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20 Cards in this Set

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What is the U.S. constitution?
The basis for the U.S. law, writed by the countries first leaders.
What is the difference between a limited government, and an unlimited government?
A limited government is when the ruler has to follow the laws, and an unlimited government is when the ruler does not have to follow the laws.
What are the first 10 ammendments called?
The bill of rights.
What is a change to the constitution called?
An ammendment.
What are the three branches of the government?
Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.
What are goods?
An item bought to satisfy a want.
What is a service?
An act done to satisfy a want.
What is profit.
The money that remains after all the costs of producing are paid.
What are consumers?
People who use goods and services.
What does GPD stand for?
Gross domestic product.
What are Natural Resources?
Raw materials used to make goods.
What are labor resources?
Workers who are needed with the appropriate skills, and knowledge to make goods and provide services.
What are capital resources?
Machines, Factories, and supplies are needed.
What are entreprenuers?
People who bring all the different kinds of resources together to provide goods and servies.
What is competition?
The rivalry among businesses to sell goods to comsumers and make the greatest profit.
What are trade barriers?
Boundries that some countries set to restrict trade because they would rather use their own resources.
What are tariffs?
taxes on imported goods.
When did NAFTA reduce trade barriers?
What is a command economy?
In which the government decide about goods and services.
What is a Traditional economy?
In which social roles and culture decide about goods and services.