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بَكَرَة خيط
بَنْدير ج بَنادير
musical instrument resembling a tambourine
lets start a -- band dear and -- bana dear -- from playing the tambourine
التمر و الحليب
traditional offering to welcome a guest especially in N Africa
to cross, traverse, go across, pass through (across, over); to cover (a distance)
whenever he gets the -- itch tazz-- will cross traverse across Tazmania thus passing the Tazmanian devil test
اِجْتازَ امْتِحَاناً إلخ
to pass, go through successfully
whenever he gets the -- itch tazz-- will cross traverse across Tazmania thus passing the Tazmanian devil test
اِجْتازَ شيء سيئ
: عانَى، كابَدَ to go through, pass through, undergo, experience, suffer, endure, bear
whenever he gets the -- itch tazz-- will cross traverse across Tazmania thus passing the Tazmanian devil test
اِجْتازَ شيء صعب
to surmount, get over, get past, (be able to) cope with
hairless, bald
: لا لِحْيَةَ لَهُ، أَمْرَد beardless
at a certain -- age-- it is -rad-- to go hairless bald
مكان أجرد
: لاَ نَبَاتَ فِيهbarren, desolate, bleak, waste, bald, without vegetation
at a certain -- age-- it is -rad-- to go hairless bald
بالٍ shabby, worn, ragged, tattered, threadbare
referring, reference, referral, commitment, relegation, remittance, submission, submitting, forwarding, sending, transfer(ence), conveyance; transmission, transmittance
اِسْتِحَالَة impossibilty
I want to give you an --Ehala-- to refer transmit submit you my friend's resumre
إحَالَةٌ إلى (أو على) التَّقَاعُدِ أو المَعَاش
pensioning off, superannuation, retirement on pension
flame, blaze, burning; glow; fervor, ardor, vehemence; violence, wildness
-- it a damn fire blaze violence in the wilderness
side direction vastness
he can't control his arja
اِسْتَبْشَرَ ب
to regrad as auspicious, see a good omen in, regard as a good omen, regard as portending good; to rejoice at, be happy at, be cheerful about, welcome
culture, cultivation (of living material)
think to want to have a plant
to desire, wish, crave (for), lust, hunger for, hanker after, long for, yearn for; to feel appetite for
he has a desire crave for the -- ish-- he want to -- do ها
closing, closure, shut(ting); shutdown; locking, lockup, bolting
--ikh fall-- out the window if I don't lock bolt it.
front, fore-, frontal, forward, first, foremost, advanced, ahead, anterior, pre-, pro-, ante-; in the front, at the front, in the fore part, at a forward position, to the fore, in the foreground, in the front line(s)
evening; soiree, evening party or gathering, evening performance or show
remember doesn't have to be a party
to be sociable, friendly, amiable, affable, genial, kind, nice, gentle
lets have -- a nice time and be social ang
أَنِسَ الحَيَوانُ:
صارَ أَلِيفاً to be or become tame(d), domestic(ated)
أَنِسَ بِه أو إلَيْهِ
to like someone's company, like to be with, feel at ease with, get along with, get on intimate terms with, be friendly with, be intimate with, associate with, mix with
he is -- a nice a-- person and I like to --be-- with him or -- a lay ه.
أَنِسَ إلَيْهِ:
to get used to, be accustomed to, be habituated to, take to; to be familiar with, acquainted with
أَنِسَ (فيهِ أو مِنْهُ): لاحَظَ، أَحَسَّ بِـ
to entertain be friendly nice to
to give as a present or gift to, make someone a present or gift of, present with, gift with, donate (to), give (to), offer (to), bestow upon, confer upon
أَهْدَى الكِتَابَ أو الأُغْنِيَةَ إلخ إلى
to dedicate (a book, song, etc.) to
to tie (up), bind, fetter, shackle, (en)chain to tie, fasten, bind
-- or tick binds should do the trick!
to appear, come out, come into sight, come into view, come to light, show, emerge, surface, crop up, rise, arise, spring up, manifest itself, reveal itself; to stand out; to come to the fore; to be or become conspicuous, prominent, outstanding
حَدَثَ to occur, happen, take place
نَتَأَ to protrude, bulge, jut out, stick out, stand out, project, poke
ugliness, unsightliness, hideousness
he is the --Pasha-- but he is known for his ugliness hideousness
ugly, unsightly, hideous, repugnant, repulsive, repellent, unpleasant, disagreeable, offensive, disgusting, loathsome, horrid, grisly
don't be so -- pushy it is ugly and disagreeable.
بَكَرَة، بَكْرَة
pulley; tackle; reel, spool, bobbin, coil; roller
your --back a raw-- if you carry all this wire on your own. Use a pulley and a spool!
على بَكْرَةِ أَبِيْهِم، عَنْ بَكْرَةِ أَبِيْهِم
all of them, all without exception
all of them came in on their dad's spool
moistening, wetting
the -- ball-- will moisten things
بَلُّور، بِلَّوْر، بَلُّورَة، بِلَّوْرَة
--balls are-- better with crystal chandeliers
بَلُّورٌ صَخْرِيّ
rock crystal, transparent quartz
quartz is the kind of crystal that --suck ree!
the doctor patched -- turkey-- skin in where regular skin was missing
تَرْقِيعُ الجِلْد
skin grafting
the doctor patched -- turkey-- skin in where regular skin was missing
glorification, praise, eulogy, extolment (of God)
this is the root where سبحان ألله comes from
to snatch, snap at, grasp, grab, seize (quickly), catch
you need -- to lock off-- the door or people will come in a snatch grab our stuff
street, road, avenue, boulevard
Why don't -- ja adda-- street road here to make everything more accessible.
جادَّةُ الطَّريق
: وَسَطُهُ، مَتْنُهُ، قارعَةُ الطَّريق middle of the road, roadbed, road (way), pavement
legion, large army
when you are in a legion large army and -- ja fall-- you could get hurt
جَدَا على
to give (to), grant (to), donate (to), award (to), accord (to), present (to or with), bestow upon, confer upon
-- you are da Allah-- grant me bestow upon me stuff.
حَقِيبَةٌ تُشَدُّ إلى الظَّهْر bag, sack knapsack
غِطَاء cover, covering, case
قِرَاب، غِمْد، غِلاَفُ السَّيْف sheath scabbard
-- gee رب what are you doing with that bag sack
جِرَاب-- جزء الجسم
وِعَاءُ الخُصْيَتَيْن، صَفَن scrotum
-- gee rap-- has beats you feel in the scrotum
fem bald
you should try a --jar a the-- Rogain
eyelid, lid
-- ja fin-- your day and you close your eyelid
: وازَى to parallel, be parallel to (or with), extend parallel to
جاوَرَ to neighbor, be next to, adjoin, border on, be adjacent to
he -- had a -- girl parallel next to adjacent to him and freaked out
to distinguish with, favor with, single out with; to endow with, confer upon, bestow upon, give to, accord to; to dedicate to, devote to; to assign to, allot to, allocate to
I am making this special to you
هذا خَصَّ شيء
تَعَلَّقَ بِـ to pertain to, belong to, appertain to, relate to, be related to, have to do with, concern, regard, be connected with
خَصَّ شيء
كانَ خاصّاً، ضِدّ عَمَّ to be or become special, particular, peculiar
خَصَّ شخص
: اِفْتَقَرَ to be or become poor, needy, destitute
he lost his -casa- and became poor
خَصَّ نَفْسَهُ بِـ، خَصَّ الشَّيْءَ لِنَفْسِهِ
to take exclusive possession of, appropriate; to keep or reserve for oneself
خَصَّهُ بِاهْتِمَامِهِ أو بِعِنَايَتَهِ
to be interested in
خَصَّهُ بِالذِّكْر
to make special mention of, mention specifically or in particular, specify, specialize, make special reference to, refer especially to
فِيمَا يَخُصّ، فِيمَا خَصَّ:
فِيمَا يَتَعَلَّقُ بِـ concerning, with regard to, regarding, as regards, with respect to, respecting, with reference to, in relation to, in connection with, as to, as for, re, about
هذا لا يَخُصُّكَ
this does not concern you, this is none of your business
to beat, throb, palpitate, pulsate, pulse
-- kafka-- heard his heart beat pulse as he turned to a bug
خَفَقَ العَلَمُ
to flutter, flap, whip, stream, wave, float, fly, flicker (flag)
خَفَقَ الطَّائِرُ جَنَاحَيْه
to flap the wings, flutter, flicker, beat, flail
خَفَقَتِ الشَّمْعَةُ إلخ
to waver, flicker
خَفَقَ البَرْقُ
to flash
خَفَقَ البَيْضَ (ونَحْوَهُ مِنْ طَعَام)
to beat, whip, whisk
خَفَقَ بِرَأْسِه: حَرَّكَهُ وهو ناعِس
to nod (from drowsiness)
خَفَقَ النَّجْمُ
: غابَ، أَفَلَ to set, go down
animal beast pack animal; riding animal
-- dab a-- some perfume on your pack animal. It helps with the smell
satisfied, content, contented, pleased; agreeing, consenting, accepting, approving, OK'ying; willing, ready
everything is -- rad in -- al-rady-- in his life
عِيشَةٌ راضِيَة
pleasant life, agreeable life
side; direction; region, area
رَحْبَة vastness, (vast) expanse; (open) space
there is so much -- rage on their side from their direction
في أَرْجاء
throughout, all over, all about
the kids are like -- في our jaw-- all throughout all over there is unchewed food
to make outweigh; to give preponderance to, give greater weight or value to
-- rage ها-- comes from the dude she likes giving greater weight or value to the other girl
رَجَّحَ (على))
: فَضَّلَ (على to give preference to (over), prefer (to), favor
give greater preponderance OVER
: اِعْتَبَرَهُ مُرَجَّحاً أو مُحْتَمَلاً to consider (more) probable, likely, likelier
the thing about the middle east is that -- rage ها is more likely likelier than it isn't.
رَجَّحَ شيء
جَعَلَهُ يَتَأَرْجَح
to swing, rock, sway, fluctuate, oscillate, vibrate, seesaw, teeter, wobble
satisfied, content, contented, pleased; agreeing, consenting, accepting, approving, OK'ying; willing, ready
pleasant, comfortable, easy, carefree, opulent, affluent
he is not that -- rugged-- he is comfortable easy opulent
fear, fright, dread, alarm, terror, panic, horror, scare, dismay
when you feel fear freight in a boat you better -- row!
saliva, spittle
you -- wreak-- of so else's spit saliva
to impel, propel, thrust, push forward
Josh was like -- Zach I am a-- going to impel push thrust you forward off a cliff
to swim, bathe
remember second meaning
سَبَّحَ، سَبَّحَ بِحَمْدِه
to praise, glorify, extol, laud, eulogize
this is where سبحان ألله comes from
سُبْحانَ اللَّهِ، سُبْحانَهُ
glory to God! praise the Lord!
سُبْحاَنَ اللَّهِ عن
God is far above...
سُبْحانَ اللَّهِ عَمَّا يَصِفُون
Glory to God! He is free from the things they ascribe to Him!
سُبْحانَ رَبِّيَ العَظِيم
Glory to my God, the Greatest!
اللَّهُ سُبْحانَهُ وتَعَالَى
God to Whom be ascribed all perfection and majesty
burglary, housebreaking; holdup, stickup, armed robbery; theft; illegal seizure, usurpation; breaking in(to), bursting into, storming (into); attack, assault, charge, onset, onslaught, rush, raid
He -- sat eww-- in the poop they left during the burglary attack!
to behave, act, conduct oneself, comport oneself, deport oneself, demean oneself
سَلَكَ شيء
اِتَّبَعَ، اِجْتازَ to follow, pursue; to proceed through, pass through, travel along, go along, take enter upon
سَلَكَ الشَّيْءَ في الشَّيْء
الشَّيْءَ في الشَّيْء: أَدْخَلَهُ
to insert in, introduce in, put in, stick into
various, different, diverse, miscellaneous, sundry, manifold, multifarious
parents learn there are various different miscellaneous ways your child could have -- shata
you use a blade to remove the -- chaf-- from --raw-- wheat
شَفْرَة الحِلاَقَةِ
(razor) blade
شَفْرَةُ المِحْراث
plowshare, colter (the blade part on the plow)
بِشِقِّ النَّفْس
with great difficulty, hardly, barely, scarcely, (only) just, by a narrow margin, narrowly
--with shick-- the نفس shaves with difficulty narrowly finishing the job
to bray, hee-haw
when a donkey gets a -- shock-- he brays hee-haws!
شهق انسان
: تَنَشَّقَ، أَخَذَ نَفَساً to inspire, inhale, breathe in
شَهَقَ: صاحَ to whoop
شَهَقَ: نَشَجَ، بَكَى بِأَنْفاسٍ سَرِيعَة to sob
when a person get a shock they need to breathe in before they freak out. But they often whoop and cry
شَهَقَ: اِرْتَفَعَ، كانَ شاهِقاً
to tower, rise; to be or become high, towering, lofty
clear, cloudless, serene, bright, sunny, shiny, fine, fair
he was -- sawing-- everything well that day because it was clear bright sunny that day
صاحٍ --شخص
: مُسْتَيْقِظ awake, wakeful, unsleeping, up
صاحٍ: يَقِظ، مُنْتَبِه watchful, vigilant, alert
غَيْرُ سَكْران sober
his eyes were open and he was -- sawing -- everything because he was awake unsleeping vigilant
cistern, reservoir, tank, container
شاحِنَةٌ لِنَقْلِ السَّوَائِل: tank truck, tanker
the container -- س reach-- the troops because they put the water in a tanker.
to mobilize, call up; to recruit to fill, fill up; to stow,
pack, package to box; to case, encase; to pack, package; to can, tin
شَحَنَ to charge, load, fill (up)
عَبَّأَ في زُجَاجات
to bottle
عَبَّأَ السَّاعَةَ
to wind, wind up
family, household, house, dependents
I work to eat --y (spanish and) all-- my family dependents need to eat too!
dry, arid, barren, waste
they dry arid air of barren places -- can heal-- some diseases
calamity, misfortune, adversity
he got hit by a -- car he a-- calamity misfortune
: يَوْمُ القِيَامَة Day of Resurrection, Judgment Day
قارِعَةُ الطَّرِيق
middle of the road, roadbed, road (way), pavement
the -- car he a-- supposed to be in the middle of the road!
decision decree
قاع، قَعْر bottom; floor; bed depression, low ground
لازِمَة refrain, burden, chorus; keynote, tonic
قَرَار -- مكان
مستقر مقر: abode dwelling house
the -- car are our abode dwelling
قَرَارُ المُحَلَّفِين
desert, wasteland, waste, wild(s), wilderness, wild land, desolate region
desolate, waste, deserted, lifeless
you will start to -- cough-- becuase --our-- desert wasteland region is wild and desolate
a lamp
قِنْدِيلُ البَحْر:
jellyfish, medusa
they are the lamp of the sea
food, foodstuff, nutriment, nourishment, nurture, nutrient, aliment, victual, sustenance
the fisherman is like I -- caught food foodstuffs!
مُؤَنَّثُ أَكْحَل black (eye); black-eyed
I love the black -- color of-- her eyes
كَحْلاَء نبات
alkanet, dyer's bugloss (plant to make red dye)
a plant you use to -- color-- things
no! never! certainly not! not a all! by no means!
scorching, searing, burning
Sinners, you won't be -- laughy-- in the fire!
لاكَ يلوك لَوْك
to chew, masticate
when you -- like a-- food you want to chew it and masticate it and -- yeah look-- in people mouth while they chew
لاكَ سُمْعَتَهُ إلخ
to slander, defame, vilify, vituperate, calumniate, speak evil of
he chewed on his reputation
ما تَلُوكُهُ الأَلْسُنُ
what is generally rumored, what is on everybody's lips, what is the talk of the town
what they chew on is --I'll soon-- be back!
لَمَحَ يَلْمَح لَمْح
to see; to look at, set eyes on, lay eyes on, catch sight of, descry; to notice, observe, perceive, discern, realize, make out
when you see sth lame ugh huh-- you notice realize it
courtesy, civility, comity, courteous behavior, ceremony; compliment, flattery
there should be more جاملة and courtesy flattery in the world
مُجَامَلَةٌ دَوْلِيَّةٌ أو دُوَلِيَّة
comity of nations, comity (the courtesy and friendship of nations marked especially by mutual recognition of executive, legislative, and judicial acts)
زِيَارَةُ مُجَامَلَة
courtesy call, courtesy visit
على سَبِيلِ المُجَامَلَة
by courtesy, out of courtesy
قَوَاعِدُ المُجَامَلاَت
etiquette, proprieties, decencies, rules of decorum or conduct
مُحَاطٌ ب
surrounded by, encompassed by, encircled by, enclosed by, embraced by, enveloped by, hemmed in by
she is -- more hot-- so she is always surrounded --bi-- dudes.
morbid, pathologic(al); sick
إجَازَةٌ مَرَضِيَّة
sick leave
مُسْتَحْضَر ج مُسْتَحْضَرَات
preparation, confection, composition, compound, formulation
the wizard -- musta had her-- so he made a preparation compound to put a spell on her
مُسْتَحْضَرَاتُ تَجْمِيل
cosmetics, makeup, maquillage
plugged (up), closed (up), stopped up; sealed, shut (off); blocked (up, off), obstructed, occluded, choked (up), clogged, congested; stuffy, stuffed up (nose); blind, dead-end
طَرِيقٌ (أو زُقَاقٌ) مَسْدُود
blind alley or street, dead-end street, dead end, cul-de-sac, impasse
hammered, forged, beaten, wrought, foliated, laminated
the -- muta rock-- him in the head because he came home hammered.
مِطْرَقَة، مِطْرَق
hammer; gavel; mallet; beetle; maul
oh -- Mitt (Romney) rock a-- hammer and help build houses.
مِطْرَقَةُ الباب
knocker, rapper, clapper
مِطْرَقَةُ السَّجَّاد
carpet beater
kind treatment, kindness, friendliness; civility, courteousness, courtesy
: مُسَايَرَة، مُدَارَاة humoring, favoring, indulgence, compliance with (someone's wishes), willingness to please, flattery
مُلاَطَفَة: تَدْلِيل: caress(ing), fondling, petting
the -- Mullah-- is tougha-- but known for kind treatment courtesy
veiled masked (like gunmen)
the veiled masked gunmen like to take infidels and -- mullah them
mashed, squashed, crushed, bruised, pounded, pestled
we will -- make Russ(ia) mashed crushed!
ناحَ يَنوح نَوح
to wail, lament, cry, weep
-- no ha! Yeah knew! Noooh!
ناحَ على
: نَدَبَ to mourn (for), lament, bewail, wail over
ناحَ الحَمَامُ
to coo
to wail like a pigeon
shoe(s); boot(s); sandal(s); footgear, footwear
I need a -- nail to fix this shoe
نَعْلُ الحِذَاءِ
نَعْلُ الفَرَسِ:
حَدْوَة horseshoe
use, usefulness, utility, avail, benefit, advantage, profit; good, welfare
a -- knock-- on the head has use with your kids and is for their own good.
مُؤَسَّسَةٌ ذاتُ نَفْعٍ عامّ
(public) utility
سَكَّنَ، خَفَّفَ to calm, cool (off, down), quiet(en), pacify, tranquilize; to allay, appease, assuage, soothe, relieve, ease, alleviate, mitigate, mollify, temper, placate
هَدِّىءْ (مِنْ) رَوْعك
calm down! take it easy! don't worry! don't be afraid!
هَشَّمَ، هَشَمَ:
to smash, crash, shatter, break or dash into pieces, break up, destroy, crush
-- hush him up or I will smash destroy him!
page; valet; butler; (domestic) servant, manservant, menial
go -- و see if-- the servant butler can just do it.