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44 Cards in this Set

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Nephron structure
Renal corpuscle
Renal tubule
Collecting duct
Papillary ducts
ball-shaped network of capillaries
filters blood
important in urine formation
surrounded by the glomerular capsule of each kidney tubule
Glomerulus (Bowmans) capsule
A double-walled globe at the proximal end of a nephron that encloses the glomerular capillaries.
Renal corpuscle
consists of glomerulus and bowmans capsule
where blood plasma is filtered
Parietal layer (outer wall) of Glomerulus capsule
simple squamous epithelium
Visceral layer (inner wall) of glomerulus capsule
simple squamous epithelium cells called podocytes
Blood enters the _______ through the afferent arteriole, and empties into the efferent arteriole.
footlike projections of these cells (pedicels) wrap around the single layer of endothelial cells of the glomerular capillaries and form the inner wall of the capsule.
Glomerulus (Bowman's) space
btwn parietal and visceral layer of bowmans capsule
Renal tubule
where filtered fluid passes
1- Proximal convoluted tubule
2- Loop of Henle (nephron loop)
3- Distal convoluted tubule
Proximal convoluted tubule
denotes the part of the tubule attached to the glomerular capsule
Distal convoluted tubule
tubule is tightly coiled rather than straight
lie within renal cortex
some empty into a single collecting duct.
Loop of henle (nephron loop)
extends into the renal medulla, makes a hairpin turn, and then returns to the renal cortex.
Loop of henle (nephron loop)
Descending limb
Ascending limb
Descending limb of loop of henle
1st part of the loop of henle dip into the renal medulla.
Ascending limb of loop of henle
makes a hairpin turn and return to renal cortex
Collecting ducts
distal convoluted tubules of several nephrons empty here
unite & converge with papillary ducts
Papillary ducts
several hundred large ducts which drain into the minor calyces.
unite w/ collecting ducts
Kinds of nephrons
Cortical nephrons
Glomerulus in outer cortical zone
Henle's loop penetrates short distance into medulla
Blood supply from peritubular capillaries
80-85 percent of this type
Juxtamedullary nephrons
Glomerulus close to corticomedullary junction
Henle's loop penetrates deep into medulla
Blood supply from peritubular capillaries and vasa recta
Ascending limb of loop of henle of two types - thick and thin ascending limbs
Vascular system
Renal arteries- branch before or after hilus- form segmental arteries- form interlobar arteries that pass through renal columns- form arcuate arteries at base of pyramids (at junction of cortex and medulla)- branches of the arcuate arteries extend into the cortex - gives rise to afferent arterioles - enter glomerular capsule and form glomerulus - forms efferent arterioles (smaller diameter than afferent arterioles) which leave glomerular capsule
Renal arteries
branch before or after hilus- form segmental arteries
segmental arteries-
form interlobar arteries that pass through renal columns
renal columns-
form arcuate arteries at base of pyramids (at junction of cortex and medulla)
branches of the arcuate arteries
extend into the cortex
cortex -
gives rise to afferent arterioles
efferent arterioles
which leave glomerular capsule
Efferent arteriole forms
Peritubular capillary network
Vasa recta
Peritubular capillary network
surrounds convoluted tubules in both types of nephrons (cortical & juxtamedullary)
Vasa recta
capillary network surrounding loop of the nephron in juxtamedullary nephrons only
Venous return
Peritubular capillaries lead to peritubular venules - form interlobular veins - form arcuate veins - form interlobular veins - form segmental veins - form renal veins
Peritubular capillaries
lead to peritubular venules
peritubular venules
form interlobular veins
interlobular veins
form arcuate veins
arcuate veins
form interlobular veins
interlobular veins
form segmental veins
segmental veins
form renal veins
Venous return for vasa recta
Vasa recta leads to interlobular veins - forms arcuate veins - form interlobular veins - form segmental veins - form renal veins
Vasa recta
leads to interlobular veins
interlobular veins -
forms arcuate veins
arcuate veins
form interlobular veins
interlobular veins
- form segmental veins
segmental veins -
form renal veins