term "Offertory Song" while the collection is being taken
t/f A pericope is what a priest wears at Mass
t/f The Dialogue of the Mass is based on table conversation
t/f The Mass begins with the opening song
t/f In the Gospels, a meal was often a symbol of the Kingdom of God
t/f Our reception of the body and blood of Christ challenges us to be the body of Christ in our everyday life
t/f The homily is intended to warn people of their immoral habits
t/f The use of wine at a meal suggests a note of celebration
t/f The major parts of the Mass are rooted in Jewish rituals
t/f For Jews and Christians, God is present in the Scriptures
t/f The liturgy of the Word is less important than the liturgy of the Eucharist
t/f The celebrating community is a sign of Christ's presence
t/f Jesus is present at Mass only in the bread and wine
t/f The Eucharist symbolizes Jesus' pouring out of life to bring life to all people
The sacrament that is the fullest expression of initiation into the church is _.
the Eucharist
The Jewish Passover Seder remembers and celebrates _.
the freeing of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt
Jesus transformed the meaning of the Seder meal by _.
identifying the bread and wine with his body and blood
We can be the body of Christ in our world _.
by being conscious of Jesus' presence
The liturgy of the Eucharist includes _.
Giving thanks over and distributing Communion
Jesus identified the break broken and wine poured out with himself and with _.
his coming death on the cross
The elebration of Mass after the sixth century was often characterized by _.
1. elaborate and regal ceremony
2. standardized prayer formulas
3. larger, more elegant places of worship
Elaborate rituals in the Mass meant that _.
people participated less and less
The reforms of the Second Vatican Council _.
restored the original, communcal spirit of the Eucharist
The Eucharist looks ahead and anticipates _.
the fullness of the Reign of God
At Mass, three basic things happen:
1. gather the people
2. tell the story
3. break the bread
The four actions of the Eucharistic meal are:
Take, bless, break, give
The first reading is usually from that _.
Old Testament
Besides the four Eucharistic prayers in the missalette, there are _ Eucharistic prayers of R____ and _ Eucharistic prayers for C____.
2 of Reconciliation
3 for children
Agnus Dei literally means _.
Lamb of God
What are the four ways Christ is made present in the Mass?
1. Through the priest, through the gathered assembly, through the Word, and through the bread and wine
The Instituion Narrative of Mass (...take this all of you and eat it...) used to be called the _.
"Through him, with him, and in him in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours Almighty Father, for ever and ever. AMEN." This is called the _.
Final Doxology
Eucharistic Prayer # _ is based on the prayer of Hippolytus.
t/f Mental anguish often accompanies illness.
t/f The sacrament of anointing exists in the church to cure people's physical illnesses.
t/f Through the sacrament of anointing, the community is an instrument of God's grace.
t/f Illness is never completely a private matter
t/f True participation in anointing is a profession of faith in the power of Jesus' suffering, death, and Resurrection
t/f Jeuss' death and Resurrection eliminated suffering once and for all
t/f JEsus' Resurrection was supposed to eliminate suffering and death, but it failed to do so.
t/f Anointing provides a special opportunity for persons who are sick or dying to affirm their faith in the Risen Jesus.
t/f The sacrament of anointing is only offered to individuals in the privacy of their homes or in medical facilities.
t/f It is proper to celebrate anointing of the sick with a person who is to undergo serious surgery.
t/f The symbol of laying on of hands is also used in confirmation and reconciliation.
t/f The sacrament of anointing changed significantly from the 8th to the 12th century
t/f The use of anointing only when persons were near death continued in the church only until the 14th century
t/f Any baptized Catholic may administer the Sacrament of the Sick
t/f Only those in imminent danger of death may request the sacrament
t/f The notion of purgatory is based on God's holiness and our need for purification before entering into His eternal presence
t/f Vatican II proposed that there is no such thing as hell
t/f As a Catholic, you must believe in the notion of limbo
t/f The Church has declared that certain people are suffering eternal damnation
t/f The Bible contradicts the notion of a state called purgatory
The sacrament of anointing is a statement that the Catholic community _.
accompanies the person in suffering, illness, and death
In the sacrament of anointin,g the Catholic community puts sick and suffering people in touch with _.
God's love and concern for them
An illness that has both physical and emotional causes is said to be _.
The most successful health-care professionals are often people who _.
Address both the physical and spiritual needs of sick people
The primary emphasis of anointing is to bring about _.
the spiritual strength and healing of the person
The sacrament of anointing offers ill people _.
the grace to overcome anxiety and to find comfort
In Jesus' compassion we see the _.
power and depth of God's compassion
Recent scientific study has strengthened the long-held belief that _.
the presence of others is critical to the recovery of sick people
If death is close at hand, anointing includes special prayers of commendation that _.
entrust the dying person to Christ
Holy Communion for a dying person is called _.
Vocal prayer it at its best when it _.
is spontaneous and free