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74 Cards in this Set

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- Is a science
- Is Wisdom
- Transcends all other sciences
Who defined theology as "Faith seeking understanding"?
- St Anselm
What is NOT one of the 4 classifications of Dogma:
- According to the community
Who is the chief author of scripture?
- God the Holy Spirit
How has the Gospel, the Revelation of Jesus Christ, been handed on to us?
- Orally
- In writing
There are distinct modes of transmission of Divine Revelation, the Word of God as revealed fully by Jesus Christ. What are these distinct modes called?
- Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition
What does canon mean?
- Standard
How many books make up the canon of the Bible in the Old Testament and in the New Testament?
- 72
The oral transmission of the Gospel is called a ___ Tradition?
- Living
What is the object of theology?
- God
Are all the truths we believe on matters of faith and morals found clearly and explicitly in Sacred Scripture?
- No
Who is the authoritative interpreter of the divinely revealed Word of God, as it comes down to us through Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture?
- The Magisterium
God has revealed himself to man by gradually communicating his own mystery in deeds and in:
- Words
According to the CCC 77, "In order that the full and living Gospel might always be preserved in the Church the apostles left bishops as their successors." This is called:
- Apostolic succession
The 4 marks of the Church are found in which creed?
- Nicene
According to the CCC 115, there are how many senses of Scripture?
- 2
In the spiritual sense of Scripture how many subdivision does it have?
- 3
What is the definitive definition of Truth?
- God
Who has the authority to determine which books are inspired by God; that is, which books constitute the canon of the Holy Bible?
- Catholic Church
The Council of ___ in 1546 reaffirmed the declaration of the earlier conceals concerning the canon of Sacred Scripture.
- Trent
Anthropomorphisms is:
- The attribution of human qualities to God which are used for poetic effect but are not to be taken literally
A pericope is:
- A narrative or story unit found within the text
A disciple is:
- Term used to refer to the followers of a rabbi
An evangelist is:
- One who wrote a gospel
The "Synoptic Gospels" DOES NOT which?
- John
Which Gospel is believed to have been written first?
- Mark
In the Spiritual Sense of Scripture, the Moral sense is:
- The events reported in Scripture ought to lead us to act justly
In the Spiritual Sense of Scripture, the Allegorical sense is:
- By which events acquire significance in Christ; thus the crossing of the Red Sea is a sign or type of Christ's victory and also of Christian Baptism
In the Spiritual Sense of Scripture, the Anagogical sense is:
- We can view realities and events in terms of their eternal significance thus the Church on earth is a sign of the heavenly Jerusalem
Gospel means
- Good news
God's being unutterable mysterious and, despite divine names ultimately unnamable. Is a definition for:
- Ineffable
To say God is ___ is to make reference to His Absolute perfection.
- Holy
The fundamental difference between God and all which is "non-God" is the distinction between:
- Creator and created
Another word for "Of one and the same substance or essence" is:
- Consubstantial
God's presence everywhere and in everything is called:
- Immanence
Since God is pure Spirit, He does not have a material form. Thus, He is not restricted to this place or that by the limitations that are inseparable from matter. As a result, God is without partial or temporal limitations. He is truly present to all. This is called:
- Omnipresent
There are four Basic Truths in the Church’s teaching concerning the Trinity. Which one of the following is not one of them.
- There is one person
The Greek word in the NT equivalent of the Hebrew word "Messiah," both words meaning "the anointed one."
- Christ
The place of punishment for those impenitent before death (the damned).
- Gehenna
Omniscient means:
- All knowing
God is radically different from all the changing things He has made. "It is He who made us; we are His" As a result, God is exalted far above the universe, for it exists only at His bidding. He is infinite and not even the whole of His creation can contain Him. "Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain You" (2 Chron 6:18). This is a definition for:
- Transcendent
The theory and practice of understanding and interpreting texts, biblical or otherwise. Is a definition for:
- Hermeneutics
Branch of systematic theology which studies God's final kingdom as expressed by its OT preparation (the messianic hopes), the preaching of Jesus, and the teaching of the NT church. Denotes that future directness of our entire present existence. This is:
- Eschatological
Interpreting the meaning of sacred texts, usually biblical texts is:
- Exegesis
"And from the Son", a word added to the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed that affirms that the Holy Spirit "proceeds" from the Father and the Son.
- Filioque
The "breathing" or procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father through the Son
- Spiration
Due to Sanctifying Grace, Adam and Eve enjoyed 4 gifts by God. Which of the following is not one of them.
- Mortality
___ signifies the freeing of men from the tyranny of sin its attendant evils (servitude to the devil and death).
- Redemption
Jesus' Three Roles are:
- Priest, Prophet, King
When Jesus disclosed His glory to James, Peter, and John?
- Transfiguration
What is meant by the "sacred canon" of the Holy Bible?
It is the official or standard list of books list of books in the bible.
But if we have Sacred Scripture, why do we need Sacred Tradition? In other words, why did God arrange that there be successors to the Apostles, who were given then Apostles' own position of teaching authority, as pope and bishops?
To protect the living Tradition from deviation. By having both Sacred Scriptures and Sacred Tradition, God's word is revealed.
What does it mean to say that the books of the Bible were written "under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit?
For something to be written "under the inspiration of the of the Holy Spirit", it means that God is the author. There are no errors or the chosen men's personal input under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Where is the divinely revealed Word of God to be found?
It is found in both Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture.
Can there be errors in the writings/composition of the Bible? Why?
No. According to DV 11, it was God who chose some men, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to write anything of His choosing, and nothing more. Since God the Holy Spirit is perfect in everyday, there are no errors.
Who is it that ultimately determines the manner, or sense, in which the Scriptures are interpreted?
The Church.
Do non-Catholics (for example, Protestants) hold that the same books of the Bible are inspired by God and part of the canon as Catholics? Why or why not?
No. The Protestants believe that some books are part of the canon. This is because their founder, Martin Luther, denies or does not acknowledge purgatory, and only chooses some books to be part of the canon.
What are the 4 marks of the Church? Give a brief description of each.
The four marks are One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic. One reference the One God, One faith, there is one in the body of Christ. Holy references as something being se aside form the rest, giving it a uniqueness. Catholic means universal. The universal understanding of the faith. Apostolic means the teachings of Jesus Christ as passed to Apostles.
What are the different "senses" of Scripture? List and give a short definition.
Literal Sense and Spiritual Sense. The literal sense of the scripture refers to the actual words, literally. The spiritual sense is a more profound meaning. It is also further subdivided into allegorical, moral, and anagogical senses.
What is dogma?
List 5 of the 8 Beatitudes.
- blessed are those who are poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom in heaven
- blessed are the meek, for they shall possess the land
- blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be call the children of God
- blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy
- blessed are the clean of heart, for they shall see God
Who killed Christ, historically and theologically?
- historically, the Romans under the Jewish authority
- theologically, Christ died for the sins of man
Why is the resurrection see as a "sign to the faith"?
God raising Jesus from the dead, was the confirmation of their belief and faith, in God. It made their faith stronger and moved to love.
Why is the Resurrection sees as a "pledge of Eternal life"?
God's resurrection of Jesus, raising him from the dead, pledges how one day, we, in another life, will get to live with God for eternity. As it was made possible by the death and sacrifice of Jesus Christ
Define "Logos."
the word, which can refer to the exterior meaning of the word
Define Heresy:
person who has been baptized and opposes willfully or contradicts against the orthodox doctrines.
List 5 symbols for the Holy Spirit.
- fire
- water
- dove
- the hand
- the finger
List 5 of the seven titles of Jesus.
- Jesus
- Christ
- Lord
- Prophet
- Son of Man
Kenosis is:
Jesus was fully divine and fully human, without sin, that did not compromise one or the other.
Communication Idiomatum or the Communication of Properties is:
The property of the divine and human nature as being the essence in Jesus
The Annunciation to Mary (when the angel announced to Mary she would give birth to the Messiah) is traditionally celebrated on what date?
March 25
The essential doctrine of the resurrection is:
Three days after Jesus' death, God had risen him from the dead, to demonstrate no more death.
In His Divinity, Jesus is of the same ___ as the Father; in His humanity, He is of the same ___ as mankind. What is the missing word (same word is used in both spaces)?
Draw either one of the diagrams used in class for the Trinity